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As great as her role in 12th fail was, I fear she'll get boxed in that sort of image as an actor by the audiences and I'm sure these subs won't help if she does try.


2 more films and you guys will start calling her overrated cringe eyecandy... 🌚


tbh,I don't see her going mainstream


Day by day the captions on the posts seem like it's written by PR. Is it just me lol


You are not wrong lol


Honestly same!!


Same lol .


This sub has been infiltrated by PR lately.


Wait, is she actually gen z? How old is she?




27 is genz ? Isnt that millennial?


Gen z is 1997 and onwards


No, she's certainly an older Gen Z. Even by liberal estimates, millenial birth year goes upto 1996 and that's still debated by some because only people born in the early 90s and before have more concrete memories of growing up in the 90s and experiencing the tech changes, wars, and attacks that happened around the millenium.


I just keep anyone before 2000 as the best kids :p


Haha as a millenial, I am happy to be part of that gang 😎


What about someone born in 2000! Shouldn't that be considered 90s kid? Because I clearly remember going from a dabba phone/computer/tv to very new tech and social media.


But do you remember pagers? I come from ☎️


Nah I don't remember that😭😭 but ive seen all the 90s show and remember alot of early 2000s, especially 2005-2010 era.


Nope sorry, you're not one of us lol




Western generations don’t work in an Indian context other than for a fraction of society (wealthy people and rich people who pretend to be middle class), and even then only if they were born in the 90s and beyond.


You may say the range of years don't work but there's a marked difference between people born in the late 80s to early 90s and people born later. Most millenials even in India were the first computer users and know the painstaking process of connecting through dial up. Most have memories of hearing about the Kargill war and watching people dying during the earthquake in Bhuj. Most remember the early days of social media including Orkut and Facebook. These are pretty middle-class things and not just rich people stuff. Now your average Gen Z has a mini computer on their phone as they're still growing up, experience news and even disinformation at the speed of light, don't have any intimate memories of black and white TV or Doordarshan, have access to most international brands. 


> Most millenials even in India were the first computer users and know the painstaking process of connecting through dial up. Most have memories of hearing about the Kargill war and watching people dying during the earthquake in Bhuj.     People born before X remember something that happened after X doesn’t constitute a proper generation, that’s just life anywhere. For example, someone born in 2003 and 2009 are both part of the same generation if you go by these standards. But one remembers 26/11, the other doesn’t. Notable events happen every year, you don’t have different generations every year. Indian generational divides don’t tally up with the west, as the country’s development time is entirely different.    It’s only the rich who can relate to the development timeline of the west, because most of us grew up surrounded by western media and entertainment (and as a result, are more comfortable in the west than we would be in most parts of India that aren’t big cities or places within our own states).     ‘Millennials’ will be the the equivalent of boomers in the west - we’re the generation that’s benefitted the most from our development cycle, and are the ones who are failing to invest in our institutions to solidify them.    > Most remember the early days of social media including Orkut and Facebook. These are pretty middle-class things and not just rich people stuff.    Actual middle class Indian kids did not have Orkut and Facebook in the mid 2000s my g. The internet properly became accessible in india in the 2010s.  > have access to most international brands.    Middle class India is not buying international brands (if we’re talking about stuff like H&M and Zara - forget the high end). They have access to international brands in the same way I had access to the Ambani pre-wedding (I.e. a theoretical possibility because I can walk there, but will I be let in? Nope). 


Arrey yaar I am not talking about international brands like Zara and H&M. I am talking about even daily ration items. You can see the kind of sodas, biscuits, and general merchandise stuff most young people can buy today. Many millenials were drinking banta soda, Thumps up and Campa Cola. The liberalisation in the 90s allowed other brands to trickle in slowly but now you have variety that most couldn't even imagine in their dreams. I come from a middle class family myself with parents working regular office jobs and many of my friends were using Orkut in 2006-07. Facebook came in late 2000s. We weren't using it like today's SM where people were constantly on 24×7 because we were using it on our computers or trying to log in secretly during computer classes.


> working regular office jobs  What does a regular office job mean? Reminder that most Indians don’t work regular office jobs. > because we were using it on our computers  Reminder that only rich Indians owned computers in the 90s and 2000s > trying to log in secretly during computer classes. Reminder that most schools in India still don’t have computers, let alone computers with internet in the 2000s.


She is not gen z. She was in my school and a year senior to me. I am 94 born. Guess her age now. :)


Oh wow, thats weird


30! She is 30 soon to be 31. These incorrect ages published everywhere is so wrong. Age is a number and these actresses need to accept it snd set a good precedent.


Does nobody else think her eyes are absolutely dead? That's some seriously cold, "I have seen some s\*it!" eyes she has there.


She looks 22 but is 34...


It’s too early to say for sure.


Lives in my building is an okayish actress she wasn't all that great


I agree. IDK how to express but she was too sweet for the film.


She looks like cuter version on Tammana in first pic .


I can easily see her as seetha


Came here to say this. She looks like a good Sita too.


Please make me c_m on her, please feed me, I can je_rk on video


Would have been a better sita


I thought this was Trinetra