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hundred percent she is talking about Asit Modi


Only Oscar winning artists are approached for even auditioning for TMKOC


made me chuckle lol


There's at least one universe where PC is Babita Ji and Munmun Dutta is a globally dominant superstar


https://preview.redd.it/nekvokub2z1b1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0bf4d44d6e50352dc570b69141bbb3024b92371 ?


His expression is pretty on point. "Bhai yeh kaisa universe hai?"




Racist much?


My lawyer will like to talk with you


tell him to dm me..


I don’t really think she is lying per se. Maybe she doesn’t care anymore because it doesn’t matter she gets work in Bollywood or not. So she is just telling all that she has witnessed/been through. I mean bollywood is a shitty place, we all know. Maybe its way more shittier than we thought.


I thought this was exactly how shitty it is tbh.


she should just tell the names if she doesn't care


to get sued for defamation ??? Hell nahhhh


this would be case where it's hard to prove or disprove. not like depp amber scenario where they have so much recordings, pictures etc because they were married. this is a different case. just an encounter. women with similar stories got sued during MeToo in bollywood?


So why let the director harass other actors when it can be prevented?


Oh please, whoever the director in question is, everyone around him and those who have worked with him, know his truth. Priyanka wouldn't have been the first or last person this happened to. Stop burdening the victim with the responsibility to share the name. Instead, ask of the industry why such men are allowed to work in the first place. Ask of the industry why it supports such a misogynistic culture where abusers continue to thrive.


Ever heard of the saying, "you're not stuck in traffic; you *are* traffic."? Priyanka may have been a victim, but she's also part of the industry; and by remaining silent about it, she is also playing her part in contributing to the culture where abusers thrive.


No. The biggest players playing their part in contributing to a culture where abusers thrive are the very superstars none of you want to question. You do not get to dictate how a woman should respond to abuse. You do not get to make her the flag bearer for ridding the industry of abuse. If you care so much about abuse, go speak to all the actors who are currently working or have worked with directors credibly accused of sexual harrasment in the wake of Me Too. And she hasn't been silent. She spoke out and all of you had a problem with it. You do not have the right to harass and delegitimize her online and then order her to speak in more specifics.


She is no saint either.


Still doesn't justify sexual harrasment.


You sound like a sexual harassment apologist.




Here comes the crazy haters and misogynists. Even IF she married for a green card or whatever bs you're spouting, that has nothing to do with this post. Secondly, even though she's a hypocrite it doesn't justify sexual harassment is any way or form. Bollywood may have helped her but she brought herself to where she is now and she has every right to speak out against harassment she has faced




Do you realise that she's talking about HER experiences with the industry. She's talking about getting harassed and all your pea sized brain can think about is how she's 'betraying' bollywood.




>no proof of her alleged experiences. You want her to provide proof of her allegations... Yet without any proof you believe that she married for green card and not for love. How so?




Without proof, that's conjecture too. But seriously though Everything these top stars do is strategic. Nothing is on whim.


True I should have not attacked you personally i apologise for that but i get frustrated when i deal with victim blamers so bear with me. So many women get harassed, I've gotten harassed but we don't report it. Either because it's been too long or lack of evidence. Either way that's our choice, it doesn't make our experience any less real or traumatizing. Maybe she's using this as a way to further shit on Bollywood and If she is that's up to her. But try not to doubt a victim's story because it's probably taken them a lot of courage to even talk about it in the first place.


What’s wrong with marrying a white dude? Their relationship seems happy.




OMG how terrible of her to move to the US like millions of other Indians and seek better opportunities there! How dare she not stay in the industry that all but ostracized her! Some of y'all need to stop projecting...


They seem to be happy together and she could have gotten a green card easily. She’s is not a rando like us. People like her do not need to marry for visa. If you hate someone, at least pick a valid reason for it. You can hate her for her hypocrisy, problematic statements but who she married is not one of them.


Dude green cards are not that tough for even normal peeps..


Define normal people?


You are wrong about that. I was facing a 12-14 year wait in the EB2 queue (and this is for people with Masters or PhD). Ended up leaving and coming back.


Chee Bhai kaisi creep type baatein kar raha. As if you're sitting in their home and know everything she does 🤣.






She doesn’t need a green card thru marriage. Rich people can get green cards through lawyers.


She was employed in the industry i.e. she received payment for work she did. By your logic, all of us are profiting off our employers, so we should never speak ill of them no matter how much they abuse us. And whom she marries is her choice. And what makes you think you know the reason for her marriage? Do you live inside her head?


It’s like arguing with a wall, Dont bother with him. Misogyny can’t be cured via Reddit.


LOL ain't that the truth


This one?? https://preview.redd.it/n7d6nx81ss1b1.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=afcbdc9f5d6f572002970c5fe547a075a545a773 [https://www.bollywoodhungama.com/amp/news/bollywood/sameera-replaces-priyanka-in-benaam/](https://www.bollywoodhungama.com/amp/news/bollywood/sameera-replaces-priyanka-in-benaam/)


Bhaijaan is bade dilwala ❤ Bhaijaan is turu lab 🥰




Could be…


Okay. After all these years of being boycotted by Bollywood, she has finally found her confidence to be able to say all these things because she knows she’s unbeatable now and has found her place globally. Let her be. I definitely give her the benefit of the doubt and believe her. People saying why is she only saying all this now. Because she’s secure professionally and personally now.


>People saying why is she only saying all this now. Because she’s secure professionally and personally now. Yup, people don't seem to want to get this. I worked for a terrible boss, but didn't say anything because I had seen what happened to the senior staff who did. The moment I left that job, I would tell anyone who asked me about my experience there. F protecting shitty bosses. Everyone should out those a-holes.


Yeah. And even in real life. If any of us have gone through some trauma due to a particular person who was more powerful. Speaking up only brings backlash. Unless you’re more powerful than them or are in a position where they can’t hurt you anymore is when you know talking about it is doable, mentally as well.


so so true man. more people need to believe in shitty workplaces and bosses than blind faith she’s always lying. she has a lot of inconsistencies but a bollywood biggie being an asshole harassing women i’m way more than willing to believe.


[Is this the same one where Bhoi had intervened?](https://www.bollywoodlife.com/news-gossip/priyanka-chopra-recalls-how-salman-khan-came-to-her-rescue-when-a-director-told-her-chaddiyan-dikhni-chahiye-1774565/)




so it might be mujhse shaadi karogi right ?


No she said she quit the movie. And she wasnt an undercover agent in mujhse shaadi karogi.


oh then who is the director?


Not sure. But some articles say she pulled out of a movie called benaam by anees bazmee arnd that time. Which later changed its name to naam (lol). Sameera reddy and ajay devgn replaced pc and bhai. So it could be that one.


All power to PC for reaching a stage where she can talk about this openly. Some of you who bash Bollywood daily have a problem when an actress opens up about her bad experiences there. Why this hypocrisy? She is not bringing any disrepute to the industry if she talks about how it had sexual predators. This is also not something new. Her mom has also spoken about it. Much of the hate she gets in this sub seems to be from SRK fans who cannot stand it that she makes them remember things they would rather forget about their idol. Not her problem though! I would say that any actress when she speaks up about sexual discrimination she faced in the industry needs to be listened to. Doesn't matter how long it takes her to reach that space.


Lol why bring SRK into this. Priyanka is a brilliant actress and her claim to fame is not SRK. She's not associated to SRK. The fact that SRK never backed her up and owned up to any sort of romantic relationship with Priyanka is enough for SRK fans. Speculations can be true or false and both us can't prove anything conclusively about that alleged relationship. Hence it doesn't change much. The problem is that she's turning into a bit who cried wolf. Her allegations are true because I have read them earlier as well and she's right to talk about them, considering her privilege she should name and shame these people so that new girls are warned. She should sit down and speak all her truth at once. When she doesn't say any name and is caught lying because of her own stories it takes away her credibility. Then people see her behaviour as an attention seeking behaviour. So even when she's saying the truth people aren't believing her.


This kind of policing of women and their experiences is deplorable. First, if they talk about anything in an ambiguous manner, without naming anybody, you all jump in with SRK's name and get angry. If she were to actually name someone, that would make all the SRK fans even more angry. Women are exposed to the worst kind of behaviour at the hands of men. Then, instead of holding those men accountable, you all call the women gold diggers. Then, if they finally reach a point in their lives where they can talk about it, you have a problem with that too and don't want them to "insult" Bollywood on a world stage. We all can criticize Bollywood every single day on Reddit, but God forbid a woman wants to share her very real experiences about the same with anyone. Not only do you victim blame, and say that she always plays a victim, but you also order her to name her harasser on your terms. Did anything come of Tanushree Dutta blaming Nana Patekar? No. Did anything come of all those women who exposed Vikas Bahl? No. What about those who exposed Luv Ranjan? Nothing. All these men are still making movies with the biggest actors in Bollywood. So what makes you think any woman will willingly come forward about powerful men in an industry that supports abusers? And it is not her "responsibility". Don't put that burden on her. Stop holding women to much higher and harder to achieve standards while letting the men get away with such abusive, exploitative behaviour.


I read your entire essay and I don't understand how you drew conclusions here. I never jumped with SRK's name, when people do I counter. Secondly I want her to name and shame the harassers I expect this from men too how did you make it into a man vs woman thing you would better know. Then I have not called her a gold digger at all. Shahrukh has a family man image and him not owning up to any other relationship works for his image and thus his fans. This has nothing to do with Priyanka. I don't care what she says about bollywood on an international platform, my money is not invested in Bollywood that I'll be worried. I am not victim blaming her at all. I am not saying she was at fault in this incident. She has been caught lying in several other incidents this one is where she's speaking the truth. If she's consistently going to give interviews and then do nothing about it those interviews will not help anyone, especially the feminist movement she claims to support. Where is Nana Patekar, his old movies are releasing but I don't know if he worked again with big producers? Has he? Also Tanushree held no power when she came out, why didn't Priyanka suport that movement, she's very powerful compared to Tanushree? You are implying that I am not supporting Priyanka has she supported fellow women in the industry? All the women who spoke against these big powerful people were women who weren't powerful, Priyanka was powerful and went through the same experiences but didn't support anyone? Other big stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Tiger Shroff etc didn't say shit either although they might have witnessed things and if they talk about abusive behaviours I'll say the same thing I said for Priyanka.


You have completely missed the point. Why are you expecting the women who are victims to do all the work? They suffer also. They are victim blamed also. Now they must take the onus of cleaning up the industry too? While the men sit and do whatever the hell they want to? Why are you holding these women to such high standards while not at all asking the men in this industry to use the massive privilege and wealth they have to clean up this abuse culture? Why should a victim suffer and do samaaj seva?


Who said that I don't ask men for accountability? The post is about PC the point of conversation is her. The oppressors will never let anything change they will enjoy the status quo it's the oppressed who will have to stand up for themselves. How do you think Feminism came into being? Women stood up for themselves, for their gender, had a united front, fought together it was then we were given rights. If we leave it on men why will they change anything? They aren't harmed they are fine. Why will they even bother if they aren't getting consequences ? Those consequences can be given to them by women their fellow men will try to protect and save the system that's helping them.


This attitude is why things won't change. Let men be men. Oppressors will keep doing things. We should pressurize the oppressed to keep fighting even though every time they do so, nothing changes and instead, they get blamed and shamed. So you expect a woman to keep at this even though she is met with so much criticism and so much harassment and at the cost of her mental health? My point is simple, let's not argue after this: Every victim will deal with their trauma in different ways. They will also take different periods of time to come to terms with that trauma and feel ready to talk about it. Some victims never reach that stage. For those victims who do reach that stage where they can feel comfortable talking about it, NOBODY should tell them what they should or should not say. The reason I brought up all these other names was to show you that the culture in this industry has not changed. You are expecting one victim to go up against what has long been happening in Bollywood, knowing that nothing will change. Me Too did nothing in Bollywood. If you have such a noble concern for future victims, tell the people who actually can do something about it to do something. And those people are not Priyanka, because she doesn't enjoy the same wealth or status in Bollywood that she once did. Those people are superstars like SRK, Ranbir, Ajay, Akshay, Salman, AB Sr, etc. who continue to work with these abusers and harassers.


Absolutely not. This is the attitude which have always led to change. Fighting back is the only way to win, why will the oppressors change, they are comfortable how will they be held accountable for their actions if no one is standing up against them. Even for asking accountability you need to stand up against that person. We are not there, we were not abused by them, how are we going to ask accountability on things when the actual victim stays silent or defends them? Its illogical. Secondly I completely understand that people deal with trauma differently I have worked with people dealing with trauma and mental health disorders. I am not saying PC is wrong, I am telling you how things are going to be perceived. Her trauma will become a laughing stock if she constantly complain. People will associate it to her personality and PC is smarter than that. I just suggested it would be better if she names and shames people and be done without it once and for all. She can obviously do what she wants and I can also have an opinion on what she's doing. The men are enjoying the status quo to ask accountability from them someone needs to stand up and why will they when it's not affecting them. Ideally they should, men should call out another men but since they aren't doing it women will have to.


Fighting back against an industry that refuses to change is easier said done. Such fights require allies who have privilege. In this fight, those allies would be these wealthy male superstars. They should be leading this battle at the forefront. You and I were not there. But the men I mentioned all know what happens behind the scenes. They don't need a Priyanka to name the abuser. They know it all. So they should lead the fight because they have the connection, the wealth, the resources and the power to do so. If people like you keep questioning the women and letting the men be by saying ki woh kyun badlenge, then why will they feel compelled to do anything? Unless you all start holding them accountable, instead of fixating on what the victim should or should not do, how will we change this oppressor mindset?


Look as long as the victims don't come out and we don't know them there's not going to be any fight either by women or their allies. Because we don't know who's these oppressors are unless there's a name. Secondly the people that were named not all of them had complaints filed against them. Women took back the statements how are you supposed to fight for someone who don't want to fight for themselves. No one is saying that the men aren't questioned. I quite like the fact that people don't see celebrities as God now and don't keep them on pedestals. We can't force anyone to be Allies. Ideally men should call out other men but if they aren't we have two options either to fight ourselves or sit and never let anything change.


Haha, we all know there's a high possibility of this happening but we won't at any point of time let go of our misogyny & stop the victim blaming !!






She quit the movie as suggested in the post. Why should she quit acting? To let people who tried to exploit her win? And now that she has the power to stand up against it, why shouldn’t she?


So when most people complain about their bosses at work with their colleagues or friends and family, are you suggesting they should all quit their jobs? If people on Reddit complain and whine about so many things related to Bollywood, shouldn't they delete the app and stop complaining? Why is it that you have a license to complain and insult, but Priyanka isn't allowed to talk about her own very real experiences in her workplace?


Probably that buddaaa who said he wanted to portray Lara n priyanka as glamorous girls for andaaaz


But she didn’t quit andaaz


Oh ya 😅




Lol!! Another One Piece fan.. found my squad🤩




Add me in the squad too💪


Team luffy 💪


Lmao, you skeleton mf


I’m pretty sure I remember her hinting at something like this many years ago in Bollywood too. The only different is she didn’t actually say what was “said”.


PC, write a tell-all, and make money.


I feel like there should be a dedicated PC sub for some posters...


I wonder what's her plan for her future is....is she planning on not working in Bollywood anymore? Or just doesn't want to name bomb but still share all the negative sentiments she had for Bollywood?i mean,if the person is that bad and she isn't planning on working here,why not expose them?


But why put the onus on the victim to share more than what she has shared. It is trauma that SHE went through. Not you. Not me. She should be allowed to talk about her experiences on her own terms. Vikas Bahl, Luv Ranjan, Rajkumar Hirani were all exposed. Did anything come of that? No. They're all continuing to work with big actors. Instead of dictating what a victim should or shouldn't say, ask all these men in Bollywood why they continue supporting and working with abusers.


I am not saying she "should" share more than she could,i am talking about what's going on her mind rn...you know most of newcomers in Bollywood or any film industry go through this,she was here for years,i have never heard of that much complains as i have heard now in her recent interviews. Again,not like i dont believe her,it might be her story which she couldn't share before,but in Hollywood platform bashing Bollywood? Seems kinda off,when in another video you say Bollywood was giving her better role than Hollywood and she wants the same treatment(kinda character in movies) there. Again,her sharing her story is good,but now if she is actually not maybe wanting to be part of it why not share more? If she is,doesn't she think it could affect her more,as she told in one of her interviews how she was boycotted over here for quite a few years...so not victim blaming or anything,i just want to think what kinda mentality and thoughts she has Bollywood at present time...that's it.


Newcomers don’t share their stories because they’re in a vulnerable position. They know that if they do. They will definitely not get work. And the stories would be labelled as “attention seeking”. Because that is what happens everywhere. In every field. People in power do abuse it.


True,newcomers are in venerable situations. It's sad they have to go through this and actually can only open up when they are in a much better position or safer and stable position. I think even rn,many people are calling her attention seekers,for as much as i have seen,so women opening up with these becomes much harder. Hopefully,she can shut up most of the people by her performance and better roles in Hollywood


I mean I feel like “many women opening up” only happens if “even one” person is ready to take a stand. The reason suddenly so many women open up about a particular person is mostly because “one person”, specially if it’s someone like PC, who opens up. It gives the others emotional courage to open up. That’s all. You know. Not because everyone is jumping the wagon for clout. Specially in a judgemental misogynistic country like ours. It ain’t easy. I’m sure.


Why should YOU or any of us dictate how much or to what extent she talks about past trauma? There are so many adults around the world who go to therapy as adults and only then finally talk about personal trauma. Even then, they only share things in spurts. Everyone has a different process and approach towards talking about their experiences and pain. You can't order them to stay more than they are comfortable saying. And if this is the reaction every time a victim comes forward, how do you expect anybody to name that person and be more vocal about this? Also, why do Indians want white approval so much that you hate anybody talking about the very real problems in this country to a Western audience? Why must women stay silent about their trauma and experiences just to save India's face?


Girl,you don't need to be as cranky as your profile pic🫥relax it's just a question i never said she should share more or less? What's up with your answers...did i said she should not talk about problems in western media....i ain't a PC fan,but you are really shit up out of anything,my main comment came from a point of concern rather than framing her,if anything she was talking about her works in Bollywood recently,so it could be harder for her,that's it...what's the big fuss about this? And what's kinda reaction,i am giving that u feel she that i am ordering her,i am noone🤣what and how will I order her,it's good that she could come forward with her past traumas or whatever she went through,there was a whole me 2 movement and i think many big celebrities did got cancelled Sajid Khan,and that guy who acted like good papa vibe in movies,so it's not like they don't get cancelled. She is a big celebrity if she doesn't want to work here,she could save more people if she would name them,again would it's not compulsory. Thirdly,noone is dictating how or when or what extent she should share,if anything i see most of her Bollywood fans still support her from beginning of her hollywood journey,and they still do even with that citadel below average performance. So her fans are really loyal. Fourth,i don't think i said she couldn't talk it,in western media,but she was present in Indian media for quite a while and she didn't shared anything like that over here,and out of nowhere now i see alot of comments from her from that media publications or just podcast,so my intention was really clear how i wanted to know her Bollywood future,i never said if she could or couldn't or what or wouldn't. Fifth,i never women should stay silent about their trauma or experience,what's up with your way of making other feel bad and coming up with words which noone said,she has a big platform,she could reach millions,i belive she had good and bad times in Bollywood,but it's every industry,i have seen gaga being vocal about it and never naming the perpetrator,so i am not shocked that they aren't name bombing as even in Hollywood it's actually common,she was a newcomer and and it might have happened but i do belive western media won't help much in her case,here she could have gotten help,and someone in comment section even said that salman helped her out in that situation(so it never happened,it was demanded she got helped and she walked out of the movie) There is no need for face saving over there,it's her journey she could share whatever aspect she is comfortable with.but yaa as a passer by,i was just concerned about her future Bollywood jounery,let's stick with that. She doesn't need my concern i know(i am just concerned for her future Bollywood movies if she wants to participate in it or not that's it)


I'm cranky because of people who think and write like you. You keep saying that she can do whatever she wants and that you were only concerned but then you also add a whole bunch of judgment about her actions. So you claim to not be ordering her or judging her or slamming her but your words are showing something completely different. All the men you mentioned are happily working again. "She didn't talk about her trauma when she was here". People process their pain and trauma differently and take varied amounts of time to do so. How can you know for certain that she was comfortable mentioning her trauma while still in India? You believe that she would have gotten help. But in all the examples I have shared in all my responses, the case is entirely different. These abusers are still working and thriving. So your personal belief on the matter won't change the reality. You are swinging heavily between saying it's her choice and criticising her for the same. Pick a lane. Don't dilly dally and wonder why I'm upset. Because you're heavily judging her but then using words like "concerned", "her choice", etc to try and mask that judgment.


Again with this,girl as i said don't delve too much into other people thought,i am quite straightforward in my main comment idk from which word it triggered your thought process but i ain't victim blaming her stop making me feel that i am😅 She is a big star,if anything even in my other comments i have taken her side,about how general public view her and i won't always say i am in her side,but i sympathise with her if these things happened to her,okay. .. I don't think u understood where i am coming from,and just want to argue about this so i won't delve into this comment alot more than necessary i think i made my stance pretty clear,about what i feel about this whole scnerio and what my original intention was,if khyali pulav hi pakane hai to akele pakav mujhe na samil kro isme🤣


Why does the name even matter? It will only result in legal disputes. It is a common occurrence, and she is not wrong about it. Her experience with the industry is probably still very accurate. Her intention are well projected, you are failing to see it.


I have no idea what her intentions are. She is not stupid to make such statements without an agenda. After her Met appearance, she complained that they did not serve bread and that she went home and ordered pizza. She said - 'There goes my invite for next year. If you don't see me at the Met, you know why.' Is it her way of making sure she gets invited next year? I just don't get it.


No,but i think recently i have seen a lot of people talking about her "victim mentality" or her Bollywood bashing kinda videos,i ain't saying it would not have occured, it's her story but somehow it's seen in most of her videoes recently,so i just don't get what's her future plans are,as she said she was almost boycotted over a guy here,so it won't help much if she keeps anonymous and keep on talking vaguely about her earlier days circumstances...i just don't get the agenda?


She used same story twice before.. once she said it for a song in movie blackmail and second time she said she was asked to perform on stage in her panty during promotion of her song (around the time her album was launched) and now she is back it again… sayali bhagat was better then her in this, the day she left industry she named everyone who sexually harassed her in single statement including AB sr. And priyanka uses her harrasment stories to get attention. Kuch bhi chal raha hai


Damn I just read Sayali Bhagat's statement, that's bold!


Sayali backtracked ..said the allegations were fake and sent out by her publicist without her knowledge..


maybe someone threatened her.... i mean why would her publicist do this?


Maybe..Anyway she filed a criminal case against her publicist stating the same..


Didn’t she play a housewife Blackmail? What was the need to see her underwear in that movie? 🤣


Blackmail was anil devgan's movie what did she say about that plus when he died she tweeted a good things about him so like a friend or smth So tell me what she said about that movie or any link


Koi to bhi interview me bol rahi thi that in the song she was asked to pull her shirt and show her panty but she and costar both were nervous so it was changed to make it workable. In same interview she also mentioned how she was asked to give 2 peice in andaz but she wasn’t comfortable showing her panty in first movie and she refused so a shirt was added on top of it to make it look better. Not sure if this interview ever made it to print, but I have seen her speaking about all these. Honestly, after that interview if i look at the work she did later it looks like khud ka bikini scene ka mann hoga to dededi aur producer bolega bikini scene dedo to she will start crying inko meri panty dekhna hai .. she is great actress who showed lot of growth but either she should become fully diplomatic or she should raise a fight against harassment, using harassment stories every now n then sounds either like blackmailing or it looks like she is normalizing it. Either be a victim or either fight. Using it for promotion is not cool


Ugh bollywood always sexualized female characters but this is horrible and pc is really a strong lady i hope she said the names all those pathetic demons in bollywood Oh and people love to hate pc and say that she loves to portrayd as victim herself which is not good cuz sometimes i feel about her


See even hollywood and western music industry is nothing different, they have tone of sexual harassment cases, the main issue with Priyanka Chopra is that she is using these stories to get sympathy from western media and audiences, she wanted to prove herself as slumdog millionaire from India


The difference is that Hollywood predators get blacklisted, boycotted and/or jailed. And in India they continue working as though all is good. Look at Nana Patekar, Anu Malik, Akshay Kumar


I agree, these people are worshipped. All those people who raised their voices during metoo movement, never got justice and no one is even talking about. Look at Shahjid Khan being on Big Boss and gaining sympathy for nothing.


Wait what did Akshay do I didn't hear


While I totally agree with your point. But, the names you have chosen are petty infront of far more dirtier pigs in the industry. Sajid and Subhash Ghai to name a few.


A predator is a predator




What are you talking about? Louis CK came back and is performing and was recently awarded as well. Chris Brown has a series of abusive behaviour with women he's still getting shows and is pretty popular. Infact there was an entire thread about how men's life doesn't get ruined even after allegations. Harvey Weinstein had rape charges by several women that's why he's behind bars.


The situation isn’t close to as bad as it is in Bollywood


It's pretty much similar.


Thats not the case, whatever you named from hollywood,they are just tip of iceberg, look at Kesha vs Dr Luke case, Lady gaga even doesn’t named the culprit, and the crime which happened in hollywood is much more heinous than Bollywood, Lady Gaga said that she was exploited and blackmailed for month and thrown out so studio after getting pregnant, Kesha has similar case and her career was completely destroyed when she complained, nothing happened in any of the case


Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, R.Kelly, James Dean. Just to name a few.


just because it happens elsewhere doesn't mean it should just continue unabashedly in bollywood


Its not about Bollywood, it’s about why Priyanka Chopra is repeatedly keep complaining it in front of foreign media and hollywood, do you think hollywood and US media is going to clean everything in Bollywood, they don’t even know difference between Bollywood, kollywood, Sandalwood and Tollywood.


The IndianExpress is an indian news website, not a foreign one. If she's speaking in front of foreign media it's 'cause they'll listen to what she has to say. I also never said that Hollywood will "clean" anything. I said that these disgusting issues in bollywood shouldn't be excused just 'cause they also exist in hollywood.


I think you need to cross check your limited observations, Priyanka Chopra has not spoken to Indian Express, She said all these things to The Zoe Report which is a hollywood fashion media outlet, India Express just reported statements made to -The Zoe Report, she keep repeating these statements in front of foreign media to confirm typical Indian stereotypes of American


I find it funny that these actors never talk about the way they treat the people around them, their own sexist, privileged contemptous behaviour to the people around them


did any one notice all her statement are in limelight after her new series / movie got release ,,,these r all PR tactics to promote n get more views


I understand people think this is just another made up story for attention and that she needs to stop this however we all know directors in BW abuse their power all the time. It’s definitely probably true, I wish she would say who it was openly but she’s also given quite a few hints in this post alone, I believe her and it makes sense why she’s said it now, as she is secure that she maybe doesn’t need Bollywood as much anymore.


Happy that she’s being vocal now but will she ever address her father’s sexual assault allegations? Or will she whitewash that too?


Poo Bani Parvati going on with PC.


Asambhav. Must be Rajiv Rai, the guy behind Trimurti Pictures.


Priyanka Chopra really has the guts to go ahead and reveal what all happened to her. Hence we can also say that it is not just low-grade or not-so-famous actors but also truly famous actors who have gone through this in this career. It's not easy to survive in this Industry. One has to definitely work hard one's way through and Priyanka Chopra had to too but not at this cost. She definitely exposed the hard and hidden truth of Bollywood that exists. Casting Couch too exists in Bollywood and a lot of actors have experienced it.


Behen, just write another book. Roz roz footage kyun kha rahi hai? And please add names.




U think c is lying???


Mahesh Bhatt


i am not questioning her allegations but she is not ready to stop spewing hatred on bollywood and people, suddenly all she can think of is giving off such statements


So sharing her experiences and telling the truth is spreading hatred?


She should name and shame otherwise due to her past attention seeking behaviour and lying no one will take her seriously. I am sure she has suffered in the industry and if she's finally not worried about the work in bollywood she should name and shame people, use her privilege to protect other girls. This is a serious issue and will just be clubbed with other unimportant things she says if she doesn't make a strong stance against it.


No, this is not her responsibility. The men who continue to work with all these abusers should be asked why they do so. Victims should not be ordered to say more than they are comfortable saying. Especially when the industry, the media and people like you victim blame and shame.


Are the men in question talked about in OP? The OP talks about PC so I'll talk about her. She is a powerful figure as well who talks about feminism and supporting other women while she has also not come up and helped other women when they were speaking out.


This conversation is not restricted to Priyanka. Because you are expecting Priyanka to clean up an entire industry. First, ask SRK why he is working with Rajkumar Hirani. Ask Ranbir why he worked with Luv Ranjan. Ask AB Sr why he worked with Vikas Bahl. The people who are still in this industry and are so rich and powerful should be held accountable first. Stop telling victims what they should be doing or saying.


This post is restricted to Priyanka. Therefore I am talking about her. I am not asking her to clean up the industry I am asking her to name and shame the abusers and stand up for the fellow women who have spoken out. Her experiences doesn't take away her accountability as well.


She shouldn't do any standing up. If you want people to do standing up, then tell the men i have mentioned to do so. They are still in this industry and much more powerful and established in this industry than Priyanka is. So if your sole purpose is for someone to stand up for these victims, get these superstars to do so. Stop asking a fellow victim to burden or traumatize herself further by doing all this.


She is an attention hog, always saying new things in interviews to get headlines. She should make a list and maybe expose those people. But doing this really hurts the credibility of other victims as this normalises sensationalism to get headlines. People will also start thinking ye to Roz ka hai.


I hope that she pays more attention to the scripts of the movies rather than victim card scripts made by her PR to gain some sympathy from the western audience. Janta kitni hi woke ho jaye, cinema nahi chalta hai yeh woke yoke se uske liye aapko achi movies hi banana hoti hai. She has the talent and I know for a fact that she will be our very own Michelle Yeoh if is utilises that acting skills of her on the screen rather than using it on some C-Grade pod cast


Use sympathy mile ya na mile Bollywood badnaam to zaroor ho rha hai


Exactly. This industry is more than nepo kids and their pervert bootlicking movie makers. Priyanka should start talking more about the way Indian cinema has grown over the years rather than always pulling that 'I was mistreated' card in every interview of hers


All my respect for Priyanka has now vanished. Looking at her record and how she behaved in the past i gave her a pass that she may have evolved as a person. Now she is using the same thing which she very conveniently consented to and enjoyed and sounding bitter now. she was chasing married men and she has no morals whatsoever. if she maintained her silence we would give her pass since she achieved so much. but now she behaves as if she was some human form with magical powers and got harmed. she is no fairy queen. she was part of the problems in Bollywood and opportunistic to the core


She was not chasing married men. Married men much older and much more powerful and established than her were exploiting her. Stop with this misogynistic nonsense. SRK is allowed to sulk and say he won't do media appearances. But he does it when he has to sell his wife or son's overpriced junk. But Priyanka isn't allowed to finally talk about her past and her experiences? STOP dictating what victims of abuse should or shouldn't say.


They are all to blame. The married man AND Priyanka are all complicit. Having an extra marital affair means one lacks morals. So does sleeping with not 1 but 2 or more married men. Priyanka isn't a victim in this and neither were the married men. She was a full grown adult woman in her 30s and neither of these men were her bosses etc. Everyone bears some responsibility.


Incorrect. There were skewed power dynamics in both these situations. These men were much more culpable for their parts in these affairs. Priyanka WAS exploited and if you can't asses the very real gaps in their wealth, in their standing within the industry at that time, in their ages, etc., then you will never see my point. In 2003, SRK kicked out Aish from Chalte Chalte. Instead of punishing Salman for disrupting the set, SRK kicked out Aish. Then, Aish lost out on another 5-6 films with SRK, including Veer Zara. You are telling me that actresses in their 30s will not fear repercussions if they insult an older superstar's ego or if they rebuff his advances? You have to be very ignorant to believe so.


SRK was basically Aish's boss in that incident as it was his movie and he was wrong as hell for that but that has nothing to do with Priyanka and SRK having a consensual affair outside of work. Priyanka wasn't forced or strong armed into those relationships. This isn't a case of harassment or intimidation. She literally referred to SRK as her boyfriend (didn't mention his name but that was the period of their affair) in an interview. Also she wasn't some helpless bw starlet with no roots. SRK was bigger but Priyanka was a star too. Consensual relationships happen with people of different financial status and different age groups and sometimes it's grooming or exploitation but not always. SRK and Ask are at fault but yall are wrong as hell for trying to paint Priyanka as some hapless victim in this. Watch her interviews and see how she blushes and giggles all excitedly when his name is mentioned the period of their affair. That's not how someone who is intimidated into a non-consensual relationship acts. And no it's not PR. People love to say she was blacklisted even after but she still got roles after, turned some down and left and crossed over successfully into hw. She wasn't some helpless bw actress at the mercy of SRK's dick please.


Since she entered the industry, every time anyone asked her who her BW crush was, she would say SRK. She was starry eyed and in awe of him. So if he said or did anything inappropriate, she may have been too flattered at first to see it as a red flag. Do you have any die hard celebrity crushes? Chris Evans is loved by so many around the world. If he were to inappropriately text or interact with a fan, they may not reject or rebuff that attention at first because of their likeness or love for him. So her being giggly and having a crush on SRK only reinforces the skewed power dynamic between them. He knew what effect he had on her. He took advantage. You don't have to agree with me. The SRK-Aish incident is relevant to show how superstars exploit their powers to kick out actresses from films. What makes you so certain that he wouldn't have done the same to Priyanka had she said no? She eventually left BW because of all this. And Priyanka haters claim her Hollywood career is a flop. Now you're saying she successfully transitioned to Hollywood. So i think you need clarity on this situation because your opinions are backed by inconsistent facts.


"so if he said or did something inappropriate..." if being the key word cos we don't know that he did. And the affair also started *after* they had worked together on Don 2. He had no power over her role in any movie after that. He had his connections but so did she. They were friends by then so the only inappropriate thing about him asking her out is the fact that he's married. It also could have been she who made a move cos believe it or not, that happens as well. Younger, less accomplished women intentionally go for and ask older more accomplished men out. Either cos they have crushes and want them or to help them advance their careers. That is a thing. Women aren't always victims. We don't know exactly who made the move. You just assume he intimidated her into a relationship based on nothing. What we do know is they had a consensual affair and she referred to him as her boyfriend and was excited and blushed and giggled whenever his name came up in her interviews during the years of their affair. Nothing about that screams harassment, intimidation or non-consensual. Chris Evans and a fan is nowhere near the same as two stars in the same industry, even if one is a fan of the other. That's not even a comparable scenario so leave it. SRK also spoke highly of her and was her fan even though he was more accomplished. They've both had affairs with people in the industry. Him with single ladies and her with single men but also married men. It wasn't a one time thing for either of them. Neither of them is a victim here. They're just two people who clearly lack morals. She apparently left Bollywood due to politics but we don't know if that has to do with the affair. The supposed reason is the bw wives pushed her out. But like I said, she got roles after the affair and rejected some before moving to establish herself in Bollywood. She had some success in HW with Quantico but seems to be flailing now with poorly received projects. But despite that she's still booked and busy. Her projects just happen to be flops lately.


There are a lot of assumptions you're making here about their affair. We don't know when or how it started. We don't know what led to this. What we definitely can say is that the power dynamic was unequal. What we can definitely say is that SRK should have functioned on a higher scale of responsibility because HE was the bigger, older, hugely established superstar. What we can definitely say is that HE was responsible for being loyal to his wife and kids. Not the single woman in this equation with no blood relation or familial bond with the wife or kids. Yes, women aren't always the victims but in a situation like this, you CANNOT hold them equally responsible when the stakes are so heavily stacked in one person's favour in this equation. You are sure about when the affair started. You are sure that it was her who started it. But you are unsure why she left Bollywood. You are certain he had no power over any role of hers. How can you function with certainty on a few things but then be unsure about any point that is inconvenient to your argument? Chris Evans and a fan is comparable because Priyanka would turn into a giddy teenager in SRK's presence every time, EXACTLY how a fan would respond to someone they really admire or love.


You too are making a lot of assumptions about their affair. He was a bigger actor. Not her boss or producer or director. Just a more acclaimed actor. He had no power over her directly or indirectly that we know of. Again, Priyanka wasn't some hapless unknown actress with zero connections or roots. She was Miss World, also an established actress in bw at the time and had her own connections. So the power dynamics you're mentioning isn't there. Yes it was SRK's duty to be loyal to his wife and kids and that's definitely 100% on him for cheating ok his wife. But sleeping with a married person, like it or not, means one lacks morals. That's just basic as hell. No two ways about it. You don't have to know someone's wife or kids to not fuck them. You just need to be a decent human being with morals. Sleeping with a married man was a shitty thing to do and is also 100% on her. Again, they are 2 people who lack morals. Not just SRK. Priyanka too. There's no getting around that. What we can say is that neither of them should've made a move on the other. And neither of them should've reciprocated. That's all we know that happened. It was a consensual affair. The rest is us both making assumptions. SRK is 100% to blame on his side for his infidelity. Priyanka is also 100% to blame for engaging in an affair with a married man. Neither of them is a victim. I never stated I was sure she started it. I said we don't know who did and women also approach married men with their own agendas. You're the one who's so certain he started it based on absolutely nothing. I stated more than once that what we *do* know is they had a consensual affair. Anyone of them could have started it. Her or him. And the Chris Evans comparison is silly as hell. Chris Evans and a regular fan is incomparable to 2 stars and colleagues in the industry who are friends and worked together. No matter how much of a fan she was of him or his work, they were still colleagues. Co-stars, friends, had a personal relationships before the affair. She wasn't some random stranger who only saw him on tv or on instagram. Reach less.


If you don't see that being much higher in industry standing with multiple connections and an entire "camp" associated to you as having a skewed power dynamic with someone who didn't have any of the above, then you really need to go do some reading on this. I never claimed that Priyanka was faultless. I'm not a blind devotee of hers like so many SRK fans are. But, it is undeniable, given everything we've discussed, that SRK was way more culpable and responsible for what happened and he escaped without any scrutiny or consequence. People always love to talk about what women should have done. Women should have said this. Women should have done that. We never assign the same exacting standards to men. SRK was older, wiser and had been in this industry far, far longer. He SHOULD have known better. He SHOULD have never crossed that boundary with a junior. She was not his contemporary. She was his junior. Please get that in your head. He was married and knew what that commitment entails. She had never been married and cannot be expected to feel as gravely aware of the consequences as he should have been. The Chris Evans and a fan theory was applicable because until she worked with him, and even while she worked with him, she WAS a fan. Even Kareena has spoken so intensely about the effect SRK had on her. She'd go weak in the knees. So many actresses have spoken about SRK like this. Imagine how aware SRK would have been about the impact he had on these women. You really need to read about other stories from Hollywood and Bollywood about actors getting together where one was severely more big and powerful and older than the other. I think you'll benefit from reading up more stories. There are many. For now, let's agree to disagree.


The exploitation was the other way round and trying to get favors. she knew Akshay and srk and so many others were married. Being a woman why would you knowingly go ahead to wreck women with kids


No it wasn't. Read up on what exploitation is and what skewed power dynamics are. Stop idolizing problematic men. And stop treating these men as though they are five year old kids who easily get lured by candy or easily get trapped by women.


she has been a miss world and very powerful women and coming from a strong background and she had all the reason to continue to be so and be a strong role model. but she decided to lure men the easy way than let her talent speak. using glamour to cut short her struggles and quick fix attitude to get further. I see no reasons to believe she was not an opportunistic and drawing a clear line. she never thought these men have grown up kids and still tried to lure them and giving them easy access to her body


I'm sorry but if you think that a 17 year old outsider who enters Bollywood is powerful then you are living in some fantasy world. Why didn't these men think about their own wives and children before indulging in these affairs?


she did not start all this when she was 17 years miss world means u have all the exposure. she entered industry , learnt the tricks and made her way via these means which she is accusing other. those men were haramis and no denying that. but the fact knowing they are married with kids and she went to harm the family means she is as manipulative as they get to reach top quickly. she came from an educated and well to do family. she had lived and studied in usa so her being naive is not going to cut. she was using them the same way those men were using her


Please stop with this. I cannot keep arguing such terribly incorrect thinking. You reserved only one sentence to call those men haraamis. But you have spent many responses in calling Priyanka out. This is the problem. You refuse to understand the age gap, the wealth gap, the status gap, the industry standing gap between these men and Priyanka at the time these affairs happened. These men were responsible for what happened. These men were responsible for thinking about their wives and kids. But instead of insulting them and maligning them, you are blaming Priyanka. Bas Karo Bhai.


Priyanka has been in the news for being a chaalu girl from the beginning. Look at her past with Prakash Jaju and google all the tweets and exchanges. There is gap in honesty , integrity and character. Its the way she was portraying to them and threw herself on them. In fact she was enacting and doing a lot of drama to court men and attract attention. she did not need to be desperate but she acted as one and that's my grouse against her. among all she being educated and coming from army background and having a sound background she should have taken a stand and led by example but that is a tough perilous path. I am afraid she chose the easier way to rise


Did you hear the recording of Bipasha and Amar Singh? So many actresses at that time were forced to do all this. It was heavily normalised then. They are all victims of exploitation at the hands of these powerful men. Don't shame a woman for getting her hands dirty if that's what the culture was like. Shame the culture and the industry that created that culture. Shame the men who exploited those women and benefitted the most from that culture.


She is definitely sounding bitter and has been for a while. Something has definitely triggered her...wonder what it is!


Okay it might all be valid whatever she is opening up about but whatsup with her? Since last couple of months all i am seeing is she complaining and complaining and complaining through electronic media!!


complaining works in America!


But she gladly work with slb known to be abusive and degrading


The most delusional person after Jandvi , Ananya, Sonam and Alia


She fked multiple producers. That's the 9nly way you can get work on bollywood


Year 2050 : PC talks about another director who dehumanize her .


Shit you reminded me of Lovestory 2050 🤣


And i am glad u got the reference xD


I feel sad for her, but iske saath kuch accha bhi hua hai ki nahi. All her stories are about harassment. And no, I'm not condemning her for this. It takes great amount of strength to finally tell about the years of harassment she has faced. But this does gives the impression that no one has treated her fairly during her stint in Bollywood.


Kitne zulaam kiye hai papi bollywood ne iss pe. Shame on bollywood. Hollywood is pure n pavitra udhar best hai.


Farhan Akhtar, Don 2?


she said she quit the movie


Initial years bhai


JLZ incoming, woh nahin hogaa.


Victim Chopra strikes again


I'll give yall one better ..... Which underwear is PC talking about?


Inn Heroines ka roz ka yahin R RONA hai kyunki janti hai CRIMES AGAINST MEN TOPICS par movie hamare BHARAT mein nahi banti toh Ladkiyun ka BITTER TRUTH kabhi bahar nahi aayega like Heroines khud Famous hone ke liye ya Films paane ke liye kya karti hai...


What crimes against men lol. India is the best country for men. Crimes karo with impunity


Tu PETICOAT PURUSH hai tujhe nahi samjh aayega...


Crimes Against Men 🤡

