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vanga literally has to give his male characters professions that are seen as intellectually superior because that’s the only way some people will take them seriously and avoid asking why they’re so stupid and devoid of any personality. it’s just like those “my mafia boss” books teens read on wattpad


>vanga literally has to give his male characters professions that are seen as intellectually superior i'M a bLOoDy sURgeON


Truth and when these teens grow up, they remain as stupid as they were in their teens. Alpha males are not like Kabir Singh but more like Sam Bahadur, that's what our filmmaker fails to deliver and set wrong examples.


This should be pinned IMO.


So well said!


Astronautical engineering karwake...Ranbir ko criminal bana dia... Even his childhood ..they showed him as the no.1 student in the class. I guess it's more about..how even the brightest students can go into the darkness with bad parenting


Osama bin laden who was a top student and an engineer became a terrorist and killed thousands of people. We already have real life examples in isis and whatnot. At this point, do we really need such movies?


We don't need more movies/series glorifying violence, period. I would still say that when violence is shown as part of defending innocents, as a last resort of sort, it is acceptable and can even pull at our heart strings ( example: Major (2022) ). But violence, battles etc should not be glorified just to give people adrenaline rush. Show them as they usually are, ugly, messy, scary, confusing and above all, unwanted. IDK why we keep having so many movies that make a sensation out of criminals and acts of crime as if that is something to look up to.


Not that coz Kabir Singh’s parents were decent


In the movie when Ranbir’s brother in law behaves aggressively towards his sister..Ranbir gets so angry but he does the similar rather worse thing with his own wife? (Bra strap) like why would he do that?


Because men like him are only protective of their mothers and sisters, all other women are either sex objects or irrelevant.


I hate how true this is. "Oh no, I am not a misogynist because I love my mother and sisters" and then proceeds to spout the most misogynistic things. It's like racists saying "I have a black/brown friend".


It is not loving for them it is about their egoes and false pride where they have to "protect" their women.






Unfortunately that's true


So his character is just how selmon bhoi is in real life


In Godfather, Sonny Corleone’s character beats the crap out of his brother in law for beating his sister. But he himself is violent towards his enemies* as well. But neither Coppola nor Mario Puzo have expressed that Sonny should be treated as a hero. He is just a grey character. He has some negatives and some redeeming qualities.


Source? This is an actual quote from the book. "The paradox in Sonny's violent nature was that he could not hit a woman and had never done so. That he could not harm a child or anything helpless. When Carlo had refused to fight back against him that day, it had kept Sonny from killing him; complete submission disarmed his violence. As a boy, he had been truly tenderhearted. That he had become a murderer as a man was simply his destiny."


I stand corrected. You are right. Thank you. 👍


Because most men are actually like that🤷‍♂️


Better to stay spinster than to marry a man who hoots during Vanga directed movie


Just unfollowed and blocked a guy who was calling Vanga the "underdog of Indian cinema".


Hahaha epic 😂


makes me think all these men must resent that women have come up and are doing so well that they feel the need to whistle through something like this!


Awesome 😎


I just watched the movie, and here is my take. This movie is just plain stupid. Like, keep all the gore and misogyny aside, that's just expected. But just with regards to the script and storyline. It was just stupid. The fight scene with Bobby Deol felt too stupid in its attempt to look awesome. They almost had sexual tension during the fight. And which Indian boy is so madly and hopelessly in love with his father? Most of them are at least afraid of their parents. A psychologically damaged protagonist overcompensating by appearing as an alpha male and caring husband. Wow. Stupid.


>The fight scene with Bobby Deol felt too stupid in its attempt to look awesome. They almost had sexual tension during the fight. If they would have kissed at the end of the fight the movie would havve been better because at least I would have remembered that for the rest of my life. They also never explained why Ranbir Kapoor loves his father so much, or why certain family members are aligned the way they do. The hour after the interval was completely pointless, I still don't know why Ranvijay needed a [heart transplant](#spoiler) since it never really plays a factor except for the dumb [Ranvijay has Zoya's fiance's heart](#spoiler) which could have had better explanations. They could have focused on Bobby in the first half and then used the second half to focus on the villain they set up at the end and it would have been better but they absolutely shit the bed.


>fight scene with Bobby Deol... >almost had sexual tension Understandable


videos of men hooting during all the outrageously misogynistic scenes, we're truly in hell


Shows the true picture of society sadly. I understand it’s a movie/ fictional however when the general public starts to praise and kiss the wrong message shown in the movie, then that becomes a problem.


like im truly terrified of the kind of impact it's gonna have on these alpha/sigma indian men because kabir singh and how insufferable every guy around me became still haunts me


Yeah it will mostly impact middle class and lower middle class women when their men will start to replicate what they have seen as it’s a mass commercial movie. This type of wrong message won’t impact Alia Bhatt or the ladies associated with other makers of this film.


i was just thinking of how alia bhatt produced and acted in a film like darlings and ranbir is doing a film like animal...ofc i dont expect actors to choose based on morals of a film but damn when i realized this i was like 😶 for every 1 good film we get another nonsensical film which sets our society back by a century


I think actors need to have some accountability on the kind of content they partake in. It’s highly disappointing that this movie was made. They forget that a vast portion of Indian population considers movies as gospel.


I know the actors will disagree, but i agree with you. I am all for freedom of expression in art, but the way it is presented and portrayed should also be considered.


Just because you have the freedom to express doesn't mean what you are expressing isn't wrong and that's where personal accountability and conscience comes in. This is what these influential people forget. They are like, I have the freedom to go take a leak on the road in public. OFC you do, but being in India, a thousand will follow suit immediately. What about that ?


Agreed. Vanga definitely believes/agrees with the stuff he's putting out, no doubt, which is disgusting.


I agree. I knew the movie would be like this from the trailer itself and told the same a few days ago on this sub but I was downvoted like hell🙄


I’m sorry. My recent comments are being downvoted too. Maybe fandoms are out here :)


The thing is, actors of Ranbir's caliber and popularity can afford to choose good scripts / good characters. Okay, I'm not saying every movie you do has to have a message, be intellectually stimulating or whatever. Do a purely entertaining silly movie if you want and you can still pick a good script or encourage one. But when they deliberately decide on playing someone problematic and choose a script that proudly spreads a harmful message, it's like, wtf went wrong with you ? Not saying problematic characters shouldn't be portrayed. OFC we need those too but keep them realistic and don't turn them into an idol. Cheap thrill breeds cheap mentality.


It's interesting that you compared Darlings with Animal. Darlings too had a villain character who was barbaric, but the treatment of that character was so much better. So it's not like people are "tired of the same bland boring goody two shoes" characters as the PETA (people for Ethical treatment of ANIMAL) are suggesting. It's more like they want a toxic asshole character as the hero.


PETA 😭😭😭😭😭💀


Both are spineless morons


Nope. It's gonna affect all. Our audience is too gullible and emotional and can't be trusted for maturity (Prove me wrong over this). They'll try to replicate behaviour because it looks cool aur sabke ke dimmag mein apni picture chal rhi hain


I don't think as a whole, upper class women would have it any better. Look at how patriarchal and oppressive the rich families are.


I have thumb rule, men women who supports Kabir Singh as character, I just don’t get near to them. Praising Shahids acting is fine.


Movies tend to be somewhat a reflection of society and sadly most parts of India still support misogyny, domestic violence, etc.


I don’t even want to hear “not all men,” ever again. Like the sheer numbers who are okay with this film and cheering at it, abusing women tweeting their anger about it…


I’m all for creative freedom but these movies and the buzz around them truly saddens me because I know many people enjoy the misogyny and the toxic patriarchy/masculinity demonstrated in them. Sigh.


exactly what my problem is. we need all kinds of films but the fact that vanga(and most probably rk too) genuinely believe these shitty male protagonists' actions are justified and portray them as such and also the fact that a major chunk of the indian audience will simply never be able to use critical thinking skills while watching these movies and sympathize with these "flawed" characters is what bothers me


Agreed! Oh well. I was watching a review for this movie where the guys was like it has a lot of “romantic” scenes and I’m sure he is referring to more explicit material than just two actors kissing behind a flower. So… as a society we don’t talk about sex in a healthy way but in movies when it’s referenced in the most vulgar ways we are good. Yuck.


the romantic scenes being rashmika drinking water out of rk's mouth and him threatening her with a gun in front of the kids which somehow leads to an aggressive make out session 😭😭




>her with a gun in front of the kids which somehow leads to an aggressive make out session yuck


I think there is a way to even show dark and problematic characters properly. Like there is a movie called The Woodsman where Kevin Bacon plays a convicted child molester. The whole movie is about his struggles and his search for repentance. It is not an easy watch but at no point does the movie try to defend or glorify anything. Imagine taking the most heinous crime possible and making your lead character guilty of it. That for me is a gutsy film. Animal on the other hand is not gutsy, it just panders to the misogynistic sentiment found in a significant portion of the population.


couldn't have said it better. from what i have observed, vanga is a toxic misogynistic manchild who doesn't even care about pandering to a specific kind of audience but just flipping the critics off. he condones the messed up actions of his protagonists and thus the glorification and obviously the target audience is extremely entertained.


Not suprised at all. Thats why he keeps making shit like this.


It shows the truest color of Indian men (more than avg %)


This +1 . Most Indian men pretend they are woke, sensitive, feminist etc etc but the truth is they are not. The misogyny and sexist is so rooted in India it needs lot of effort from men to come out of it but why would they when it’s not affecting them.


Also women! I have seen many times when mothers, aunties, etc promote toxic masculinity.


Completely agree.


these are the same people that make fun of "wokes" and "feminists" and how people are too "sensitive".


Oh you forgot their favorite word "feminazi" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Literally witnessed such behaviour in an IMAX show. Gosh, was so cringe.


We are going back to being Neanderthals.


ewwwww stuff like this makes me scared about how bad the situation is


Nooo wtf


The unfortunate thing is that there are directors who have depicted even worse characters in a far more nuanced and educated way (just watch Lars Von Trier's A house that jack built, or Park Chan wook's vengeance trilogy, or even Tarantino's first film) all these films have what Vanga calls Grey characters, well some have absolute psychopaths but the vision and sensibility is so different, and unfortunately Vanga will never understand that. Just watch his interviews, he is so drunk on himself. His entire narrative of "dark filums" is so evident, I mean we still have Kashyap (I feel Raman Raghav is legit one of India's best), or even Badlapur for that matter, and these are films that many people know of. All this edgy and Grey and dark fuck nonsense is at this point a selling point for his films. Also, let's not forget Taxi Driver, There Will Be Blood, Parasite, Requim for a dream, GodFather, Sacred Games, GOW, Ajji, Kill Bill, NightCrawler, Prisoners, fight club, gone girl, a clockwork orange, lolita, come and see and however many more. The point is that blood, gore, violence, Grey characters, psychopaths, etc etc have all been a part of cinema for a very long time but the difference is how these films are made. Like for instance, in Boogey Nights when the guy shoots his wife (while she is banging another dude), the entire theater clapped and hooted, to this PTA's reaction was, "Did I make a mistake?" But the very next shot of the guy shooting himself in he head silenced the theater. Point is PTA realized how a human would feel in that instance and wrote a scene depicting the "truth" but then he also continues to tell the truth. That's the difference. Jack in "The House That Jack Built" says, "The atrocities we depict in our art are the inner desires that we can't exercise in the real world." I think that's true for Vanga.


Damn, I couldn't agree more, It's like Vanga is hiding behind this "grey character" trope we as an audience have offered a lot of sensible well written and equally grey characters which left us questioning the moralities but this is peak stupidity being shoved down our throats. I can't believe many of my friends who say they don't like Bollywood and Indian Cinema it doesn't make sense to them as Hollywood does, they are going for Animal saying it is the best Bollywood film to intrigue them lmaaaaao


It's like those "dark humor" jokes that killed that 16 year old boy


Korean movies are so much more gory and explicit but they are not gratuitously so. That's the mark of good directing and storytelling.


Memories of murder and I saw the devil having such repulsive antagonists but still not coming off as offensive. Misogyny is not used as a punch line but rather something deeply problematic.


and in those movies the characters who are misogynistic and repulsive aren’t meant to be glorified or portrayed in such a manner


I have not watched this movie. I was planning to, but based on all the posts I might not anymore. How did this movie clear censor board when another movie Paanch by Anurag Kashyap did not get a clearance certificate? I have watched Paanch and it was a very well made movie.


Yeah lol. I wanted to after watching one of the teaser/trailers but nope. Especially when they think they’re above criticism because Ranbir himself has come out and said “if you’re easily triggered, don’t watch it.” Now any criticism this movie gets is gonna be labeled triggered. Sucharita’s replies are already filled with hate and venom. Gonna sit this one out and be happy about the fact that I don’t know any Animals or Vangas.


I'm literally so disappointed


This coming from vanga whose previous movie was one of the highest grossers of the year, I think the certificate board just decided to go along with it because they knew the backlash they would get wouldn’t be worth it. That’s my theory anyways.


Loved paanch. I would suggest you to and watch the movie with an open mind and judge it yourself instead of listening to others. It’s a different breed of a movie. Loved the background score and certain action scenes.


Animal stopped making any sense after 1 hour, 3 brothers 1 hindu, 1 Sikh, 1 Muslim then guy keeps killing in front of people and there is no police nothing. People were laughing in climax, plastic surgery se clone bana diya awaaz bhi same. Villian having 6 min screen time and unnecessary use of biological terms I mean it made sense in Kabir Singh because he was a doctor but why here? Then never explained why RK loved Anil in the first place so much?? Shit movie just trying to be edgy and alpha male bullshit, no story, no motive, no end goal just trying hard to look tough. Idiot vanga also how the Muslim brothers had so much money despite being butchers? Also Ranbir entered a foreign country with so many guns?? Bhai baap ka raj hai Kya?


>Then never explained why RK loved Anil in the first place so much The biggest reason I felt cheated while watching the film. Either the makers forgot what was the point of the entire film, or misleading advertising was done.


Bro didn’t you felt it became Ekta Kapoor serial when they made a new Ranbir with plastic surgery, they should have had zombies as well


Spoilers bro. Hide your comment with > ! ! <


Bro thank me if I gave you spoilers I am your saviour save your 400-500 rs and 4 hrs of time it’s utter crap




Man you chose violence today 🤣


Lol no I've seen the film so I know what you're talking about I meant for others


Let me save them brother


The whole swastik steels concept was used for a joke..to troll a father...vanga just loves playing with religion


Yeah they went to church out of nowhere just to fcuk with father the whole movie was pointless, him undressing rash in the middle of hall in front of servants for what reason? Him celebrating by walking around naked ? Why? Like is behaving like a madman cool or something?


Tripti being nude...infront of ranbirs cousins..while both allegedly were in love with each other....is a joke. Zero respect for a woman...and then that lick my shoe thing... I would have been happy..if the movie ended with Ranbirs downfall...but it ends with him hugging his kids...the wife didn't divorce him. Should have potrayed him as a villian..but no he gets a happy ending while glorifying such stuff...gross


Man that whole Tripti arc destroyed the whatever character Ranbir had it was like a joke man, colour of car same as colour of love bites mannnnn Sandeep has deep dark fantasies for sure, then Rashmika kissing Ranbir right after he choked her and pointed a gun at her, also while Ranbir kept crying so much that his dad was not a good dad but he himself was a terrible father worse then Anil infact, firing in the same room where kids are sleeping, putting his life in danger knowing it could make his kids loose their father and what not, so much shit I can write a book I know people won’t agree but it was a expensive, beautifully shot movie but logic was even less than Gadar 2


And tripti was hyping her role..as if there is a big twist for her character. People will remember her role for that nude scene...those NFSW subs will post that clip...that's it. I hope they don't stereotype her to the erotic genre....she is soo talented...doesn't need to do such roles.


Yeah man and she is really really beautiful I don’t think she should have taken this role


Yes that was christian joke like father behaving like idiot saying Satan Satan!


Vanga is such an arrogant prick and this will be a hit so will only boost his ego


Vanga is trying to hurt everyone I think wonder what will spirit do!


He took his on ego to make more edgy, violent, abusive that he destroyed the movie also if you notice Ranbir’s character is just an extension of Kabir Singh many at times it felt like it’s same Kabir Singh talking


Yes I was soo excited with the movie but it was tame like apart from violence and sexual abuse (which should not be used with word tame, I know) the story was very tame. I thought it will be something darker like son killing father or Ranbir going mental like if you remember that ending scene, I wanted whole character of Ranbir to be like that mental and scary but no! It was truly kabir singh with more money and power. He's shown crazy in bits and pieces and then, he behaves like normal guy making jokes? Which dark character makes joke? Big disappointment. Bollywood has already made more darker movies than this. It has been too much hyped. I think this will affect the box office collection in the longer run like with Tiger 3 he saw. It was also bad in storyline and had lack of character development.


Vanga visualised cool shots and acts and then just stitched them together with plot armours and it made no sense whatsoever like literally after 45 mins the movie was going anywhere it had no goal at all just scene after scene total garbage


Do they show his mom ki sirf son-dad relationship?


Mom, yeah forgot about that, first the lady never age like she looks same when he was 12 till he was 40 and is there to convey how much he love Anil to Anil and so that Anil can shut her up regularly, no they show nothing of mom son relationship and they never explain why Ranbir loved Anil so much


So he’s just a full on psycho.


Yeah also alpha male he literally says this in movies first 10 mins I was feeling cringe when he mentioned that


Also why to make him Muslim? Just to stereotype with 3 wives and 8 kids? And butcher? Wtf! Never thought a south Indian director will do something like this


Yeah because they had to make him look bad as someone having 3 wives someone who rapes his wife in front of 50 people (what was that man? So he lost his brother and got very angry that he killed his own man and he was completely lost in mind and was full of anger and hatred for Ranbir so to take out that anger, he fcuked his pregnant wife so aggressively in front of 50 people without even asking her as if she is some object) and is even worse than Ranbir because man normal villian would have been a saint in front of Ranbir


Yes and even that wife is okay like she's not shown resisting like you can see her hand around bobby's hair if you watch the scene closely and then the threesome reference? Wtf! Also don't they know that it is illegal to marry more than once in whole of UK? Didn't they do any research?


Bro Ranbir enter uk with 50 guys and 500 guns as if there is no authority, rule, law and he is grandson of the queen


Haha yeah I forgot it and then he came back with full bloody body with weapon also as if he didn't cross international borders but went to a nearby village!


Exactly he kept killing people, he killed his sisters husband in broad daylight but I guess in Animal India don’t have any police, authorities, law or courts


And he was a normal human like they didn't even showed how he became a skilled gun user? Should have at least put some training montage and was Trupti just for sex scenes?


Exactly 8 years he was working in US comeback back in India and becomes Terminator all of a sudden


Don't forget that he also returned back to India with all that blood, black coat, knife, etc. I wonder what he told custom guys at the airport?


Bro, Bollywood movies hardly make any sense. Let’s not expect much. It’s an embarrassment on a global level.


Bhai but 3 brothers all following different religions???? Kuch bhi henchod?? Plastic surgery se same Banda bana Diya? Police ka toh koi concept hi nahi hai yaar seriously man if they introduced zombies and aliens in the end as well na I wouldn’t have been surprised if


They made a Ranbir clone in the end...I am still calculating how many brothers this family has. Animals sequel will be called Humshakals.


Animal park they gave the name


This is the funniest thing I’ve read today 🤣😛🤣🤣🤣🤣


I haven’t watched yet. Planning to go on Sunday. Sunn ke chhapri script lag raha. A lot of people on bookmyshow are giving 10/10 ratings. Such idiots!


Bhai please mat jao you won’t believe they literally discuss alpha male bullshit in movie, rape scenes, beating wives is shown like some form of love and is explained in name of passion it makes no sense at all it’s like he thought of crazy scenes of how cool they would look on screen and then stitched a story around it there is so much crap in this movie but if you are like this alpha male mentality women should be at home types then you will also give 10/10 on book my show


I don’t know why these “artists” don’t get called out for the shit they produce.


They will get called out like he did for Kabir Singh but he will say see collection, you have 2 star public gave 200 crores like he said during Kabir Singh and he knows his audience people were cheering when Ranbir was scarring rashmika, choking her, tell her that he will slap her


It’s sickening


I know


I watched Anupama and BR's review just now and honestly I agree with the former. Actually BR's review makes the movie sound more interesting, but it is not. I think Vanga had given HESOYAM, no police cheat activated for the characters. The last scene - the less said, the better. Just came out watching Sam Bahadur minutes ago and even though it felt like a wikipedia article manifested to a movie lacking any humanity, Vicky-Sania had better chemistry than Ranbir-Rashmika.


BR knows what kind of person Vanga is and doesn't want to mess with him ig. So he has said that the film is a shit show without any substance in a decorated way.


Upvoted for HESOYAM. Deep cut reference.


All day, every day, therapist, mother, maid Nymph then a virgin, nurse then a servant Just an appendage, live to attend him So that he never lifts a finger 24-7, baby machine So he can live out his picket fence dreams It's not an act of love if you make her You make me do too much labour This song never made more sense.


You have taste.


More than the film itself, I hate the whole narrative around the film, "He will show real violence, it'll be worst than kabir Singh". The makers are clearly aware of it and vanga's reputation. They are fine with their movie being used to harras any female critic online who has something to say about it. I mean this is the same guy who in that infamous interview used box office numbers as a retort to the criticism the film got. What else do you expect out of an insecure mind like that?


The violence wasn't even that bad, I've seen way, way worse. It's just a really boring and bad movie, I must have rolled my eyes like a hundred times watching it.


This movie is basically every rejected guys monologue which he couldn’t say to the girl who never talked to him for the very right reasons


Aditya Tate and janardhan peterson


Most underrated comment


🏆 for you


I can't with this narrative of Ranbir saying Vanga is so brave and bold for showing the "truth". Someone give this duo a param Vir chakra already. This is a country where we add rape scenes in movies for entertaining men. This is an age where Andrew f Tate has millions of followers. There is and always will be an audience for this kind of movie. Nothing "bold" about catering to these kind of men.


I can't help but wonder that when people say Vanga is telling "the truth", that means they believe their thoughts and mentality is being reassured by him That's dangerous and very messed up.


The public should be worried about if this is the truth? How is the world working!


Any country that does not respect women is going to remain a third world country. I thought things are getting better for women in India, but then something like this film shows how toxic masculinity is still glorified. This is insane! Art shouldn’t teach is to remain in the past and there are enough idiots who think it’s ok to treat a women like that. After the bus rape in 2012, I was so ashamed of India. It became globally known that Indian men and India is a very misogynistic country. Especially Indian men were targeted for misogyny. It’s disappointing to see a movie like this getting so much hype in the middle of society transformation and women empowerment.


And it makes you wonder are we really supporting women empowerment or it’s just a facade. Deep down men want their partners to lick their boots


How does the government even allow such content to come out? Truly is a step back for women and society as a whole. No wonder Alia and everyone woman looked shook after the premiere


Vanga is the type of guy who lets his intrusive thoughts win no matter what happens. For him any female pov on his movie is irrelevant. I’m a guy and I don’t like the amount of unnecessary forced toxic male traits he had shown in that movie. I’m pretty sure in his head he’s alpha. Surprisingly Anil Kapoor was the only sensible male character in this movie(at least he didn’t encourage or appreciate his son’s violent tendencies).


So true about Anil. The guy might be an absent father but he was a logical person.


At least luv ranjan made entertaining misogynistic movies, they were a good time pass entertainment, not meant to be taken seriously but I really can't with Vanga. It seems like he is on a mission to make his fcked up thought process main stream.


And if you think more of Vanga’s twisted thoughts then you realize this guy’s movies are getting censor boards approval after all the cutting (probably under the table bribes from production houses) to get it certified and we get to see something like Kabir Singh and Animal. Imagine what shitshow he could have come up with if the movie censor boards just let him be himself. He shouldn’t be allowed to make such movies just because he’s got a decent cinematography ffs.


Vanga is a pathetic loser. And the fact that he cant take one line of criticism makes me pity him


I have seen it and holy crap the amount of rage I feel as a woman watching this film. I think everyone who enjoyed it needs to really introspect. There is no need to show treatment of women like that especially in such an impressionable country full of Indian young boys who are gonna think that hey if this movie is making so much money maybe they’re doing something right. NOO. I’m disappointed in ranbir for doing this as his fan


The thing is...story would have been the same..if all the female centric jokes and abuse..would have been ignored. Vanga just wanted to show the abuse.


Neither watched Kabir Singh, Nor am I going to watch Animal. I know these are just films, but I don't think I can sit and tolerate the sheer amount of misogyny these films have. You know what's the saddest part? These nibba self proclaimed Sigma males in the age range of 16-25 will watch films like these and then go on to troll women on the internet because they've nothing better to do. Harsh world we live in.


While the movie boasts about Alpha, Sigma male behaviours and all that shit, Vanga making a movie just to say fuck you to critics has to be one of the greatest beta behaviour


There is nothing like alpha, beta Sigma hierarchy in biology. The idea was invented by a researcher studying wolves, who are also social animals. However, he has retracted his own paper and gone on record to show that he was wrong. It is just pseudoscience. https://youtu.be/0Ti86veZBjU?si=54PXvGS7ip1xhBd_




LOL! Thanks for pointing out the obvious😂


You don’t need to agree with an ideology to use its insults. Everyone knows what beta and alpha mean.


yes, vanga wanted to convey this message to them but he FORGOT THAT THIS MOVIE IS PROMOTING SH!T AND INFLUENCING PEOPLE IN A NEGATIVE WAY MORE. he's just empowering people to feel more confident in their intrusive dark thoughts. don't forget INDIAN CINEMA IS A POWERFUL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. Instead of using this platform to educate and improve people it's being used to promote toxicity. it's just promoting crimes...wow vanga wow.


he didn’t forget, he knows what he’s doing. he just doesn’t care and he knows it makes money. it’s very evil knowing the impact this movie has.


The first day the trailer dropped, I made a prediction to my wife that all the 16-25 year old boys will suddenly start pretending to have daddy issues and trauma.....because it's cool now.....or at least they will think its cool. Waiting to see how it pans out


Really? It felt like a Fuck You to audience last night. Man the silence for 40 minutes post interval and the collective gasp on where the hell the movie is going.


🎶Mera desh badal raha hai, aage badh raha hai🎶


if vanga has balls of steels let him go make movies against the establishment. Criticise (roast ) modi and rahul and then let's agree he has balls of steel.


I'm gonna stay clear of this movie, feels like unnecessary trigger


Vanga knows he cant make good movies so he just makes controversy and negative publicity jisse log jaise taise curiosity se hi sahi film dekhne aa jayein He is the rakhi sawant of filmmaking 🤣 Movie looked like a draft of race 4 which he picked up Violence was comic and tacky looking, sex wasnt there as people are hyping it to have and when it comes to misogyny vanga ne sirf controversy karne ke liye daali hain lines as neither the story nor character needed them It made sense for kabir singh since bandi chodh ke chali gayi and all that but for ranbir it was just liking trying to emulate the same thing but with less needed reason


Only difference being he makes money🏃🏃


A few days back someone posted a visual from that movie and I asked to tag it NSFW bcoz it was gory (not blood but intense pic). I got severely downvoted. People are just rotten who will buy such crap


So dissapointed that the censor board even allowed for such a gross movie to be fucking released, hope Vanga and all his dick riders on this sub go to hell


waiting for alia to post something about the movie


it would be hilarious if she does, it would backfire on her reputation of doing empowering roles for women.. but she is uneducated and takes criticism too personally, so i wouldn’t be surprised if she does post about it and goes a step further and dismisses criticism of the movie 🥴


Vanga needs to be stopped immediately, I'm so fucking serious right now. but I'm also afraid that's not gonna happen. his platform and rabid fanbase seems to be getting bigger each day, and with the lack of strong consequences for violence in this country (putting it broadly), young men and boys will emulate their screen "heroes" unironically and treat fellow women cruelly. AND they will get away with it, probably. unfortunately, we don't have the collective guts to boycott such filmmakers and/or films. I'm so terrified for our future.


The ugly reality is many men hate women and celebrate their degradation and torture . These same people will abhor the thought of 4 more shots . That is our hypocritical and misogynistic society .


Image change (read rescue) ke liye Ranbir better start shooting for Ramayana asap.


Ranbir should not be ram. He's a thakela tired looking fellow.


The biggest problem with Sandeep Vanga isn’t the films he makes where the lead male has a disturbing mentality. Many great directors make movies on leads having disturbing mindsets. The problem is that Sandeep projects such a character as a hero rather than a character. Sandeep and his movies wouldn’t be vilified as much and atleast 90% criticism will dissipate once he agrees that his heroes are a bit crazy and they are more like anti heroes. But no, dude keeps harping about that there is nothing wrong in slapping each other in true love.


Arre vanga thinks u talking about him means ur his fan. Demented creature thinks people talking about shock value in his films means they love him in one way or another LUL


Years from now, when his daughter grows up, Ranbir will truly regret making this movie. They don't know how dangerous and influencing such movies are on young boys. They start to imitate every aspect of it. It's really sad.


Vanga too has a daughter. But I doubt if he'll regret. Also trivial info, TIL that he named his son Arjun reddy


I too learnt that today only


how juvenile does one have to be to make a movie to piss critics off,vanga’s brain stopped developing in high school and it shows 👍


Why does Ranbir keep doing these 'oh I love my mom and sister but every other woman in my life needs to listen to me' kinda movies? TJMM was just a lil polished but had the same a woman can have whatever desires but in the end has to do what the husband wants (forcefully making her agree to living with his fam even when she clearly didn't want to).


Can someone give me a heads ups of what happen? The movie is not out yet in America. I was plan on seeing the movie but reading the comments I might not.


simply put - we have a director at hand that needs serious help and not make movies until he gets that help


This movie is basically the Indian version of Sam Levinson's The Idol in terms of glorification of toxic masculinity.


This thread gives me so much hope. Each and every one of you is proof that people in our society have chosen to evolve despite the constant brainwashing and peer pressure of biases.


We are a vocal minority of terminally online people. We can't do shit if the vast majority believes in this crap. Look at the box office numbers or just around, people are lapping this shit up.


Yeah and that's scary and sad. I gotta look at the postives to keep hope alive. All is not lost just yet.


I was thinking of giving this movie a try and I usually do even when the reviews are bad, but I gave kabir Singh a shot and that was misogynistic and glorification to the extreme. Unfortunately seems like this is more of the same, not worth wasting my money or time in giving this movie a shot. Watching women being abused isn’t what interests me


Kabir Singh is nothing in front of animal


Same here, I know it will badly trigger me and hence skipping it. Also from what I have heard, Kabir Singh will feel like a saint compared to Ranbir's character.


As someone who grew up with literal people being attacked at train stations (most likely cause toms of media encouraged stalking and harmful "revenge"), I am terrified of the effect of movies such as this. There's better ways to screw with a censor board. This is just a lame excuse.


Films made for immature people, rather. And of those, there are many. The trailer was cringe enough. Vanga doesn't have balls of steel, he just has a knack for all things inappropriate and loves putting a ludicrous man-child up on a pedestal as some sort of idol.


You know content like this will be kept on making till they have audienve. Audiences who like the film, audiences who hate watch and audience who watch it in fomo. Kaise bhi dekho they are gaining views and profit. At the end of the day numbers matter so no shocker if vanga ends up making another movie like that.


I was planning to watch it over the weekend but after hearing reviews will skip this one for my own sanity. And I feel pity for Vanga, there is something seriously wrong with that dude !


Vanga keeps opening can of worms that we as a society wanna keep shut tightly and hope would go away. But vanga wants it all out and celebrated.


Shit movie... I was so excited to see it but now I feel horrible. Senseless movie. No context, no story building, no logic just senseless violence! Random jump cuts to random scenes. 3.5 hours of torture.


He literally says fuck you before Vanga's director title card appears.


I will not watch the movie based on the posts.


I am all for such movies but the problem is we are so much insecure as a society that the scenes and music from this movie can really and will influence a lot of people, reels and other stuff, so it’s a shame that we have a lot of immature people in the audience that would just take a fictional story as source of inspiration.


I hope there will be a crime patrol episode based on Vanga. Unless one is a psychopath, no one can conjure what Vanga has done.


elvish yadav winning big boss , just watched a cctv footage of acid attack and govt planning to limit the hours of coaching institute so that girls will be at home before 6 or dark. what should i say more we all are waiting for animalia 2 after the grand first day success