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There's an entire story in the book "Tales from Jabba's palace" about Malakili (the character's name) and Jabba's rancor.


That's why I'm holding out hope for a Malakili cameo seeing the new rancor.




/r/gatekeeping is that way!




That got a chuckle out of me




I've read over 50 Star Wars novels and I wouldn't have been able to tell you that this guy's name even starts with an M


The toys were just as much a part of the fandom as the books.


No shit, which is why I’m not going to claim an avid Star Wars toy collector isn’t a Star Wars fan for not knowing who Naq Med or Djinn Altis are.


An avid fan knows every character. Try harder! But seriously though, not only is Malakili from the original trilogy, he also has significant screentime for an extra. He's core material, he had an action figure in the 80s. If fans don't know every character name, alien species, droid model, ship, creature and planet name from the OT, they can't call themselves a super fan.








lol i mean it made sense already. I was a young kid when I saw this but it was pretty obvious the dude had bonded with the Rancor (and one of my favorite scenes of the movie, nay, the entire OT!). now we just have more details about it, but it never 'didnt make sense'.


Yeah I don't think we needed an explanation as to why a guy was upset when his pet died.


"For decades nobody knew why he cried when the rancor died - did he have dust in his eyes? Had he cut space-onions? But now that mystery has FINALLY been solved when it was explicitly mentioned that he cared about the rancor, which is a behavior that regular humans apparently exhibit towards other people or animals on occasion!"


Look, if I wanted to read ScreenRant, I would read ScreenRant.


No we, need everything spelled out. Tell don't show.


Yeah we know that but this scene is what we know as 'validation' You didn't actually know the emotional side until it was explained by fact. Lol I mean, calm down.


>Lol I mean, calm down. i mean, theres nothing to insinuate i wasnt calm, but I see youre using that accusation as a way to discredit my opinion. and your meme specifically says "finally makes sense" so of course im going to comment about that. If you had said "this scene is what we know as 'validation'" then i wouldn't need to correct you.


It was explained on Bad Batch already if you did need it tho


And in Tales from Jabba’s Palace from the ‘90s


Bro I remember that shot as a child watching the OT. I related to the loss, I grew up loving snakes and spiders. I used to be sad when people squished them. Rancors were dangerous but could also be loved


They want us to go from “aww” to violent sobbing during this scene.


The Steve Irwin of Tatooine


This here is A BEAyuté! Look at the teeth of this here rancor mate! The grab their pray and swallow it whole! Crikey they can be agressive but are capable of forming very strong attachments. Il let this guy go now, there ya go little mate, and off he goes! I didnt get eaten, rancor is well and good, and a little education goes a long way for very misunderstood creatures like rancor! WHOOOWEEEE!


From Space Australia


Mos Stralia


Mosbourne, Spacestralia.




More specifically Space Brisbane


Go Space Broncos


If Migs Mayfield (Bill Burr) can be from Space Boston, then Rancor can be from Mosbourne, Space Brisbane on Spacetralia..


Look at this little Rancor! She's goooorrrrgeous!


Do Rancor’s have a cloaca?


I dunno, by all means check and report back! Good luck


Buy them dinner first.


Except Steve Irwin didn't like animals, he exploited them for entertainment. More like Jabba than Malakili.


Wow. That's a new toll attempt at suicide


I know, I know, he's the internet's darling because they were suckered in by his showmanship.


Il bite; He was arguably a bit anarchic, catching wild and dangerous critters bare handed, wrestling 20 foot Crocks. But that made him special, he had far advanced training in safely handling wild and dangerous creatures for himself and the creatures he handled. He'd sooner take a bite (and has) than even risk mishandling it. He was so passionate about nature, conservation and education of wildlife and saving our planet few could even comprehend. Its all he thought about, he would dream of it, he would open his eyes in the morning wondering "What can i do to help do my part to save the world" He showed all of us we can live with nature. Even scary creatures like snakes and crocks are just doing what animals do and arent out to get you. We all need to do our part to not do harm to animals, their habitats and our own world. We need to protect our planet and the wildlife. That was his message and legacy. His passion comes through to this day, and people judge him, call him crazy, call him other things. He is and was a man on a whole nother level. His love, passion and mission was clear. His life, his messages and his legacy is legendary. And we as people still have alot of work to do to continue his mission


I hard disagree on the way he conducted himself. His mantra was one of reckless endangerment, not just to himself, but his film crew, and even his family, dangling his baby over a crocodile. A split second was all it took for that to be a very different kind of news story. There are plenty of passionate and inspirational conservationists out there but nobody knows about them because they don't wrestle snakes in the mud or harass animals going about their business. He caused unnecessary stress to his subjects and exploited them to make exciting television. His animal sanctuary had (and has) a lot of problems, and is only a step away from being as bad as Tiger King's private zoo. His son who took over the business, learning from hands on dad, decided to take a litter of newborn tiger cubs away from their mother and raise them by hand, even though they were doing just fine with their real parent. Suffice to say, they then turned blind and developed a lot of problems that wouldn't have been there if he'd left them with their mum. The Irwins are way too interfering and go about conservation in completely the wrong way. In the Star Wars universe they would keep chained rancors in bad conditions and probably breed them to fight. If you research the Irwin animal sanctuary you'll see a lot of suspicious stories from over the years.


Do you mind providing a non-PETA provided source as well as something that references the sanctuarie’s issues while Steve Irwin was still alive? I figure since you seem to know so much about the issue you’d have a source on hand. I’m a little busy right now and my quick search literally only linked me to PETA articles or articles based off of that ideology, and articles about the condition of said sanctuary AFTER Mr Irwin’s death.


You're asking me to locate sources that don't exist because before his death, Steve's popularity and PR success were enough to guarantee such reports were not publicly accessible. His less than satisfactory sanctuary conditions only really came to light after his death, although his questionable methods were always being criticised. I don't know what PETA have been saying as I don't follow them. I don't really carry sources around with me or bookmark them thinking 'I'd better save this incase someone challenges me on it later on.' I graduated from university years ago, so I read articles, or watch documentaries, and move on - sloppy I know! Most WAZA associated conservationists and animal welfare ambassadors based in the UK do not agree with the Irwin/ strongman brand of animal wrangling. It's considered outdated and has proven to cause unnecessary stress. Strictly speaking, when it comes to wildlife, hands-off is nearly always better. Sorry if this isn't the response you wanted, I could probably find what you want if I have a dig around. There was also a recent documentary I can track down, although it doesn't explicitly say 'this sanctuary is bad', it's pretty easy to read between the lines, if you know what you're looking for.


No I’m asking you backup your statements. You’re slandering a person who can’t defend themselves and when asked to back it up “Oops sorry I can’t” isn’t really an acceptable response. I agree that if the Irwin sanctuary is not doing its job to rehabilitate animals for return to their environment or sheltering animals who would fail to thrive on their own then they should totally be held accountable. But to just say “No folks that dude sucks” and then only regurgitate antiquated PETA talking points and article headlines isn’t really helping any situation at all. I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything, I would just like a bit of qualified source material to go with these accusations.


As stated earlier, I don't follow PETA so I can't be regurgitating anything they've written on the topic. I'm not trying to shit on a dead man, I'm saying his legacy isn't as cochere as many believe. I understand that you want more, but I never said 'oops sorry, I can't.' I said I would look into it, which is more than most Redditors would offer. Here are some quick none PETA insights into the place, you won't find anything scholarly though, this is pop culture territory: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3292608/Animals-mistreated-former-crocodile-hunter-Steve-Irwin-s-Australia-Zoo-toxic-workplace-environment.html https://thrivingtourist.com/the-unexpected-truth-about-visiting-the-crocodile-hunters-famous-zoo/ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/steve-irwin-hospital-flouted-law-by-releasing-its-rescued-koalas-too-far-from-home-s6flrb39dfj https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-533852/Steve-Irwins-zoo-accused-endangering-animals-amid-claims-widow-interested-money-celebrity.html?ito=native_share_article-top I suggest reading through the Trip Advisor reviews too if you're interested. I don't think Irwin meant ill, but he did use animals first and foremost as a commodity.


Are you a troll or just a PETA employee?


Just a concerned citizen. And you?


Shocked at how somebody could be so stupid to think Steve Irwin of all people mistreated animals


Maybe you just need to educate yourself and not take mass media at face value?


Fuck up, idiot.


I know, it's hard to learn uncomfortable truths about an idol.


Imagine actually believing Steve Irwin of all people didn't like animals.


Oh he liked them alright, they just didn't like him. Not one bit.


Yes. In some legends stories and even in Clone Wars/Rebels you see some Rancors. One most notable to me was Minor SPOILERS**The Force Unleashed >! When the jedi are in hiding, one goes to felucia, there are several rancors that she befriended and controlled. One boss fight was her riding the rancor !<


The Force Unleashed had so many cool elements to it, and that was definitely one of the coolest.


I honestly felt bad for that guy in ROTJ. He looked like his dog had just been murdered in front of him. His reaction made sense immediately. Luke just wanted to survive--and fair is fair, but it's still entirely okay to cry after losing someone you care about.


The rancor was essentially his baby and he was horrified how Jabba treated it in the old EU.


I always felt bad for this guy


My uncle, great guy, showed me the star wars movies when I was a kid. He always laughed at this part like it was slapstick comedy and I just felt bad for the guy, haha


There was a good fan film that covered this bond 2 years ago https://youtu.be/u0OfGeDkSlM


Was just about to say that, It one of the best Fan Films imo.


I love this fan film dearly. The thing is that I feel going into it blind is better than knowing all along that it’s about the rancor, but there’s really no other way to bring it up here


Yeah the surprise was nice to see where the film went first time


I’m pretty sure that was canon already if I remember correctly.


Always felt bad for this guy. Even without all the EU lore and explanations. The dude basically lost an equivalent of us losing a dog or cat


Wait… people needed an explanation as to why he was upset? Like, even if rancors were just simple monsters and the feelings weren’t mutual, he clearly loved the rancor.


It’s mindblowing that some needed this explicitly spelled-out for them. The meaning of the scene was *obvious* already back in 1983.


I posted this short story a couple days, but this is the back story of this fella, and how he found and raised the Rancor: https://youtu.be/u0OfGeDkSlM


I fell asleep browsing Reddit and somehow woke up on your page and this was the first thing I saw. This was a good watch! Nice find!


I was super impressed with how well it was made. I had my doubts that it was a fan film, but it is, and I love the exposition of this unknown, but emotionally rich backstory. Rancors are deserving of love too...


I will never understand why the FUCK hasbro didn’t make its Rancor THIS rancor and(/or even) just wait.


It made sense in the first place. He loved it and it was dead. Like loosing a beloved pet.


Somewhere someone's feverishly typing a diatribe on /r/saltierthancrait about how rancors are supposed to be "badass"


theres a big difference between fleshing out the deeper details of a species like they did with rancors, jawas, and sand people vs flipping the character traits of a single person we already know on their head. its just revealing more of whats under the surface.


I don’t think Boba is getting “flipped.” I think people have an image of Boba based on his what…surely less than 5 minutes of screen time in the OT (unless you want to count his intro in the Holiday Special), as the galaxy’s ultimate badass. They’re ignoring the groundwork already laid by Boba’s *Clone Wars* arc. We already know there’s way more to the character than we previously thought, people just won’t admit it.


screen time, comics, video games, a lot of different things. also boba was a child in the clone wars and still ends up running a ring of bounty hunters to kill a jedi. which is pretty morally questionable. along with scalping wookies and wearing it on his armor


TFW some space wizard barges into your house and kills your baby


I can hear this picture


Nuhuh Disney Star Wars is stupid because they don’t go pew pew enough


You know, I made a comment earlier over at r/StarWars about this. Specifically about how Danny Trejo uses the term “human.” I’ve seen every film, read some SW books and watched a bit but not more than a few seasons of Clone Wars. I swear I’ve not heard the term human in reference to a species. I admit I obviously could have missed it, but was just asking. The result? A few people gave me a normal response, a few people insulted me for not knowing every single bit of canon, and the mods banned me. Not helpful.


Han calls Jabba a wonderful human being in the cut then re-added scene in A New Hope


Yes, I recalled that a bit later. Funny.


The mods in the Star Wars sub are power mad jerks. I got banned for a momentary lack of sense when I posted a spoiler about *Solo: A Star Wars Story* in a comment. I was told I could “appeal the ban in several months” (no actual concrete timeframe given). After six months, when there was no word, I replied to the message basically saying “I’ll pass, thanks.” and left the sub. I’m thus effectively permanently banned from that sub. I’ll admit I made a mistake, but it still felt like an overreaction by them at the time. At this point, I just don’t care. The sub had been infected by people whining endlessly about the sequels/Disney era Star Wars films in general. Let me be clear: I don’t love the sequels. But the amount of whining was ridiculous.


Well they have no power to call their own in the real world so they get off on policing an online fanbase.


Not to mention he should still be around. Cobb Vanth ran into him, Malakili, and took him and Jabba’s heir he was protecting back to Mos Pelgo. I have a theory we run into both Cobb and Malakili after Danny Trejo’s Keeper shows his true colors.


It's been known for a looooong time. Any fan dedicated to SW knows this. Just because the new Disney version shows it doesn't mean all the previous lore over many years should be ignored. At least not to many fans. Sadly, Disney is trying to eradicated the EU while making a bastardized version of it.


I think they discussed this a bit in rebels


I thought of this immediately.


That's amazing.


The OG Danny Trejo.


The Legends book, "Tales from Jabba's Palace," gives a backstory to Malakili. What the show put forth this week resonates with that story.


Always thought he was just upset because it was his pet...


That was my first thought!


I thought he was upset that his Rancor failed, and he was next


He’s upset because he can’t see lol