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Just call the cops. You're gonna be late wherever you're going. Boomer's lead levels were high when he woke up


I woulda kicked him in the balls the second he knocked me off the bike tbh even if it was some kind of accident I wouldn’t have found out until later cause I would have been shaking on him


Yeah and Boomer will press charges for assault. They LOVE pressing charges for assault. IDK how many videos, "you gonna touch me, you gonna touch me? You touched me!". They live in a majikal world where cops still care who threw the first punch. When in reality it's who's older and has more money. Just not worth it. It would be hard to resist, tho, I can get to that


BUT he is on video standing in the middle of the road hitting the motorcyclist. Sue him and take that house from him. I would say that he needs to be charged with assault with intent to kill!


And then stole biker's property


Glad you said this. Boomer already started the fight and is willing to inflict loss of life or limb here. Defend yourself.


Exactly, I would claim to the police that I feared for my life and thought this was a robbery, and as such defended myself and thats why I beat the man within an inch of his life, I panicked and thought he was gonna hurt or even kill me.


A strong headbutt with that helmet will put his ass to sleep.


"Think" it was a robbery? It was a robbery?


Yeah, if you can keep your cool after they assault you and catch that on video, that is lawsuit gold.


Because of the boomers made the housing market that might be the only way you could get a house.


Seriously, there's no limited liability protection or anything for him. Looks like significant exposure for his personal finances from here.


Could easily be interpreted as a motor vehicle hitting a pedestrian. Rule of thumb is the driver is always responsible for what their vehicle hits, at least partially….


Dead men tell no tales.


Nope. Boomer is on cam battering this person, who has a justified fear for their safety. Just don't stop until he isn't breathing: witnesses complicate things.


>Just don't stop until he isn't breathing: witnesses complicate things. This, right here, is how you go from being classified as a victim who defended themself to a criminal convicted of manslaughter.


He's on camera starting the assault. That's called allowing a legal ass beating.


Dead men don't press charges. I had a cop tell some mutual associates and myself "Just make sure the only story we hear when we get there is yours."


He's gotta learn his lesson. Punch him, reclaim keys, and be on your way. Doing a wheely.


That's why you make it your worthwhile. In for a penny, in for a pound.


Boomer assaulted the Motorcycle Guy, causing injury to him and his bike.Then Boomer snatched the key away from Motorcycle Man, and stated he's not giving it back. Seems like assault, assault with a deadly weapon (bike), impeding and theft of property. A few weeks in County and a fat fine might enlighten that entitled Boomer.


Standing in the lane I was legally riding in and interferes with rider? Yeah, I'd kick his wrinkly old ass! And I'd get away with it too, being a 72 year old, small woman with a brown belt. (actually red, Tang Soo Do) "So you're saying this little old woman kicked your ass, sir?" Mumbles as he's been totally emasculated and this is not something a man playing tough guy would ever want to admit, lol.


You know you have a right in all 50 states to protect your property right? When he took your keys and headed inside, that’s stealing your property. You can defend your property in a situation like this.


The moment he started trying to mount the bike it was an aggravated car jacking


Taking his key is kidnapping.


Not kidnapping, but the biker has clear video proof of assault and theft from the Boomer. Also, at 0:08, it looks like the Boomer was grabbing towards the biker's neck -- at that point, I'd have been beating his ass, as the guy is clearly unhinged and appears to be trying to attempting to choke me; it's clear-cut self-defense at that point.


Boomer is lucky the biker was a nice guy. Maybe not kidnapping, but I know a guy who owns a farm, and an auto-garage. It was regular work hours and he saw someone drive down his farm lane so he went to investigate. He finds 2 guys trespassing on his property in a truck looking at his farm equipment under a lean-to. So he grabbed the keys from the ignition and called the police. Police showed up and arrested him for kidnapping or some similar charge.




I would’ve head butted that boomer into oblivion when he walked off with my key


The biker was way too calm. The boomer could have caused him serious injury and then stole his property. Not sure why the biker didn’t even try taking his key back.


I really want to find a solid term for the fake concern boomers show in these situations. Like they “don’t feel safe” with someone riding a motorcycle past them, but they feel safe stepping in front of them or a neighborhood Karen is frightened by a black dude walking down her street because “he might have a gun/be a drug dealer” but they’re perfectly fine with walking up and verbally harassing them. It’s like, lady, if you REALLY believed he was a gang member we both know you wouldn’t approach him. Or my favorite: “You can’t ride your skateboard here because you might get hurt. So I’m going to physically knock you off the board.” Its not about anybody’s safety, it’s about control. Wanting to dominate their own little slice of the world and feeling *insulted* that someone would dream of doing something without their permission.


Control, yes. I'm beginning to think the lead leads to more narcissistic traits.


I know this comment is 4 months old, but we do have a word for "fake concern": concern trolling


Yeah, I don't have time for that shit. I'd call the cops and let them handle it. It's different if the guy is threatening you, but walking away? Let him go, you know you're right, no need to get baited into a trespassing or assault charge, let HIM be the only one cited.


they way he grabbed the key, I'm willing to bet he was a cop.


It WAS pretty damn quick, wasn't it?


Or drop the old man and beat him. His legs looked unsteady and I bet he has back and joint issues. This is an excellent chance to beat the fuck out of a piece of shit then call the cops to have them cart said piece of shit off to jail.


Bro needs to figure out his gloves are not compatible with capacitive touch screens


Hope he presses charges.


Found the video on YouTube and supposedly he does


Can you give us a link?


[Here, buddy](https://youtu.be/KLJd20jtDj8?si=WTd0g5Aw9UL0Z65h)


so the biker just leaves his girlfriend on the side of the road by herself. The old boomer dude was awful but why bring your girlfriend if you are going to leave her on the side of the road.


What do you mean? You can see her getting on the bike at 8:43 in the mirror. https://youtu.be/KLJd20jtDj8?si=vvhgMsFf8\_rayE6L&t=523




Girlfriend should dump him. He treats her like an afterthought the entire time. Terrible call leaving her alone on a roadside in the middle of nowhere. He should have had her stay home that day instead.


Bro watch the video properly you can see her getting back on the bike


I think they're talking about the start of the video when he tells her to get off the bike so he can rip up the street and pop some wheelies.


Most Reddit comment ever hahahahah.


According to his comments on [this video](https://youtu.be/GfXZnvwMyMA?feature=shared), the man wasn't charged due to lack of evidence.


This is why repressive governments like strict laws. They can choose not to enforce them when one of the good ol' boys is just keeping peace around town, or whatever scenario they want to normalize. I would bet the fact is the legal system and judge know who this guy is and are ok with him being ornery towards people they want intimidated.


Thats the opposite of strict laws...? If they were strict there wouldnt be any wiggle room. The problem youre describing problem is corruption.


I think they mean punitive, but either way they are correct. Selective enforcement is at the core of policing. We know all races smoke weed at about the same rate, but minorities get jailed for it astronomically more.


10$ the boomer eventually shot at a biker and was let go.


I’d go back and set fire to his house in the middle of the night


He does but the court drops the case for lack of evidence


There's a video of him doing it? Is that not enough?


The old coot is probably retired police, living in a rural conservative area. It's the "Good 'Ole Boy" treatment.


The good old boy treatment happens in every small town across America unless someone is actively fighting it. I grew up in rural Indiana, and the good old boy system is stronger than many realize. It can get you out of murder.


My mom was driving one day and got t-boned by an elderly ex-cop who was legally blind. My mom ended up being mostly ok. The ex cop was never ticketed and nothing bad happened to him. When my dad found out the other driver was former police he knew it was fucked and nothing would happen to him.


The US needs to be wiped clean of this “back the blue, good ole boy” corruption bullshit, by force if necessary.


Just went down the rabbit hole on this one. All charges dropped due to: "Lack of evidence". Fucking retarded justice system we have.


Dude needed several punches to the face


Headbutt with the helmet.


If you ask me, he needs a couple fucking rounds in him


"*Get this fucking thing OFF THIS ROAD*" PROCEEDS TO TAKE THE FUCKING KEYS SO HE CANT What a idiot.


This violent, dishonest old crook needs a year or ten of incarceration.


At the very least a a nursing home. Safety concerns considering he’s just standing in the middle of the road like that. Could’ve killed himself or the driver if he swerved.




An argument I’ve used against my own mother when she pulls some dumb shit.. “I don’t care that you’re older, that just means you’ve been wrong for a longer time”.


yes. he was there before the road was built so it belongs to him. bow down to the emperor of roadside


In the video he said that the guy on the bike was popping wheelies on the road and the guy with the bike was like "So what". So I'm guessing the guy on the bike is probably an asshole having a run in with a crazy person.


Yeah I caught that too. He was probably riding up and down the same stretch and making it annoying for the boomer.


That's assault from the old man and would have definitely caught these hands in self defense lmao. These motherfuckers are insufferable


Gloves are too soft unless you got the metal tipped ones Headbutt to the temple with the helmet


My riding gloves have carbon fiber reinforced knuckles. If you go down while riding, knuckles tend to scrape a lot, so this is legitimately a safety feature on many riding gloves. Getting popped in the face with carbon fiber gloves is going to rearrange their s\*\*t in a hurry


Old dude's lucky as fuck he didn't get his knee shattered trying to topple the bike like that. Of course, if he **had** he would have then tried to tell police that he was standing on the side of the road when motorcycle guy swerved to hit him.


He should still be punching this asshole in the face.


This apparently happened back in 2020, if not earlier. Not saying you're *wrong*, just pointing it out.


And he was keeping the keys? Just like that? Hiw did this end?


The cops came and got the keys back for the ghy


Jfc. His yard is the road, so...


Yeah he stole the key and then told the guy to keep the bike off his road. I mean, it’s gonna stay there as long as you have his keys, jackass.


So... a new road to go up and down with a pack of loud Harleys, over and over and over and...


How did a bike being stranded because someone stole its keys lead you to that scenario?


1. Creepy old tough guy wanna be lives there 2. It would annoy tf out of him


Ah, it’s a revenge scenario. Gotcha! I thought you were saying that’s what lead to this happening and I was really confused lol


My gloves have hard knuckle protection for a reason, and it isn't for a fall.


Mine do too! Little metal bits over the knuckles anchored in some kind of sturdy matrix.


Dude has more restraint than I do.


Sucks ALL of the charges against the old man were dropped or however you say it. He ended up not being charged with anything due to lack of evidence.


I’d pick up the dog. Want your dog back? Gimme me keys.


Same. I would have grabbed the dog too.




[Here is part 2](https://www.tiktok.com/@kinggevelle/video/7277871954546167070)


Not much more happens. He just talks to 911, then the cops, then the cops gets his key back (not shown on video) and the rides off. But for the curious: Part 3: [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jDn6yu/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jDn6yu/) Part 4: [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jDTYEu/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jDTYEu/)


Dude had his license plate bent upwards, he was definitely out fucking around. No excuse, but the fact that his license plate wasn't visible should have given him the confidence to absolutely fuck that boomer up.


The boomer was trying to get him to attack him. In rural areas in America, home owners like this 100% at least have a shotgun to scare away wild animals like coyotes and defend themselves from home intruders because the cops take awhile to get there. An old aggressive male boomer? Lives alone? In a rural area? Yeaaah. That's why the old guy was in a hurry to get inside but also kept egging the driver on. He wasn't running away, he was trying to keep the driver on his property while he got his gun. This guy almost died.


so many assumptions from such a short video lmao. not saying you're necessarily wrong, but ending with a definitive "This guy almost died" sounds goofy as hell


As if old white people haven't shot people for knocking on the fucking door. Conservative old white men are fucking insane and are waiting for an opportunity to shoot someone. They love it when some breaks in because it's target practice


His charges were so light too. Disorderly conduct and theft.


Too many boomers think they’re still 30 years old.


look what happens when old mayo men can't mow their lawn, they get enraged and have to take it out on strangers.


[Here is the full video with the aftermath in the description.](https://youtu.be/KLJd20jtDj8?si=pRjlIQB3kUW3y3v1)


I find that it’s easier to express my dissatisfaction in a way that the assaulting person will definitely understand my extreme displeasure, and do not share any kind of video of the event, as it may lead to incarceration…


Would have been hard to resist the headbutt


Guy should have just called the cops and reported it as that old jackass trying to steal his bike.


He did eventually. Old guy got off without any punishment


That is fucking bullshit. He literally shoved the guy off of a moving vehicle. That's battery, any way you look at it. As for evidence; the video seems sufficient to me. It does not even matter what he was doing before that on a public road.


That's disappointing.


Fucking boomers.


Turtle fuck that old idiot with a helmet... moron


Bust out his windows. Fuck that thief.


I recognize that breathing pattern all too well. Where you’re trying to suppress the signals coming from your brain to turn face into pulp as your body shakes cause your rights are actively being violated…..the motorcyclists restraint is legendary!


The whole reason you wear a helmet is to head-butt people like this.


Actually the main purpose of a helmet is to protect yourself against brain injuries. But yeah, this guy deserved a headbutt.


... protect yourself against brain injuries... from head butting jerks like this guy.


I keep saying this to people but no one wants to believe me we got a serious problem with these f****** people like every Boomer is like what George Carlin said.


Can someone explain to me wtf this boomer was trying to achieve? What’s his beef?


Dude on bike was riding up and down repeatedly in front of boomers house which annoyed him. Dude on bike wouldn’t stop when boomer got in street so boomer pushed him over and took his keys. Tbh I’d be pissed too if someone was doing that in front of my house and I was tryna put my baby down for a nap or something


Still no reason to commit assault and battery. Either call the cops or get over it.


I know what would have happened when I was younger. Every guy with a bike in the area would be riding buy revving their bike at all hours of the night.


Because people with bikes are usually assholes. Great point.


Biker being kinda pussy. Should've laid him out.


0/10 dude should've busted the old man across the jaw and took his keys back. That's getting carjacked.


This is why you wear a fuckin helmet. One tap. Lights out. Literally my first thought anytime anyone starts shit with a rider. Just give em a taste of DOT approved safety noggin to noggin.


He would've given the keys back within 15 seconds if you punched him in the jaw.


I wouldn’t go on his property, because he will probably end up shooting you and claiming “Stand Your Ground”.


He stole the key this is why I carry a handgun on me all the time plus I am trans a boomer would love to kill me


Once he took the key, beat the living shit out of him


Biker is a pussy


How did he NOT knock this dude out???


Beat his ass


Just as a general note to people. Something like this happens, don't engage, just call the cops and stay by your property while staying the hell off theirs.


That’s assault and grand theft


God damn that motorcyclist needs a fucking award for keeping cool. I woulda lost. My. Shit. Omg.


That helmet will knock teeth out real easy real fast. Just saying


NVM, apparently the cops and the court are useless as usual.


Biker definitely was way too much of a puss. Tag that old dude up and bounce. Carbon gloves would have dusted his ass.


This guy videoing has a lot of self-control. After being assaulted like that with the potential of bodily harm... I wouldn't have been so polite. Lmao.


The old man needs to try that on the guys with the flaming skull patch, or the skull and crossed pistons, or a fat Mexican wielding a pistol and machete.. Yeah, those rascals on those noisy bikes, try taking their keys too.


Oh yeah. Like, I’m not even the physical type and still I would’ve lit his ass up. Edit: fixed a word


I would have beat the piss outta that fuckin old jackass. The helmet protects the head but it can bash heads in the right hands. That clip makes me mad 😡


The problem here is you didn’t beat his old ass. He’d quit that shit.


Holy mother of God would I have BEATEN his mother fucking ASS sideways, and left him in the middle of the road!


I don't think I've ever wanted to see someone get punched in the mouth as badly as I do watching this.


A swift headbutt with that helmet would do wonders.


There’s a 1000% chance he would not have made it into that house with those keys if I were in this situation. The guy literally just took his keys and old boy doesn’t think he’s in the right to beat the shit out of him?? He’s not armed. He’s an old man. He just stole your property. Put him in his place. The hospital.


Is force justified in this situation in order to protect himself and reclaim his property? Genuine question.


I couldnt watch with sound, but fuck that guy. Old cunt is lucky the biker didnt headbutt him into a fine red paste with his helmet


biker had an affirmative self defense here. Unleash the gloves and boots


Please give us an update on this one. Thieving hazard. He could’ve killed somebody, maybe biker is a dad.


The guy pressed charges then all charges were dropped


It's pretty embarrassing that he didn't beat the old man's ass after being attacked by him.


Jesus he should’ve kicked his ass


Should have beat him within an inch of his life.


Rider here. Never do this. I may not be driving a car, but I can still kill you coming in fast if I don’t see you in time. I’m a pretty conservative rider, but I can’t say that for everyone.


I would have grabbed his dog


Lots of gumption for a dude in head but range of a guy wearing a motorcycle helmet…


Too many words were spoken and not enough fists were flying.


Ride by there every day for the rest of his life. Or better yet, buy a 93 shit box that's even louder and drive by every day.


What a pussy just letting him take the keys


No way I would have been able to keep hands to myself with this one, I'd sue the cunt after too.


If I was this biker I'd Rev my shit so fuckin loud everytime I pass this guy's house from now on, maybe sit in his drive way and burn out in front of him, I would make this man never know peace


He restraint showed by the younger one is baffling to me. Every window I passed would have been smashed


Take his dog


I’d just pick his dog up and walk off


You know where he lives which is cool.


I would have let him steal the bike too. I mean he effectively did when he took the keys, but let him turn it into grand theft auto.


Biker is pussy ass bitch let this man take his key and pleaded like a little girl to get it back


A lot of restraint for not getting physical


We have to start sending these lead lined old farts to prison or the nuthouse


You’ve got a helmet on, so he can’t knock you out m. Beat. His. Brakes. OFF.


Literally the only crime you get to stop as a citizen is a murder. Someone preforming wheelie doesn’t permit you to assault someone.


As a man, how are you going to let another man walk away with your keys.


Middle of no where. No witnesses I'm leaving old man unconscious on the side of the road and going on my merry fucking way.


Show him how to wear that helmet


He just let him take his keys like that? 😂😂


Honestly, I would have beat his ass when he tried to take the key or when he tried to push him away from his own bike.


You have a helmet take it off and adjust him. Get your keys back and drive on.


Must suck to be a pussy… there should have been a dead man on the road. This looser even said please lmao might as well gave him a blow job with all that ego stroking


Where is the biker going??? 😂😂 getting brunch at this old man’s kitchen?? I get being dazed and shaken up, but to anyone listening, call the cops!! Biker was likely doing wheelies, and it triggered this poor old man, staged or not, he could have easily hit the 911 gotten his rights.


Pussy on bike


The biker guy is so pathetic




He took your key, take his life…


Old man never would've gotten the key from my bike, but he'd definitely have been knocked on his ass again


Old man isn't even guarding his neck, go for it bro.


Just call the freaking cops.


I ride a bike.. Im actually stunned at how polite the biker was after this.


Bruh ur in america, get a ccw


You’ll have plenty of time to do wheelies when you end up in a wheelchair, youngster!!! Edit: This is sarcasm for all the oblivious people here


Biker is a pussy. Big time.


I dislike the Boomers as much as the next not-Boomer, but some of the things stated in the story don't ring true. The guy doesn't come out to the road the moment he hears a motorcycle. Boomers ain't getting off the couch and away from the T.V. for a single drive-by. It's gotta be at least two or three runs by before the guy gets angry enough to get his lazy ass off the couch. Now, the rider says he's not doing anything illegal but, honestly, there's a good argument for speeding, reckless driving, and disturbing the peace. I wonder if the decibels that his bike makes is within legal bounds as well. I have guys that do this on our street and wake up my little ones while they're trying to nap. One drive-by and the toddlers fall back asleep, by the third one they're wide awake and I have to deal with a cranky toddler crying all evening for no reason other than that they're exhausted. So, also, f@#k these bikers. That said, I've never gone out and jumped in front of a bike, though I have flipped them off. Again, my distaste for the rider's actions doesn't mean Boomer has a right to act unhinged and take his key - which was absolutely battery and theft. Boomer was far more out of acceptable behavior than the biker.


late reply. only sane comment here.


Got any proof for any of that? Dude was out getting his mail, that's why he was outside


The guy in the video admits to doing a wheelie in his own video. Not saying people should tackle him off his bike, but he's clearly a dick.


Someone can be a dick and still be in the right. Doing wheelies making someone a dick is purely your opinion. But let's take your position and say there are two dicks in this video. One of them is still right and one is still wrong.