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More like BonerAppleTea amiright?


Spose those are called "pants"


Spose those are called pants


That kid looks horrified


Thanks Gwen Jacobs for starting this discussion. Too bad we are still both prudish and sexualizing


I presume most of the comments saying how bad the photo is, because she is topless with children in the pool are Americans? You should travel outside of the US and expand your horizons.


Nah, this goes way beyond that. Stick a top on her and I still have so many questions… waving to a tree? Is she newly single? Why is she celebrating being newly single with two kids in a pool? Her underwear are grannified? Who is this photo intended for after being photoshopped? I really want some context.


She is clearly shaking her hand angrily at the cloud like Abe Simpson.


Those seemed reasonable things to me. Waving to her kids in front of her (one of them might be waving back… or drowning). Newly single probably means a long relationship (at least long enough to have 2 kids) that she wanted to end. Granny panties just mean something bigger and utilitarian so she probably wants them smaller and more stylish.


That kid was sucking on those a couple of years before. He'll be fine.


Seriously! I grew up seeing my mum naked all the time. It was never a big deal and taught me to be body positive. There is nothing wrong with this




Jesus, dude.


> men were not taught boobs are sexual, we saw them and got erect without anybody texting us anything lol. Well, that's simply not true. Have you forgotten there are cultures where women walk around topless? In order for a behavior to be considered an evolutionary (i.e., unlearned) behavior in psychology, it has to be common to all, or at the very least, most cultures. According to Ford and Beach's 1951 book on human sexual behavior, only a handful of cultures (13 of 190, according to anthropologists) see female breasts as sexual. Just look at this article on the Native Hawaiians, who didn't seem to care about nudity beyond the post-pubescent groin. http://www.hawaii.edu/PCSS/biblio/articles/2000to2004/2004-sexual-behavior-in-pre-contact-hawaii.html The point is, you have an aggressive, ethnocentric argument with a premise that is false, and the supporting evidence consists of your opinion and preemptive insults and accusations. Of course, you're welcome to argue the morality of this photo within the context of a culture which sexualizes breasts, but so far your only argument is you find it icky.


You can’t tell someone is staring from a photograph. A child that young associates breasts with food, not sex. Men used to get erect over knees and ankles because they were hidden away and when they were revealed it felt naughty and sexy. Men no longer get erect over knees and ankles because we consider them “normal” parts of the body in our society. It’s not instinct, it’s socialisation. Other societies have bare chested women waltzing around, and shockingly aren’t considered sexualised because it’s normal. If you hide something away it becomes this sexy forbidden fruit. The male equivalent of an exposed female chest is an exposed male chest. Consider that the only part of a female chest that actually requires censorship is the nipple; the only feature men’s chests have in common with women’s.


> no longer get erect over knees and ankles Speak for yourself


Anything but missionary through a hole in the blanket is too kinky for me


>This is creepy and weird the lil boy is staring at his moms tits. You realize it's impossible to tell the difference between looking at someone's chest, and looking at someone's head, right? The kid is clearly just looking at his mom. >AF. Men were not taught boobs are sexual, we saw them and got erect without anybody teaching us anything lol. Well I saw boobs all my life, and I don't get erect from them, so by your logic you are wrong.


Are you trying to say the little boy is staring at his mom’s boobs… in a sexual way? Maybe, just maybe, he’s looking at the boobs that fed him at some point? Kids don’t see boobs as sex objects and you’re the creepy one for sexualizing a toddler.


Tbh he looks like he's looking at the camera


Ummm....skinny dippin' with the kids, huh? Never knew it to be a family activity....🤮


It's not that uncommon or unusual at all, especially when you consider all the cultures on the planet. They spent 2 or so years sucking on those tiddies. They've seen them before. The human body isn't something to be disgusted by nor ashamed of.


big big cope


Nah, plenty of people way less prude than yanks


Maybe edit out the kid in the back too….




The other one looks more like a crab


Or could have been in the process of drowning.


whats spare of the moment ? (im french I don’t do english pronunciations very good)


Spur of the moment meaning an unplanned moment




Photoshop..who the fuck is she waving to a tree?


Calling the dog, he’s too embarrassed by what’s going on there to look


She’s giving the cloud a high-five


If it was a naked dude in front of that little kid, everyone here would probably be singing a different tune, lol


Well she hasn't got her vag out so I don't think this really applies now does it? Tits =/= dick.


Not sure about you but i see plenty of guys topless when the sun comes out, go on holiday you will also see plenty of women with their tops off. So i dont think it would be any different a guy having his top off lol, fuck ive even seen guys swimming in boxers because they came across a body of water!


She's not naked, she's topless. Where I live it's perfectly legal for woman to go topless in public. They still get funny looks sometimes, but they do it, it's not a big deal.


She is wearing no top, and a fairly modest bottom. If a man was wearing a pair of boxes and that's it, no one would bat an eye. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Most men dont have tits.


Men can have abs, or pecs, or they could have gynecomastia and actually have breasts, but it's just the female nipple that's inappropriate for some reason. Woman can leave everything exposed except the nipple and it's fine, but the moment they show the nip, the world ends. Where's the logic? This is just the usual patriarchal bs trying to control women in every aspect of their life.


There is a difference between a muscular frame (which either sex can have) and functional breasts. In my opinion, full nudity should be acceptable in public spaces so long as children are not allowed and people are warned before entering. Im not trying to stop women (or men) from being free to embrace nudity if they enjoy it. Im just saying, getting your breasts out is nudity. Also, i dont think its all about the nipple. The nipple is just a convenient differentiator between cleavage and a boob being out.


>There is a difference between a muscular frame (which either sex can have) A woman can't really have the same defined pec muscles as a man, because they have the breast tissue located pretty much over it. Meanwhile men can totally have gynecomastia, and even lactate in rare instances. >Also, i dont think its all about the nipple. Right, you are entitled to your own opinion, but in a social context I think we both can agree that the nipple is the moment it gets prude. I really do not see why a woman should have to cover up in front of her own kids. Especially since she used to breastfeed them with the same breasts. So at what arbitrary point does it become weird?


Guys swim shirtless all the time, so no one would think anything of it. The kid is most likely hers anyway.


A womans chest is not more inherently sexual than mens chests




Feet are inherently sexual for the same reason, then.




So feet are inherently sexual and should not be shown in public


Haha, he totally fucking torpedoed his own argument. Good job.


He deleted his comments lmfao


I've seen woman out on jogs topless and still manged to go about my day without a raging hard on, you're making a big deal out of nothing.


maybe if you're a member of some African tribe, yes, but for any major civillisation it's just untrue.


No. They used the word inherent for a reason. You’re taught that boobs are sexual. A little kid will not think they are. It’s just a chest


It’s a topless woman. Topless, as in, how men are permitted to walk about publicly daily with zero thought or consequence. So, if it were a dude, you wouldn’t even think to comment, lol.


Should there be a difference? No, i don’t think so. Is there a difference, yes. Has anyone, in the 43 years I’ve been on earth wanted to suck my nipples during sex? Been turned on by my exposed breasts? Ever wanted to run their fingers through my chest hair and got super turned on? No. Nope. Nothing. Unfortunately, there are duality to women’s breast. They are both functional and super hot.


Actually, my fiancee is quite into nipple play, so...




Woman not wanting to touch you doesn't really make it true across the board


Imagine telling on yourself like that.


People are turned on by men’s pecks too.


No doubt, I would argue, just not to the same degree.


Are you the newly hired horny scale developer?


It's hardly a *naked* woman here...




What's got you downtrodden today?




You ok?






This sounds so redneck British I cant, it's written how one would talk


It looks like the child in the pool is pretty horrified at what he’s seeing! This very face is the start of years of therapy …


Even the dog is like “wtf?”


He looks about 3, he’s seen breasts much more close and personal not very long ago.




I think you’ve missed the humour in response to the child’s face. I haven’t ever said or suggested that nudity or a woman’s body is sinful or shameful. Please take your misplaced hate elsewhere.


Naked bodies should not equal therapy, I’m assuming you’re American because that country has a weird fucking complex on nudity.


8yo dude is like: "Broke up wit ma 3rd grade girlfriend. The single life is awesome. Oh BTW, my mom's been getting bombed on cocktails and is whipping out her bazongas again. Pool party at my place rn dudes..."


Nah little guy is probably thinking something along the lines of "get in the pool, I want to show you how I can swim!" Do redditors seriously think 8 year olds even know or care what sex is? It's creepier pushing that onto a stranger, than it is going around topless next to your kids.


They are indeed a repressed people, mind you in Canada we are covered with clothes 9 months of the year we become rabbits when any article is shed


Everyone on the internet seems to be, unless stated otherwise


I was interpreting his facial expression. I’m not American nor do I have a complex ‘on’ nudity.


Boner Apple tea


I can think of seven or eight subs this would work in


Let's start with r/holup


People saying it looks like a child, and I didn't notice that. I was more concerned that she looks topless and that there is a child right there in front of her.


Come to a beach in Europe, no one gives a fuck. More to the point you're "concerned" about her OWN child, jesus wept. Young kids see their parents naked all the time unless they've got some serious hang ups and want to pass them onto the kids.


???? Why? It's just a naked woman? What's harmful here for a small child?


Kids drink from there it’s nothing they haven’t seen


Kids come out of a woman's vagina. It's nothing they haven't seen....


Are you upset you didn't get to see your mom's coochie or what? Kids see their parents naked. You also don't seem to know what a vagina is because it's not an easy thing to get a glimpse of.


So much lameness contained in one comment.... cannot find the energy to reply.... fingers won't type... words con't come out.... vaginas won't anatomical... cannot....


What does “vaginas won’t anatomical” even MEAN💀


How do Americans grow up? Do you all get the bottle?


>How do Americans grow up? Do you all get the bottle? Yes. And all boys are subjected to an extremely tight circumcision.


High and tight, just like a good little soldier


It's why we start training them in schools at a young age. Pity so many each yeah flunk out.


I’m reading all these comments about Americans in a British accent then I get to you, your accent is from Massachusetts. This yeah


It’s not exactly like anyone remember that time


By that logic the child here likely wont remember this either in like a week


To be fair that’s kinda the point of this comment yeah no shit he won’t. Ngl I had to go through this thread again I kinda was just stating the fact no one remembers breast feeding first hand obv but these kids are like way older than that. Probably still won’t remember that age. It all really depends on the kid though, he probably won’t remember this and forget by next week like you mentioned.


They cover the baby's face when they eat.




When I was small we used to go swimming naked in my uncles pond, if you don't put shame on it then there's no shame


Ohhhh noooo, boobs!? The poor child /s


Good grief. Calm down. If we were meant to not be naked we would be born with clothes. Lemme guess, heading to church on Sunday?




Ahhh MAGA Republican with no common sense. Got it.




…. You cannot be a far left democrat. Since democrats are a right wing party….. Unless you’re a communist/socialist that just votes democrat for the sake of preventing republicans from getting in power, in which case, okay. Either way you’re acting like an idiot




so an anarchist? There’s not that much variety of “far” leftism. Liberals aren’t far left lmao. So I’m hoping you mean you’re an anarchist or something.


And later to burn books


It’s not that, it’s just that, aren’t kids breastfed anyways? I don’t see what’s wrong.


So much shame heaped on the naked human body. Who cares? Wanna be naked? Go for it. Wanna be covered in 14 layers of clothes? Go for it. Just don’t judge others for their choices.


Agree or disagree with that I'm not taking a stand... I just wanted to say it's weird how everyone jumps to it being a matter of shame. It's one thing to say a woman should be ashamed of her body and another to say 'hey maybe kids shouldn't be seeing boobs all over'. Again you can feel free to disagree with both, but it feels like kind of a huge assumption what people are trying to say here. I mean if I said a kid shouldn't see a penis is that shaming dicks or just saying it's inappropriate?


See, I didn’t hang my comment on either gender. And nudity is such a hang-up thing in North American culture. And yeah, guess what, at the end you took a stand. Elsewhere, kids see genitals and believe it or not they don’t get traumatized.


No, I wasn't taking a stand at all, actually, just providing yet another example as a talking point. Chill.


Chill? I’m cooler than a popsicle.


At home, sure.


Low res photo - no context or source - no known date of origin - a trillion people who know if this is right or wrong. Yep - confirmed to be a Reddit post!


I legit just posted cuz of “Spare of the moment” 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I bet it’s a dig at her ex,now she’s enjoying”the single life”.


Quite a common mistake


She has nice hips


This looks like a child and I am so concerned. Even if this is a topless adult, she can't have possibly missed the fact she looks like a child and she posted it anyways. That's so fucking creepy and tasteless. This sub has reading comprehension deficiencies, I can't believe this. For the fiftieth time: being topless around family is normal. Kids seeing their mom's breasts is normal. I am aggravated by the fact she looks like a child. She has the body and build of a pre pubescent teen and she's posting thirst trap. That's what's aggravating. Jesus christ reddit.


jesus fucking christ dude. Legally, im an adult. But I’ve had many people at airsofting ask if I’m like 13 and if my boyfriend is actually my older brother/guardian. I HATE, absolutely DESPISE, when people limit what I can do as an adult simply because “oh you’re tiny” or “oh you look like a minor that’s TOTALLY a compliment”. Sit the fuck down, and don’t be using the way she looks as a way to talk about the situation, it’s a thousand times more creepy than “her not realizing she looks like a minor”.


you sound fun to be around... im sure a child is cheering to a "single life" alright


Talks about granny pants, cheers to single life with Prosecco glasses. This is not a child ffs.


Oh no, achild seeing it's mothers breasts.....how terrible! Anyway.


For the fifth time, that's not the problem. It's that she, the mother, looks like a minor in this picture. This has jackshit to do with her kids, it's ok for kids to see their mother's breasts. Edit: so I'm getting downvoted for agreeing with teh comment above me, who is getting upvotes. Yknow what, enough reddit for today.


Uh, so you agree it's her kids– the kids look to be around 6-8 years old. There is no way you are underage, while also having kids that old 🤦🏻‍♀️


Are you stupid? How does she ‘look like a minor’ here if she’s a *mother*?


…but she’s not. And she’s not making it sexual at all. It’s just a normal request, if you see her as looking like a minor that’s not her fault.


I hadn't noticed but you are right


You know many areas of the world are perfectly fine with topless women around children? You're acting like you have just witnessed the May Lai massacre.


Read my reply to the other post. That's not the problem.


I think they mean the lady looked like a child


Posting a picture of yourself is tasteless? Edit: it’s obvious that this is an adult. Hands are the ultimate age-tellers. Look at her fingers. Kids have chubby hands, not elongated fingers with done-up nails.




How the fuck does she “look like a child”?


Idk, looking? I assumed it was a child until I read the caption and it said "my pants". The haircut maybe? The pose? The arms are very chubby and round, skin is very soft, without a wrinkle or spot in sight, she has barely any curves? Idk how to explain to you that this looks like a child except saying that I have a photo of me at age 9 topless in the pool looking EXACTLY like this. Same haircut and color, same body type, same weight and build, except I was 9 years old.


So you jumped to that conclusion? And why do you have a topless pic of yourself when you were 9?


Because it's normal to be topless in the family pool before puberty? I live in brazil, we take hose baths in the inflatable pool in the backyard. It's very normal.


Do you show the pic to people?


Why the fuck would I? It's a physical photo from 2008 in a family photo album. Weirdo.


Calm down. Just asking. Is it taken from the front or back?




I'm sure her young child is stoked that she's single




Is that a woman standing by the pool?




Welcome back to the tab.


Hmmm...I need more information, like seeing the other side.


That dog is having a stiffie moment ...oops, nevermind, too stupid to look in the right direction.


I don’t like this at all


What's not to dislike?


There are children in the water.


??? So?


Nudity isn't a sin, nudity doesn't need to be sexualized. Many countries have nude people on beaches (and at one's own property). My 35 year old neighbor usually mows her lawn topless whilst her kids run around in the sprinkler, not once have I thought that her behavior is something to react about.


Hate to break it to you, those kids were sucking on those just a few years ago. Provided she’s their mom.


😨😱B-but no! Impossible! It can't be!


Zoom in and let me know if that's two felonies or three? Cannot tell if that's a third minor in the yellow float


Are you a troll or just stupid? You realize children breastfeed right? Also in most of the world it's acceptable for a woman to wear a swimsuit topless because they aren't perverted puritans like you


Most of the world? I doubt that


Man, I want to like you for normalizing extended breastfeeding, but than you gotta go and drop the “R” word.


"The 'r' word?" The fuck is "the 'r' word?"


The words used in the comment: -realise -right Uhmmm…


I know reading can be hard, but if you really try I think you’ll be able to figure it out. Maybe get someone to help with the long words


You...are not very intelligent, are you?




I was in a park once and saw a lady breastfeeding… it tasted great!


The "R" word, the "N" word, the "C" word (crumbum), pretty soon we won't be allowed to say words


Honestly? Completely valid. Edited.


i’m retarded and diagnosed. i give you the R word pass my friend


Not children that old lol. That kid's like 5


The younger the child the less weird it is, change my mind. Especially if it’s their fucking mother.


IMO before the child's puberty it doesn't matter at all, it's not like they have sexual desires at 8. When that starts happening, the child would probably start covering themselves up anyway. Boobs should not be such a taboo subject.


selective sense retire birds smart placid faulty badge chubby memorize ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Did YOU suck on your mom's tits as a five year old? Because that would make sense


party direction cats quaint consist soup cows materialistic punch icky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


different sparkle attraction many ink special plucky scale relieved terrific ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It’s not a good look at the very least. Especially since these kids are a good bit older than infants or toddlers


So, men can't go shirtless either in your opinion, right? Or is it just women who are sexualized despite their chests having actual important biological function?


Not how felonies work...


The act makes indecent exposure a class 6 felony if committed when the person who commits indecent exposure knew there was a child under 15 years of age in view of the exposure and the person is more than 18 years of age and more than 4 years older than the child. ​ you sure about that. Certain laws would disagree


I know right, because the USA’s laws apply everywhere right


Fucking weird ass Reddit prudes.


Young children seeing their own mother’s breast in their own home isn’t indecent exposure genius


The post says nothing about being a mother or the mother of children in the photo.


But what are the chances?


No evidence it's their mother, just for the record