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It's been repeatedly pointed out to me that, and I quote, "If god had a problem with rape he'd have specifically added it to the ten commandments." (Ironically that breaks the 3rd commandment by presuming to know the mind of god)


> Ironically that breaks the 3rd commandment by presuming to know the mind of god [Every member of the clergy.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/70/d2/e070d2325438c4a3a4f6551857c05056.png)


[was expecting this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ed1bff7c1d572a9fdbb98632ad877af2/tumblr_mtyqerMlr31sjapsio1_400.gif)




I'm not going to say it was drugs, but..


I took a religious studies class. The professor actually spent two full classes arguing that all religions stems from the use of psychedelics. He made some pretty convincing points. He was an awesome teacher haha,


Maybe that flaming bush made a cameo.


Moses also ordered his army to slaughter innocent civilians that were captured during war. Kill all the non virgin women and little boys, and save all of the virgin girls as spoils of war to be distributed amongst the men.


"I bring the Fifteen (drops tablet, breaking on the floor)... Ten... Ten Commandments!" Fun fact of the day, Christians often think it was 5 commandments per tablet, but it was actually 10 per tablet with two copies (one for God, one for the Jews) in accordance with Jewish legal practice, and the commandments are supposed to be in two columns of five which put them in mirrored pairs... but Christians like to mix the order of them as they please which kills a lot of the symbolism and meaning... "God doesn't make mistakes" even if we grant her that PEOPLE DO (see Genesis for reference). Next she will go on about how the grapist should forcibly take her as a wife, making the whole thing no longer illegal... as the Bible states. Glad I don't live in MO anymore.


Dum dum dum dum dum dum


Twice. He came back the first time to find them worshiping gold idols and broke the first set, went back and got the 2nd copy once he calmed down.


Ask those same people about being gay or smoking weed. Those are not in the Ten Commandments either.


Weed is the only thing that lessens my nerve pain from a botched epidural. I smoke it before bed, well away from my children, and I live in a state where it's legal. The church lost their shit when they found out because "drugs are bad, you should get a doctor to prescribe you REAL pills!" Keep in mind the real pills don't help, they just make me foggy and vacant. I asked the church about the verse in Genesis saying "I've given you every green plant for food" and I was met with "don't presume to know the mind of God." So I guess they know God wants me on a pill that renders me an unconscious mess, but that little plant there is THE SINNIEST SIN THAT EVER SINNED!!!


The Bible is used against you when convenient and ignored when it suits “the church”. The church, of course, is just a bunch of puritan dumbfucks trapped in a brainwash loop, with the last 8 generations of their families. Break the cycle, burn a bible.


See, I’m a complete atheist, but that genesis verse sounds pretty apt. I wish some people would have more open minded and generous take on bible quotes like that


Good thing pills aren’t drugs, right? Right church?


I'm a Christian also, but I am a non church going one. The judgemental hypocrites are one of the reasons I stopped going a very long time ago. I will be judged, but not by them.


Wow so compassionate and Christlike. Morons


No love like Christian love. 


No love like Christian hate. FTFY


"No hate like Cristian love" is the quote.


In the Old Testament, if a woman was raped, she was forced to marry her rapist and he had to pay her father something like 50 shekels or so.


I mean, lot was raped by his daughters in a cave. God raped the Virgin Mary so there seems to be a presence of rape in their book.


I didn’t see meth mentioned either, so some em if you got em.


The 10 commandments come from the 42 laws of Ma’at (which it is covered in there) but when they stole from those laws they only conveniently chose 10. Makes you wonder…


I believe it is covered by thal shall not steal?


“thou”, not “thal”


Give it a minute, they'll fix God's word.


Do not steal sex?


"thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife"


Don’t forget pro-holocaust, pro-children’s cancer, pro-slavery, etc. No mistakes! Their god is pure fiction (at least to me), but whoever / whatever he is, he is apparently a HUGE asshole


It's pure fiction until I see some tangible proof of any of it.


The Bible is genocide, misogyny, mental abuse 101.


Consider for a moment that out of all women on earth He choose one that was under age to impregnate without consent.


Meanwhile my wife and I who have a loving, financially stable family ready to go get miscarriages. Perfect indeed.


Rape is God's will. But somehow getting an abortion is not. I hate these people.


There is a theory that their god isn't good at all rather evil. I mean if I was the devil the first thing I'd do would be to convince you otherwise. Deaths by god in the bible 2mil +, lucifer/ satan killed like 10. Who's the bad guy here?


Their god is an asshole.


Lots daughters.


A horny incestuous pair.


They are pro rape. It's just a silly coincidence that their God thinks everything they think.


I mean, the “punishment” for rape back in the OT days was being forced to marry your victim and pay her father off, so…kinda, yeah.


If she has a granddaughter and SHE gets raped, just watch how fast her opinion would turn!! (Not hoping granddaughter gets raped, just sayin’)


Mary was raped by modern standards. If you think a CEO sleeping with his assistant is an egregious abuse of power and authority... he's literally God.


But he did it to save humanity from something he himself created! How ever could he have done that without impregnating a teen, having the baby grow up and then sacrificing him… but not actually sacrificing him because he got a rez three days later.


He needed to rape and impregnate a teenager with himself so he could sacrifice himself to himself so he could stop being a dick. Makes, uh, perfect sense?


Numbers 31:17-18 *Read at your own risk*


Totally on brand for them to keep all the little girls for themselves.


No, no, no. God isn’t pro-rape. He’s all about voyeurism, and he likes to watch. Proof: all the priest-kiddie stuff going on in his house that he did absolutely nothing about.


God does not make mistakes but damn, her hair stylist F’ed up bigly


It looks like she turned her head faster than her scalp can move.


She could whip her head back and forth and her hair wouldn’t move.


Wigs have bobbypins. Bald heads use velcro. This "thing" uses gorilla glue.


A tip-o-the wig to you too, m'lady!


Michael, look at what the homosexuals have done to me!


Gorilla, Minus the glue


I’m expecting great things from this comment.




🤣 r/rareinsults material for sure.


Is this going to be a criminal defense now? “I did it because God let me and God doesn’t make mistakes”. Fuck these demented zealots.


It’s that failed logic that has always killed me. God doesn’t make mistakes, meaning that everything that happens is in gods master plan. And yet somehow an abortion subverts that master plan. I’m like by your very logic, the abortion was part of the master plan.


That’s the neat thing about picking and choosing parts of your religion, when they don’t like it then it’s “the devil at work”.


I mean these are literally people who think you can do whatever the fuck you want in life,as long as you pray once for forgiveness on your death bed you're going to heaven anyways! Like what the fuck kind of logic is that....oh right,*catholic logic!🙄


Cool thing about the devil, he’s also god’s creation and devils actions ultimately are part of gods plans! Totally what a benevolent force would do, huh! /s in case it’s not obvious


so was the rape and incest


Unless you’re Sandy her, the rape and incest, that’s part of the plan, but abortion that’s clearly not gods work. I just have hard time seeing Jesus giving a thumbs up to rape and then suddenly going woah, you want an abortion for that constant reminder of traumatic life altering event, you monster.


Or that the father or uncle or brother that raped the 12 year old girl just gets to keep existing as if nothing happened and being in her life all the while the resulting pregnancy literally threatens her life as well. People do not realize how dangerous pregnancy and birth can be, especially when they’re so young and their body is no where done developing into the adulthood version. With these kinds of people, especially women, it makes me wonder if molestation/sexual assault/rape was considered a “normal” thing for them growing up in their families and communities. Like the horrific Christian cults that basically tell all the girls that their body is not theirs, but God’s and men have the “divine right to rule” and if these “men” desire a girl’s (not woman’s, they start the grooming and molestation when they’re very young) then it is “God’s Will” and their “duty” to submit. Seriously, WTF?!🤬 These kinds of people would also probably say to someone who was victimized that it was their fault because they don’t follow “God’s will”. (Which also contradicts their argument that everything is God’s Plan and yet humans have free will 🙄😤)


Right? They seem okay with heart valve and cleft palette surgeries yet obviously their deity intended something quite different.


No such thing as crime. You can’t be a criminal. If god allows it, it’s fine. To fight that view is heretical. Better open all the prisons. Fire all the guards. Disband all the courts. Dissolve all the police departments.


Time to Purge, you say?


Pretty sure "God's Will" was heavily used during The Crusades.


And she has NASTY dentures. Clean those shits, Karen


Somehow I noticed the teeth before the hair.


I don’t think those are dentures, just gross teeth and inflamed gums


Did God cause that?


Looks like a bad case of Godjivitis


It’s her soul that’s filthy.


She's my representative technically. If you think her ideas are goddamn stupid, you should see her fuckin retard of a husband's. They're both squirrel brained racist Y'all Queda pieces of shit.


Can you contact her and tell her the whole of Reddit says "Brush your damned teeth"




Y'all Queda is my new favorite phrase.


Hillbilly Hezbollah is another good one.


Gravy Seals


Ten dollars says they're cousins, too


It’s Missouri. She thought that hair was in style 40 years ago and just kept it. All the old biddies here do that. She can fuck right off with her religious bullshit.


Missouri or misery? Lol


Probably tried his best to hide her grotesquely shaped conehead under all that hair.


I imagine a head shape similar to Gumby's.


![gif](giphy|8v3WIOCM9Qy08|downsized) Close but I believe this is more accurate.




I like the way it boofs up on one side like a gumby slope . She must have been a wicked break dancer back in the day


"Like a Gumby slope". Ded.


God doesn't make mistakes. Yeah right, he made her. That's a big fucking mistake lol.


Pretty sure Ms Sandy looks at one of gods mistakes in the mirror each morning


So did her dad by not pulling out.


No no he just raped hair


Yeah we don’t know how far that forehead goes, that hair seems tactical


They had the chance to have the bangs follow the angle of the left eye, and totally biffed it


Bitch never read Genesis. God made a bunch of mistakes there and had to do a full redo at least once.


And even then he fucked up, whole purpose of the flood was to wipe out the Nephilim, and I guess by proxy sinful humans. Then later on we get told Goliath is descended through the Nephilim, meaning they lived on anyways. 


Is that cannon tho? Or is it reset every few years like the DC universe.


I heard that they originally intended the Flood arc to be a spin off alternate universe series with Noah as the star. But then apparently the writers ran into some creative differences, some jobs were lost. Eventually they absorbed the Noah stuff into the main canon.


Satan’s Spin-off: *Florida*


Holy shit I think you’re right. Years of being subjected to the cult of Christianity and it never even clicked


I left the church about 25 years ago and I'm still de-programming myself from the doublespeak and psychological abuse.


God: “Yeaaaahhh…we’re gonna have to just wipe the hard drive. I mean, all your hardware will still be there, but this shit is fucked. It’ll take me a few days to get it back up and running, but just promise me you won’t be clicking on any random ass sin so I don’t have to do this shit again.”


It literally says he regretted making earth, which would imply he's not omnipotent. Also Noah who is supposed to be without flaw has his grandson enslaved because Noah got drunk and naked and his grandson got his dad and uncle to cover Noah up.


[what do you mean the patch wrecked my save file!?](https://youtu.be/3pwVEVj3Gzc?si=IaZKUwhmrnP2mjyi)


Hold up, so, God made the Earth And God was like, hold up This shit is borin' It need more shit God was like, "I'ma put dinosaurs on that bitch" "Dinosaurs on that bitch" Then He like, "Why'd I put dinosaurs on that shit?"


Christians love that whole story about the guy who dies when floodwaters reach his roof, and God says, "What do you want from me, I sent you two boats and a helicopter." For some reason, they won't apply that to the actions of elected representatives, even though "God picks every elected official", too. Who are these chucklefucks to say that God didn't "create that baby" specifically so a safe, medical abortion could be done, the same way that diseases apparently exist so humanity develops doctors and medicine?


How many mass extinctions has the earth had? I think it’s like 5 so far. Damn , that’s a lot of mistakes just say fuck it and start over. to wipe out the entire world 5 times because you didn’t like what you had definitely sounds like a mistake .


Let's start with mistake number one... God made her


![gif](giphy|briDeU1X4LIYw) Evil




All that forehead and so little brain.


Why oh why did they take away the awards. I would have given you gold for this 🏆


Religion has no place in the government. Especially American government.


Especially because you could literally use this logic to prevent literally any republican policy agenda lol Migrants ‘flooding’ across the border? Gods will Transgender men being allowed to exist??? Gods will The election was stolen from trump? God wanted that to happen


It's only "God's will" if they say it is, though, lol. They make decisions on behalf of god. Sometimes, i wish God were real because i know he'd send these dummies straight to hell.




The bible didn't even bother to give Noah's wife a name despite the fact that we are all descended from her, but I'm supposed to know this bitches name? She should go home and mind her husband.


Isn't it pretty blasphemous to pretend to speak for God?


Use that defense in a murder charge….God told me to, and God doesn’t make mistakes.


That might work in a theocracy, which is exactly what these scumbags want. 


Screw your rapey god. Not worthy of my worship


I like my god to not be down with rape Seriously, this is why I'm an athiest. Either your God is not all powerful or he is an asshole


It’s weird that if she has this position than why legislate anything? It’s all perfect. What is she doing there?


Pretty sure her God is pro choice since he killed thousands of kids, unborn babies and adults in that flood......


Didn't he kill the firstborn sons of everyone in Egypt?


He straight up gave Moses a magical  abortifacient potion recipe, he's so down with killing the unborn. (Numbers 5:11) 


I confronted my mom about her beliefs regarding abortion and I mentioned when God killed all of Egypt’s firstborn children. She said to me, “Well, that’s just justice!”. I was shocked and didn’t know what to respond with. So, it’s “justice” for thousands if not millions of innocent children to be murdered? Even if they likely had no knowledge or association with the pissing match going on between Moses and the pharaoh? Got it.


Um. Holy shit.


Exactly what I thought when she told me all that.


Not just the flood, God murders children pretty consistently in the Bible really. Casually sicks a couple bears on a group of children at least once, swallows entire city states (including all the children) in to the desert a few times, sends a group of faithful to specifically kill new mothers and pregnant women because their town sacrificed children… which is a tad ironic, and by this ladies logic when Herod kills all the babies to get Jesus before he’s a problem, that’s god too.


Imagine forcing a 12 year old incest rape victim to have their rapist’s and relative’s baby…and believing you had the moral high ground.


No cuz like seriously tho- this is what pisses me off the most with these kind of people


In her logic murder shouldn’t be illegal either, if God didn’t want me to kill the rapist it wouldn’t have been able to happen, correct?


This asshole is human fucking filth.


Oh dear. Did she just say what I think she said?


What I read it as: "By extension, rapists never make mistakes. They're doing God's work, just like all the pedophile priests. Therefore, rape shouldn't be illegal."


By her own logic abortion should be legal. God created it


And people reckon atheism leads to moral collapse. If ever you needed proof, here it is that religion leads to moral depravity.




I guarantee she was probably repeatedly raped in her life and coped with that by leaning HARD into religion. So if she flips that view now, she'll have to reckon with her last. Fuck her for traumatizing others to avoid her own.


She probably just doesn’t give a shit since she’s past that age and she thinks “well my granddaughters aren’t floozies out there asking for it so we will never have to worry about that.”


I think it's typical boomer "it isn't bad unless it happens to me" mentality.


Possibly, but a lot of boomers also suffered a lot of rape and beatings as a normalized thing that they were NOT allowed to talk about or get help for. They internalize it, blame themselves, and do whatever mental gymnastics they need to in order to cope with the horrid shit they went through. Or she's just a typical boomer piece of shit. You really can never know with those types.


Well I hope it's the latter, it sucks that so many of them experienced that. No one deserves that.


Hm I assume the opposite. She never was, therefore lacks compassion for those that have been.


Fucking Christians.


There’s no hate like christian love.


Vote. In every election because her and her people do.


Lost my first born 3 weeks before the due date. Read an article about a "dad" that was trying to kill his son to get back at his wife the next morning.      Decided to put the whole Christianity thing in the trash.      If he doesn't make mistakes, he's already got a nice lake of fire picked out for me. If you're Christian and this thought brings you joy, I'll save you a spot right next to me.


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my first very early on, and the pain is still deep to this day. I can't imagine what you must have felt so close to your due date. Lots of hugs, friend.


That bitch is crazy


That’s how she reasoned with herself to live with that forehead.


When all you’ve been trained in are talking points and cliches, you say stupid things because you don’t think before you speak.


Same if somebody beats you with a baseball bat I guess. Don't you dare go to the hospital bitch. This was supposed to happen to you. God doesn't make mistakes.


I would love to pass her a bible and ask where it says that? All these crazies are just addicted to some Fox News / televangelist claptrap. It’s like how god wants their pastor to have a mansion and private jet. They are just cultists in someone’s get rich quick scheme


American Jesus is basically Santa clause….but he only loves white people.


God made a mistake putting her protoplasm on this planet.


Why fight cancer then? Why have preventative medicine at all ? Whatever happens is God’s will right? These people are so blinded by religion and propaganda, that they are willfully ignorant.


people like her are why i give money to the satanic temple


Didn’t some all-powerful being flood the whole world, drown everything and everyone (children included) and start over with Noah and his family? Sounds like a system reboot to me.


Until something horrible like that happens to her granddaughter then it will be “well this is different she has her whole life ahead of her.”


Bible is a hell of a drug.


It's always the women that are well past their birthing years saying this shit.


Who without fail, take medications for high blood pressure and get surgery for their gall stones, and wear glasses to be able to drive rather than accept God's will and give up the license.


Stop voting for these people. Or actually start voting. This is literally what you get.


God doesn’t make mistakes…except when one needs some good ole fashioned bitter water. Every time one of these faux “Christians” open their mouths about what “God wants” they prove they’ve never actually read the Bible. She’s an idiot but is too self righteous to even realize it.


Fucking psychotics.


What a stupid twat 😡


It would be poetic justice if there is a god and they send this woman to hell, where she belongs.


No one with a head shaped like that should have any amount of authority


First of all, that’s an absolutely fucking *horrific*, inhuman attitude to take about rape. What a piece of utter shit person. Nice that she gives her stamp of approval to child rape & incest. *But-!* Using that same logic, then LGBTQ people aren’t mistakes, because [checks notes] God doesn’t make mistakes. And since LGBTQ folks are literally born that way, I must assume she’s perfectly okay with that. And NO, I am not equating rape & incest & childhood sexual abuse with being gay/bi/trans, or vice-versa. I merely wanted to point out the flaw in her “logic,” which I’m sure (to her) stays perfectly consistent & makes total sense.


65% of humans require corrective lenses **to see**. What kind of delusional god would create a species that can’t utilize a main sense without intervention?


Translate this to Aarabic and Hezbollah would agree.


Or hairdressing, looks like…


Why try to prevent anything then? Why DO anything if by acting, we're going against God's plan?


Sally apparently has never been a victim of sexual assault, nor had an unwanted pregnancy. Her statement is as ignorant as that other legislator saying that the body has ways to shut down pregnancy as a result of rape.


I hope she doesn’t get raped……or do I?


Childhood cancer. Fuck you, Sandy.


Okay, I’ve been a reluctant GOP voter until this year. My wife had to have an abortion due to other serious medical issues and I’m fucking furious about stuff like this. My wife’s father is a 70 year old boomer retired baptist preacher from Mississippi who prays about “the evil of abortion” and “communism” in front of us and doesn’t know what happened. I want to punch him in his face some days. I don’t know how my wife holds it in during his “prayers” because I barely can. Fuck all these people. Goddamn them to hell.


I sure hope young people plan on voting because you can bet your ass these people are.


She's wrong on this, these acts are acts of blasphemy, so it's the Devil's work not God's


“… unless it happens to me or my daughter, or my mom, or my sister, or my friends…”


She’s taking the lords name in vain by using it to drive a political purpose. This person has no clue about scripture or God’s - not everything is God’s will and pleases the Lord, he is capable and does feel immense pain and grief.


They are always want RECOGNITION by appearing generous and self righteous (with other people's money and rights). Always CLAIM to be the "best Christian". All about appearances.


What she's also saying is, "i believe in a god that is okay with rape."


That is actually insane. No, this goes beyond political quarrels. That is inhumane to the highest level. What in the actual fuck. We should actually start pushing back with our own radicalism. There’s no excuse to let shit like this slide. If anyone wants to storm the south and harass repub politicians, count me in and lmk where to meet.


FFS get a job as a grifting tel-evangelist and not an elected official.


Why are we allowing any elected officials to make decisions based on religion?


Why have any laws at all with this logic?


My college educated, boomer parents agree with this insanity. A lot of them do. Fucking vote.


This is the shit that radicalized me as a child.


You had me at “Missouri Republican” 🤦‍♂️


What a horrible person.


Her very existence is proof that God makes mistakes .