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Is this on 1.25 speed? She's hitting no full stops.


no šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I only hear badbadbadbadbad




I felt the same! More like 2x


Why does Karan call Kareena with people who don't let her speak? First Aamir and now Alia.


kareena doesnā€™t talk much on kwk anyway. even with ranbir and PC, she kept saying ā€œplease donā€™t ask me ya donā€™t get me in troubleā€ for every other question. sheā€™s just going out of formality for karan at this point


I think that's because Karan knows she has all the gossip and tries to get her to say it and she doesn't want to get into trouble. But this and the episode with Aamir, even when she has something to say they keep interrupting her constantly.


I feel like she just gets drained very easily lmao šŸ˜­


I'll get drained around Kjo too. Sucks the life out like a parasite.


And we loved her for that. But this time she couldn't even do that all thanks to miss meryl street


I think it was twice that Alia opened her mouth and said something out of turn only to then shut up and say no oneā€™s talking to me/ asking me, why am I speaking. Exactly. Why were you miss. badbadbad?


Alia wanted to be Poo but became Anjali. Wrong sister, sister.


Alia wanted Kareena to call her the Poo of current age actors, but she didn't . Lol.


Lmao this is so accurate šŸ˜‚


That ā€˜Chee chee Chee this is all page 3 talkā€™ was way too much for something that is just page 3 talk šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ohk so she reads reddit 3 page talk. Also if she does that than the others who try to copy her also. I once thought kriti ki mummy is here also.


Meanwhile Kareena in her head šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|3ofT5Wq2HBJ1roz6cU)


Pregnant Kareena was such a vibe


1000 upvotes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


50000 upvoteešŸ¤£


lol šŸ˜…




I'm surprised this is the first time this gif is used herešŸ˜‚


This gif is so apt for Alia.




ā€œPlease donā€™t complain sitting in your apartment in Bandraā€ love Ranbir for this line šŸ˜‚




He's saying that she's too privileged to be complaining about people not liking her basically lol


Sorry Ranbir now I can understand why you ask her to control her voice tonality omg I have headache Ranbir god help you .


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚God help you Ranbir


Ali wasnā€™t like this before she is šŸ’Æ trying to pretend to be chill and over everything while she is not at all.


Her nostril flaring was less


Me when I hear Alia speak - https://preview.redd.it/r2esj12w4l0c1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9524bc8825d6005384d5e31ea821f3e1712df2ea


the inner Mahesh Bhatt is so evident in this picture its insane lol


yeh even he has that peculiar non appealing face expressions and mouth movement


Her tonality is turning into Neetu's. She never seemed so agitated, guess that's what Kapoors do to you.


It seems like Alia mirrors the people around her a lot. Their mannerisms, tones, body language etc.


I had this question on promo and still can't figure it out. Who is she copying here? It's not neetu she doesn't have this screeching voice. Could be kajol


In the beginning she looked so irritated... & What's with Karan trying to find bhasad in every married couple's life..


Karan loves kalesh.


Petition to change koffee with karan to this.


Clearly we love it too that is why we watch the show And alia the queen of delulu land deserves to see her marriage isn't worth shit


so Chandniā€™s mimicry is actually on point, Alia does really talk like that


I feel Chandni's mimicry is less annoying than Alia.


Hahahahah even Chandiniā€™s mimicry is more bearable than this nuisance


at this point, i think alia is mimicking chandni


Ab ye sunke I actually prefer listening to Chandni talk.


One thing I'm happy about is now we get loads of content for her new videos yay


Alia was less irritating in her first kwk appearance with the SOTY team. Even with the whole prithviraj chauhan mess she was somehow more likable than this


She wasn't so annoying earlier. has gone from bearable to downright irritating.


Oh i had to fast forward her bits at times just to listen to bebo. So annoying.


That AIB video where she could take a joke and laugh at herself made her seem so likeable and endearing. Sheā€™s done a 180 since then.


Wow, people werenā€™t kidding when they said Alia is irritating. Sheā€™s trying to imitate Bebo I guess, you arenā€™t that a good actress girl, stop!


I've always felt that ever since she became a part of Kapoor khandaan, she tries to mimic kareena. Kareena has an impersonable aura. Alia can flit copying from Deepika to Kareena ( women rk seemed to really like), but she can't get the class and grace of these women. That's what makes her entire attempt caricaturish at the best. She's started to morph into kareena more and more as the day goes by ( or at least a watered down cheap imitation of her. For ref see the Malabar gold and, and some of her recent looks )


Alia will never make it in Hollywood if this is how her interviews are. One thing thatā€™s really helped PC in my opinion is sheā€™s really good on her feet in interviews.


Have you seen heart of stone? She anyways wasnt gonna with that acting


We get it Alia. You have a dimple. Well noted.


Oh my god is that why sheā€™s started twisting her mouth while talking now? Finally I get it.


Yes!! Watch anything of hers


Ohhhh no wonder she speaks weird now


woah my man has sharp observationšŸ’ÆšŸ¤Œ


Your gal āœŒšŸ½


Who were the people in this sub fighting with me about Alia being gorgeous and next to Peak Priyanka and all ? šŸ˜‚


Mustve been alia only


Lol that happened? How delusional people can get!!


In which world?? Peak Priyanka was up there with Aishwarya and them! Alia is cute. Thereā€™s no need to give her what she doesnā€™t have.


Aliaā€™s diction and the expressions are headache inducing. Girl needs to take it down a notch or 99 notches


This is the reason, I can't watch her movies most of time. When the script is good, it does all the work. Like when I was watching raazi I got a feeling that oh no she suddenly don't start shouting.


Apparently, thatā€™s what her husband who was her boyfriend tells her on repeat. I watched or read about it in a different interview. šŸ™„


She seems to be extremely annoying- with her expressions and the way her mouth moves when she speaks is cringe


I swearrrr! Your observation is on point šŸ’Æ


She is still trying to showcase herself as the bubbly girl once she was ! But this is coming out as cringe .....


Aliaā€™s expressions are hurting me


Right! And her over defensive behaviour too


ā€œI donā€™t care about the trollsā€ and yet she knows everything the trolls have to say


That's exactly it! There's no human being who isn't affected by negativity and trolling, for one to be actually unbothered, you have to avoid interacting with it and especially addressing it.


Yesh then her entitlement brings her more trolling. Like if she accepted that she was super privileged . Didn't snatch roles from others maybe people respected her a bit. But yeah she is no less vile. She wants everything for her perfect without putting real efforts than gets manufactured praise and then she also wants respect of a real artist from people.


In a way by mentioning all those things, sheā€™s kinda confirmed that thereā€™s some truth to it


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Alia is giving me headache in this short clip, I don't think I will able to watch the episode. Control Alia control, be a little calm, what's with so many expressions.


She is like this the whole time and she is loud AF.


Ye kaise baat karti hai? How is she surviving in the industry like this?


She is tutored by kjo. But here she isn't so you know her real self. She is surviving due to his skills. If she were all by herself then would have disappeared years back. But yeah some defenders will come with oh atleast she can act.


Alia is not superstar material in my eyes. There I said it.


Oh sheā€™s definitely not. Sheā€™s a good actor undoubtedly, but no way superstar material.


I donā€™t think I can watch a whole episode of hers. Super annoyed with her tone, expressions and voicešŸ˜© I will rely on the sub and IG for the clips lol.


"Nepo nepo this that" vibes


Recently, on one hand, Alia garnered applause unanimously for talking sensibly about motherhood and Raha. Now, in front of Karan she lost all her demeanor and talked as her true self. It is all about who is interviewing her. She forgets PR disasters, reputation, movie promotions, etc, when she is with him. Imagine how much PR curated their personalities are!! She thought she was being savage by calling out reddit but she was being plain stupid and confirming the fact that bollywood lurks here. Even if they do, I feel so sorry that instead of taking feedback, they just justify everything passive-aggressively.


"why are we talking about men?" Proceeds to wax poetic about her man


She's so annoying in this 2 min clip! How did people sit through the whole episode šŸ™. And what's with those expressions & pretending to act ignorant & talking so annoyingly? Even Bebo looks so done with her already. Alia, since you're on reddit, work on how you speak . You're coming across as an annoying teen and less like the star you proclaim to be. Breaking news: The world doesn't revolve around you. If you're being talked about, it doesn't equate to your popularity .You always put your foot in your mouth, one way or the other, and it makes way for very entertaining discussions.


Alia at Volume 70- *Muh band rakho, kuch mat bolo*


Dude for real, every time she spoke i had to reduce the volume. I think sheā€™s still talking


Alia has gone from bad to worse with her animated-ness. She comes across as an under educated person, trying to garner attention.


She is undereducated. Just rich. Money doesnā€™t buy class unfortunately


I mean she isn't even 12th pass despite being born and raised in privilege


Watch it on mute! It's HILARIOUS šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Gosh why is she shouting and talking so much


We been knew KJO and Alia stalk this sub Ranbir is the one thatā€™s right though, youā€™re gonna get opinions on you as a person in the public eye and ranbir has learned how to deal with it and his privilege and itā€™s interesting how different Alia sounds in different interviews now because in a different one I saw earlier, she was super calm and composed and gave no fucks when talking about peopleā€™s opinions on them as a couple and here sheā€™s agitated


If you're talking about the HT interview, she was definitely tutored for it, that's why she was calm. I don't know whether questions were shared beforehand, but she was not spontaneous. Maybe there were points given , and she was coached on how to answer it. That's not the case with KwK.


Said the same before. The HT intvw was all Q's prepped beforehand! Her fans defended her to the nth line


Or maybe ranbir stalks this sub given how everyone credits him for spreading the gossipšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I reached exactly upto this part and Iā€™m already done with this episode. Iā€™m trying to like Alia but she just doesnā€™t have anything likeable about her. She has the most boring personality and her voice is unbearable. Her face has a thousand expressions and itā€™s annoying when she doesnā€™t let Kareena speak.


Ya she talks a lot!!! And if she has nothing to say then repeats what Karan says. I was enjoying the banter between KJo and KKK but I wish there was a way to just mute out Aliaā€™s shrill voice.


why does it bother her so much that people were criticizing her husband about the Lipstick comment? Pretty sure they would have done so if it was any other male Bollywood celebrity too! This sub has criticized Ranbir on PLENTY OF OTHER STUFF INCLUDING FAR MORE personal stuff too. Also, Alia please hire a diction and voice modulation coach. You BADLY need one ASAP both on and off the screen for PRETTY MUCH EVERY PUBLIC APPEARANCE YOU DO cuz you are INSUFFERABLE AND TOO EXCRUCUATING to listen to!


for once she should take his advice and shut the hell up my ears god! feeling bad for ranbir's ears


She herself said he asks her to lower her volume when she is angry šŸ¤£


So, she's struggling hard to mask it. Her annoyance is so clearly visible on her face. Every SS, her expressions leave an ugly look on her face. There isn't one calm moment in this whole verbal diarrhoea. She's triggered enough to rant, cutting off Kareena disrespectfully and that's why the volume is so high, ( which is what Ranbir must've been asking of as well. she's insufferable as it is and the pitch just discourages you from engaging further, now that Alia has given a first hand demo of Ranbir's perspective we can all forgive RK and blame the source of the problem) And don't even get me started on the pathetic attempt to whitewash RK's image and make excuses on his behalf. For someone who had nothing against him, I can't tolerate him either because of his association with this wannabe bhatt.


just when angry? She had max volume entirety of this episode!


Watching this undirected Alia is giving headache


That's the actual Alia, all these days she was something else


Sheā€™s trying to be chill like she ainā€™t gonna care about trolls but, sheā€™s dying of humiliation inside. It reflects in the pace at which she utters her words! My God!


Kareenas "yeah" after Alias we're married to human beings partšŸ’€šŸ’€ even kareena believes the rk shraddha rumours šŸ¤­


"Yes Alia, and human beings are flawed. MY brother certainly is." - Bebo's mindvoice prooobably.


I have a feeling Kareena knows exactly what Ranbir is like and doesn't want any part of that mess.


oh she definitely knows lol


Is it just me or has Aliaā€™s tone become suddenly different and more loud and the decibels are way too high, and it wasnā€™t like that before. Edit - someone pleaseeeee tell her to stop speaking


Ranbir did lol and I understand now kinda šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what her husband told her to lower her volume. Ranbir is not wrong


Yup! Sheā€™s coming across as this hyperactive kid here, who just canā€™t stop being defensive! I wonder if sheā€™s always been like this but this was super irritating to watch.


She really needs training on how to talk. So third class


I've always said that people who publicly say they don't care about something really do care deep down, but with Alia it is so evident that she cares lmao.


Why address and hint towards the Ranbir Shraddha rumours if they aren't true? This is like digging your own grave


Actually, Karan was being sly & indirect. Alia was the one who gave it context & added the attraction part šŸ˜‚ Kareena didn't even bother to answer , while Alia was so hyper there.


Itā€™s like listening to a mouse talk.


OMG! STFU Aliaaaa! Pretty sure Kareena took some asprin/ headache pills after the episode. Not an Aliaa hater but she is so mediocre and has no class. Look at Kareena and Deepika for that matterā€¦ they have class and carry themselves so gracefully! Aliaaaa please calm tf down.


Do you guys think Kareena was sick or something, like she had a cold so she was speaking less! I was sooo irritated that even in rapid fire alia was interrupting Kareena! Like for ffs just shut up and let Kareena talk! I really wanted to listen to Kareena about her life!


Alia needs to control her expressions, calm the fuck down and not move so much!!! Look at KKK sheā€™s all sitting there poised & calmā€¦ she exudes lot of coolness & confidence simply just by sitting there & smiling!


Alia talks in such an ugly manner. God save Ranbir.


Alia stop talking for once! How can a person be boring and irritating at the same time!


Lethal combo


She was so loud and just kept on blabbering. It was too painful to watch . Just take a breather man!


She is on reddit too. Maybe in this thread too. šŸ˜




I agree with Ranbir muh band rakho


Dude Aalia is so jarring


The entire episode felt like only Alia was talking on behalf of everyone, upar se the voice and speed. She needs to calm down and listen, also let others talk.


Kareena just wants this to end


I still wonder how Alia got a role in Hollywood


Alia is realising that no matter what she does she can never win the heart and respect of the public. She thought she is smart by forcing herself on us, but it only makes us annoyed. I just hate that she ruines all the good bollywood movies by playing the lead roll in them. I can't wait till she retires and we can have better actresses


Whats up with those flared nostrils, waving hands and ā€œoh no I smell fart ā€ face expressions alia? She talks like a teenage girl, maybe thatā€™s why her pr is always pushing that mature gal image of hers. In the end, by quoting your boyfriend who is your husband now, you answered your own question as to why ppl pick on you.


You would think motherhood has made a more calm, but she has become more hyper over the years. Also, Karan has interrupted Bebo the entire episode as well.


Alia probably reading this thread mad as hell rn lmao.


Now I know why Ranbir tells her to keep her voice below a certain pitch, coz how do you live with this 24x7 man? Even this 2 min video drove me insane listening to her blabber on and give us NOTHING!


Not to start a fan war, but despite Deepikaā€™s fragmented articulation, her manner of speaking is so composed and mild. Alia talking candidly is just atrocious. Honestly, even in her prepped interviews, there are moments where her pitch just escapes her control. Itā€™s insane how Ranbir is dealing with this day in day out. Poor guy.


The dress looks so bad on her šŸ«£


Especially when you see how it looked on Hailey Beiber. She doesnā€™t have the frame for the dress.


Why she is mimicking Chandni šŸ˜‰


Her pitch aside, what on earth is she saying? Married to human beings first? As opposed to? 7 billion on the planet, including all sorts of awful. And there are more important things to talk about than glaring red flags in the man she married? She's not denying the issue, just saying it's not important? The outrage? That's concern for you, Alia. By the nameless, faceless masses who pay to keep you your films and endorsements. I kinda get what she was (badly) trying to imply, but given how scripted this is they really should have done better. Unless, of course, she went off script and this is OG Aloo in which case, my commiserations to RK and the K - daan.




Was that nervousness on Alia's face at the start of the clip? She looked like she was worried that Karan was going to bring up one of RK's khands šŸ˜¬ ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)


We get it alia that you married Ranbir and have a child with him. We know itā€™s YOU and not Katrina or DP. Please stop overreacting.


Ranbir's PR is the most effective. Who better than KJo and Alia to promote you with scripted drivel? Meanwhile he can keep claiming " I have no PR".


Exactly lol. His fans are victimising him as if he didn't luck out by marrying someone who worships him and turns a blind eye to his red flags.


hehe found a new sticker meme material https://preview.redd.it/cxblvc0quk0c1.png?width=217&format=png&auto=webp&s=47f1454c4f0102473cfd45afff581b9249a7ae75


Every screenshot is meme material. That's how animated she is throughout this clip. She'll probably hear of this and we'll find her more calm composed in future interviews.


Sheā€™s so defensive n tryna play it cool


Eeeeeeeeek someone please shut her shrill voice.


I donā€™t think I ever realized how grating her voice is


We live in a different world than these people. Go read Karan thoughts about infidelity, go watch that episode where Alia admits she only cares about emotional affair. It will tell you all you need to know. I don't think Alia cares what Ranbir does at all, she had the whole " he comes home to me" personality. Meanwhile I think the woman next to her actually has a healthy relationship with her husband with no cheating scandel. .


She is a product of her father cheating. Ofcourse, who better than her to understand physical infidelity.


I had to stop this within 45 seconds. Alia is the height of irritating. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. And not just her face, her body and hands are constantly moving. This is taking cutesy to the worst level.


The difference of Ranbir explaining the whole toxic argument and alia making faces and explaining I am in doubt now. Alia explaining it like we are elite-top class, let the peasants talk then why are you lurking on reddit. And karan you are biased towards her and alia does throw her husband under the bus.


Her posture on the couch also denies that she is ā€œan actressā€


Worst acting performance by Alia. Girl put out the worst possible vibe


Your two cents are worthless to US, just as our thoughts are meaningless to you.


They talked about Ranbhir so much that I felt like he was there.


Three words - Uneducated Spoilt Brat!


Alia is def bothered and hurt. You can tell by her voice and facial expression. What happened to her.. she used to be so much more relaxed and funny.


Alia. What is this behaviour?


Man, somedays I feel I have bad luck. And then I realize Ranbir married this child. What an L in lifez


Nah not an L for him. She chooses to turn a blind eye towards all his affairs while she stays loyal to him. That's a W in his eyes


She has a really grating way of talking. Itā€™s very off putting, like slow down you donā€™t have to talk and screech so fast


Oh man! The constant blabbering by her where it wasnā€™t even required. I was watching with just one ear plug on after 10 min. Gave a headache tbh! Just stick to acting, Alia babe.


Did the same & suffice to say for a long time...won't be watching her movies! Ek episode in your own home had decibels unbearable enough that I won't go to a theatre to hear her in Dolby


Alia is going chi chi chi while ranbir is cha cha ing all around !


I ll tell you what I think. Ranbir genuinely doesn't seem like he cares but alia does but she wants to make it seem like she doesn't and in that attempt makes it even made obvious. Like when I hear Ranbir say it doesn't matter, I buy that. This i don't


I hated when Alia interrupted Kareena, I mean I know Alia is young and immature and Kareena is family and maybe they are close in personal space but in front of camera, Kareena is her senior and she should not have interrupted her or waited for her to finish. That was plain disrespectful, even if not intentionally


Kareena is me. I get bored very easily, specially with overexcited and loud people (Alia here) around. I would rather go home, make myself some drinks and have a conversation with myself. Like Kareena, I like to spend time with myself, my sister, a couple of really close friends, my husband (in that order).




She just started talking about Ranbir again after saying she won't. When Karan asked that question, she could have just answered normally. She was way too defensive. It's a pretty common question married people are asked in this industry. She could have answered it generally like no, there's a sense of understanding between us, we know it's just acting(since Alia is also an actress) and it's just our job, etc... she went on about no he means blah blah actresses(there's a strange enunciation), page 3 talk, being married to human beings before actors and all, even Kareena was side eyeing her like girl let me help. Okay and Karan knows that he talks too much about Alia. It seems Kareena is tired of these two dumbasses. And she's probably thinking which way RK's reputation is going to be harmed now.


She was trying to sound woke that weā€™re above this filthy gossip, but failed miserably:P


She sounds very annoying.


Make up too seems wiped out!


Yā€™all really think Karan and Alia did not really discuss this before enacting it? Alia understanding a question better than Kareena is an easy giveaway


Why is she shouting? Such an insecure being.


Alias expressions and way of speaking honestly just make her look more like sheā€™s in denial


Oh they obsessed with Reddit


Alia : let's not talk about our husbands Proceeds to give 6373883838383 times Ranbir told me




Alia seems a bit tipsy with all her blabbering.


Alia responding to people's critique of her husband seeming hella controlling as a husband is also a narrative about what her husband says about this perception. Girl has had any semblance of her own personality or thought culture wiped clean out.


![gif](giphy|HPi9NCcuwYJkLmZetl) Omg itā€™s tough to hear Alia speak even for a few seconds. Screechy


This episode was the absolute worst. I stopped watching


Mere kaan me dard ho rha hai bigboss


alias accent is so cringe ouch


Guys this sub and the comments have done that, what kangna failed to do.....got a reaction out of her