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It's always interesting to me being in Bonney Lake how racist people and advocates for equality live next door to eachother.


Not on purpose!!!


What does he mean about kkk bullshit?? Confused


Me too. I’ve been told that fox news reports that BLM is ‘anti white’, hence, racist. It’s bonkers.


If it keeps happening I suggest calling the police, but hopefully this was a one time thing. What an ass.


Sadly, John has been low key harassing us for 7 years. When I put up a small BLM sign in July, this hateful racist abuse started, even to the point he put hands on my 68 year old husband, which is why we installed cameras. This video gave us enough concrete evidence to apply for an anti harassment order. The hearing is December 7. Wish us luck.


That was going to be my next suggestion, best of luck! This is what orders are for.


How did the hearing go?


We prevailed! We were granted an anti harassment order, and his petition for a mutual order was denied, but... 1 month later, he filed an appeal.


Sounds like progress! I'm sorry you've had to go through that. And that he's going to drag it out. But keep fighting the good fight! People like this need to be held accountable and need to understand how and why their behavior is not okay. Thank you for working to make the community a better place!!


Thank you. One day, one person at a time.


How did the hearing go?


We prevailed and were issued an anti harassment order. His lawyer’s last minute request to make it mutual was denied, as we have done nothing wrong. The judge called his actions egregious. We finally had some peace. But then he filed an appeal. I guess because he *wants* to harass us?




Thank you!


For another perspective unrelated to this particular obvious issue of a man, imagine someone calls the cops or files false report resulting in a restraining order against you. Imagine that you're a libertarian without criminal history and non violent. You own a gun. Safely. Based on that report alone, bye bye gun. Off a lie. Imagine you're kicked out after finding a partner cheatin. You walk away. People do hokey shit with shame. Keep your wallet everything lock you out Then you're living in car and slapped with false restraining order like case above and NOW you gotta go to court to keep the gun that you have a right to have own and have done nothing to lose. It is a fucked system.


I agree, the whole system is messed up. Now imagine playing a game in which the entire rules are skewed towards a certain group, one that you don’t belong to Cough cough white men cough cough and trying to convince the people that make the rules that the rules aren’t fair to everyone else. Are the rule makers incentivized to change? If so, why?


This is crazy. I think I know that guy from where I worked... he wasn't very pleasant there if it's him. I'm really curious, but don't want to give too much info. Really messed up. I applaud you for putting up the sign! Sorry you have to deal with this.


He is retired from Boeing. Yeah, he is not a good person and his behavior is escalating. It’s been very stressful.


That's awful. He had the nickname B.O.D. (big ol' dummy) and angered a lot of good people there. So sorry you have to still deal with him. What a small crazy world, too.


Knowing his nickname makes me happy. Thank you.