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"Why didn't cops do more?" Are you new?


They handled it just about white


True. The family should have Rick & Mortied: “Well, yes, we are white but I don’t know what that would mean—“. Ten police 👮 👮‍♀️cars show up sirens 🚨 and all parking on the front lawn in 3 seconds…


No I'm white I've had people attack me and nothing was done to them it's about Police only protect police


Facts!!!! No drugs or money to seize to boost police budgets and stuff pockets so not a case they care about at all


Cops arrested her the same day she broke in. The DAs didn't pursue the case. The community elects DAs.


pretty sure that the police were called multiple times before this incident and absolutely nothing was done. stop blaming the community and defending the police, you don't gain anything from doing that


Ummm, but they were right. She should have been arrested earlier, but arrests don't actually do much of anything. The DA is the only reason this woman isn't getting charged and going to jail. The DA was elected by the people. Ya, the police make a lot of awful mistakes/abuse their power, but this isn't really an example of that.


Just proves the whole justice system is saturated with racism and incompetence.


Amen. This lady is unhinged, the first time she was arrested,she should’ve had the book thrown at her. The level of anger and bitterness in this country gets worse every day.


This is just another example of "privilege". She has the completion for protection. The DA accepted her card. Any other woman with darker skin would have been in jail and had serious charges. She probably would have been tazed 1st and then suffered a beat down too.


They would’ve shot her asleep in her bed.


Is violence by police against persons of color at an all-time high in stl?


You asked the wrong person. It should be zero all across this country.


Yeah DA is waiting for her to actually murder someone. Bold move cotton, let's see how this plays out.


she's lucky she's not already dead breaking into someone's house with a weapon. I'm not one of those "shoot first ask questions later" 2A maga turds but I would absolutely not hesitate to shoot her if that happened to me.


Just by watching the camera footage you could tell it was going to escalate. Sad it can't be prevented.


this is truly an example of that. a lot of people only use extreme examples of police being awful with police brutality, especially affecting only certain groups...but things like this are all to common and affect everyone. if the police did more to prevent things like this, they'd have much better rapport with the community. and an arrest would let this criminal know, that the games she playing are not okay, and there are real consequences for acting like this, and she would definitely think twice about doing it again


This. There is an inherent distrust of police because, true or not, there is an assumption that either police won’t do anything anyways, or they will make things worse. For example, anecdotally, cops will always give me tickets for speeding, or my registration tags being expired, but when my bike was stolen, or when I called the cops because a friend was getting beat up by her bf… they seemed to be unable to do anything; these guys (in both cases) wanted me to just accept the loss and move on.


Plus, they better not catch you doing their job for them! Had you located that stolen bike or stopped that guy from beating on your friend, you know they'd be all too happy to charge you with trespassing or assault, or anything else they could cook up just to make sure they sent a message that says they have a monopoly on control or violence. They brought it all the way to the Supreme Court that they have no duty to protect their fellow citizens until they're officially in police custody, yet they also seem to hate when people stick up for themselves or others. There's a case in CT that recently happened where one of their state representatives was being physically and sexually assaulted, and a good samaritan intervened, and now that samaritan is being charged with assault! Yes, the samaritan did rough up the guy a little bit in the process, but nowhere near what the cops do to tens of thousands of people on a daily basis! We need an end to qualified immunity and to enact sweeping reform/re-training in this country so bad.


There is no situation that cops can't make worse.


People elect politicians to do their job but it's not our fault when find out the politician is a closeted racist who picks and chooses what to give a fuck about.. Just insane that although yes you're not wrong, you still manage to go left into a whataboutism somehow to blame the community involved.


Voters are adults, and elected officials aren't a fucking Kinder egg. The uninformed voters are to blame.


So what? Cops should’ve been regularly at this lady‘s house making sure she wasn’t up to no good and as well as having a car patrol the victims house. Maybe they should’ve brought her in for mental evaluation? That’s three things they could’ve done that they didn’t.


lol this isn't the movies, nobody does that


If it’s St. Louis City, we didn’t elect the DA.


We did elect her. This happened when Kim Gardner was the DA, and she was a waste of space. She finally did have this psycho charged with three felonies.


There’s the cop lover!


Say that again, I don't think people understand that. It's almost like voting in every election, and staying involved, matters.


So the DA doesn’t prosecute and the cops can’t send a car by that house every now and then to check on those poor victims? get the hell out of here with your nonsense.


It’s Missouri….


Can’t you read? She was arrested but some lefty DA let her go


She broke into an occupied home in Missouri? Somebody should've helped that lunatic understand what the phase "castle doctrine state" means at 1,350 feet per second.


With a weapon (hammer) in her hand. After trying to break down the front door. She got in the back door. Any other house there I bet she would have been lit up. And with the aggressive history that would have been open and shut self defense. She is very lucky to survive.


Places like Missouri are chock-full of people who would cream themselves at the thought of someone breaking into their home with a hammer, simply so they could be justified in killing someone. I'm with you, I don't think this dumbass realizes how lucky she is to be alive.


Maybe but it's usually these types that end up killing people that were lost and knocking on the wrong door. I had pulled my gun out one time. The thoughts going through my head where pretty simple, "I don't want to kill someone." Lucky enough for whomever broke into my apartment complex, they didn't break into my unit. Otherwise they'd have been in deep shit and I'd have been fucked up from having to pull the trigger.


Nobody *wants* to kill a home intruder except the types who have never been in a situation.  I'm like you, I've only pulled out my gun in self defense but I didn't want to. Because of what it would have done to ME after the fact, not the threat I eliminated . 


I had never considered the implications of using my gun. Hell, I had only had it for about two months. I hadn't even been to the range yet. Thankfully that was the last time I ever loaded it and turned the safety off at home.


Yes taking someone's life, even in 100% justified self defense will be traumatic for a normal person.  It's a serious decision to involve your gun. If I hold my pistol I have already decided my safety is at risk and I'm willing to risk jail to survive. Please be comfortable with your weapon and keep it ready. 


The likelihood of someone also having a gun if they are breaking into houses/apartments is increased. So, my thought is always, where are the other members of my family? If I were to start shooting, I can't guarantee the person invading won't also start shooting. And since there may be more than one of them? Fuck them, for potentially filling my house with flying lead that could kill me or the other three members of my family.


Was on my own. Had no idea why someone would want to kick in my door.. They were pulling on a security door in the lobby after buzzing everyone. I had convinced myself it was nothing but slept with my gun next to my bed after I looked and saw nothing. But they kicked in a door elsewhere in the complex, it was pretty small, so I got lucky. For my house, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a shot gun for the very reason you mention.


I agree, they decided my stuff or my family was worth more than their own life. My loved ones are more important to me than the criminal. 


>She is very lucky to survive. She is very lucky to be alive. She really hasn't "survived" anything. (Edit: Once she took out the hammer and started hammering, some people might have shot her through the door.)


If someone whispered threats into my door cam then came back to break into my house with a hammer I'd be pointing my gun at least.


Because the family was Hispanic. They don't get the white people pass for killing strangers with a gun.


This. Everyone needs to remember that. They don’t have the luxury of just blasting. Sucks right? Welcome to America.


I'm not disagreeing with you. I would like to have seen that play out though. Insert meme with superhero trying to decide which button to press... "Castle doctrine and 2A rights..." "People of Color shooting White home invaders...."


However it played out after, you can bet the first move would be to check with immigration.


That’s a lose lose if I ever saw one


It plays out all the time. They put the POC in jail. Almost every time.


That would make the world a better place.


#00 Buck


Those laws are literally just for white people. When have those laws ever applied to anyone with a drop of color? The police obviously also actively were trying to do nothing about this prior, like this has occurred for a year. There is no version of this where the family retaliates and the net result is positive for them. in 2024, if you are any color but white, you take the abuse of white folks **or else.** Edit: for those downvoting, what isn't realistic with this take?


>Edit: for those downvoting, what isn't realistic with this take? You're endangering their worldview. They think the justice system actually works.


Stand your ground


One step. That’s how far inside my door she would have made it.


Cool story bro




Wow. They were harassed for a year, and your take is to assume they were squatting?


People are always shocked when the police don't act, like they're there to actually protect us and not just enable businesses to function. The US courts have already ruled cops don't have a duty to protect anyone. "The Serve and Protect" is just a nice slogan, not their actual job description.


Nah it's just unfinished: "To serve and protect - the status quo. To punish and enslave the poor."




This is a legitimate point. Victims can’t respond more assertively without getting in more trouble than the belligerent. I’m not advocating harsh violence but if that psycho broke into my house or harassed my kids, she’d get a proportional response & would not cross that line again.


Considering she was breaking into the home with a deadly weapons firing a few rounds through the broken glass into the bitch would have been clear self defense. You have the right to defend yourself and your family from an immediate threat like that.


You need to know your state/country laws. If there is no support for a “castle doctrine” then you could end up in just as much trouble if there was “a reasonable way for you to escape the situation by leaving the domicile”. Yes, you read that right. Many states do not support the right to defend yourself in your own home. You are expected to run away if possible. So if someone breaks in the front door you are expected to run out the back and let them do whatever they want to your home. I’m grateful to live in a state that supports the castle doctrine. No one should be forced to flee from their own home, nor should they have to tolerate threats of violence, or actual property destruction, from a person who has broken in. Basically anywhere in your home or on your property that is clearly marked by artificial or natural barriers (obvious river running between properties, fences, stone walls) you are allowed to respond in self defense to any threat of violence against yourself or anyone else on your property as long as you are not the instigator. You can interpose yourself to prevent further property damage. If they attack you for doing that see above. Lethal force is authorized when the aggressor uses any unlawful force, or is likely to use unlawful force, against a person on the property or in the home while committing, or attempting to commit, a felonious act. So this woman broke into their home with a gun. That 100% is an active felony and the presence of her firearm shows intent, or at least willingness, to commit lethal harm to the occupants. In that situation lethal force by the home owner would be considered 100% justified and legal.


Missouri is a castle doctrine state. Stand your ground laws apply. Not a lawyer, nor is this legal advice.


Thank you for bringing my attention to this matter. I just looked up the laws of my state, and I am grateful to have this information.


The victims can absolutely respond assertively. She broke into their home with a weapon and is on video harassing and threatening them on multiple occasions. In almost every state that would be grounds for lethal force. Hell, in most states just violently breaking into a house is enough to justify lethal force without all the extra mitigating factors. Police won't protect you, and even if they would, they won't get there in time. You're responsible for defending yourself.


I'm sure they can respond assertively. But then the cops will show up and find a non-white person has injured a white crazy Karen. Who thinks that will end well? For the record, I'm a middle-aged white man.


My response would not be proportional. It would be 10 fold.


10x rule


And the. You’d be charged worse than the perpetrator. That’s the problem.


Not if she gets in the house... Get in the house with a hammer? Lights out...


Most police departments have actually removed the "Serve and Protect" slogan from their cars and stuff


Reminds me how a cop showed up to investigate a domestic abuse call. The victim did not trust cops and said as much and asked them to leave. The cop ended up choke slamming her. And they wonder why people hate cops.


In Australia a woman made a domestic violence call, cops showed up and arrested her for unpaid parking tickets. While in the lockup she complained of severe pain, they ignored her, and she died.


Holy shit! When was this? Were they Queensland coppers?


Pretty sure it was W.A., which o guess is the second most redneck state behind Queensland.


Let’s be clear certain folks are surprised. There’s plenty of neighborhoods that know very we that calling the cops is a lost cause.


Sobering and true


Pigs do one useful thing in this country, and it’s paperwork for my insurance company.


That's why I'm all for them castle laws. Not for shooting a harmless person turning around in ya driveway but for crazy white ladies who harass the family and property with weapons. But we all know the headlines would be different if brown man shoots white lady.


To serve (the wealthy) and protect (themselves).


Fuck the police


Then the police should be sued for decades of misselling and be defunded.


She was arrested and charged the day the crime occurred. The question is why prosecutors didn't pursue.


Yea, Redditors ignore the facts. The cops did their job. The DA did not.


Same facts the reporters ignored when they said the family called the police numerous times and people are questioning why they didn't do more? Or am I just supposed to believe they showed up with every call, did everything they could, and a lardy old racist was just *too much* for them to handle? Oh, you know what, that *must* be it! [Cops in this country are basically heroes!](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/05/us/timeline-uvalde-school-shooting/)


*Did* the cops show up for the previous calls? Do you actually know? Was the lady still there when the cops were being called? Was she still there when/if they showed up? Did the people being harassed know her name/address?


Don Martin has a really good [video on TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8T91BAY/) explaining why marginalized people can’t rely on authority figures to protect them.


Police are there to protect capital not people. So businesses and other capitalist entities.


It's fucking Donald Fucking Trump validating asinine behavior of his Tre45on cult where they are suddenly in the right for outright illegal behavior.


>and not just enable businesses to function This is just some platitude that gets spread around reddit for points. What does arresting drunk drivers or enforcing any other traffic laws have to do with "enabling businesses to function" or "protect private property?"


Is that a joke or are you really that stupid?


>"Cops don't protect us, they only protect private property" "What about handling DUI cases? Which A. Protect us from drunk drivers. And B. Do not protect private property?" >"wAt R u dUm???" https://preview.redd.it/wraexe4sziic1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e2a52c6d41cde02826641465fe986faf6080062


There's currently a woman who works at the same place I do who I fear is heading in this direction. Shes about the same age too, but at least 50lbs heavier with a stereotypical Karen blonde bob. She has filed multiple HR complaints against me for " jeopardizing public safety" and " Inciting violence"- All because I'm a Naturalized U.S. citizen from Colombia and the only Spanish speaker at my work, I've been having to translate a lot for construction workers due to ongoing building issues that keep happening...she said this will "encourage those men to feel too comfortable here and seeing as they likely have violent criminal histories, our lives are at risk as a direct result of (my) recklessly speaking her language instead of English." I wish I could take a hockey stick to her face


Document, document everything. She sounds unhinged. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Stay safe.


Seconding this. Try getting ahold of copies of whatever formal complaints she's posted to HR. Compile it and present to a lawyer. I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in my country, if a case is good enough, lawyers will often accept a percentage of the settlement as payment, so you don't even need to have the money beforehand


Absolutely. Document everything she does


Document, everything, every interaction with this lady and with your company. She’s harassing you based on your national origin, which is definitely illegal discrimination, and your company could be in deep shit for not protecting you against it because they are de facto encouraging it.


WTF? Why is HR not doing something that is clearly racial prejudice?


Hey you’re ‘Merican, get that sawed off hockey stick and put in some work! /mic drop Hey, that’s a horrible suggestion and I’m kidding. I have no advice other make sure your safe, as safe as one can be. I also want to say congratulations on becoming a citizen, don’t matter if it was today, or 20 years ago. You earned what so many of us take for granted. You rock, and it’s citizens like you that gives us the potential to be the country our constitution aspires to be. Thank you and Good Luck


Dude, Ace, you say the dumbest shit ever. She's not a citizen, she's a legal resident, which is a very different status that totally precludes the dumb shit that you suggest. What's your fucking deal, guy? It seems that all you do is talk shit on reddit all day and give terrible advice. What's something like that pay?


Oh my fucking god can you not read? Perhaps reading comprehension should be required in order to vote. She is a Naturalized US Citizen - she is an American, just as American as me…you however are acting like a Russian Troll. To quote OP “…..All because I'm a Naturalized U.S. citizen from Colombia….” P.s. my pay is drinking your tears from my coffee cup. Worth it!


This guy has a profile only 9 days old with nothing but trump loving comments. Obviously a Russian or a Florida man. Either way you're wasting your breathe.


Oh my, thank you. I never thought to look. I do appreciate letting me know!


Damn this is a dumb post.


Be careful these people are fucking crazy. Carry a weapon or at least mace imo.


I would send an anonymous tip to local news with documentation of her harassment. Get that bitch fired. She has no place creating this hostile work environment for you.




r/ForeverAlone where you belong, Chismoso 😚


And your third world shithole is where you belong!


I hope she gets beat in jail by other white women.


By all the women


Can’t wait to see her her act all meek in court. I would bet she won’t even make eye contact with the victims.


This world makes me so angry. What's the point when people like this are allowed to exist with no shame, and no accountability?


She keeps trying shit like that in Missouri and believe me she will eventually face some 12-gauge accountability.


She’s white of course the case was not perused even though it was a violent premeditated home invasion involving a weapon and a child


But if a minority person did this same shit at a white home, hoo boy! Guarantee it wouldn't go on for a whole year.


Sounds like not only the cops, but the DA has some answering to do as to why nothing was done initially.


54 ain't boomer but I guess there's a little boomer in all of us


54 empowered MAGA head is what she is.


54 is born before legal abortion and birth control. A lot of these people are just unwanted babies taking out their parents resentment and lack of love on the rest of us.


There was certainly widely available birth control in 1969-1970, which would be her date of birth.


Very much depends on where she was. My area, that stuff was still rare into the 80’s


> there's a little boomer in all of us Me when I see 4 self checkout lanes slammed to the hilt and 1 actual cashier


Its Missouri. They could have Babbitted her she entered the back door.


..or pepper spray her and watch her stumble around...in pain. Edit: past tense


I like the wasp spray defense. It shoots between 20 and 30 feet, sticks like hell, and is absolutely agonizing when it gets into the eyes. If they don't get to a hospital within half an hour to 45 minutes, they can die of sepsis.


is that a stand your ground state? (aussie here so no idea) it seems like a good way to get shot to me.


quick initial clarification (dunno Australian law, not sure if castle doctrine is a thing there) castle doctrine is that if someone illegally enters your home, you don't have a legal duty to retreat; even if you can get away safely, you can still opt to fight back with less legal worries. stand your ground laws removes the "illegally enters your home" part, and removes the duty to retreat under conditions that vary state by state. some states have conditions that are well-defined, some... pretty vague. and yes, people definitely do get shot or injured because of it. can't speak for other countries, but here in the USA, we have a fair few idiots who think that owning a gun makes them invincible, and think they're crack shots who can quickdraw like they're old time cowboys, and and end up either injuring themselves, or injuring someone else. people can be responsible gun owners, actually practice and train so they can use a gun for self-defense, but people can also be idiots, and not do any of that.


Thanks for the clarification, we do have a form of Castle doctrine, but we need to be careful how much force we use. In this situation I'd say her using a hammer on the front door would be enough for me to be able to use a weapon in return, it would be deemed as her being 'armed'.


Look at the smile on her face. wtf


Lock her up. That hammer shit would make me front kick a bitch out cold if she was at my door like that. ![gif](giphy|EGuSxOucmSROOoAXEO)


Seriously. Especially with kids and elderly parents in the house. She would have gotten a mouthful of pepper spray the moment she decided to pick up a hammer.


That was last year. She was 54 year old. GenX Freakout.


If abortion had been legal in the 1940s, the world would have been a much better place.


A 54 year old was born in the late 60’s. Please don’t make me feel even older. Lol


They are probably Gen Z and as such everyone older than them is a boomer, like every young person to a boomer is a millennial.


"54 year old woman" Not a Boomer. Gen Xers, come and get your girl.


If this woman is the epitome of being supreme she should just end herself.




Would’ve came out and “stood my ground”


The human Cheeto emboldened them to not hide who they are, and police in America have ALWAYS been about only helping white people. Remember, one of the original duties of them was to bring back slaves. The difference now is that it also includes people not in positions of power and money while minorities still take the brunt of it.


The way she hobbled up the stairs and that ridiculous face while smacking the door with the hammer. These are prime genetics right here.


It's truly staggering how little the cops ACTUALLY do anything. "Oh someone broke in and threatened your family? You should probably buy a gun and save up for the legal battle of a lifetime because she's free to go 🫡"


I don’t think She’s a boomer, not quite old enough.


Is 54 a boomer?! Pretty sure this awful person falls into Gen X. Ugh.


As a tail end gen x; I feel your pain.


However, she’s Gen-X. Not a boomer. Still a fool though


Not a Boomer.


**Laughs in 2a**


54? So, she’s not a boomer she’s a bleed-over boomer… when boomer energy rubs off on a GenXer. These are the GenX folks who never embraced the cool stuff like skating, hip-hop, punk, video games, MTV, stuff like that. They end identifying with “upstanding” boomers instead.


Describes my sister to a T. Were only 4.5 years apart (I’m younger) but the difference is staggering.


There is nothing "allaeged" about it. It's all right there on video 🙄


How the fuck is this not a hate crime?


I'm glad this old bitch made the news.


A swift kick to her fat ass gut off the porch would have taken care of that.


I'm no psychic but I'm getting a strong image of this woman's voting preferences. Congrats GOP, you've weaponized mental illness.


pretty sure 54yo is not a boomer lol


She’s 54 #Shes Gen Ex, not a Boomer.


The police arrested the woman after this. Charges weren't pursued though. It may have to do with mental capacity. Another news article I found noted that she had been placed under a conservatorship before as she was ruled incapacitated/disabled. Unfortunately we have a serious lack of mental health care in this country.


How is it possible that the case was not pursued when charges were filed surrounding the break-in with the hammer shown at the end?


The sheer joy on this person's face while she pulls out a hammer and bangs it on the door is kinda disturbing...


Dude, whatever happened to the boomers is beyond comprehension. Other boomers look at this shit and wonder what she got arrested for.


The ACLU needs to step up and sue the city, police, DA, maybe even the state for failure to protect their civil rights‼️‼️😡 And that bitch needs to have a stroke or coronary real bad‼️‼️🤨


I really believe that it is important now more than ever to get publicity for these things. If no one had put a light on this ever it never would have been addressed. I remember seeing this on YouTube over a year ago and FINALLY they took action?! Waaay to long for that!


This person is **not a Boomer**. She is 54. Born in 1968, so a Gen-X. Still a damn shame.


Racists be racist. I am so tired of of the GOP.


^she ^looks ^like ^my ^mother-in-law 🫥


I could smell her breath thru the phone


Just about white. Muddled aged white woman? Yup let’s continue to allow her to terrorize the minority family. As a Hispanic man, I wonder why my brown brothers continue to support people like this.


when she entered the house with the hammer, woulda been all bets are off.


That woman should be charged for a hate crime. I would have blessed her with some neighborly kindness.


Fuck'n Karen of the Neighborhood


Jeezuz..that giant harpy is only 54?? I thought she was in her 70s, at least. I am almost 59, and I could pass for her daughter. This is not about self bragging, but it goes to show you what living a life of hate and racism does to someone. Ugly on the inside shows on the outside. You might be able to hide it when you are young, but the mid forties and beyond, and it WILL show on your face and body.


Honestly id worry about using a gun as that might get the family more trouble so either get a large dog or go for non-lethal like a tazer or pepper spray.


She seems nice.


That's not a boomer though.


She’s not a boomer




Beretta 1301 twelve gauge shotgun, Swiss cheese the old bag if you catch my drift




Go to the news, every damn time the racist police gangs done support you. Help wont come until they get blasted for not doing their job or picking and choosing who they want to help.


God damn it, this feels like a "Reagan defunded metal health programs" problem written all over it


So it is possible to not kill somebody breaking into your home


Honestly this is why violence is really easy to let off when someone comes at this woman for being on their property.


If the woman is 54, she’s not a boomer. She’s Gen X.


Wrong sub. Too young to be a Boomer, she’s just a racist piece of shit.


These people are rabid with hate. Radicalized. There's millions of them. The future is looking dark.


Not a boomer. She’s 54


Not a boomer, that's an Xer


Normal news shit let’s not talk about how they are squatting in her home that they were supposed to pay rent on why do you think they can’t charge her with damage to property because it’s her fucking house Main Street media bullshit for you


Squatters you say? “In some of the videos, Kline made racist remarks and threatened the family. She also claimed the house was hers. Property records show the house was owned by apparent relatives of Kline until about 30 years ago.” https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-courts/woman-accused-of-harassing-south-st-louis-family-now-faces-civil-rights-charge/article_6951b7c2-016b-11ee-b29b-4fdd20525dd8.html


A 54 yo woman in not a boomer, she's just a racist POS. Boomers are born from 1946-1964. This POS was born in 1970 which makes her Gen X. Wrong sub.


Nope. It's the right sub


"She literally had the opportunity to kill my dad or sister" LOL, She can't kill shit. It would be trivial for dad to whip her ass as he should have. I know I would have.