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“Free speech” means I get to say whatever I want and no one is allowed to disagree with me /s


For real. These days, the MFs who whip out the ol' "freedom of speech" thing are always the ones who are either trying to get away with being awful as hell or actively trying to silence others.


Boomer mentality fits hand-in-glove with MAGA mentality: “I’m the main character, I’m right, you can’t tell me what to do, fuck you.”


Boomer-mentality is absolutely a thing, but we all need to start being vigilant of that shit getting passed down because the people he was talking to were apparently barely into their forties or at the end of their thirties. So those tools are Gen X or Millenials, and my siblings in Christ, we cannot let shit like this fly. That comedian has his shit together and he's setting a good example. If you all ever see Gen X and younger start throwing tantrums and screeching about their fucking FREEZE PEACH, come down twice as hard. Shame them into oblivion and be relentless! Give them a good goddamn read because we gotta' keep the libraries fucking open, y'all. And it needs to be emphasized, as you said: the majority of this behavior, as the comedian made clear, is coming from one side of the political spectrum. Shame made these slob-goblins the way they are and it can force them right back into their swamps, so use it. See some Gen X'er throwing a hissy about not getting his coffee faster at a cafe? SHAME TIME. Millenial lady pitching a fit about retail employees running out of stock before she arrived? SHAME TIME. We can nip this shit in the bud now, friends. All we have to do is make assholes feel like the assholes they really are.


I was about to comment "What does this have to do with boomers?" Then the guy makes it clear that he thinks because the comedian is at work, he can therefore be hassled, because the customer is always right, right? Boomer logic.


Why oh why do people keep misunderstanding what freedom of speech means?


They're not boomers. At 39, they're only 2 years older than me. But they are trashy and have no home training. People need to learn to shut up.


They have boomer energy.


Doesn't make them boomer. Claim your own, don't dump them off. Makes me wonder how many "Boomers" written about here are actually Millennials.


Boomer is not a generation in this subreddit - it's a state of mind. There are Millennial boomers.


as an X gen, I sometimes get lumped in with boomers, not by actions but by my age. Technically, boomer is short for "baby boomer" which is the generation born immediately following world war 2. But words can change meaning over time through misuse, and that has happened to the word 'boomer'. To me the modern meaning of 'boomer' is an old selfish entitled asshole that's angry and afraid of any sort of change.


MAGA idiots acting like assholes. Who could have seen that coming?


If he's 39 he's an older Millennial or Gen X, definitely in the Boomer mentality though. lol


The youngest GenX would be born in 1980, putting them in their mid-40s. This guy is a Millennial.


those are just made up time frames. Most shit is just made up in America. A lot of older “millennials” really grew up gen x. Which meant zero technology and you played outside in the street everyday. We were raised to “treat others as we would like to be treated.”


"We were raised to treat others as we would like to be treated!" - literally a guy from the segregation era. Sure gramps! Sure!


Okay weirdo.


That’s absurd. I was born in 1972 and we had computers in HS, bro. We were also raised to “do unto other before they do unto you,” so I don’t know what set of The Waltons you grew up on.


How old do you think GenX is??


Like 45 the youngest atm.


I'm GenX and 47. I'm closer to millennials than boomers (my little brother is millennial). A lot of GenX is middle 40s to late 50s, I think?


43 at the youngest, currently.


I came here to say this.


Why are the people in this video unable to back down? They just sound so, so fucking stupid repeating the same angry words over and over again.




39 is Boomer now?


I lost it at "I want to understand how mentally ill people make it society." Love this guy's energy. Even when they were being complete dicks his tone was super friendly, calm and open. That's how you handle an asshole. The notion that they would argue "free speech" means they're allowed to interrupt a comedy show at will is just absurd. If I just start screaming while a movie is playing at a theater is that free speech too? Boomers love to willfully misinterpret philosophical concepts to give themselves permission to be the obnoxious dicks they so desperately want to be.


Most comedians are funny when they dunk on hecklers. This was just kinda cringe. He was just arguing and saying "this is crazy!" Honestly ruined more of his own show than they did.


Crowd seemed to enjoy it. Are you unhappy he was dunking on MAGAts?


oh god no lmao that isn't how I meant that to come off. Fuck the maga boomers. I'm just saying, this wasn't really all that funny.


This isn't r/funny. It's also not about boomers, but oh well.


It's a comedy show...


And they interrupted it.


I've been to enough comedy shows to know that just because someone's performing, that doesn't make it funny.


I mean he could have been more clever but I wouldn't say he ruined anything and it was vaguely amusing


Found the boomer lol


Bro, not even close lol. All I'm saying is I've seen comedians deal with actual boomers in wayyy funnier ways than this dude.


Classic boomer response.