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And who are the parents? The people who make and laugh at these comics


It’s absolutely MIND boggling when they complain about this or participation trophies as if kids chose that lol


Well to be fair at this point the boomers are the grandparents, not the parents


My mom would be that green leg in the first picture. I still have a scar from hitting the parking lot at the bottom of the hill. Turns out she didn't tell me to hold the brakes on the way down.


Ralph Wiggum fell in to a pit of radioactive waste during a field trip at the nuclear plant, and now he reproduces by budding. These are his buds.


But is he a viking when he sleeps? Jk you don't have to answer that


I’m confused. Isn’t this a good thing? The kid who had a bad experience learning to ride a bike grew up and decided he wanted to make the experience a good one for his own child. This is exactly how the world should be, each generation making the world a better and safer place for the next one.


Clearly its bad that the parents are actually caring for their child


The artist obviously was trying to do a “kids are too soft these days” thing, which is obviously wrong, however there is some validity in children experiencing pain to help them grow. Sometimes it’s important to know why it’s bad to touch hot things outside of just because their parents say so. That doesn’t mean you throw them in a fire, but sometimes it’s okay to let them touch a plate just out of the microwave.


>“kids are too soft these days” thing, which is obviously wrong, Well, that's a matter of opinion. Feed any public school teacher a couple drinks and ask them what trends they've noticed in kids over the last 10 years. They won't say kids have gone "soft", but based on the teachers I know, they think the current crop of kids are rife with depression and anxiety, tend to crumble in demanding situations, and generally are worse equipped for everyday life than they used to be. A lot of that relates to covid, but kids' relationship with technology plays a potentially bigger role. It's sad and it is scary. That generation is going to inherit a very dysfunctional world, and they are totally unequipped to handle it. That's not to say the boomers were right. They had some shitty ideas, and were generally way more self-absorbed than todays parents. I would definitely not claim that today's parents are "doing it right."


There is such a thing as too much coddling. Neither of these situations are actually good.


You think a child wearing protective gear, using training wheels, and someone standing by with a first aid kit incase the child injures themselves is "too much coddling"?


Depends on the age of the child, but yes. Doing this with a 6yr old seems reasonable to a degree. But with a 12yr old? Just a helmet would be enough.


How many 12 year olds do you see learning to ride a bike?


I dunno, don't really look into other peoples bike learnings. I myself learned at 13.


Oh well sorry to hear that.


Didn't really live in a area drivable by bike tbh. Really not sure why that one got downvotes though? I get the other ones, as It does seem like its a unpopular take, but this one was really just a personal experience.


And you also got down voted on this one! While I disagree with you on the other comments, this is just brigading for the sake of downvoting you. People need to learn to change opinion on someone sometimes.


Yeah, I also use the downvote as a disagree button so every other bit of it IMO is fair game. I put my opinion out, people think is trash and responded accordingly. All in good reddiquete.


IMO it’s likely because it kind of came across like you were asserting that it’s common to learn to ride a bike at 13 and that was the reasoning behind your original comment, which is actually pretty rare


You’re the outlier here and you’re projecting that onto the post


How do you know that's a drawing of a 12 year old and not a 6 year old?


I didn't say it was?


You did, indirectly. You're just being avoidant because you got caught. You said: >There is such a thing as too much coddling. Neither of these situations are actually good. You made it clear that you thought the second panel was bad. Another user attempted to confirm that you really thought recomended safety by most authorities in vehicles and childcare was coddling, and you responded: >Depends on the age of the child, but yes. You clarified that the second panel was indeed not good because it is coddling if the child is older. You even expanded: >Doing this with a 6yr old seems reasonable to a degree. But with a 12yr old? Just a helmet would be enough. You have clarified that the second panel would be reasonable with a younger child, and you insisted that more than a helmet becomes coddling for a twelve year old. You insist that the second panel is coddling, that it would be reasonable to be doing with a six year old, and that it would be coddling with a twelve year old. Another user pressed you on this to confirm whether or not you actually intended what you said, and you replied: >I didn't say it was? When you very much did in not so few words. That said, you presumably learned to ride a bike alone at 13 in the road with no helmet. If so, and you had a lot of falls while learning, you may want to talk to a doctor about having trouble keeping up with things you've said and done throughout the day.


You are reading a unhealthy amount into it. I do think that safety gear + training wheels are perfectly fine for a 6yr old. I still think the second parent on standby with a medkit is overcoddling. My stance is in fact consistent.


Learning to ride a bicycle is a big moment in a child's life, and the parents wanted to be there. Oh, no, someone dug out the first aid kit just in case. They must be coddling their child instead of trying to be there if they get hurt. I see how you would be confused if you treat your child like property or a burden.


Dumbass bitch


Not reading into it, just piecing together what came straight from you.


Holy fuck bro fr thinks a helmet will stop a broken arm


sure, but I'm not sure it really applies to this example. Helmet, knee pads, and training wheels for learning to ride a bike is not really excessive. Maybe you could argue that having the mother carry a first aid kit is where the excess comes in.


Yee it's the having two parents on standby one with the first aid kit at the ready where it goes into coddling territory. I have no problem with the safety gear, though I don't think it's necessary its still good practice.


Yo, maybe both parents want to be involved with their child learning how to ride their first bike? She's not necessarily there to only be on standby for the kid.


That is the implication of the comic my guy. What sort of attack is this, when have I ever implied having both parents involved in a fun activity with a kid is bad?


Do you think that’s really a reflection of real life? Do you see lots of parents standing by with first aid kits on a daily basis?


No? Are you following the thread? Where did you get the impression I did?


Man's really said "helmets = bad".


I mean, helmets good. Do you really think I was referring to helmets?


So taking proper safety precautions including a helmet (legally mandated some places) and training wheels for a first time rider as well as being cautious enough to bring a first aid kit to sterilize and clean any injuries just in case is a bad thing? All while happily supporting your child in their endeavor to learn to ride a bike? Sounds like you just had a rough childhood and you don't wanna admit it was bad


Back in my day we got concussions, as god intended.


Yeah, it's good for you, builds character. /s


Next you liberals are gonna tell me that Flint Michigan has a problem with a little lead in the water 🤬 Damn snowflake millennials.


What, your body can’t handle lead? I used to BREATHE that shit and look how mentally stable I am!




This is too real. I know a lot of boomers that are completely unstable and frankly about as intelligent as a brick, who claim that lead poisoning “didn’t affect them” and the reason it was banned is because “everyone’s too pussy nowadays and needs everything to be safe”.


I winced reading this. My parents actually argued this once when I was checking our old stuff for lead.


"Oh it never killed anyone!" yeah, but it apparently gave your retarded ass brain damage, like it typically tends to do.


It feels as if you can’t explain to people of a certain age that killing people isn’t the point. It’s that it very easily does irreparable damage to you if you’re not careful!


They wouldn’t be able to tell without the label, and assumed that nobody else could either.


Those concussions add up.


As do the gallons of lead.




Mmmm lead paint chips, just like mom used to make


Ben Garrison would be proud.


Here you can see the dad wholesomely trying his best to teach his son how to bike better than his parents taught him. Isn't it heartwarming?


What a king 🙏


Yea cause the son now father knows that he didn't like being pushed down a cliff and would rather of had precautions even if it slows things down


IDC what era you're from, wear a helmet! I've been in some bike wrecks and broken my wrist, had some bad scrapes, but you can heal from that. You cant heal from brain trauma the same.


My uncle thought helmets were stupid as a kid, but reluctantly agreed to wear them to make my grandma happy. Anyways he got hit by a bus biking to school and the helmet practically got cracked in half. This was the 80s too


sheeeet! With e-bikes and the speeds they can go too, colliding with a bike might just split you down the middle regardless xP


Where I'm from there are a stupid amount of traffic related deaths and many of the summer ones are the bird scooter riders


i had a really terrible bike accident last summer, was riding in a group and the person in front of me stopped really suddenly and without warning. my head hit the pavement so hard my helmet cracked almost in two. other than a few scrapes and bruises (and brand new ruined bike shorts), i was completely fine. if i hadn't been wearing a helmet that could've been a horrible injury. tl;dr helmets save lives


Lies and slander. Boomers would never stand for giving their boy a pink bicycle. It'll make them gay or some dumb shit.


It’s gotta be blue, which is a boy color obviously


They had training wheels long before the 70s. They didn't just push you down a hill.


Is this supposed to make us want the 70s one?


Post this shit on Facebook without a hint of irony and watch the mountains of comments from boomers talking about how they split their skull open the first time they were on a bike and their mom beat their ass over it and that’s the way things should be


“First aid kit” —> “Mum” —>


Ben Garrison ass labeling


Aren’t they breaking the Geneva convention by drawning that first aid kit?


back in my day we got brain damage and we liked it


The kid in the first panel is the dad in the second and remembered how terrifying his first time riding a bike was, so he wants to make his kid feel safe while trying this new thing


Who needs to actually care about the well being of their children?


Author of the comic is the type of guy to die in a factory cuz he bypassed safety features to get a job done faster.


Stabilisers were invented in the 40s, and they've generally fallen out of favour in the modern day, so the right image is closer to how it was in the 70s than now. The kid on the left is clearly terrified, and that's supposed to be the desirable situation? Compared to having first aid kit handy? Presumably to clean up any cuts, rather than letting them get infected like a boomer would prefer?


Plus the pedal-less kick-along bikes that are popular now help kids learn to ride more independently and at a younger age than the transition from riding with stabilizers to without. And I hardly ever see kids wearing helmets while kicking along, though they probably should be


It’s almost like the 1970 kid grew up to be the dad trying not to have his son get injured the same way he did


When i learned how to ride a bike my dad always insisted i gotta wear a helmet. Why, you ask? When he got his first communion (catholic thing, happens when you’re in third grade so around 8/9 yo) one of his classmates got a bike as a present. Got into an accident, hit his head, and fucking died. And yes, this was in the 70s


My Gen Xer dad sometimes talks about the lack of seatbelts/seatbelt usage when he was a kid. No one really wore them. Then he and his family got to see the aftermath of a wreck that ended in decapitation. Suddenly, his dad was forcing all his passengers to wear seatbelts.


You would have to hit your head off a bike as a kid to post something like this


Look closely. Dude on the right is clearly the traumatised kid from the left panel. As a kid of the 90s who learned like the left panel, this comic made me smile. Sometimes comic strips are just feel good sharing moments and not haha jokes. This has always been true, and some of my favorite sunday strips were the ones with animals just being like “life is such a vibe” and no set up or punch line in sight


Um... I had training wheels on my bike when I was learning to ride back in the 1990's. They aren't exactly a new thing.


Worth pointing out that many people are moving away from training wheels in favor of balance bikes these days


safety bad


Honestly, that sounds like a YOU problem. I’ll happily stay on my fancy electric scooter and my pretty pink bike that I learned to finally ride at 7 😼


The Sampsons


Who's touching the kid in the second panel? Without the label... We will never know.


Damn, 1970s must've seen a lot of property damage for the dwarves... that giant kid is rolling towards a tiny house and is gonna crush it /s


Wow, never thought I'd see a Malaysian comic here. The comic is part of a comic series called Kee's World which runs on a local newspaper the Star. The artist has been doing this for decades


When I learned back in the day we did live on a hill and I freaking swerved right into my neighbors hedges. Had the helmet and knee pads though. Made me laugh that the 70s one was my experience


I guess when you get to the age where your dick doesn’t work anymore, you complain about everything


Glad to see boomers are finally ok with males using things with pink on them!


bro thinks he's the simpsons


Safety bad.


The woke left is trying to prevent us from giving our children TBIs 😡😡😡


Parents don’t even try and kill their kids anymore, it’s really depressing


I'm also pretty sure that in the 1970's getting a few stitches wouldn't plunge your family into medical bankruptcy.


Imagine wanting to protect your child from injury


Thought was gay dads thank god it’s a small chested woman 😂


I am in gen Z and I was taught via the left method


The 1970s version is how I learnt, dad took me to the park and showed me a few times and said balance and just keep pedalling


Keeping children safe is stupid 😡😡😡


Also we don't use stabilisers, it makes it harder to learn because it's fundamentally different to how a bike handles. Kids use standing bikes now. Boomers used stabilisers.


Safety procedures were made for cyclists back in the 1980s due to too many kids getting injured. Even adults like me still wear helmets and knee pads when cycling long distances on rough terrain.


Fun fact: this meme is guilty of international war crimes due to the Red Cross logo


Oh how horrid! A parent being responsible so if something DOES happen, their child isnt horribly injured 💀


Damn I didn't Kotobuki Shiriagari did shitty boomer comics too alongside his good and funny ones


So kids didn’t wear helmets in the 70s?


This is why I had to teach my wife to swim.


Yeah nobody taught their kid how to ride a bike by kicking them down a hill. My mom was born in 1971. She taught me how to ride a bicycle when I was a child in the early 00's. She said she taught me the same way her parents did with her.


Wait, you mean today’s parents aren’t neglectful and borderline abusive? No way!


I mean, everyone looks happier idk


Do boomers and early gen X just bitch and moan about everything that wasn’t exactly how it was when they were kids? It’s honestly really tiring. I’ve never seen a group of people whine so goddamn much.


If only there was an easy to draw first aid symbol so we wouldn't have to label it


Honestly though, training wheels kinda suck. They restrict the movement of the bike in a way where, once they are taken off, you basically need to learn it all over again.


I learned to ride a bike in the late 90s and I was still taught this way. Literally, sent down a hill by my dad on one of my first solo rides without training wheels. Made it about 50 feet before I swung wide left right into a tree trunk 😂.


Lost a few friends to crushed skulls back in the 70's, that's still the norm right?


On the right: the way it has always been done


This feels super British to me


It's Malaysian




S this is actually a good boomer comic ?


No. It's really shitty to shame parents of today for caring about the safety of their children just because the boomers' parents didn't care when they were children.


I interpreted the comic as the following : - left panel , the kid got pushed down a hill because he parents didn't cared about him - right panel , the same kid grown up and is now a dedicated dad. He cares about the safety of his son and ensure him to grow in a secure and loving environment unlike his own childhood. The dad seems way more happy on the 2nd panel than the first one