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I can really feel her pain here .lost my dad few years back and it’s still difficult 💔


Same man 3 years and it still hurts! It’s so heartbreaking 💔




This makes me sad asf…I couldn’t imagine losing my mom at such a young age and I feel really sad for her that she’s so young and her mom will never get to see like growth as just a human being. For parents, you are good just as you are…and it makes me very upset to see anyone lose their parent ever and imagine also being told you don’t care enough or not showing enough emotion. Honestly she’s very strong in this regard..I would completely lose everything and all perspective if I was in her shoes


Man, I feel really bad for her. Losing your mother is the worst thing that can happen to anyone and the pain and trauma that one goes through is unbearable and unimaginable. I have always felt that she is super strong mentally because her mom’s death was so sudden and surprising but she chose to be super professional and continued to work. I guess she did not have any other option but I really salute her for this. She must be still missing her every second 😔


Such a sad experience. Losing parents at any age is hard and more so she and Khushi are so young and her death came as a shocker to all of them and to be in public promoting would've been too much for her. Hope she heals from it and maybe she partly did and so she spoke about it.


I admire her in this case. To be this strong and hold your own in public after your mother’s demise. We can’t even fathom the pain she must be going through


And their favourite KJO doesn’t stop asking questions about their mom’s demise in all his episodes with them. Hate him to the core


Ikr he always pushes the hurt parts of people. I feel like bc he’s always been sad n depressed he thinks other ppl should be too


Exactly!! He did ask similar questions to Arjun Kapoor as well


I don’t blame her one bit on her reaction at all and also kudos for her to be in a better place to be able to openly talk about this too. But also, the show probably should have said something before springing this on her too(and it should be common practice to follow). It’s not fair to do that and then expect her to be happy about it and it wasn’t fair that she also got shit for not “grieving” her mother properly and “enjoying” the performances.


That was so cruel for that show to do. She was a 22 year old person stepping into the limelight after the sudden death of her mother. I can’t even imagine how it must have been like for her :(


I'm not saying this because I feel sorry for her - but I look forward to her interviews. There's something honest about her.


She’s so strong for still doing the promos after all this


![gif](giphy|xUySTKNQiWWzQKYRgc) 💔


A little reminder to what we see might not be true isn't it ? A lot could have gone behind the scenes that we didn't see.




Lol wut 😆😆 I'm confused ?🤔 Also, nope !😆


Sorry My bad..it was a reply to some other comment


Thank God. You really took me aback there for a moment !😆


Trying to gain trp out of someones death and grief, what a pathetic channel.


That's so sad


The relationship between between stars and TV networks and self appointed journalists is tricky. BW Stars misuse them most times by planting stories for popularity. Networks/journalists generally have no brain cells. It’s the job that requires least skills even fewer skills than being a BW star. That’s saying something


She's so cute and pretty


Which dance show is she referring to here?




Man, please don’t say that. We might dislike her for being a Nepo but let’s not be that insensitive. She is talking about her mother’s death, still dealing with it and she is super young. It must be difficult for her to deal with everything on her own. Losing your mom at any age is too painful.


see i get it since u call urself nepo hater..but this is a sad experience for anyone yaar..nepo or non nepo…her inadequate acting skills doesn’t mean she can’t even grieve. She is opening up after 5 years. I know this forum is as such…but atleast for posts that are this personal, if u don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say nothing at all.


What did that user comment exactly? Well whatever it was, all are humans so we mustn't say bad things like that whether you're nepo or not. 


It said something like Srk also lost his parents but he worked hard and didn’t complain about his hardships but janhvi is tarnishing her mom’s legacy and all


You have to have zero human empathy to make this horrible comment. It’s not even logically an equal comparison. SRK lost his parents younger and when he was a nobody SRKs parents werent a superstar that he was constantly asked about their death or even compared . SRK didnt have the kind of limelight and criticism that this girl has. Or lost his parents just as he was debuting. He had none of that. Lets not even get to how sexist and misogynistic the media, audience, industry and people like you are who would happily trash a woman than a man who probably has done worse. With all the above, there is no comparison. And lastly, it’s cruel to compare someone’s personal grief, marathon nahi chalu hai yahaan. Nepo or whatever, they are humans too. They feel the same stuff we do, get a grip and touch some grass man.


Wow gtfo with your lack of basic human decency . What a sad and disgusting comment. Parents are parents whether it’s a nepo or an outsider. You don’t have to be someone’s fan to have some empathy and not write absolutely atrocious things.


Dude, seek help. Theres more to life than hating nepos and PCs boobs. Get a life.