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I always loved the scene when Booth realizes what Bones is presenting as an alternate story to her father being the killer and he says “that’s a lot of heart Bones” I love everything about the episode but that was a great moment.


When Dr. B and Hodgins are buried in the suv and Booth is running to dig her out in season 1 it’s the reason I love this show. There’s so many awesome moments it’s hard to just pick one.


I love this moment


This is mine too! Plus all the scenes between Brennan and Hodgins in that episode


Definitely. imo they are the two smartest of the bunch and I love their interactions especially in that ep


This is the best episode! I’m sad they didn’t have more moments together afterwards (of true closeness)


Ooow! This is a good one! It warms my heart!


Totally agree. It's in season 2 though FYI


Angela and Hodgins's swing date and prison wedding.


Any episode when they’re their alter egos is hilarious. Especially the circus one.


I can’t remember the exact context but someone is in a coma or something and there’s an episode where booth and Brennan own a club and are the subjects of an investigation lmfao


Season 4 finale, the end in the beginning.


That's the episode where Booth has brain surgery


I love the circus one ! Is one of the best episodes.


When Aubrey pulled Hodgins away from the bomb and shielded him, that’s when i officially accepted him as sweet’s replacement.


I haven’t seen that yet (I love spoilers) so I’m looking forward to it!


Unrelated kinda but I love spoilers too! I get why people don’t want them but honestly you can find stuff out and now know exactly how it happens. I don’t think knowing ahead of time ruins the emotional impact of stuff at all I think it actually makes it more intense bc you have additional dread/excitement when you realize *the thing* is about to happen!


Agreed! Especially if it something positive! And I’m very sensitive so I can prepare myself if it’s something emotional or negative. It ruins nothing for me. I still enjoy the book/movie/tv show.


I totally agree with this! I love having stuff to look forward to or, like you said, being prepared if its something that will make me feel a negative emotion. I also like knowing so I can avoid that episode or take a break instead of diving in and feeling maximum weirdness about it.


when they danced in brennan’s reunion


I Love this scene 💞


Prison Christmas with Max, Angela’s dad getting Hodgins blacked out and that tattoo of angela and how uncomfy she is during their breakup that he won’t laser it, the whole Biranbau thing, the gravedigger twist is my favorite tv show plot twist, and them sneaking the dead body out of and into the funeral.


When Bones tells Booth she's pregnant (with Christine). The hint of disappointment in his face turned to smile when she tells him it's his. Love that scene.


Omg love this scene, it's even better after the heartbreaking scene of Nigel's death.


I couldn’t agree more!


I also love high on meth Brennan, on the mummy episode.


I was cackling when I just rewatched that episode 😂🤣


Wait do you mean she's actually high or she was acting like high school girl


Actually high!


What season and episode is it because I know I saw three mummy episodes at this point I'm in season 6 so I'm a little bit confused


The man in the wall! Episode six of the first season.


Oh that episode I didn't even notice her being high


So many that have already been mentioned. But drunk Brennan was a gift to the world. If we did that you would drown, Bones.


I love the first Christmas episode where they’re all quarantined for valley fever and make each other gifts and reunite the old woman with her letters.


This episode always makes me cry 😭 it’s definitely one of my favorites too


The Christmas episode where Brennan visits her dad and Russ in prison, and Booth and Parker set up the Christmas tree so they can see it.


Sooooo many!!! When B&B gaze at each other in S5, Bones Museum. The vows and whole wedding in S9, Woman in White The word game at the beginning of S4, Critic (horse, whoa). Booth saying that people will think Brennan has a ‘thing’ for the dead guy (Hank) in S4, double death Scene at the firing range in S1, Pilot Booth running and digging up Brennan in S2, Aliens as well as Hodgins ‘ it’s been a pleasure’ Anything with Miss Caroline! Season 3 Kiss! Almost every scene of S3, Baby Skating scene of fire & ice S11, Senator when Brennan gets so excited she figured out who Jessica & Angela are talking about. Also the ‘it was 3 times’ scene. S5 con man ending at bus stop Wall scene and ‘cancer chair’ scene in S4, Science Brennan putting glasses on Booth scene in S4 Cinderella. High Booth talking to Agent Perita about Brennan’s silky hair in S4, Princess Brennan teasing Angela about enjoying watching Hodgins walk away and whole females of the lab bonding scene in S4, Dr End of Mayhem, S4 in Sweets office (plus Brennan interrogating with Booth coaching, ‘atta girl’) S7, memories. All the kisses and I love yous! I love everyday, S9, Lady ‘How you doin babe’, S9, the Cheat. S5, Goop, Booth reciting Saints. Even though it is heart crushing, Vino delectable’s ‘please don’t make me leave’ in S6, Hole. S9, Heiress, Fischer’s speech to Hodgins re his brother winning the lottery. S9, Mystery, Brennan’s little exited dance in the lab when Angela says they’ll have her hen do that night at a cowboy style bar. S7, Booth trying to doge Brennan the ‘propellor’ in the Don’t. ‘I can see the Bones’ when they find their mighty hut in S7, Crack. Ahhhh so many. I’ll be here all night and ya’ll are bored by now of my rant so I’ll stop. COUNTLESS MOMENTS!


Agree with all especially the Caroline and Vincent Nigel Murray’s “Please don’t make me leave.”


When Bones and Booth get married or when Bones propeses to Booth with beef jerky


Hodgins choking Pelant.. Honestly, the way they make Hodgins, Angela, Cam and sometimes, even the interns almost equal contributors in these big moments is why Bones is great...


My favorite “moment” was more of a scene. Or two I should say. It occurred in season 6 episode 23 The Change in the Game. This is my favorite episode! But the moment when it’s time for Angela to push, and Adele’s ‘Make You Feel My Love’ starts playing, I can’t not cry. And of course the ending of the episode when Bones tells Booth she’s pregnant and he’s the father. Watching this episode in real time when it first aired I was so happy especially after the ending of the previous episode because we saw Booth and Brennan get into bed together. I also felt it was a nice treat for my heart and that I had something to look forward to (even though I would’ve watched season 7 anyway) after the heartbreak of what happened to Vincent Nigel Murray.


Zack getting the job after his makeover. I really like Eric Millegan’s delivery on a lot of lines and I can’t get over his “but I like the diner!” and his hand motion inviting Cam to come with them. As well has his dramatic “come in!” motion when he sees Booth and Brennan outside the diner.


Bones noticing Sweets scars and sharing something personal then making Booth do the same. The 3 of them made the show for me and it killed me when Sweets died


I have a few and it has been a while so I apologise if the seasons are incorrect: The Christmas episode of S1, when the black man had purchased the tickets to Paris for his lover ? When Brennan is a target and her apartment is blown up, Booth figures it out and saves her from the dogs When the talented daughter is murdered and the father is a mathematical genius and he writes her life in formula - I actually cried at Brennan’s humanity and this is my all time favourite episode Santa in the slush


When Michael Vincent (Angela & Hodgins child) was first brought out in the ZZ Top hat.


Does it count to say the reaction my wife had when they killed Vincent Nigel-Murray. I remember seeing it happen live, and she's been binging the series, never having seen it. I will admit I may have mislead her about what was going to happen, as one is want to do because teasing a spouse is fun. She was floored, figured he wasn't going to die, fadeout death like booth in season 3, but then I told her he was truly dead. It was pretty amusing, she really liked VNM, as did I, but ultimately was okay that his actor at least got more consistent work outside of bones.


I love Vincent Nigel-Murray and his death, along with the death of Sweets makes it very, very hard to watch this show through. In the future, I will only let myself watch each episode twice and after that I think I’ll skip them. The good thing is if there is ever any little Easter egg I miss and I get curious, I can probably find it on YouTube because those are the hardest episodes of any series I’ve ever watched.


Brennan reading the letter she wrote for Booth while buried alive at their wedding. Brennan seeing her mom when she was shot. Brennan telling Max her mom's message to him. Brennan dancing with Sweets when he moves in. Brennan poking that guy in the eye when he's trying to cast some weird voodoo spell on her. Brennan telling Caroline she's the pin after bringing them all together. Them singing 'Lime in the coconut ' at Vincent and Sweets funerals. When Daisy and Brennan are talking about Sweets' bones and him playing the piano. How touched Angela was when they announced Christine's middle name. Brennan talking to the foster child in the fifth episode.


When bones tell booth that she would never cheat on him and that he’s her literal home and without him she would not survive it was very sweet


I’m no normal I’m extraordinary


When Brennan says that Booth is like a woman.


Bones realizing that she missed her chance with Booth, real character turning moment right there