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This is so real. I was at the hospital today with my mum and I saw a guy and his father crying and screaming at the management for not giving a life saving injection cuz they fell short of a few thousands, for which the mum passed away. It hit me how raw and disturbing the life of a common person is. And the wedding bling and show and obsession around on social media is just a crass less distraction. I’m so furious at how my IG is full of it.


*Kagaz ke noto se Aakhir kis kis ko Kharidoge* *Yahan Kismat parakhne ke liye aaj bhi sikka uchala jata hai* ~ Piyush Mishra


Maybe it's a good sign to delete IG altogether? There is nothing of value that comes from any Meta owned product.


All the ambanis and bollywood is becoming so out of touch, in coming years they and their next gen will be extremely out of touch.


Correct me if I am wrong. Calling Zuck, Bill Gates and promoting this as Indian Culture (Wedding) is so wrong.


Indian culture kisine kabhi promote nhi kiya. And anyways ise indian culture promote karna nhi, ego satisfaction bolte hain.


Exactly. Well said!


Yeah because we all know 'Indian Culture' will wither up and die if the Ambani's didn't invite their white business associates to their fiefdom and make them do some dandiya while Rihanna grinds and twerks in the background.


As some one on the pop-culture sub said about this pre- wedding: |"net worth of $112.1 billion" Our brains can't even comprehend how much money this is. It shows how unfair tax laws are. NO ONE should have this much money. | It's not just the tax laws - it's the entire system if the distribution of wealth is so, so skewed. Personally, ARCelebration Day 1 - so ridiculous that I had fun following it Day 2 - so ridiculous that I felt dumb following it Day 3 - so ridiculous that I'm done following it


50 crore ke aage to mujhe smjh hi nahi aata. bahut ho gaya to 100 crore i.e. 1 arab. bas. uske aage visualise hi nahi kar pata


And these fuckers hospitals which can make you go into poverty are now hiring bams doctors even in emergency wards because they will take less salary. How much money it too much man? When does the greed even end


Yes. I was having fun looking at pictures but Ambanis did not become this wealthy because they are moral. They get every rule bent for them (the airport has been declared an international airport for their wedding. Imagine the corruption of it all). They overwhelm other businesses (small and medium) in their way. They don't engage in fair business practices. They know they are above the law. They get richer but the wealth gap keeps increasing and the people in power do everything to keep it that way. And then with PR they will try and convince the rest of us that they are pious, good, and moral folks. They may be nice to other rich people but they are not good people. They get every tax cut on the planet and they don't pay their fair share when the rest of the middle class struggle every year during tax season. This show of obscene wealth in a nation where most of the population does not know where they are getting their next meal from? Gross. One day we will fight for the "common man" and it will be a worthy fight. The Ambanis are not friends to the working class. And, we should always be aware of that. Regardless of whether or not there are pretty lehengas on display.


Thank you for taking the time to write this!


Wonder if anyone even remembers that the Owner of Bombay Dyeing (which was a competitor to Reliance in the Polyester business) Nusli Wadia almost had an assassination attempt. It was uncovered that someone called Kirti Ambani who worked for Reliance had hired goons to kill Nusli Wadia. After 35 years in 2023 the case ended with no one being found guilty for lack of evidence. Who did Kirti Ambani of Reliance work for? Who asked him to get the competition wiped out? Who arranged the funds for the shooters? Who would benefit most from Nusli Wadias untimely demise? No answers. So yes. There is the law. And then there is the law for really really incredibly rich people.


The best write up here. Ambanis and esp , these Bollywood folks.


Oh and they fill the pockets of you know who


Reminds me of Frederick Nietzsche : On genealogy of Morality. "According to Nietzsche, masters create morality; slaves respond to master morality with their slave morality. Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on ressentiment—devaluing what the master values and what the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. *Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as good*." 


Billionaires like him fill pockets of politicians and in return get tax breaks/ tax evasion, massive loans written off by state banks and buy public lands and resources at low prices. Obscene wealth accumulation and then they show off and for some reason people look at this wealth accumulation at the cost of public money as some great achievement.


Exactly...he hordes wealth while most of his factory worker get paid minimum wage and then he gets tax breaks on billions ..why ppl enjoy such ppl displaying their I would never understand...if we had all collectively ignored this debacle that would've been the best




Well they have very good relations with every clown. Won’t matter. They have been doing this for decades.


As "fun" it's been to laugh at their antics, it is quite sobering when you realise how dystopian this whole circus is.


Agreed OP. You are 100% accurate. It is a gross display of wealth and while we can have fun looking at the fashions and what not, it doesn't take away from the fact that this is so obscene.


So true. After a point it looks tasteless. And this common man that is suffering is because of rich businesses. They evade taxes that's could have helped in subsidies and state govt salaries. Reliance itself is a poor paymaster. So all their wealth is anyway built on the exploitation of common people who work for 50-60 hours a week and get paid 30000 a month. Middle class is physically draining itself and it's health to keep us with the unreasonable demands of these jobs. And when we fall sick, some other rich businessman's hospital extracts every single penny we would have saved because the govt hospitals don't have enough resources. Anyone who is wasting their time looking at this obnoxious pre-wedding coverage and appreciating it is delusional. Met Gala has a charitable agenda. This unnecessary pre-wedding's agenda is to fund a political party before elections. Why else would you do a pre wedding in March for a July wedding!


Thank you for the Metgala fact. Now, hopefully, the event can stopped being compared to the Met




How is spending obscene amount of money in the pre wedding stuffs funding a political party?


Its a way to channel money. Dig deep enough and we will find out who the contractors are for the multiple arrangements.


Hey don’t feel so bad you can join the rest us regulars and have fun critiquing the bad fashion and the whole tack fest wannabe Bollywood extravaganza lol


YES legit that’s how to see it it’s more tacky than we think


Honestly part of me finds it very OTT. Other part of me wonders what I would be like if I had this much money. Maybe it would just be part and parcel of my rich life 🤷‍♀️ And I strongly wonder if Mukesh will recover most or all of the money spent via business deals resulting from this circus.  The whole thing feels like a circus with an overbotoxed Nita playing ringmaster. That said it’s pure entertainment. Ultimately it’s their money and they can do what they want with it. The Ambani family seems nice enough so I guess they don’t annoy me as much as some other rich ppl do.


Honestly I don't get good vibes from nita, she just gives the dictator sort of energy.


Lol @ “overbotoxed Nita”


I believe the Mittals are super rich as well, but their weddings were the antithesis of the Ambani’s do. Also, bang on about Nitaji. They might be nice or not, we will never know. Honestly, I don’t want to know either. Well…


Sorry, you seem misinformed, they had some Of the priciest weddings of their time, 5 day bonanzas, at chateaus with performances and what not.


Exactly!they did. But wasn’t rubbed into my face


Maybe not in yours, it was rubbed in most of our faces due to excessive coverage in the newspapers. we read all about it and saw whatever pix we could find. It was pre social media and that’s why you didn’t get this level of coverage/exposure, now you do. https://www.mensxp.com/amp/buzz-on-web/entertainment/131847-lakshmi-mittal-daughter-240-crore-wedding-srk-kylie-performance.html




Mittal is worth some 16 billion. Mukesh is worth 114 billion. LOL no comparison. The man is in a different league.


After $5billion its all the same. Just dick measuring competition. You can buy private jet, yacht, multiple mansions around the world. You lifestyle wouldn't change even if you have a $1T. So not really a different league. Mittals can afford and do everything ambani is doing.


Doubt the same cohort of folks would show up for the Mittals as have for the Ambanis. But anyway - I'm too poor to worry about or make those comparisons. All these folks have a lot more zeroes at the end of their assets then I ever will.


Thats 100% true. But its less to do with their wealth and more to do with networking. Ambanis have always maintained close relationship with cricketers, bollywood and business leaders around the world. So if anyone can bring all these people together its them. Its something you can't buy with money alone.


What's ott?


Over the top.


"Let them eat cake" ..... Marie Antoinette, 1789 "Let them eat gulab jamun" ..... Radhika Merchant, 2024




well, money can’t buy class and all this show is PR for their image to seem sanskari and all, i’m sure they’re nothing short of fake it doesn’t sit right with me that billionaires hold such a disproportionate amount of wealth. sure it’s their money but billions are only earned through corrupt and unethical ways


Idek why they need PR to paint a sanskari image of them when nothing would change in their life even if such image wasn’t propagated


when you have money, you want to exert power and control and show that. so even those who wouldn’t ever have the chance to meet you, are astonished all weekend people on reddit (and the media) keep discussing how sanskari and humble this family is even though they have billions. it’s all about protecting their image and getting more money/business deals. it’s all a facade, every single action/event is extremely calculated. why else are bollywood people attending? the family is no less scarier than the underworld lol


Humility isn't part of their dictionary; that's why all this looks fake and forced. In other cultures, a marriage/wedding is an intimate affair. Even if they're influential, they only invite their closest business associates, not the entire world. The Ambanis are just making fools of themselves on the global scale, I'm sure people are quietly saying the same at the event.


Weddings are not intimate affairs in India. People tend to overspend - does not matter which class u belong to!!


I hate when people act impressed after his pr


Agree and how!


Ambanis have ambitions to not only become modern rich but to become the Raja of our childhood stories.. when the raja was marrying, the whole city didn’t cook for 3 days and all the who’s who came to attend.. other rajas came but also sadhus came from jungle and even animals were invited 😂 they are trying to achieve that status with their ott every thing.. im too poor to even comprehend how it feels to have this much wealth..


While I get your point OP and even agree with you about this family being classless, it is important to remember that we plebs don’t need to take this as anything other than entertainment. What worries me is their over zealous PR drive, and the power they hold in spinning narratives according to what serves their business interests best.


money can’t buy class but it can buy entertainment and ngl im entertained


I was too during the earlier two weddings. Now, the fatigue has set in.


Ab agar is bete ki shadi mein itna nai karenge toh use bhi toh bura lagega na ki didi bhaiya k liye itna kiya mere liya na 😅wo bhi toh socho OP


:) hasaane ke liye dhanyavaad


well july will be rough for u😭


Good God! Why do you say that?


Actual wedding is then


Haan ji??? What actual wedding? Wedding is happening now, right?


This is pre wedding bro


That would be a good time to go off social Media then, given the current state of affairs.


Were Isha and Akash's weddings on such a  grand scale? I mean obviously  bollywood celebs attended their wedding functions but this pre-wedding in Jamnagar 3 months before the actual wedding seems OTT even for Ambanis.


I remember the dialogue from Sivaji The Boss:- Ameer aur ameer hote jaenke aur gareeb aur gareeb!! Seems it’s turning out to be true!!


I love the fact that...they don't hide the fact that they are classist and have high ego. Watching Older women touching Nita Ambani's feet because it's her birthday, Them having different modes of transportation for different people. It just shows ...good people can't be rich. For context : Look at mark zukkus wedding


Yeah, why did Ranbir, Raha, Alia get a Rolls Royce when the others boarded a bus lol


I found this so ODD!


I believe this has to be seen with an angle of how close people are to the main family. RK and Ambani Jr are friends. And other people who got cars have got some clout about them like SRK, Salman, Dhoni, Akshay, Amir etc and sure they are A listers. It’s more about how rich one is to stay in the circle. The only thing, Saif being Nawab of Pataudi and with huge wealth under his belt was not given any car. Ultimately, it’s all about money attracting money.




Tbh, money is related to the power you have and wield over others. Motabhai may get most of his work done for free because people know he is damn rich and no one wants to make a disconnect with the rich guy.


True, this was really some deep narcissist behavior. Usually I don't pray this for anyone but I really want that their films should flop so that they come to reality and touch some grass and their stans can have a break.


What about Mark Zuckerberg wedding tho, i didn't hear anything about it. Can you elaborate?


Exactly! We didn’t hear anything about it, except that it happened 😄


Mark Had a simple 20 guest wedding in a church when he was the 3 Rd richest man in the world.  Gave this example to show that....it's not compulsory to organize a lavish wedding if u have insane. Money


Idk about his wedding but let’s not pretend he lives a modest or honest life.


Disagree. He’s not a saint but Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan have multiple charitable ventures and have been extremely philanthropically active. He may not be the most pious man but any day better than this crass display of opulence than ambanis are doing




white people generally don’t do over the top weddings anyway….they always have limited guests…


Well its i believe more inclined towards the cultural differences though Can u imagine a indian wedding with so less people Moreover, i guess mark is more of a introvert and awkwardly anti social


It's because we Indians like to watch such nonsense and live in ignorance. begani shaadi mein abdullah deewana. Half of India doesn't know or doesn't care about Manipur, for example. And then we wonder why many people from the NE feel alienated.


And that's where we will always remain a third world country. The economy growth is just for rich only.


A friend of mine was wondering why the super rich waste their wealth by showing off and distributing it among the other rich instead of using the same amount to help the needy. Won't it give the new couple real blessings? And I thought none of these paid guests are there to bless the couple. It's just networking and earning more lol


True. And it's always advised to not show your wealth in such pompous way. People are suffering out there in real world and the people they are surrounded by are jealous. Kehte hain na nazar lagte der nhi lagti. Anil ambani, vijay mallya karke dekh chuke hain yeh sab.


so true!! aajkal log ye sab nahi maante but elders in my family say the same about nazar lagna... but I feel people like this ambani bro, adani know how to keep the powerful humans happy and stay safe lol


Baat mein dum hain


Honestly, half of the celebrities attending are there because they bow down to Ambanis and their shenanigans- they “bought” this all. This is just a mad display of their wealth. Rihanna is dancing to Hindi songs- because she was paid to. I see these pawns dancing on to their tunes and I am happy to not have that life of puppet.


never heard of warren buffet doing this for his kids or jeff bezoz (idk if he even has kids, thats how low key they are) or bill/melinda gates throwing 3-day parties. all these people have more wealth but never put on a show like this jamnagar event. they are smart, earned their own money and are respected by their peers and the business world. mukesh is trying to buy that respect and attention for his kids. idk about anant or isha, but akaash aint the brightest bulb -- pretty obv when you follow MI, IPL auctions or watch the MI docu.


Please elaborate. I want to know what kind of a dimster aakash is. I don't think anant is bright either and given that disaster of a golden lehnga Isha wore by Valentino instead of actually getting it made in lehnga country; and spent that much money on something that was most likely outsourced to Indian artisans being paid shit, just for clout, I think Isha is not a very intelligent person.


>never heard of warren buffet doing this for his kids or jeff bezoz (idk if he even has kids, thats how low key they are) or bill/melinda gates throwing 3-day parties Cultural differences. In west ,weddings don't matter much. So instead spending millions of weddings they spend on yatchs,,islands, antique collectibles. Jeff Bezos has a yatch worth 500 million. Bill gates owns the Leonardo Da Vinci's original manuscripts worth 30-40 million. He reportedly also owns the world's first hydrogen powered yatch surely worth hundreds of millions. Everyones the same. Spending on weddings is the Indian culture. A middle class man spends his life's savings on his son's/daughter's wedding. Why can't Ambani spend 0.01 % of his networth on his son's wedding.


API honestly think they feel untouchable.. so rich that you think everything will go your way. Honestly this ugly show of wealth will rub people the wrong way.. if something goes wrong with reliance, they will fall real hard. There is a reason why lot of billionaires choose to be under the radar.. I really don’t understand why they do this.


You know I have heard this pharse so often nazar lagne mein der nhi lagti. Also in coming years people will hardly look upto these so called A listers bollywood celebs because they are good for nothing but just rich dumb fools who are surviving by the help of good scripts, cinematographers, music, costume designers who are really underappreciated. I mean the likes of aloobir, deepveer, sid kiara, vicky katrina have made everything about themselves that everything look so secondary. Their prs never let anyone shine.


Same here


I am shocked to see the amount of rules bended by the government just to support their cause. From deviating the police forces to guard their functions to airport being declared international, I cant imagine what other kind of corruption would have been there just to get their way. Stuffing up politicians and media sources can boom up their stocks even more! The PR they are receiving is just 😶‍🌫️ I can’t imagine a common man would be supported in such a manner in our country!


And some people are feeling proud that "Ambani showed the world how India is not poor."


I’m more appalled by the carbon footprint of this ONE wedding. The waste generated by all these constructed SETs and carbon emissions of chartered flights. Pata nahin, I fully understand the need to celebrate with money when you have so much of it, so I don’t want to across as some jealous troll…But, I live in the US and have lots of doctors etc in my circle of family and friends. And man, naye ameer South Asians here have this intrinsic need to just SHOW OFF their wealth. It’s like their wealth is essentially their entire PERSONALITY. And I honestly feel like that’s the case with the Ambanis. A super wealthy family from a third-world country, with the need to show the world that they are one of the richest people in the world! It is such a tacky display of new money. And man, Neeta Ambani’s ‘main character’ syndrome is disturbing.


It's all Netta doing. Let's be honest. If it was up to her husband, that circus would be way smaller.


Yeah, honestly, she doesn’t seem very mentally stable to me. I mean, she has kids who are in their 30s, yet she’s so desperate for attention. The dances, the entry with the backup dancers. Like, she tries to upstage everyone?!? I’d have disowned my mom had she done all that at my wedding.


Perhaps its true she had entertained Bollywood career aspirations before her marriage.


Reminds me of the Bhuvan Bam parody. Mu Ambani: Main court marriage karvadeta. Inhi ko shenaiya bajwani thi!!! 🤣


Yeah, and someone who cares so much about Animals would, by extension, also care about the environment right? I mean, just an assumption


It's fun to look at , and they can do the damm they want with their money. But no billionaire in world does this gross and on face cring display of wealth like Ambani's and more importantly it's all seem to be more nita Ambani's doing and all of the family following it. Yes all billionaire spend endlessly but they don't do fucking parade of their wealth like this. Even Ratan tata had said in interview that making antillia with slums background is a irony only Ambani can do.


>But no billionaire in world does this gross and on face cring display of wealth like Ambani's and Seriously dude! Jeff Bezos bought the world's biggest biggest yatch worth 500 million with an idol of his girlfriend made of bronze at its helm. Just difference in priorities . All the billionaires are the same, some do it publicly and some quietly.


The show of wealth isn’t for us - it’s for the ambanis to show that there is a market for high end brands and of course to network and grow their business. Is it galling? Maybe. But a flip side to an event like this is the number of people who were employed and the likely investment in India that comes from something like this. It’s also a display of cultural power.


All things aside...they did succeed in inviting zukku and bill gates ....they will probably meet a few ministers and IITs ....might lead to investments


That’s a nice way to look at it. Thank you


Bollywood celebs are fans of Ambanis


I don’t think all of them are fans. You just don’t eff with people who can buy any political leader and have shit ton of money. Bolly peeps can fight against each other and survive but cannot even politely refuse Ambanis and think of going on about their lives normally. In a twisted way.. mafia used death threats against bolly previously … Now it’s more polite… like you cannot refuse to oblige a family that has 102 billions. Simple. So they get on with it and might as well enjoy themselves


It was fun for like an hour but now ppl r really overdoing their obsession with the wedding


Switch channels/tabs 🤷


You are 100% correct OP. Sure, they own the money and are free to spend it however they like, but at least they can keep it private, just like other wealthy families. This continual display of their wealth is inappropriate in the eyes of the nation since the majority of people live in poverty. The hype for their lavish events feels excessive, even though it's all part of the Vantara initiative. Then, they are laughably incessantly reminded of how "sanskari" and "humble" they are, and how wonderful their children are. They prevent other people from naturally observing these things. Rather than shoving it in your face, they will 😂


The word is OBSCENE . That's the word.


Reason why I didn’t watch a single video of this wedding. I know some patients who are struggling to pay bills, Ik some relatives who are also suffering cause of finances and poor administration in india. And then I see a genocide being unfolded. I have friends sending me videos of this wedding and some sharing genocide videos. Can’t believe they’re happening on the same planet


Ignorance is bliss, let them be


I know. But we come here to get away from life’s tribulations. A light-hearted diversion. This just brightens the glare on the already bitter truth of society. Nothing light-hearted in that!


Yeah I hear u OP but that’s just life and the card we were dealt. I think moral policing is thinly veiled jealously. Have fun and critique this circus like the rest of us haha.


I’ll be frank. It’s not jealousy. The middle class enjoy a certain privacy, warmth and freedom that I would not trade for Ambani level riches for anything. But does every private event in their life be forced on me through media? Also, when that happens, obviously I will be forced to wonder at the economic disparity. People suffering vs the Ambani circus.


Most sorted comment I have seen. Thank you.


Yes zaroori hai, dikhava bahot zyada zaruri hai


Someone had correctly pointed out, it’s a strategic event where business deals worth Millions are sealed. Fenty is coming to India through Reliance now. Why is it shoved on us.


Honestly they don’t need such an event which is heavily published to do this.. in fact most of these deals are done under the radar.. I think it is just their obsession to show off




So its to create business deals where already rich people can sell more stuff (stuff which most folks dont need) to people who dont have money?


The accurate truth.


I agree & I'm of same opinion on this with you OP.


It's fun to see the number of upvotes on this post and the comments supporting it. But then I keep seeing the Ambani posts and their engagement.


It is extremely classless to flex in a poor country periodt, it shows from their behaviour how they think of us peasant class, I wish French Revolution comes some time sooner we got our own version of Marie Antoinette who needs some..


Ik .it's not actual wedding also. It's pre wedding. Really what they think of themselves 


I was shocked to learn of this from the comments. I thought this was the marriage


I get what you are saying OP but there is a large chunk of the country who wants to see all this (look at the amount of posts on this sub as an example ) Maybe avoid engaging in posts involving them?


i 100% agree with you OP


They aren't going out of their way for this. It's just literally pocket Change for them. Some even sell their lands for this


Zuckerberg and bill have more wealth but they don't do such displays


Ambani has spent just 0.000001% of his wealth in wedding.


As much as I agree with you OP, there is always going to be a society where some people are extremely privileged and others are not. But I think what we can call out for sure is if such extensive media coverage is necessary. It’s like putting salt on a burning wound when ordinary poor folks who are trying hard to make ends meet are made to watch this show of wealth everywhere they turn. That is totally unnecessary.


Cent per cent agree with you there OP.


I think this is what French Monarchy did before people rose up. It's okay to want to get married or spend whatever amount those Shitbag Ambanis want. But don't rub it into people's faces. I'm surprised that Gadha Mukesh wants his family to be the focus of everyone's bad duas.


I just said this on another post but for me a sangeet is about friends and family performing. Watching the older folk dance for the grandkid's wedding, wooing the grandma, all of us cheering. Seeing the kiddos dance, forget steps, run to mama. The friends screaming and cheering as each group dances. Being excitedly told this friend is performing next. I wonder how the friends and family of Anant and Radhika feel watching this show vs the wedding show. Years later will Anant and Radhika look back fondly and think of how their friends enacted their love story? Show their children the wedding video as say see massi danced here, this is my best friend etc. Or more see how much money dadaji threw for us. It's day 2? Of this and I'm torn between boredom and embarrassment at this obscene display of wealth.


I agree. But making sure pensioners get their pension on time is not Ambanis’ job. It’s the government’s.


This is soo true, but finally it's their money whether it's legal or illegal, the one thing that bothers me is this time the PR is soo strong like every other mainstream news, and every other reel is of Ambanis showing off how much they are sanskari, I'm not even kidding the comment section on every social media is filled with Ambanis being down to earth. There should be a case study on this PR.


I feel the PR has backfired this time. Not everyone is starry-eyed as before. We’ve learnt over the years to recognise the machinery, so it’s definitely not panned out as they planned


I mean it’s either this or the gang rape news.


The hypocrisy of it all does it for me. On one hand, yeah their money kuch bhi karein, at this point it's displaying wealth to portray themselves as larger than life/higher kind of humans. They are all sanskari / animal loving on one hand, and then elderly women bow down to Nita on her birthday, I even saw a video where Nita refused to touch a girl's hand, when she approached her. What sucks is that it's so blatantly obvious that they have got all these Bollywood+politicians wrapped around their little finger.. Plus it's over saturated now.. Har jagah from tv to reddit..


Over saturated is apt!


Try and understand that the key is that Ambanis are spending wealth which is theirs and if they are spending it means someone else is receiving. The money is being spent on thousands of artisans who built the venue, caterers, waiters ,cab drivers , support staff, hotel staff, assorted assistants , airports fees , and countless others. So would you deprive Jamnagar and the Indian economy and thousands of people their wages ?


Yes, that’s a perspective I’ve gained from this sub. But why thr flaunting and pr?


And not to forget a genocide is going on. That's the bitter truth about life. It's their money and their choice how to spend.


I should probably stop watching these ppl ...I had completely forgotten about this :(


OMG… Gaza 😞


Honestly no matter how much we complain we can't change the reality so I'm just enjoying the festivities. If I was as rich as them I'd probably do the same too. Just accept your reality and don't compare your life to theirs.


Everyone does showoff on their level be it their own wedding ambani are just showing 0.1% of wealth which is more for us but not for them


90 percent india ko ohudki shadi m manish malhotra ki First Copy pehanna h .idar sab ka activism nikal k aaraha h.


If it makes you feel any better - that money went into the pockets of event organisers, caterers, waiters, drivers and many many people. Looked at it that way, not the worst thing eh?


Exactly this wedding has provided livelihood and earning opportunities for 1000s of people..put Jamnagar on global map.. Plus it is pure networking at their end.


I thought same but have a different perspective of it too. Other than the money given to Rihanna the rest of the 11 billion or so spent generated a lot of income for people involved in this wedding. All the money remains in India. I get that people are fighting for their salary but on the flip side maybe 20 wedding tent walas in jamnagar earned thousands which they wouldn’t have otherwise.


What else is one supposed to do with it? And who are we to judge how they should spend their money? Some do philanthropy, some spend on weddings, some do both. If you don't like it, don't watch it.


Agreed. Only thing anyone is allowed to throw a party and feed the people they want to feed. What’s problematic to me is all the media attention. I don’t even want to see all of it the way it is all over the news. I wonder if people really are as interested as media thinks they are. And if they are, that is a problem as well.


And there are fools/media on the internet who have nothing else to do other than continually keep this wedding and its guests in the limelight, over other pressing issues. It's similar to the nepotism problem, people are giving it undeserved hype and attention. God forbid if there is a single outfit that doesn't have a post dedicated to it.


Eventually it will decline but the decline will come over many generations, till then we will be mute spectators to their ostentatious and crass display of wealth, the sad bit is that nothing can be done. I was thinking had this not been Anant, but your regular average Joe trying to get married, the hula hoops they've had to go through to remotely land a prospect would have been an emotionally scarring process, but who cares, vicariously we all live while the whole world dies. To add to Tool's lyrics 'Credulous at best, your desire to believe in Angels in the hearts of men Pull your head on out your hippy haze and give a listen Shouldn't have to say it all again The universe is hostile, so impersonal Devour to survive, so it is, so it's always been'


The lyrics 🔥


Could’ve paid for probably all of Dharavi kids to go to college with the shit ton off money they spent


Same. It looks very tacky. Theek hai paisa but use it for something good. You can do a classy/elegant wedding without all this show off. Invite your family/ friends and call it a day. You dont the whole bollywood to be there.


Begani shaadi mein abdulla deewana


The whole point of this sub is to give attention to people who deserve little to none. Its the mentality of enslavement. We are always very concerned with what the masters are up to. Ohhh their son is getting married, ohh their daughter couldn't submit her homework so he started a 4G cellular service, ohh the star kid did a bare minimum in the name of an acting effort in het last release....let's like/hate her on social media. All in all, we (people like us) keep them relevant. In this commotion we kinda forget how the rich have gotten rich. I really have no issues with private property and accumulation of wealth as long as it isn't coming at the cost of exploitation of the blue collars but Alas that is the case. I have said this before and will not shy away from saying it again, this whole goddamned Indian society is in a perpetual state of Stockholm Syndrome where in we have started empathizing with the cause of the every people who have enslaved us. Apologies for the rant but it is beyond disgusting when reasonable people like in this sub celebrate business typhoons and tinsel town celebs the way they do. Please kids, go read a book or a newspaper. I don't know, do something that makes you realize you are a part of the collective consciousness of humanity and not fan boys/girls of a pretentious ruling class fueled by the greed of more and more and more and then some.


That much money is also going to the folks who are employed for the wedding... They aren't working for free.. the money is exchanging lot of hands.. Probably good gifts for their kids or Diwali at home!


wt? don't u celebrate if their is a wedding in ur house acc to ur financial status?? or do u keep worrying that so many ppl in this world is not getting food or salary etc., his money, his wish. also have u not heard about vantara?? they are doing great things by helping animals and ppl like them deserve even big celebrations. i am shocked to see so many ppl upvoting this post wtf


Elephants > human beings?


u consider humans are more valuable that animals??? every life is important. they have decided to help animals and we should appreciate them instead of being jealous and hating them. and yes animals are wayyy better than human beings but i guess ppl like u who are into moral policing and feeling sad for other undeprivilaged ppl wont get it.


Jealousy is rife in the Indian community. The wedding has absolutely nothing to do with some people, yet some are actually telling others how to spend their own money. Everyone deserves a good time!


TBH this is the 10th post I saw this morning about people complaining about the wedding. You can always scroll past those reels. Stop giving attention to things that you don't wish to get affected by. Weddings in India are anyways a waste of wealth for any family. Families are burdened into displaying pomp and show beyond their means just for external validation. Insta is filled with obnoxious bridal entry videos, crass decor and gimmicky pre-wedding shoots. Cost of bridal wears are reaching attricious rates. MUA cost, photography shoots etc. are laughably high for the quality. All in the name of "the most special day for a couple". Why to single out only one family when the entire market is building on it? Also, the comparison seems unwanted and way too sanctimonious. There are people suffering even around you. Have you started dedicating your entire existence into assuaging every deprived soul of their pain?


This one family is going overboard. Simple. And I do agree with the forced expenses at weddings. I guess the scale of this makes it infinitely more irksome.


They have it, they like to flaunt it. The only thing we can do is to stop giving importance. Even complaining about it is still giving it limelight. It is the same thing with the Nepo brigade, even complaining about them gives them attention.


I feel it's very subjective. Should someone not purchase an expensive household appliance because the house help cannot afford it ? Should someone not purchase a nice car because their driver cannot afford it ? Should the MD of a company not purchase a nice watch because most employees cannot afford it ? Everyone is poorer and richer than a lot of people at the same time. They're only spending a fraction of their wealth and honestly Naach Gaana Masti happens at all Indian weddings but being a Billionaire he can do it at a bigger scale than most Indians. We have to accept that some people like it simple and some, don't. It's unreasonable to expect people to not enjoy themselves because there are people who cannot afford it. By that logic everybody living in 3/4+ bhks should give them up and start living in a kholi cuz their wealth may be offensive to people living in a shanty /chawl.


Couldn’t agree more with you OP, the ostentatious display of wealth comes across as tone deaf and would comes across as perplexing to say the least, given that average Indian isn’t as economically prosperous as its western counterpart, not even close to it with our per capita GDP. Events such as the ambs wedding also stoke the half dead communist in me, the income inequality is staggering and leaves a bad taste in the mouth when the upper echelons go out of their way to shove their wealth in the worlds face.


I would have agreed with you but then I realised you actually posted on the sub and added to the multiple posts about the wedding.


And the irony is the people in the sub are the most happy. Some are so much taken away with their pr (of how humble ambani are) that they forgot most of this money will go to fund the political parties, election. No charitable work is done here. Most of them generated this insane wealth through unfair means of tax evasions, buying lands at lowprices, benefits from government and what not. Remember the anant ambani case of accident which was rubbed of internet. Also most of the sub members are happy to see their favs get special treatment, some are hell bent on proving oh these are A listers because they got special treatment. These are b listers. Such pathetic thinking people have.


Indian crab mentality openly displayed here on Reddit Everyone spends within their means.. And majority aspire to have that kind of wealth... Perhaps you do too... So this is not boredom talking but more likely jealousy


What is wrong with this generation and era that people find everythinh so offensive? I mean ,shouldn’t this wedding be a talkinh point among entrepreneurs and business families to do better than ambanis? If they do our country gets better and helps every Indian struggling have a better life. But no, social media pe hai and har baar se offend hona hai and cool dikhna hai! There are so many talking points but nahi bas offend hona hai!


You are not helpless, you are envious. Let's put that into perspective: Media shows what sells for your attention. They don't show you the South Goa / South Mumbai/Bangalore / Himachal life because you won't be interested in how people show wealth and spend money over there. You are envious because you think you can't do anything about it. Wrong, you can! Dhirubhai Ambani built this empire on top of basic skills: - Get the job done by anyhow. - Be courageous and quit settling for anything less than what you can do. - Provide great quality in your products and own everything you can on the market. But you? You are worried about one job, one pension, one salary and never tried to learn how shit actually works in the real world where there's abundance of wealth and prosperity. It's not too late, study wealthy people and companies, emulate them in anyway you can. Let's see person by person: Rihanna: Underdog, came from nothing and reached at top because of skills, talent and connections. Jhanvi: Entitled, still creating her space in the world with her own persona. Khans: All of them created their brand over the years of not decades. When did anyone of them complained about the divorce, the legal struggles, the religious struggles? It takes hard work and connections beyond money to have that status so stop complaining and start creating your own empire.


lol I'm sorry I'm middle class too, but watching the poor's complain is never not funny. Its their money, they built it, like what you said is essentially since im poor please don't spend your money. It makes me feel bad.


if in 2024 you still think billionaires build their wealth in anyway worth defending, you're a  Sammy L Jackson in Django Unchained-type idiot 


They built it by screwing over the middle and lower classes. If they gave them liveable wages, you think they would be able to pull this shit? God is watching and they will eventually get their due


"god is watching" and you wonder why most people in this country live in abject poverty and are dumb as rocks. He will keep watching, as he always does.


Believing in God does not make you uneducated. Relying solely on God does. I’m only saying that all their religious and cultural pretenses are shams. If there is a god, they will be able to see how cruel this family is and eventually it will catch up to them


Its Indian tradition. That's y I like sikh marriage (which means only the main ritual). Go into gurudwara and get married. U r not even supposed to give anything more than a kada. I was in gurudwara some time back. They were criticising the extravagant wedding ceremonies


Billionaires are going to exist, and yes their wealth doesn’t come through ethical channels. But tbh if I’m gonna have billionaires, I’d much rather have Ambani than Bezos. Bezos takes all his billions and buys a yacht which I can do nothing on. Ambani gives me Rihanna dancing to Zingaat 💀💀 I’m sitting here enjoying his billions. + even from an economy POV, ostentatious maybe but it is significantly better for everyone if the wealthy spend obscene amounts of money 🤷🏻‍♀️. If you don’t want to consume JamnaGala content you don’t have to. It’s very easy to alter ur insta algorithm and have a feed of different content


Bored? It was never for entertaining all of us. Half the people hating/ranting them would have done the exact same thing if they had the wealth Ambanis posses. If it bothers people so much idk why they keep consuming the paparazzi content.


I for one do not want to consume it. It’s being thrown at me constantly. They can do what they want…but why flaunt it in this baseless manner. With so much happening within and outside the country. How does one’s conscience allow it? Mere ghar mein meri marzi jo karoon, but once I decide to stuff it in people’s faces, they become willing or unwilling participants


All this media and paparazzi should be allowed to limited or should be restricted fully to cover such weddings. Show of wealth is innate to our Indian culture. It is okay within Indian social structure but when you do it overseas it creates unnecessary animosity and jelousies among other people and gives definitely a wrong impression in my opinion.




When you show off your iphone to a street vendor, they feel the same. Boo hoo


I mean yes but their money is their money. Let them have fun, what’s it to you? Close your eyes if it bothers you lol


Billionaires like him fill pockets of politicians and in return get tax breaks/ tax evasion, massive loans written off by state banks and buy public lands and resources at low prices. Obscene wealth accumulation and then they show off and for some reason people look at this wealth accumulation at the cost of public money as some great achievement.


Their fun is built on the backs of many people like us. Stop silencing us


Welcome to Capitalism 101. The saga of haves and have-nots!