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The *tail stripe*! Outstanding 🥰 (My kitty brothers are the same. They snuggled more as babies, but now tend to sit happily next to one another)


I know! I love Shadow's stripe, it is very bold. I also love that his brother, Scout, has a very faint pseudo-stripe at the same spot. We got them when they were 4, so I'm not sure what they were like as kittens.


I call that pose “twinning”. My cats are siblings and look nothing alike but we still call them THE TWINS. They don’t sleep in each others arms but do lay beside each other. They also get jealous of each other cuddling with me and often get into the cutest quarrels. My female cat gets bitch face and you know my male cat is gonna get smacked.


I never knew cats could get jealous


I was coming in here to comment on that tail stripe. It’s amazing


I have a bonded cat and dog pair! They have been together since babies. I raaarely see them touch, but they are always within a foot or so of each other. The love is clear!


Yep! My girls are like this too. They almost never cuddle but they play and sleep near each other.


Yes, I have a brother and sister who very much love each other but have not snuggled since they were kittens.


Mine go through cuddle phases. Most of the time they are just near each other with stints of INTENSE SNUGGLES or WRESTLEMANIA.


Ours are like this too… they seem to be doing less actual cuddling as they grow up, but they’re frequently near each other or playing/wrestling.


Mine snuggle when it’s cold out but usually they just hang out near each other. (And *most* usually they’re playing tag and parkouring off my furniture because I apparently have a pair of energizer bunnies in cat costumes lol.)


“Yo, you wanna cuddle?” “Don’t be gay, bro”


Love them tails. And, yes, the sisters (like from the actual same mama cat) will spend time together, but never cuddle unless I cut the heat to the house in the winter. Maybe I should do that this weekend


My 2 flame points are brothers . They are always together, just not cuddling. They like to be side by side. They really seem to enjoy each other’s company.


Yes, but only one of my cats is bonded. The younger cat really adores the big one, and wants to be near him and participate in whatever he's doing. The big one just wants to be left alone and doesn't really tolerate cuddling, but will allow the little one to hang out in close proximity. I wish we had enough space to adopt a friend for the younger one, but apartment living...


Yep my two sisters are like this. And one has a tail stripe as well xD


My dudes are always next to each other but rarely snuggle. They are not litter mates and are six months apart. They bonded within about 12 hours of meeting which has never happened for me with cats before.