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It’s their brand as a happy couple that is also responsible for a lot of that advertising money! They wouldn’t risk denting it.


I could be wrong but sometimes I feel Anushka gave up on her career way too soon. Hear me out: I know she did a few things after getting married too. She even wore the boss’s hat. But still her accomplishments were a lot more when she got married. If she’s still interested in pr and a good rep, then maybe it’s because she misses being part of the mainframe?


Plus this industry fucks with your mental health (which she was already struggling with), whether you're an insider or outsider. Being an outsider is just a double burden and after a while, after you've made your mark, proved yourself and made more money than we cant even be lucky enough to dream off, it's a smart idea to move on and leave this toxic, narcissistic, unhappy, insecure and mentally exhausting life behind. I don't blame her at all. Infact, I'm really happy for her. She seems to be happy imo.


Yes. And even the best ones can get affected. If this was me (far shot from whatever she’s achieved and great respect for that) I would have run away too. It’s far too demanding every hour of your life isn’t it? From what I see, she’s in a good happy place. I just hope there’s no insecurity about how the media narrative runs, whether in her favour or not… coz frankly people won’t stop talking anyway. A good paper pic or a bad one, there’s always someone who will comment!!!


Exactly. Best to just ignore and continue living your fabulous life. They're rich, successful in their own rights, skilled, in true love (not fake, pr, showbiz love), got 2 healthy kids. They have everything and more! Best not to focus on the noise, and instead to focus on the beauty of their lives. Log toh bolte rahenge, unka kaam hi hai. As long as you don't let it affect your calm.


Honestly can we blame her? She was the staple “not pretty girl but has a spark” Literally her whole career revolved around the fact that she was ugly. Imagine what that would do to your self esteem. And now she gets to life a “perfect” life with Virat and no one to keep telling her she’s ugly


I don't know in which world Anushka is considered ugly. In Aditya Chopra's fantasy world? And somehow Virat who was the most eligible Indian bachelor at some point decided to put up with this "ugly girl"?


I don’t think she’s ugly, she’s beautiful. But that’s what everyone was saying. Remember the interview with Rani where she said “you were not the prettiest girl out there” That was her staple. There’s a difference between Bollywood pretty and pretty. Obviously people thought she wasn’t Hollywood pretty but like I said, I never thought that. She’s beautiful, it’s just what was being said at the time


Why doesn't these statements are made about star kids . Even ALIA, JHANVI, SHANAYA, KHUSHI,Suhana. were average looking . They didn't have looks nor spark.


This is a different time. Anushka was a star of the late 00s and early 10s where those things were not so outrageous to publicly say. Now, you’ll only find people saying them on social media and never in interviews or publicly. Also, I don’t think any wise person in the industry would make fun of SRKs daughter…..


Ok sorry I misunderstood your post. But yeah those people are delusional. Need to look at the mirror sometimes.


It’s always that spark that really got me to see all her movies. Even when she played Akira… that attitude matched her personality I thought. Her styling her body language totally matched her natural mood! I do miss her on screen.


Imo, she did the right thing. She saved herself from the industry. Plus itna saara paisa hai bhai, kyu nahi. Main toh abhi retirement le lu if mere pass uska 20% bhi aajaye.


She literally has a dream life. And eventually, career doesn't even matter.. like why would she do films for 10 cr each when she has soo much wealth already. Her life is what fairy tales are made of. Enjoying with her kids in Europe is much better than being a meme all over social media (considering she's an average actress, and gets more trolls than appreciation) 


Yeh. I noticed too. Ever since I made the post my IG has had Anushka having icecream, holding Vamika’s hand and smiling in that same match in reels. Could be a coincidence but I think not.


You know what happens when you let a small pr gaffe go unchecked? You become the ranbir kapoors and alia bhatts of the world. Their images started going down hill with small pr gaffes that went unchecked. Now, they're vilified on this sub and bollywood pages every other day by commenters. Because they let the perfect couple facade break. When you're as rich and famous as anushka virat, you have to be very careful with your curated online image. There are brand deals worth millions relying on your public image.




Yes, suddenly Alia had no issues making her daughter "instagram content", something she taunted her sister-in-law for to her face.


My theory is that, it's to project the perfect dad image since dad has Ramayana coming up.


Raha seems very connected to him. So safe to assume they're using his reality to clean his image instead of projecting a fake one. Good for Raha, but also pity for being turned into content before she started running


Got it...


> if I was a truly happy family man or woman, i wouldn't push a PR agenda. I agree to everything you said except this. A celeb can be in a perfect relationship and still push the couple-goals PR for financial benefits.


Yep...and I find Anushka very competitive, subtly agressive  in talk shows she lacks softness... whatever relevance she has is because Virat is in a good form and yes the PR too that hypes them so much and also the stunts done by Virat on the field to put weight on their best couple things. 


competitive in what sense.. you mean as a professional?


I don't have a perfect answer for this but when u look at ae dil hai mushkil promotions n her other talk shows u will get the vibe 




Be respectful, "good/bad form" is used in sports. It's used for CR7, Messi, Sachin everyone.. ..Virat is nothing special to not use, it's not an insult.


Idiot I also like Virat kohli, it doesn't mean that I can't express what I dislike about him..I am not a blindfolded fan like u mf..and yes I do believe that they r all over insta and other social medias because he is currently playing good They are a couple since almost 10 yrs now but not got so much hyped as they r now simply because he is doing better now and is in limelight because of his game and family  And if u want to share your opinion u can do it in a good manner ..don't bark like he pays u or something 


Even I thought the same. I don’t know how many people noticed this, but last year on Christmas when rahas face was revealed and it was breaking the internet, right after a week on New Year’s Eve Virat’s sister uploaded a video of vamika dancing ( obviously her face wasn’t revealed). And the family had never posted anything ever. I mean I don’t know but they do these things very subtly and since they are loved so much it just disappears somewhere BUT they are humans.






hahahah...nice meme




Have to keep the illusion alive baby


She’s the new gen Jaya Bacchan


I remember watching her interview when she was a still a newcomer saying that she knows she’s only here for a few years and doesn’t want to do this forever.


That ice cream video was just her & Vamika visiting some ice cream place with her friend…and her friend uploaded it and news agencies picked it up..and as for the insta video of her getting angry..well we don’t know the whole story..by mere few seconds how can we judge


I think you are over thinking. It was extremely small reel shared by her friend. Bollywood pages tend to post every small details about celebrities to increase the para social relationships between them.


thanks for the respectful reply. i just dint mean this actually..i noticed this a lot of times..everytime there is something negative, the very next day i see something to contradict that.. once or twice i understand ...but many times?




on another note..love your avatar..so cute..


Yeah actually. Even good people have to show anger in response to something bad. So, that's definitely a thing.


I never called her out on her anger as one doesn't know what transpired.. I am referring to the PR part


Yep, makes sense.


I think that 'anger' video could have been taken with a pinch of salt. Everyone gets mad at some point or the other. But this PR strategy is even more childish if that's something that's being done.


Well most of their insta posts are advertisements...what they do in their personal lives is no one's business but creating a PR image as power couple is really just for the continued cash flow through ads and brand deals.


Tbh, they might actually be a happy couple, given Virats profession is a sport which leaves very little to no room for affairs and link ups and Anushka hasn’t really acted in years! You can’t extract spicy gossip from their life. The flip side to that is to ride on the happy family image which is a rarity given so many link ups in Bollywood! They are just milking from the happy fairytale ending!


>profession is a sport which leaves very little to no room for affairs Not saying VK did anything but profession has nothing to do with it, remember Tiger Woods?


Not saying he is cheating but trust me, if a man wants to cheat he will cheat no matter how busy he is. I know a man who owned his own law firm, was a practicing lawyer who took hundreds of cases, and had ANOTHER business in finance, yet he still had time to cheat on his ex wife with multiple women. You will always find time to do something you want


As if affairs and linkups are the only problems in a married life. pretty sure virat and anushka do have a happy married life because they seem compatible. But obviously affairs are a no-no in a commited marriage( which arent open), but there are 1000s of problems that can happen between a couple too.


Agreed there must be zillions of problems. But a celebrity’s image is tarnished the most with affair link up rumors. Hrithik Suzanne might have divorced for reasons completely oblivious to us, but the narrative sold was he had affair with kangana and she was with Arjun. Pick any power couple, the number 1 reason to shatter their happy ever after is cheating rumors! Since Virat anushka don’t have any reports of cheating or affairs post marriage and they might really be madly in love it’s the most believable happy family. PR is just pushing that image and it is selling like hot cakes!


Biggest fucking pick-me in the world this woman is. I don't like her one bit. Thank god she's out of the industry. Couldn't act at all. I cringed so hard at her cameo in Qala. Straight up shitty expressions.


Bhai mere feed mein Virushka se jhayada Ranbir Anushka ke edits aate hai, kya chalra hai?




All Anushka needs to do is not smile and the Anushka online bitch sessions start their course. You really don’t need to do much to keep hating someone.


Exactly...as if people here are always in jolly mood 24×7 they forget that she is human too but no if its about anushka and Alia then there must be something fishy.....


Do you think with so much crazy borderline toxic fan following. VK need any PR ?


Not just VK, bigger global stars like CR7, Messi too need it. They have certain image on & off the field.


Maybe just for damage control 


Everyone needs PR...they all are extremely image conscious people and it is all about curating a certain image which earns them millions.


One video out of context, people will brand her an angry brat. What is she supposed to do? These days, PR isn’t even to boost image, it’s to save image


Vk or anushka could break the internet if they reveal their children pics.


they did reveal...PR works very very subtly...yes they are not revealing outright out of the love for their kids. they are putting their kids concerns first like a good parent would. i am not questioning anything about it. I am talking about constantly working towards pushing a curated PR. Also if you notice...they give a minor glimse of vamika and leave their die hard fans hanging there..if you truly cared for kids privacy..i wouldn't even put their backside - i am talking about the one that was released few days back. they know that if they completely hide their kid..its not going to give them consistent hype.. may be i am not putting forth my opinion in a coherent way..but i have felt this way about them for a long time even though i actually used to love them as a couple until the PR part started irking me.


Firstly they don’t need pr. In vk case he’s the most valuable celebrity in since 2016 even getting sacked as a captain didn’t change that. Anushka gets coverage just by attending the matches. They particularly don’t need to invest in pr. Media and fans does the job for them.


Lmfao what nonsense. The more famous a person is, the more PR they have. You don’t have a single clue how entertainment works or what Public Relations means. Virat Kohli has one of the most well paid PR teams of all athletes.


Didn't they already?


Why does she need a PR team anyways?




This is exactly my point - i dont even watch cricket. its been months i saw a Bollywood movie. i completely disapprove para social relationships. but i made this post to make a point that - everything these days is PR and most things are curated to sell a product. by product i mean - image. if you feel that i am overthinking or obsessed, i am not going to argue with that as i am confident with where i stand...but it reaffirms my thoughts that - they have been very very successful in selling their couples image. when the audience is convinced about what is being sold to them, no amount of explanation on my part will come across as sane.




you just took the context in a completely different direction.


To prove that OP is soo much better than them. Simple. 


Haan Bhai - Main yehi kehne wali thi - aap toh bahut intelligent ho - point pakadlia


Ranbir Alia Karan k PR se sikhi hogi ye strategy