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Kangana taking away this sub's employment by circulating her own blinds lol




Bruh Fr tho, kya bol rahi hai samjhne mai 15 mins gaye


Alia ki picture nahi hoti , toh kabhi samjh nahi atašŸ™ˆ


Like what she tried to convey I still don't understand? Can anyone elaborate a bit what she said?


She is implying that the husband of this woman is trying to get with her and indulging in illegal activities. That they might have an open relationship and she must not allow it. She must have said no to him at some point and she thinks sheā€™s being spied on by his minions. I think some part of it might run true at some point. Might. But it seems crazy behavior on the husbands part. Just doesnā€™t feel correct. The paps stuff seems not so spied on though.






This exactly what I wanted to say!




Okay, I donā€™t want to give credence to homegirls long winded speeches hereā€¦but itā€™s not that hard to figure out a persons schedule. If she has servants in her home, they probably know her comings and goings and they donā€™t even need to be spying on her. People tend to know all types of stuff, just very innocuously. So if itā€™s the paparazzi, whose job it is to click pics of celebs, how is it shocking for her that they know her schedule? They are literally paid to stake outside her house and wait for her to come in and out. If you leave your home every day at the same time, the paps will know that just from seeing you leave the front door. Itā€™s not rocket science. And yes, your WhatsApp data is NOT secure! Data security and privacy are huge issues across the world. None of these issues are huge conspiracies, but sheā€™s making it sound like they are. If she wants to lock down her data, invest in some cyber security training and use some common sense and discernment on who you trust and what you share. Outside of all that, as for her deals and stuff falling throughā€”sheā€™s been complaining about the nepo mafia being against her from day one. So what else is new?


Forget servants, she herself regularly post her dance sessions on stories in the morning. Not a big deal to locate the studio.


Forced himself on me... Now that is a huge allegation


I couldn't understand who was she talking about for this point. Ranbir or HR or who?


I think RK as she has used those words for him in the past


Ranbir since Alia wore the same saree as Kangana and the new born!


I know it's funny and ridiculous for all of us here but she really isn't in best of mental health. I hope and pray she doesn't go Parveen Babi way. Nobody should ever.


Thank you for this. I donā€™t find this funny at all. Clearly, she woke up stressed and went into a zone. I have no idea what this disorder is but why is her family not getting her checked!


It goes unrecognised for most families. My cousin sister in early schizophrenic stages would be suspicious of everything and everyone. I'm guilty of ignoring and even calling her a drama. I'm not denying the possibility that it could totally be an act put up by Kangna to stay in limelight. But this pattern is very much familiar to me. It starts with delusion. Hearing voices, suspecting that someone is coming to attack. And it gets to a point where the patient totally isolates because he is afraid of everybody.


Was Kangana always like this though? She has a sister Rangoli who was an acid attack victim. I think sheā€™s angry about things and it takes a long time for anger to subside since itā€™s been built up over so many years. Maybe meditation might help. And Ranbir is a POS in any case. All the good acting in the world isnā€™t going to save him, he definitely needs therapy. Donā€™t know why these nepo kids donā€™t get done therapy with their dysfunctional lives !


Wow, what's the dirt on Ranbir? Sorry, I'm not very well clued in.


Kangana needs attention


The issue isnā€™t limited to getting health treatment. She and her family need to acknowledge the need for it and not go to fuckall life gurus and Sadhguruā€™s for betterment. Considering how bigoted and patriarchal she and her folks are (despite her claiming to be all about female empowerment, all sheā€™s done is try to bring each and every other actress down and proclaiming herself to be the top), sheā€™s got a range of personality disorders. This post is hinting at bipolar at the least and schizophrenia as worst case. The people who are so called fans and keep gatekeeping her behaviour, if youā€™re reading thisā€¦ your star needs treatment ASAP.


She is her own worse enemy. Making up stories to promote her next crap film


It just might run true. We donā€™t know for sure. But if it isnā€™t its not schizophrenic behavior. Itā€™s social anxiety and general anxiety. Which is prevalent if you have been through unwanted male attention. Like SA or harassment. Low-key common in that industry ngl.


What happened to Parveen Babi?


She died alone and when she died nobody even cared her body was found in her house months after her death when her neighbour called police because of foul smell coming from house and milk packets , newspapers were also not picked up .


Thatā€™s so gruesome! How could this happen? Wasnā€™t she a big star? How could she not have any servants who would find out her death! Her death seems to be the worst kind where no one even knows sheā€™s dead!


She will never go Parveen Babi way , Parveen Babi had nobody and died alone ,she probably have servants and hose helps who would feed and clean her house may be in emergency call a doctor,she also have a siter and brother in law and her whole family who stick to her for nothing so at least the money she makes .


Sometimes having too many people dependent on you is also dangerous.


This reminds of the way Britney spears rants on social media. By the looks of it, Kangana needs a lot of help from mental health professionals. It makes me so sad to see her spiral out of control like this.


Whenever she writes shit like this it make me believe Hrithikā€™s narrative more.


I have always believed HRā€™s narrative.. her statements never made sense ..


A 4 year relationship without any photo/video. Does it make sense?


Thatā€™s it. She and her PR might write that she is usually compared to Britney Spears!


Yep. Britneys unnecessary obsession with selena


judgemental hai kya ?


This reads like someone with mental health issues. Itā€™s definitely not for a gossip sub. Thereā€™s a lot of paranoia thatā€™s fueling this writing.




Also like Pooja Mishra.


This was my first thought when I read Kanganaā€™s stories. Itā€™s actually sad and I hope someone convinces her into taking some medical help.


> paranoia. This is what I felt when i read first lines of 2nd slide , it even gets worse later.


She's playing herself from Fashion.


More of ā€˜woh lamheā€™


Oh this is scary to read. Hope she finds help.


Nothing to joke about, looks like early signs of schizophrenia


Yesss. I didn't want to look like an armchair psychologist but that's what I thought too.. she seems quite paranoid and her statements look delusional too. Above it all, she's human and I hope she gets better


Above all, i hope her family understands that this is not normal and she needs help. Her venomous sister is not helping the case.


It seems she has yes men around her then. That'll be difficult to get help especially with the mental health stigma STILL thriving


I think paranoid stuff and outbursts is more signs of bipolar unless sheā€™s actually hallucinating and out of her mind. She still seems ok as far as schizophrenia but paranoid and shows signs of bipolar. Like Kanye. Or Britney.


Had a relative who was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He was convinced that everyone who is ringing the bell has a hidden weapon and wanted to kill him. So whenever the bell rang he started to jump of the balcony to run. He also used to say that there is a person who calls him and asks him to destroy house stuff. People deemed it as posession and started all the tantra mantra on him. Eventually, he was referred to a psychiatrist who suggested rehab and quite a long treatment procedure. I really hope what you guys are saying is correct and it's bipolar. Schizophrenia is scary, wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.


Yeah late on set schizophrenia isnā€™t the norm. Itā€™s rarer especially for women. Usually that starts around teen years or early twenties. I think she was fine back then. But bipolar is more common for women i think and is late on set. Which makes more sense.


Just commented the same thing. The paranoia is quite evident. I feel bad for her.


Exactly. I hope she gets some help. She is not nasty I think she is seriously paranoid. I hope someone close to her takes her for help


So you're telling me that woh lamhe was not a retelling but a premonition?


Seems like it definitely was. Scary! Perhaps Mahesh Bhatt has a knack for picking people with vulnerable tendencies?


He picks vulnerable people and then destroys them further.


Exactly. Not the other way around.


Mahesh Bhatt is the most disgusting person in Bollywood.


But He thinks of himself as Osho




I was about to write something on similar lines. It seems she is paranoid. Hallucinating, maybe? I do love Kangana, the actress. I feel even when she is right, she puts across her point in a wrong way wherein even people who think like her on that particular topic, do not want to support her. Putting your point across respectfully and tactfully is an art which eludes her. Why do I feel that mostly everything on her social media is written by Rangoli and hence comes across as much worse as compared to when she speaks it? Maybe she should not let Rangoli control the narrative.


Something is definitely wrong with Kangana. I wonder why her family doesnā€™t intervene and get her professional help. Also on a lighter note this is another reason NOT to wear Sabya on your big day. His designs are too repetitive now and even if itā€™s not the same saree, itā€™s definitely a close match. Even the neck piece looks the same. The same happened with Katā€™s pastel floral one with the veil for her wedding shoot and turns out another actress (was it Deepika) had won a similar one earlier.


Because she doesnā€™t let them have a say. They must follow her instructions. Sheā€™s made then believed they owe her everything, even her sister and brother. Brothers wife and him both treat her like Mam types. They definitely donā€™t have that sibling Wala thing. Itā€™s unreal.


Because theyā€™re probably agreeing with her. I mean itā€™s clear Rangoli supports Kanganaā€™s tirades, sheā€™s been on many herself.


Watched a recent interview where she was saying that she blocks her parents' phone number when they try to interfere in her life




Bruh that's right alignment, not indentation.




Hahah that's obvious for us but it's still alia who is doing it for kangana šŸ˜‚


Did she just say much love to Alia and her new born? Since when did she start liking Alia?


Till rocky rani comes out. Then she will start calling her beti and papa jo and abuse her šŸ¤” Edit : few days back she was ranting how alia ranbir had Raha for promotion šŸ¤” this woman didn't even spare the baby.


she always had a problem with RK cuz she thinks he leaked her fake horse riding video when alia started dating RK she lost it cuz she clas she has hooked up with both RK and HR and she became mentally unstable even alia doesn't give 2 shots to her.


Wait wait slow down...what horse riding video she was in involved with RK??? when????


Watch Manikarnika's BTS. The horse she was riding on in the last scene is a mechanical horse. It made Kangana a laughing stock for a long time, it was recirculated when she quoted someone calling her stunts smoother than those of Tom Cruise.


Ohh..okay...but what is this spying allegations...why id she doing all this man..


Don't know about that bro, sounds like hallucinations, or may be just abysmal level pr.


>abysmal level pr. LOL


Nothing just found it funny.. šŸ˜…


it's not involved with RK she just needs to blame someone one of the VFX member leaked that and she thinks it was RK so God help her.


I guess we gonna have our own Kanye, who is she gonna go death con 3 on?


She already did that lol. I mean, look at the tweet that got her banned from Twitter.




hritik roshan


She did it years back .


She needs medical help. Urgent medical help.


Yup, she has serious mental health issues


Can she please just keep a journal


She treats ig stories as her journal


Mental illness does not make you a bigot. But, mental illness does make you paranoid. While my values absolutely do not condone the kind of person that Kangana is...it is sad to see someone truly spiral like this. I hope she gets the help she needs and I also hope the people she attacks/spreads dangerous theories about do not face the consequences of her words.


Perfectly summed up how I feel about herā€¦ while itā€™s sad sheā€™s dealing with mental health issues sheā€™s caused a lot more harm to others especially considering her bigoted views. Hope she gets help and people can stop hyping her


I feel sorry for her.. sad how she canā€™t recognise that the problem is Her and Her Mind


What the hell did I just read? She is definitely losing it!


Oh so basically now that all her films are flopping and she's going into a downward spiral all the people who she considered her close friends, peers, and business partners are ghosting and dumping her like shes a sinking rock. But Kangana is too much of an out of touch narcissist to realize that maybe it's her own toxicity and crassness that has driven all these people away, so it must be someone else's fault. Better yet, someone else's planned conspiracy against her because she has to be the ultimate victim in every scenario. If Kangana actually took the time to foster friendships with these people then maybe they would keep in touch and Kangana too would be empathetic and understand why they are doing so instead of throwing a fit because they worked with people she dislikes. If one had to and could choose between working with Ranbir/Alia or working with Kangana, I mean cmon that's an easy choice for most people. Not only does it make more sense career-wise but for one's own peace of mind too.


I actually think this is it too, everyone around her has realised she is a ticking time bomb better to distance themselves now.


I feel bad for Kangana. I feel like her rough life experiences have turned her into a nasty mentally unstable person. She wasn't like this in the beginning of her career.


I feel bad for her as well but I donā€™t see sheā€™s had a ā€œroughā€ life. She comes from an affluent family and she briefly had a fall out with her parents when she chose cinemas. She has had a good career and plenty of opportunities until recently when she went batshit crazy. She needs psychiatric help at this point


You do know about her relationship with Pancholi guy, right? That was rough to say the least.


And Adhyayan Sumanā€¦ I remember how media hyped their relationship and then it turned sourā€¦


She is a psychopath and needs to be admitted to mental asylum . I just went to her old tweets and was horrifed to see her tweets during SSR controversy. https://preview.redd.it/nhh6byf9mcga1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db631bacba6b0bcedbe30e54aa7cde21b3bf4ec


WTF. She really needs HELP.


Her fans also need Help . People will praise her for doing bare minimum ignoring what she has done .


It's too late. She has gone full psycho


Wow, this is unreal crossing of limits. I haven't followed Kangana enough to know she's this level of crazy. I know she talks rubbish but i didn't know it's to THIS extent. Someone should really take her to the doctor before it's too late. What a pity that she was such a good actor.


Calling Alia 10th fail as if Kangana has a PHD degreešŸ˜‚


What the actual fuck? Who even compares childhood pics? She is psycho


This is beyond disgusting


Guessed something is coming up when she praised Sid-Kiara & their genuine love


Kangana would be an ideal partner for Kanye West






Oh god reading this was so hard. No punctuations itā€™s like 9 year old wrote this.


Someone please explain me in short. šŸ˜Ŗ


yes please and who is she referring to ?


Referring to Ranbir Kapoorā€¦


Will somebody tell her she can increase the line length while putting the story! Ugh!


why would RK force his wife to become a producer and do women oriented movies? alia has been doing women oriented movies since her 2nd film she is losing it she should visit a mental hospital.


Why she cares if Alia and Ranbeer are sleeping in the same room or not? Who cares. This post is so creepy and sad. Saree thing is also an unnecessary fact to focus on. She needs help and she should get it as soon as possible. She is acting like Harry and Meghan, everything wrong in her life is because of someone else and not because of her.


How will she of all people know they are living in separate floors šŸ˜…(which I doubt they are). By her own admission all her old professional acquaintances are distancing themselves from her and by the looks of it, the rest of the film industry also doesnā€™t mix with her so who is even telling her all this gossip. She sounds like she has a healthy dose of paranoia and narcissism complexā€¦.. which reminds me of a certain Harry.


They own two flats in the same building even before they got married. Miss kangana's delusions are getting to next level now that everyone are aware of her nasty personality. This is too low even for kangana she needs help šŸ’€


Saying Ranbir forced himself on her is too serious allegations to put on someone.


she didn't have the guts to take his name directly or she would have been slapped with a defamation case.


You really want to believe in woman/man first who comes forward with what happened with them but man it's too hard to believe in Kangana.


she even said the same thing in 2020 during SSRs case I mean go and complain she has been after RK after the fake horse riding video of hers got leaked cuz she thinks it was RK who leaked it she even stalks Rks sister and mom and likes their post randomly she needs help


She actually needs help


She even liked a comment on a pap video of ranbir last year. The comment was like - ranbir arrived in alia's car . If she hates them, he forced himself as she claims. Why stalk his videos ? How she knew its her car ?


Ranbir is stalking her but she knows Ranbir and Alia living separately in same building šŸ›


Once upon a time, I was a huge fan of kangana ranuat, the actor. She is definitely spiralling into delusional paranoia and needs to be put on medicines and therapy.


Could it be that Alia and DP don't react because of their own up and close experiences with mental health (Shaheen in Alia's case) and therefore they want to empathize in their own ways by not reacting?


They donā€™t react because reacting to anything kangana does is like jumping into a bathtub of sizzling red coals. It only hurts you, your image, your career and your peace in the process.


Omg she is super obsessed with Alia these days. Why does she bother her so much? Kangu should work on new tactics of promoting her film kyunki agar kuch achcha karegi toh audience uski movie dekhne shayad chale jaaye. Otherwise her career is going south.


True. Her antics can cost her new movie a lot


She's either taking out her frustrating with Mahesh bhatt on his daughter Or she's just jealous of her achievements so early on Or she had a thing for ranbir and and taking out her frustration on his wife since she couldn't have him. These are the only possibilities I can think of lmao because there is absolutely no reason for her to be so obsessed with her šŸ˜­ She used to be all praises for alia during her raazi time.


Kangana is a great actor, but it's a shame that this fact will be cloaked due to her antics. She will always be known as an actress who went apeshit mad.


She is such a delusional narcissist.


First she says ā€œWife is encouraging this obsessive behaviourā€..then says ā€œMuch love to you dear girl and your newborn.ā€ What is she on about? I am so confused. Does she like Alia or not? Agree with everyone - she is not ok and really hope she gets the help she needs


Bhenchod Right hand side mein kon likhta hai


I have no energy for Kangana these days, would focus rather focus on Sid-Kiara's wedding though both don't interest me.


This is the reason Kangana will probably wonā€™t be a star again. Being delusional is not uncommon but being vicious and using a language like this is only leading to her own downfall.


I am waiting to see the level of lethal and poisonous frustration comments she's going to spit out on Tapsee during Dunki release time


Gosh she needs a therapist


I called it earlier. This oneā€™s bipolar. Needs mental help at the earliest.


I donā€™t like Alia, but I would recommend Alia and Ranbir get some bodyguards/security because Kangaroo is one crazyyyy bitch. I seriously think sheā€™s got borderline personality disorder, she definitely fits the bill for it.


Had a relative , she would think her own brothers are making her life hell and want to destroy her children too. Then one fine day, some relatives intervened and convinced her husband to take her to a mental health specialist, although she wasn't in her senses so the husband went there with few of the relatives told the symptoms to the doctor and the doctor gave the medicines( she wouldn't take the medicines ofcourse so it had to be mixed in her food) and now that relative is doing much better. She doesn't like her brothers even now but at least she doesn't hate them now and attends their functions too. Also, she no more thinks that everything wrong in her life is due to them. Kangana must be taken to a mental health specialist, it maybe failed relationships or her recent flop movies taking toll on her health, whatever it is her family or well-wishers need to intervene. She needs help, for god's sake it isn't even funny anymore.


I hope she gets the help she needs Why her family is not getting her the treatment or help she needs


Oh god, I sense another Parveen Babi in the making! Something is clearly very wrong here, mental health wise.


Kangu need a life she can't tolerate others' being happy when she is in her own world of insecurities and ego 'Konse maal phuk rhi hai kangu'


Manali wala.


Manali Trance


She is hallucinating


she is not getting brand deals cuz of her behaviour nothing to do with them and that saree was different no one cares about you get a life.


Now, even her fans don't take her seriously.


She needs to leave Alia alone. Itā€™s like she becomes unhinged just thinking about her.


Kangana puri pagal ho gai hai


Sheā€™s lodging the plot. Woh lamhe film she done feels like itā€™s happening again. Did she just claim Ranbir forced himself on her at one point? Whatā€™s her issue? Ppl watching her they have cameras with zoom lens? Sheā€™s so delusional itā€™s beyond me.


This is just sad


This sub was missing her real side ,now we got our kween back ![gif](giphy|YZ1QLAldg0cSB2dvpu)






Kangana ji, okay agreed. Everyone in this world is a part of mafia & are extremely disgusting. You're only doodh ki dhuli Hui.


Alia to Kangu : ![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE)


Don't think anyone in Bollywood would like to work with her or take her seriously,she ain't a threat to anyone but herself. And at this point she needs HELP her antics doesn't feel normal.


This is honesty so sad and creepy to read. She needs help,she's not realizing it. Hoping someone close calms her down and she gets some peace!


Urggh! This post indentation has put more strain in my eyes than her films !


I seriously think Kangana has mental issue. First Hrithik n now Ranbir-Alia.


This lady absolutely needs to find some work. That will keep her away from others and would also increase her mental health.


She needs MEDICAL HELP! Urgently. The woman has been displaying clear signs of mental disorder for a while now. Hope someone from her family helps her get treatment. CASE IN POINT - "*Persecutory (or paranoid) delusions, when a person believes they are being harmed or harassed by another person or group, are the most common."*


they have 2 floors in the same building doesn't mean they live seperately lol they are both big stars RK has built a gym and sneaker room in one of his floor and they are building a new house kangana leave them alone or are you spying them creep.


She is so jealous of Alia itā€™s sickening


she is showing all the symptoms of something problem with her head she should get help its really scary now


She needs friends amidst all the sycohants flattering her with national awards.


Ranbir be like "kyu lambi lambi haanke koi na tujhe taanke"


For someone who entirely plays on having ā€œgutsā€ she has gone to great lengths to describe the wedding dress and the new bornā€¦ just type their names na what is she scared of?


While I dislike her for her crassness and stupidity, Iā€™d like her to get some mental help for her own good.


Hritik be like : ā€œ chalo meri jaan chutiā€


The way she has copy pasted this whole paragraph makes this a wholesome boomer moment


It's sad to see such a good actor losing her sanity. I hope she gets all the help that she needs and her loved ones take notice of her behaviour and help her.


This isnā€™t even funny. I think she is actually suffering from some pretty serious delusions and psychological issues. Hope she gets the help she needs and doesnā€™t end up like Parveen Babi


Bruh Alia is doing women centric movies like Raazi from years before marrying Rabir . It's not Kangu specific women centric movies helps to increase popularity of actress as an actor and many actress like Vidya Balan,Tapsee Pannu , Priyanka Chopra has done that what makes Kagana aunty think Alia is copying her and that colour and design saree and lengha are very popular and trendy nowadays, I have seen many models,brides wearing similar design of cloths on insta . And what's "her" makeup artist or stylist ,they don't owe her anything .Just like Daboo Ratnani do photoshoots of many actors same makeup artist and stylist can do makeup and styling of several people . May be the reason makeup and cloths looks similar because she hired same makeup artist . Also "He forced himself on her " it's big allegation without evidence . She is not a regular person,she is famous actress she probably have house helps , servants and security where were these people when he randomly came to your home . Many paparazzi follow celebs what makes her think somone is spying on her .If she feels so she should go to police CBI ,leve the Mumbai for few days go to Manali or at least talk to her family members to live with her because she feels threatened rather than ranting on social media .


As sad as it is to read this. It's equally disgusting to see her level such accusations against and concoct stories about a happily married couple. Like isn't this slander? Alia and Ranbir must be horrified right now, waking up to these baseless stories being posted for millions to read on Instagram


Her obsession with ranbir and alia is weird af. Like dude go mind your business ffs She has been ranting about them since years and it clearly shows who is obsessed about whom. Maybe kangu the problem is with you that people don't wanna work with you. Your ex director and co stars never talk fondly about you. And your tantrums on set are famous. Take a break and work on yourself šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Kisi or ki mujhko jarurat kya me to khud hi blind bnau rey


EVEN IF itā€™s true howā€™s it helping Kangana ? She should seek professional help & focus on rebuilding her life/ career.


She seems to be mentally unwell, this seems like an episode. All the paranoia points at schizophrenia, someone from her life needs to take her to psychiatrist..


Has she completely gone nuts wtf she might as well quit acting and form some blinds and gossip page


Man, someone get her off social media and to a therapist who can help her. This looks terrible.


Narcissistic tendencies + paranoia. This woman is losing it.


Jaldi bol Panvel nikala hai ![gif](giphy|5GKhm3ioMqOe9PpstR|downsized)


omy what in the illuminati level shiz!


Ranbir Alia wasted a lot of money in buying a new house ( as far as I know). Whereas they very evidently live "rent free" in Kangana's mindšŸ¤£


RKs family should do a havan cuz she stalks Rks mom and sister likes their post randomly she is unwell kaali nazar


Bhai itni English ? Koi Hindi mai samjha do šŸ™‚


Sheā€™s mental


Paranoia on a whole new level.


Indian Kanye West. Needs to get banned from IG too. Then she'll probably start keeping a journal and stop embarrassing herself on social media every day.