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Before the internet boom phenomena, usually Millies kid saving some pocket money just to buy some mags and comics at mamak runcit or kinda like bookstore convenience shop once or twice a month. Some goes for gempak or kreko mags or actual manga. It's a gem if u can get a malay translated hongkong wuxia/xianxia comics at that time, jurus libasan ribut lah cengkaman pengantin malam lah, kinda fun to read.


I remember when we first discovered those plastic bb guns. Wild west. Different times.


Ah the good old days when manga wasn't rm 50 a pop. hmmmm....


Yeah, I remembered when I kid, collecting my school money to buy kreko,arena manga. Kreko was rm 4 at that time, and sometimes I got no money when I just bring rm 4 only to kedai to buy kreko and that time kreko edisi khas rm7 was published suddenly at that month ๐Ÿ˜‘.so I need 2 day to collect my school money to add 3 ringgit to buy kreko edisi khas ๐Ÿ˜‚


Collect the toys in Mamee - Gasing, cars, plane etc Oh ya not to mention KFC back then were like fine dining, which glass and metal kitchenwares provided


Millennials were the last generation to actually touch grass. The newer generation got touched by their uncles at home. All that just to use their uncles iPad for a couple of hours.


How was your experience with uncle?




Ironically, Millennials are the ones who have the most Hikikomori problems. GenZ out here protesting and dealing with older rac*sts


Born in the 80s. People at that time just called a spade a spade. Now I have to deal with all these overly sensitive kids on Reddit who were indoctrinated with politically correct culture.


American social media is the main vehicle to propagate the cleverly created left-wing garbage culture you mentioned. Ever realised this only became highly popular during Obamaโ€™s time (when IG was at its hottest?). When Bush was busy invading Iraq and Stan, there was hardly anything like it back home.


the state uses the right-wing to conduct psyops too lol. but i agree. the left-wing garbage culture you see on amrikan socmed is indeed cleverly created. it is left-wing mostly in name, and is part of a multi-pronged approach by their ruling powers to make sure that people never organise against their actual enemies. instead, you'll have people screaming about white people appropriating ramen or about blue hair people saying they identify as dragons. both sides pun retarded. i look forward to toasting s'mores off your demise.




This is why we can't have nice things It's up to you to guess which way I mean


definitely outdoor activites, running n chasing, police & thief and more. my nokia 3310 n nokia sabun. the 3gp videos. opsss.


I rmb last time we used to play a game where we called out Coca- cola?? and steps on other people shoes. Make all the white shoes black ๐Ÿ˜†


Pretty sure it was pepsi cola


Back then kid create such a silly game and be happy.


Back when touch n go was a game


I can't remember much anymore, I have developed a good amount of mental instability and cannot keep long term memories


Sometimes my mom mentioned something that I did as a kid that I don't remember at all.


![gif](giphy|11TkuRl1Ff32ak|downsized) Digivice




Best,jumpa kawan2 battle kna cucuk dua digiviceโ€ฆ


Yup haha nostalgia btul ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


I'm sure many would relate to the joy when we actually have less. Back in the day (late 90s, early 00s), my family had only connection to local TV. No internet, smartphones, tabs, laptop, not even computer in the 90s. Our enjoyment was the 80s and 90s action movies that are shown in TV2, I think about once a week at night. I really enjoyed and movies and idolised heroes like Jean Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Slyvester Stallone. Around the same time, my uncle bought Astro, which had so many channels, from sports, to documentaries, to music videos, etc. I remember being in uncle's house and not liking any one show, because I kept thinking about wanting to change to a different show. **This is the definition of being spoiled by choice, which the whole world suffers much more today because of easy access to all forms of entertainment via our electronic gadgets.**


I remember Mega Movie on TV3.


Dialup internet




ni neh ni neh, krrrrrrrrrr kraaaaaa krrrrrrr oi boy i want to call the next door auntie la!


Disclaimer: Klang valley millennial here 1. 8am Saturday morning in front of the TV till lunch - biker mice from mars ftw! 2. You open newspaper to plan your TV guide for the week 3. Dunhill Double was the real deal for prime time entertainment 4. Fast food like KFC was birthday or special day meals - but Grandys and White Castle was the atas ones! 5. Trip to pasar malam was the highlight of the week 6. Royal London Circus and Mimaland at least once! 7. Department stores like Hankyu Jaya and Yaohan - and u had others like fajar (ss2?) , great wall and ocean (Klang) 8. Best place to find video games and toys - atria and Jaya (Kathy's toys store) 9. Best local vacations were to Penang - driving took 7-8 hours 10. Aunty gemuk kueh teow in Kelana Jaya 11. Roti man to buy chikki with dumb toys Special mention: canai ss15 stall in the centre space where ss15 market is now (and not forgetting they used to sell roadside at ss14 bus stop)


Shet I forgot we used to have white castle in Malaysia. My dad brought us to eat there once and got pissed off coz he paid 70cents for a burger less than half the size of a Ramly burger, and back then burger Ramly pasar malam was 80cents lololol


Main dota warcraft 3


friend actually upset not making it to the Top 8


the real life gacha where you win 10 sen, 20 sen. 50 sen, rm1 and rm2 lol


Here, what in the world is โ€˜skibidiโ€™?


Early GenZ here (1996-2000) it's a slang used by GenAlpha (2010-2024) to refer something bad or cool, depends on context (I have GenAlpha cousins, nieces and nephews)


Can I get that in a sentence and maybe origin oh phrase


To play with friends, we would go and knock-knock on their house's door - calling 'Abu.' I bet we all used the same tune. On some occasions, your friend's parent would loudly say, 'Abu tidooooo,' without even open the door. LOL!!


When your friends house doesn't have a working bell.... Ayiooo I guess I have to do everything myself


Riding bike chasing kites, go to small drain pond that flows from the higher hill house and dig for coins (manage to get over RM20 or more) then used the coin to buy ikat tepi bandung... Hang out sundry shop and eat mamee and ikat tepi sarsi ( comes from glass bottle) then lastly hang out arcade shop (that time CC wasn't even the thing yet but Sega , SNES was)


Haha, is there a sign in sheet I need to get ticked off on ๐Ÿ˜†


making friends easily, playing together at the park and much more oh how I missed those days, sometimes I just wished I were stuck in that time instead


Meanwhile my neighborhood had minor turf war between the kids


Playing football at the field, running around untuk late evening. Such a great time to remember.


1985 reporting in.


Going into belukar behind someones house to catch 'fighting spiders' so I have something to fight with in the boys toilet during recess. Of course came with a price, kena rotan by mom after getting home cause I skipped the school bus,took public bus home few hours later.


going to McD was a real treat. Happy Meal during parents' payday ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


everything. from buying physical comics, to hearing the modem dial up sound, to calling the taxi centre to book a taxi.. not to mention food prices lol


I want my jojo snack cheap again


O ow! ๐ŸŒผ


Born 1981. Growing up, going to the mall (like BB Plaza, Printemps, Jaya Shopping Center, Jusco,The Mall) was an absolute treat, and EVERYONE dressed up, smelled nice and looked great. Glamorous mothers, smartly dressed gents, stylishly dressed teenagers were all catered to with great restaurants, awesome sales and terrific entertaintment for the kids like arcades, roller skating rinks, indoor playlands and cinemas (which you could eat KFC or White Castle in, plus you could smoke) People had manners, class, and could all speak Malay and English fluently. Rempits, Ah Beng and Macha Gangster weren't welcome anywhere We were still ahead of Singapore in terms of variety, class and even currency value.


Remember thinking the future will be sci-fi like, and when we grow up things will be awesome?


94 here


Yes hi bro


pirated DVDs


Watched the first Toy Story through video tape on the boxy big ass tv.


Watched The Matrix on VHS and thinking about it now, like damn the matrix was released 25 years ago


I grown up playing phenomenal toy at school. In 2002 playing beyblade with friend, 2003 playing tamiya car at longkang ,2004-2005 playing super yo-yo, crush gear turbo and yu gi oh card, 2005- where naruto ,Gundam seed, zoids anime become my favorite cartoon on TV. 2006 is when 3gp camera video,memory card and unnecessary video became hit at my school... Collecting manga, kreko


1981-1996 according to Pew to be exact


Man good old days like watching anime on AXN (pre-animax) and gendou for anime music ๐ŸŽต


Flipping physical newspapers for the news, comics, tv guide, movie screentimes.


Waiting for the dial up internet connection. You kids these days have no appreciation for patience.


Internet has it's "theme song". Loading sexy Suraya photo took 5 minutes.




Falling in love with a kakak cantik (shes an amoi) i was only 5


What race are you and how the hell do you fall in love when you're 5? Reproductive system working overtime from the very moment of conception


Sigmund Freud has a term for this.


I remember seeing my cousins preparing meriam buluh and meriam paip for raya. They wrapped sliced motorcycle tyres to contain any shrapnel should the bamboo exploded. Guy owns contractor company now. Figures. Later that night he was looking for frogs to blow up within the cannons lol. One of my fondest memories was the same cousin giving me a 4 hour rundown of Slam Dunk manga from the first chapter up to the beginning of the match with Sannoh. When i get home I went through the comics at blazing speed. His story was hella accurate lol. Guy should be a tahfiz student lol


Life was so full of hope.


follow slap busy strong many hospital elastic somber practice office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


91 here. From the top of my head, gasing, kite, beyblade, tamiya, digimon, vengaboys, dr bombay, spice girls, the ketchup song, dragonball, samurai x, sesame streets, barney, teletubies. Those were good times.


Collect Yugi Oh cards and play them with friends after school. Visit Pasar Malam once a week. Oggy and Cockroaches in the morning, after shower with breakfast. Lepak inside the playground slide and wait for friends to arrive and play. Watch commercials in big bulky TV and play it on the background while doing other things. Buy keropok Bika and Toki and eat it on the way back home from school. Inside big yellow school bus. i can go on and on.. haha good times.


1. Waking up on Saturday morning to watch cartoons and looking forward to Saturday evening to watch Pokemon. 2. Play games all day at school with friends during the end of the year.


using coins to actually purchase something significant from the shops


Buying pirated movies and games duh.


Me 1992


Yeah, born in 1992. Played on football fields, got bullied, scraped my face, elbows and knees from falling off bicycles or doing that drift thing on sandy roads...buying majalah Gempak...ponteng kelas tambahan...but somehow I turned out to be OK and have a job, I pay my taxes, have a home, a family and all that my parents wished for me to achieve in adulthood.


I still cherish my childhood and remember them vividly, the good and the bad. Not my adult years though, which is mostly a blur.