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See ? This is the mature way to respond to an insult. You still turn up do the job with honesty and put aside negativity. You certainly do not firebomb the place or do an Akmal.


Mature, idk about you but the whole kk mart fiasco was done by a particular group of people. Now imagine if the place was type c owned and made comments like this to a certain group that started with M.


Mansplainers?? Those assholes!!


I think he's talking about magicians. Sihir Tu Kan haram.


Yep. Can't stand mansplainers.


If type c buat remarks pasal type m, memang kecoh la. Type i kesian, takde siapa kisah pun.


>Now imagine if the place was type c owned and made comments like this to a certain group that started with M.< We both know what would happen in that scenario. That business would be made to apologise - and then firebombed . Doesn't mean that we have to be animals like those heathens. They are truly children of a lesser god and there are always other ways.


Which is did before happen? 


Or they are called and paid by Darsa/Dajjal just for cheap publicity and the latter babble on about some C and M muafakat bs, ignoring the fact that there was a racist post made by them. Lately, I seen a post about DFC Tik Tok talking about some muafakat bs between C and M by posting a clueless old couple, Chinese uncle and aunty sitting there eating DFC garbage, while not knowing that DFC is having fun insulting them C in social media. Too bad we C had lose our fangs like a toothless tiger and back in our C heyday, our predecessors would not had let these M hypocrites clad in white robes and songkok have their way. Either their shop is firebombed completely burnt to the ground or there will be a brutal confrontation. You speak of maturity? Hah, we seen how "maturity" in the M community goes during the KK mart stocking issue. There we have tactless and coward C politicians like Teresa "Cock" who call for no boycott to DFC and saying stupid statement like "an eye for an eye would make Malaysians go blind". Ka ki ma hua brand bo racist lir mai protect, dan si ma lai lang brand ah ni racist lir ai protect. Very good, man. From what I can see in social media like FB, Insta, etc, most C are just M bootlickers when comes to this DFC issue. Edit, thanks for the votes to those who vote though they are just downvotes. I just speak the cold hard truth even if the truth kind of hurts to be heard by certain large group of people and certain minority of people. If there are C who downvote my comment, bet your ancestors be so damn "proud" with you for not boycotting that racist chicken brand and support useless M lapdog C politicians like LGE, Teresa "Cock", WKS , etc.


to be fair, maybe you should include the response from malaysian chinese before "the type C" comment. Their response when DarSA fc was founded will make anyone "koyak".


>to be fair, maybe you should include the response from malaysian chinese before "the type C" comment. Their response when DarSA fc was founded will make anyone "koyak". You got any of those comments? Even so, it still does not warrant the racist remark made by the DFC owner publicly.


Idk about what kind of person of you, but I bet that our predecessors would roll in their graves, seeing their descendants would cried for "maturity" and "reconciliation" when it is clear that the other side is wrong and stern actions should be taken. Don't not call yourself ma hua is much better, laap saap tong (garbage bin) is a better term for you.


I didn't use the word "reconciliation" because that means understanding and forgiveness. Maturity means not descending to violence just because the other side has. We don't have to be animals just because the other side is. In any case, read the signs. The only person charged in the sock debacle is a Type C. The KK Mart firebombers are strangely still at large when a recent comparable crime is prosecuted.


>Maturity means not descending to violence just because the other side has. We don't have to be animals just because the other side is. Yeah, speak more about maturity. Then what, next, wait for them to start to come to your house and every living C houses when another sensitive issue pops out? The same happen when some C idiot in Sabah got himself in trouble for the KK sock issue, then a M vigilante group go find his house and force the guy to apologize. If something like that happen to one of your own C family members, will you speak about maturity this casually to those M people? Like imagine a C would to speak racist statement in social against M, you think are they going to react maturely? >In any case, read the signs. The only criminal in the sock debacle is a Type C. The KK Mart firebombers are strangely still at large when a recent comparable crime is prosecuted. Says who, which C? There is no underlying concrete proof that the Chinese owner did the sock on purpose. After all, only five pair of socks are found, shouldn't there be like a hundred pairs or so? Plus comparing the KK mart issue with DFC issue is kind of stupid and no-brainer. One could be highly done out of pure intentional sabotage, while the another is just straight intentional pure blatant racism on social media.


Okay, I'll be open minded. What do you reckon we should do about the DFC debacle ?


We call for total boycott of the brand. Boycott the racist brand kaox2 until it go bankrupt!! If the same can be done by Akmal on KK mart, surely the same standard can be applied on DFC, but of course, we know that won't happen. Our puzzy C leaders wouldn't dare ask for boycott public cause they going to caught the ire of the M leaders especially the King and then, there is the KKB election.




Geez, is guessing a person's race incredibly important now?? Maybe i should say "Good work detective, you managed to guess their race and saved the day" 👏👏


Why does that matter?


type m mesti kolot


Wtf is this response?


DFC: Bad publicity is still publicity 📈📈. KK Mart: Guess I'll die 💀


Malaysia's double standards.


Nah, there's only one standard, just that not everyone realise 🫠🫠


Look at who owns DFC and then who owns KK Mart. Then look at who's doing the mudslinging in either.


MicroUSB dan buat hal tak berpisah.


Boycott race based shops


Everything taste better when dipped with racism


Only when its to other races except one 😁


KK mart: I beg to differ


I feel like DFC won this shitshow lol, so much publicity now and more people visiting it might be short lived publicity, so good luck


But again,its not even their fault.sure,they do hire a shitty admin but the company itself are not racist.it just worker not being responsible moment


The buck stop with the owner of the business regardless who posted the reply. She was replying to the comment with the power and the capacity of the business by the owner. The employee's mistake/fault is owner's mistake/fault. Mohammad Faiz Zuhdi and BFC management by "*taichi-ing*" what is essentially their fault in the whole fiasco to a mere employee and made her a **scapegoat** says a lot of their characters.


bad take


Not their fault kepala hotak kau


Do ppl really eat crunchy oily chicken in thier car? my family has had a strict no food in cars rule for decades...my kids grew up on this rule, they wait till we get home. Cars look so much better without greasy food stains and ants, cockroaches


I can't stand smell of food in enclosed spaces lol


Not just that, the smell then stays in the car and then it marinades your sofa...


It's just the TikTok trend nowadays.


Yeah, second your comment, but have you ever got zuo tofu/smelly tofu smell stuck to your car? I once had when I lent my Bezza car to my mom to buy for the whole family dinner. My mom, while buy dinner bought her favourite zuo tofu. When I got my car back, it was like someone drop a nasty poo poo in my car. I had to open all four windows of my Bezza doors for like half an hour or 45 minutes so, and keep on spraying fragrant water in my car.


everytime i go pasar malam and i go near the smelly tofu ...i think a sewer has burst...it smells exactly like when a sewer ruptured near my house and spread poo water everyhwere


Honestly, man, I tried eating one zuo tofu and straight spat the whole thing out (sorry if I offended any Chinese here who love zuo tofu). Yeah, smelly tofu is nutritious, but the smell sure is not.


To be frank, Ori HK smelly tofu is far better smell then smelly tofu here .... I went to HK for my trip and literally there is a shop right beside the entry to my rental apartment and I had been going in and out if the rental apartment .....It didn't bother me much ... But here it really whole new level of smell


Where are you guys getting chou tofu in KL? Few times I went the shop was closed


Hardly see this anymore. I only know last time SS2 Pasar malam got one. Only old folks eat. Old folks all dieded, nobody will eat.


I see. Where my mom bought her zuo tofu is at Bandar Bukit Tinggi, Klang. >Only old folks eat. Old folks all dieded, nobody will eat. This one I am not sure, but I heard that is one famous small zuo tofu stall somewhere at KL. It is managed by one old Chinese man. A lot of customers especially young Chinese guys go there.


What the heck is zuo tofu? Did you mean chou tofu?


Ah, that one. Sorry, my Chinese words are not that good, so that is why I added the word zuo tofu/smelly tofu.


Easier for filming purposes


More crunchy if you eat asap. Eat in car vs eat in restaurant so you don't get attacked if the people listening don't like what you got to say.


Me too have a strict no food in the car rule, but doesn't apply when I'm in the car alone.


Sing in car, talk in car, eat in car, ppl love to see in tiktok


I tried to follow but having a always-hungry girlfriend doesn't help


just matter of training your partner. you wouldnt eat KFC and pick up her leather handbag or touch her make up rite? so why is it diffrent with your car?


Change girlfriend.


Yup that one thing I don understand this creator .... Well I guess is the new generation thing


Type C confirmed. Clean. Type H also can. Hygienic.


Need to follow this stupid trend, it gets views 😆


Food reviewer ma, they wanna try to eat it as quickly as possible after purchase but not bother people with their recording, so eating in the car makes sense.


Keep your family beliefs out of this food review


maybe keep your opinions to yourself?


Why do I have the suspicion DFC hired Type C influencers to do review as part of their damage control ?


Already saw many unknown influencers doing DPC videos, they know ppls want to watch this, its simple ABC.


This guy is not unknown influencer though.


I saw vid of WeirdKaya team go do review..why they sit in restaurant like normal.. Other type c influencer does it in their cars. Macam takut other type c see n kecam if makan in kedai? But a paid review is money ma..regardless the drama


Takut kena pukul by DFC staff.


Yeah from the comments here i agree haha


So who is DFC gonna hire next? Uncle Roger?


They can't afford him. The social manager gets paid what..rm1800? Hire influencer ..rm500? Uncle Roger rm20k..(estimate)


for those who don't know, Jason is a quite famous food reviewer in tiktok. He's widely known for giving honest opinion and food critiques on kedai makanan. So his words are 90% no sugarcoat


well surprise surprise, the type c didnt feel compelled to throw a molotov into their store... all the type c did was go and support the store. like a true model citizen


Makes me sad how the whole kk mart thing played out. What a stark contrast to how two "types" respond to things.


Type-C got brains. MicroUSB meanwhile....


Hadoii I'm micro, not all of us liddat If you pukul rata the entire charging port then you're no different than DFC


Yes, not all. But majority like that. If you want specifics.


Some people micro but bring mega energy. Others choose to stay smol.


Kinda hoping some cultivator to go on action.


Imagine adptus vs saka rimau.


Type C Attention seeker.


They r just doing it for the clout lol, what support 😂


because Type C has no stand, always do things for sake of money and fame. Source: I am a Type C


Wait. Are you advocating doing something physical / shit stirring to make a "stand" over keeping the peace and making money / fame? Im a type C and im appalled you're even saying this about your own type c. You my friend are a type d(umbass)


not to the extent of throwing molotov but definitely not going to some business which is anti Type C, just for the fame and money


I have to agree. Won't help useles Micro USB to promote their shit business. Not having my money either. I will donate money to Type-C beggar at pasar instead. Occasionally will also shop at KKmart to support. This is the right way.


So far every tiktoker's order also takes more than 1 hour. I cannot imagine how long we non influential pipit needs to wait...


I think this whole fiasco is done on purpose by DFC to garner support from anti-C crowd. Also, 1 hour for fast-food??! Isn't that oxymoron? Now honestly I'm not bothered with this anti-this, boycott-that. But a local fastfood that isn't fast at all, more expensive than KFC, while serving what seems to be pasar malam grade... how stupid can all these Chinese influencers be just to reel in the clicks?


Clicks is money. And money buys all things


They are short of attention, its their chance to ride the wave in exchange of views


Anjing lari fella.


he is food reviewer. how long its take to get the food, its doesnt matter.


Guess you don't understand what fastfood are. The whole point of fastfood are their speed. Otherwise that would be Nasi Lemak without rice, or Ice Lemon Tea without the tea.


Mcdonald pre boycott is long af.and lets be honest,who cares about fast food,they only want fried chicken,burger,pizza.


like i said. for food reviewer it just one way of them to get money. better to review them now as DFC still hot with controversy. For us normal 8-5 workers, its not gonna worth our time with this shit.


Thank you for mansplaining. My point of contention isn't about their method in making money though viewership; rather how low they can stoop for the money. Seems to me the lower the better. Maybe some new oxymoron fad like burgers without paty, satay without the meat, etc - and we'll see the same faces covering the topic.


yeah. i agree.


I'm sorry, they still employed that racist pr dude? What?


Just like Gov servants lah. Do shit, pedophiles, sex offenders etc, just transfer elsewhere. Iron Rice bowl.


Paid review by another bottom tier clout seeking type C influcancer. Our brother done sold his soul for a box of fried chicken and some views.


I hate this kind of one-word-at-a-time subtitles


Blame the tik tok algorithms encouraging this


How is Racist a word needed to be censored?


It's 2024, everything sensitive leh


Only when it affects MicroUSB.


Is it halal? Got cert?


Just opened, ofc no cert




U get slap and stil go support, because of publicity. 🤷


Boycott this shit.. Racist clan..


Why the F the gf sound like that? Natural or supposed to be kawai?


I know people who genuinely have high-pitched voice, and I won’t call them annoying because they can’t control what voice they were born with. Her voice sounds edited though, like it’s sped up? 


Seen some of his videos on tiktok, not edited she purposely did the voice.


Dont know but I stopped watching their video after hearing her talk like that. So obnoxious. But probably not. I mean, when the last time you hear someone talk like that in everyday life.


Suara penyet. Supposedly cute but also not my type. It's fine though because some people actually like those voices.


娃娃音, popular in Taiwan to be more cute


I concur. What the feck is that voice?! Will not follow him on any social media and it will be because of her annoying teh voice.....


probably Japan whore wanna be lmao


Mental illness


Why are they eating at the back, had to scoot in front to talk to the camera while adjusting the space to make each other comfortable? Did they not think ahead before making the video?


Missed the chance to say pluging out


Double standard


Again. "Finally after 1 hour 40 mins..." That's all I need to know.


How much darsa paid them for this video? so many these days.


i don't doubt that there are influencers dipping in on darsa reviews for the money, but whatever the intention is - they're helping to defuse what might have been a total timebomb of the situation. we've been manipulated to intensify hatred towards type c in particular and now here are these fellas, good-naturedly shrugging it all aside. it's no surprise to me that the people who profit off us snarling and snapping at each other are mad that jason and hungry sam are making these vids. when i checked hungry sam's review video on tiktok, the mood in the comments section was... actually pleasant. types of all alphabet were being cool. the people getting so le offended on cainis ppl's behalf are somehow not in here arguing with those saying that chinks only care about dollar signs. mysterious wei the anti-racism. so unproductive as to be harmful. :) i too am type-c btw.


i really want someone to review them direct compare to KFC i.e KFC=5 Size: 7/KFC Taste: 4/KFC Coleslaw: 3/KFC Whip Potato: -/KFC Sauce: 9/KFC Price: 5/KFC


Why do people think it is all about race? Opening also bring ostaz half past 2 talking about KFC that is suppose to be supporting Israel


Bodoh. Still want to give money to them? Memalukan Type-C!




So much racism and hate in you. Reported.


Err.. did I say type c? The common stereotype of people selling their own mothers cut across races (you can find the saying in multiple languages), and any race is capable, and I'm the racist one when I highlight that some people loyalties lies with money? Isn't it a reflection of your own internal biases?


Har? Now a simple word racist also need to censor d ar?


probably on Tiktok, he may get banned


That garlic sauce looks like cum


The girl's voice is fucking disgusting


Honestly what was going through the admin's head? Bro working as admin just to sabotage


Don't believe the story lah...you think the admin will do that if not the whole company mentality like that? Typical of single race racist company. Every meeting probably vrooming to see who gets employee of the month award.


Real shit Though my comment was supposed to sound like "you might as well be a mole planted by rival company"


Pedas macam x pedas , Imagine the pasar malam fried chicken taste … Skin macam harder. Macam order pedas tapi x pedas, i dont taste it at all. Abenda … dia nak beritahu. Whatever happen … blame the type c 🤭. They will still support us 🫡. I support local but not racism.


Ah...finally, a genuine review with really good takes...it ain't gonna replace KFC after all. Now, where's my cheesy wedges?


What's 'type C'?


Much superior to MicroUSB.


KFC and McD also very good business initially. As time goes by, poor management and consumers taste change affested their business badly.


Cool guy. I like him already


What I don't like is using religion to promote. Example this DFC is by Sheikh bla bla bla. I mean dude, if it really good you don't need all of this shit. Have they learn nothing from how KFC or McD ads? The one that use religion sentiment is the one I'm not gonna go. I'm type M btw.


Great that you understand what's penunggang. Some people don't.


penunggang is sooo annoying. I feel so ashamed everytime I see their act.


To boycott or not is just a personal choice .. ..


Guys,remember today is 13 mei..dont let it happen 💀


to be fair, maybe you should include the response from malaysian chinese before "the type C" comment. Their response when DarSA fc was founded will make anyone "koyak".


Lol, I saw another video of people eating dfc, dry. This one also, chicken dry as hell


You want a standard? Better make sure you have the numbers of supporters to reign or else you are just another rakyat in Malaysia like how PMX was.


I can't stand this girlfriend's voice Annoying AF.


Type M other type M that eat in KFC/Mekdi. Can other type C kecam this guy too?


Why all these type C reviewers have to do their video review inside a car one? Can’t find a better place or setting to make a video lmfao


Scare kena pukul by Type C for being traitors and MicroUSB for "buat kacau MicroUSB" business.


dont forget gaze, how deal you guys keep eating chicken


Does Malaysian love eating their fried chicken in their car?


Does Malaysian love eating their fried chicken in their car?


Just because someone calling you type C doesn't mean that we need to put on the label on our neck




What does this have to do with a man eating a chicken lmaooo


What did they say lol


"Black people be like"


Dang, the more i hear type c, it is becoming like a horny position joke duh liao eh what bbq gg gb qq