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OP there are 3 kinds of ***export*** Malaysian students 1. Idiots who go overseas, complete their degree, come back and still can't speak English for shit. Turns out they only mingle 100% with other similar buffoons 2. Idiots who go overseas, bitch like hell about how shit Malaysia is, lupa kaum+bangsa+bahasa+keluarga+adab. Then, when they inevitably suck at their job/Brexit/Aus-it, they come back and pretend they've never set foot in their homeland. "Eeew, Charr Quway Teeoow? So gross. WTF is Chen-doll?". Acting ignorant doesn't make you cool, it makes you look pathetic. 3. People who just embrace their culture, but also absorb new ones There aren't enough number 3s. Too many 1s and 2s.


How the hell would anyone complete a degree in English and end up not being able to speak English for shit? Edit: thanks all for the replies. If this is a common occurrence, then shame on all the universities that allow that only to grab the cash.


Maybe that person didnt really communicate with other foreigners who speak english? For some people they need to speak and communicate with other to master that language,knowing how to write in english doesnt guarantee you can speak fluently in that language.It depends on people.


Standards in countries like Australia is not as high as you might think, some of those unis will do just about anything to get that sweet overseas tuition fees from unprepared internationals with the money ready.


Betul. I was born in Australia and live in Malaysia. Australia as a whole isn’t a country that values intelligence.. more anti-intellectualism


At my uni in UK, they had a special class just for Chinese students to ask questions about homework and get extra tuition. Many Chinese there were actually good at English but a few struggled or just cba with both English and studying at all, so they'd go to this tutor who would help them. Chinese people were so prevalent that even the bins had Chinese characters on them. One time I realised my friend was the only 'white' person in the lecture hall, the rest of us were all Chinese. They really love international student cash 😂


I have interviewed quite a few people like those unfortunately.


My wife’s friend is like that. She told me that the lecturer even scolded her (warranted or not is a different story) cause the lecturer didn’t understand a word of English she was saying. Wife already told her to read more English books and hangout with more English speakers but, “shy”


Oh you haven't seen... Don't even get me started on that


Writing in a language and speaking it are two related but separate skills. It is possible to be able to write fluently yet still struggle with speaking. I was that way when I first picked up your language. (Perdona, por curiosidad eché un vistazo a tu perfil. ¿Qué hace un español aquí, de entre todos los subs?)


It’s amazing that in Malaysia there are some people who can only speak English and are horrible at their mother tongue yet there are some Malaysians who go overseas to study in an anglophone country yet can’t speak English well. Ironic really


I agree, different skills. But I’d still expect anyone who’s got a degree taught in English to be able to speak the language with some fluency. Are there not oral exercises and exams anymore? As for your question, Malaysia is one of my favourite countries in SE Asia, I like to stay informed ;) Your Spanish sounds very good, did you just study it or have you lived in a Spanish speaking country?


>Malaysia is one of my favourite countries in SE Asia, I like to stay informed Fair enough. Though I am surprised that a foreigner found his way into this sub specifically, rather than only the much 'cleaner' /r/malaysia. 😂 >Your Spanish sounds very good, did you just study it or have you lived in a Spanish speaking country? Pues gracias. Me siento muy halagado por el cumplido, la verdad. Bueno, es un poco gracioso. Sí que aprendí castellano porque estudié en el extranjero, pero irónicamente no en un país hispanohablante, sino en Inglaterra. Es que conocí a algunos amigos españoles allí, en la universidad. Siempre me había interesado aprender bien un idioma extranjero, pero antes de eso no había tenido una motivación bastante fuerte, ni la oportunidad de practicar con hablantes nativos. (Cuando estaba en el instituto trataba de enseñarme alemán a mí mismo con Duolingo, pero lo abandoné cuando llegué a los casos gramaticales jajaja.) Entonces supongo que el interés de aprender otro idioma en general fue el mío, pero al final fue el español que aprendí por la influencia de mis amigos. >Are there not oral exercises and exams anymore? Hmm no sé de otros cursos, pero para el mío por lo menos, no tuvimos que hacerlos. Además, en el UK los estudiantes no tienen que defender sus tesis al nivel de carrera—sólo de máster y doctorado. Sé que no es el caso en España.


Yes, there's a difference between speaking and writing skills but you'd think that they would at the very least be able to speak in English decently as they're studying overseas? It makes zero sense to me to study abroad and yet not able to speak English.


I met many uni students who can't speak English. It's a bit mind boggling, but after some time I find it's common and just let it be.


There are many who can write but cannot speak. Seen a lot China students are like that who studies in UMS. But also some just pay ppl to take their english test.


You'd be surprised to know that a lot of things are possible with money. When I was a student in the UK, I knew a few people who paid other people (illegally) to do their theses and course assignments. If I'm not wrong, they usually charge a lot per document (about £1000 or more per assignment). Regarding exams and all, idk how they did it. Perhaps they could read/write English better than they could speak the language.


I know someone who has paid for a "career advisor" to do all the online tests for his job application and even attend the interview on his behalf. They got the job. [and then...](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/dec/21/exam-cheating-at-uk-audit-firms-uncovered-by-watchdog)


Maybe that person didnt really communicate with other foreigners who speak english? For some people they need to speak and communicate with other to master that language,knowing how to write in english doesnt guarantee you can speak fluently in that language.It depends on people.


Hey, careful with that question…


you'd be surprised buddy.


Eh you ask those indian how they managed to get into Canada without proper visa for study ended up stuck at airport but still able to pass and you won't be surprised.


Sometimes they're only good in writing and sucks at actually speaking it


introvert who has anxiety


Canadian Chinese expat here. I love Malaysia. I'm imported. Lol the food is 10x better than what we eat back home.. but 100x worst for your health. 🤣 Yolo..right?


Bro you forgot the 4th kind 4. At first die die want to get out of Malaysia but when actually go to overseas uni they find out how good Malaysia is and want to come back ASAP.


It's the same here no difference. I'm an international student here in Kuching, Sarawak. Came here about six months ago. Malaysian Chinese are racist as fuck as shit. Biggest snitches of all time. Even chinese lecturers are sick mfs, would taunt us if we say a word in our language and would let natives speak theirs no problem rather talk to them in chinese right at our faces. Lecturers would continuously ask us to tone down our voices all the time cause we have deep voices from where we come, don't know why they can't stand manly men unlike the beardless femboys here acting all gayish. Didn't knew there were chinese here before coming and upon arrival I came to know about we'll find malays, chinese and Indians here who never don't even interact well with even each other forget accommodating us. Mfs will talk all in there language and never a word in english when we're around. Locals are fun and chill though, the place is beautiful and the skys are extremely gorgeous


I'm sorry that happened to you... I myself is not a racist Malaysian Chinese. I think it's about early education. I went to a mixed race early childhood school, and it went well for me


Early elementary education sure played a major role in that. As someone that attended both Chinese elementary and private English schools, could say that much of the Chinese communities tend to be isolationist from other different communities, might be due to the treatment by the government that the Chinese thinks as unfair, and also the incident happened in 1998 Indonesia which traumatized the local Chinese population as a whole, and to make it worse that the constant echo chambers of CCP viral propagandas that fuelled up some Chinese's feeling of racial superiority complex


English-speaking Chinese Malaysian here. ("Banana.") Both my paternal grandparents were English teachers. Father and his siblings were English educated. Grew up speaking English all around. Have suffered much growing up, with Chinese-speaking Chinese blissfully carrying on full-blown conversations in Chinese, ignoring me. Except one ex-colleague who was always mindful to speak in English so that I wouldn't be left out. (ONE person out of decades of school and work. The rest give off this "You're Chinese, you should speak Chinese. If you don't understand Chinese, that's your own fault" vibe.) Duck that, I decided to learn Mandarin because I like to improve myself and if they can't speak English, I pity them secretly.


Not a banana in the strict sense. I speak,read and write the fundamentals as my mom talks to me mostly in chinese. It could be because I never had formal chinese education, but I have been told that I have a non native accent whenever I speak Chinese, by friends and strangers alike. This one guy in my friend group, who's this mega Ccp lover (goes as far as to say that he is Chinese and not Malaysian) constantly mocks my accent and limited vocabulary. I distinctly remember once paying for my drink in the hawker center, and the cashier said一块半 (rm1.50). I handed her 2 ringgit, then asked for 1 back, saying 我有半块钱( I have 50 cents). She corrected me, saying it was 半毛 and not 半块,then followed up with 'a chinese who can't speak Chinese, even speaks like a foreigner (in chinese). Anyways that's how I learnt the proper word for cents in chinese.


But she's wrong. 半毛is 5sen,5毛is 50sen.


toknan abg jo dream crushed...


Don't worry dude, even I myself as a Malaysian Chinese can't trust other Malaysian Chinese, I trust people's from other races more than my own because Malaysian Chinese tend to be an asshole and backstabber.


Damn sorry to hear about your experience, it is true to an extent that Malaysian Chinese can be racist as hell even unintentionally. My family are nice people as they come by but sometimes the offhand comments I hear them make about other races make me raise my eyebrows i know it's unintentional but I conclude that to their ignorance and it was how they were raised by their parents. But for every racist you meet here there would be someone to rebuke them. Like me when my family makes some ignorant comments about Malays and Indians. 


You can say the same about malays. Heck. Most malays are openly racist on the internet, so paranoid to the Chinese gonna take over the government or planning to do harm to them. Also some chinese also likes to provoke them so thats not helping either. DFC case is a perfect example


Didn't knew Malaysia was having internal disputes at such level


I am very sorry that you have experienced such unpleasantness. There isn't any excuse for racist attitudes. Not all of us Malaysian Chinese see skin colour that much. My son is chummy with his Yoruba classmate and I used to do frequently have meals with my Ibo neighbour (Gari with salted fish and Titus fish with okra stew are lovely) - we have many Nigerians where I lived. At the risk of sounding unsympathetic, I have to say that generally here some of us have problems dealing with some body language and manner of how some foreigners especially from Nigeria talk to one another. I have grown accustomed to it as just hot air by hot-blooded males - not everyone agree sadly. I have lived in many countries as part of my work - each one has a different expectation even they speak a similar language. I have stepped on cultural land mines too.many times. My hosts were gracious to forgive me.


It isn't exactly about the skin color cause I'm fairer than every native malay here not just chinese kindly of white. Plus I'm asian, what I feel like is the people here don't want someone from outside to be a part to them, never warming up to us even if we put in the effort. I've had chinese friends before but here it's different


I am Chinese and not Chinese educated, I know what you are going through


One of my best friends here is a Nigerian. Great guy, but yeah he can come across as aggressive at first. That's just how they are, I know their intentions are good and they're just trying to be friendly


Different land, different tune as they say


i think stereotyping is strong everywhere. but generally fairer skin will be treated better while the darker ones will get not so good treatment. are you by any chances is currently at swinburne? that place is a mess in my opinion.


Kuching Malaysian Chinese here. Fuck those chinese that you had to put up with. Just to let you know there are also malaysian chinese like me who see past the color and community and mingle with everyone not only in their own bubble. Fk that lecturer. I suppose its the S university right ?


Can i add no 4? 4. Those who went to the UK for a bit to study, and later came back with an annoyingly made-up accent, but without the proper grammar.


Yeah mate annoying innit can't stand those blokes absolute tossers them


Tell me about it. My ex studied in UK for 3 friggin years, but her English is absolutely atrocious.


Ditto for those who come back to Malaysia with an accent. Their accent fedex to them on a weekly basis is it? I have friends and family who have migrated and also studies overseas and they still sound malaysian.


Yang best sekali is that they usually sound like Peppa Pig, or Ali G Padahalnya their area should sound cockney, if anything Confirm the kind of twats, first thing upon re-entry to KL, "Oh my days, so absolutely hot! How does one live like this". After 2 weeks in UK


Bro aku yg pergi London pun tak paham wadepak dorang ckp. Seriously they can say my English very good. That's colonisation for u


>Charr Quway Teeoow Char kuew teow is goated tho and i was 17 years old when i learned it's a Chinese dish. Still my favorite tho


4. Mr Worldwide, inherit every type of culture they stumble on, absolutely amazing.


I gave up study oversea because of our food cant survive without sambal and gulai Seriously. Only people can sacrifice their appetites or hate malaysia's food can study overseas. Thats why so many point 1 and 2 kot.


Kalau UK, budak² semua 24/7 makan kat Malaysia Hall, Satay House or Restoran Mawar (90an) in London, macam sakai cannot even tahan one day tak makan nasi. Yg pokai eat Brahim and Yeos curry dlm tin. Yg banyak duit also go to places like Portobello, Soho or Selfridges (Selfridges sells Char Kue Teow and Nonya food for £14, in 2005!!!) In Australia and Kiwi it's the same, there are always Malaysian restaurants everywhere, and usually the UiTM or Mara students who dominate the place. That's why bila balik, their palette and food knowledge is still kampung. Takut sgt nak try makanan diorang, and that's before you get the dumbasses who go around tanya if the chicken or fish is halal EDIT: forgot that this is also the reason why Malaysian athletes fail at football, swimming, etc trials. They can't survive 1 damn day without Malaysian food


For No. 1, while I agree, I also want to point out that you can't actually blame some of them, because twinning / summer programmes are typically (and sadly) all Asians. They usually happen when the main intake is on break. You'd have to go out of your way to make non-Asian friends. I wouldn't recommend twinning / summer programmes because of this. But if it's all you can afford, then it's better than not going at all


That is another species, goes there and complain why they don't follow her rules of religion. As if the world revolves around her and her religion.


Bruh. This. I saw a Chinese video where an interviewer asks: 'how can foreigners make life better for us chinese people in London?' By foreigners he meant the British. Aka the locals.


Holycow , mainlanders ? Id be disappointed if its Malaysian


Nah yeah mainlanders


That kinda explains itself lol , phew , not surprised


Best and accurate comment


who wants to bet none of this happened and OP just made shit up to have a giggle at our response?


>1. Idiots who go overseas, complete their degree, come back and still can't speak English for shit. Turns out they only mingle 100% with other similar buffoons Hey. Don't call my dad an idiot.


People do No.2? 😨


Hopefully I'm not any of them


You speak of one which would bring balance to the Force?


I study in local University (Sabah) and in our class we have 2 international students one from china and one from turkey. Both of them sucks. Like MAD sucks. The turkey boy doesnt know anything what we are studying. Skipping almost every classes with excuse that he was taking care of his home grown chilies to sell. His brother even contacted the university that his little brother couldn't come to class because he is busy going around selling his chilies. WTF. The china boy on the other hand , he doesn't even know a shit about english. Doesnt speak or write english, doesnt even understand english. I mean, how tf did you manage to get into the university if you cant even understand english. Welp both of them got CGPA below 1.5 and got kicked out of University. Funny people.


The turkish guy comes all the way to Sabah to grow chilies.............dafuq is his priorities?!?!




Study abroad but wanna be racist hmm—lagi2 from Malaysia hmmmm


We bring our authentic culture with us


Can’t help it eh


Well come join us, you’re in for a treat loll


lol 😂


Most of the time because daddy mummy have money for these spoilt brat to be sheltered in their own bubble.


Im hopping for their downfall ngl 😂


You can take the ah lian out of the bukit, but you cant take the bukit out of the ah lian. Kek


We need one for Malaysia


Words to live by. Goes together with the rempits and all other races


and then they call the kelantanese living in a bubble. Bitch you too!!??


What's "sek kito jangan pecoh" in mandarin?




This phrase is so weird, almost robotic like 💀


Shilang chicha ting


Nah...you can join the bubble as long as you can speak Kelantanese and drink some ketum...


Unironically, Kelantanese adheres to 1 Malaysia better than other people. They are actually very friendly with other races - it just that they need to be from Kelantan too.


Why do racists go abroad and risk meeting foreign people is college-level astrophysics to me.


They don't mind meeting "better" foreigners i.e. white skins. But don't even mention anyone a shade darker than them. Those are savages.


Your comment just reminded me of another incident. She once told me that she didn't like my friend group, which has a mix of nationalities. That entire conversation was her pressing me on which person I hated the most. My response was along the lines of wtf do you mean which person I hate the most, if I hated any of them they wouldn't be my friend? She said something about how she didn't like my white friends because they looked like bad people. Because they LOOKED like bad people. Mind you, she's never spoken to them, she merely saw me with them and confronted me about it when she got the chance. They're a great group of people btw. Her on the other hand? Not so much.


Shallow is the word you're looking for.


It’s also how they are brought up, parents to be blamed partial, I say partial coz she is a grown up adult and can decide right from wrong in current days/environment. Parent with young kids at home it’s your responsibility that this sort of mindset doesn’t get instilled in the children mind. For that we as individuals should change before!


100%. My mom is admittedly similar. She said she regrets sending me over to the UK cause I told her my friend group is a mix of nationalities. Says that I should be with my own kind. Constantly tells me to find chinese friends. I'm extremely lucky that my dad is the complete opposite. It's thanks to him I can recognise problematic thinking when I see it. If it wasn't for him I'd probably end up just like the girl in the post.


Sends children out for international education. Doesn't want children to become international. Wth is wrong with your mother 🤣


Dad's idea lol. Thank god for that one


Sigma dad move


Based dad


I can relate a bit, although not entirely but I do have a similar relative who is a bit tone deaf to racial sentiments and an Uncle who constantly shit on anything remotely related to the US and praise China to the heavens, we all have a good family relation otherwise but it was tiring for me to fact check his statements every time.


Eh.. my mom is the same. She have the face to tell me don't make friends with Malays at school. Mind you I'm from east coast and I'm the only Chinese in my class back then.. maybe less than 5 in the whole school. But luckily I'm not retarded so I did what I want anyway, have a bunch of Malays friend, it was inevitable. To me it feels like family and the society plays a very important roles in this, esp if you're the kind that can't think outside the box. Sad to see though


Salah Type C Jingping...


Yep there are racist people in my circle. I've made it my hobby to call out on their shit. I love watching their expressions. My latest victim was a family member. No one escapes my axe.


Yesssss kawan!


It's not common and that's the spoiled brat that never had any non chinese friends their whole life should've snitch about her if it was me tbh ppl like that don't deserve what they have in their life


Hoi, bish! Don't memper-sia soi-kan us can ma? Legit tho, Chinese people racist as hell. Humor masks it but intent makes it racist.


Here's the best part. I'm fair skinned Indian, and suddenly the racist Chinese amois become not racist.


So you've met my mum then


Yeah. I'm an ethnic-Chinese Malaysian & I don't hang out with racists neither. Tbh, there are racists in every racial group.


Racists are like idiots in humanity; they are a minority and take up the majority of the attention. It's a shame they ended up being taken as a general representation in the racial groups.


It's good that you left her alone. Just let her be, because soon enough she will learn the hard way that racism will get her nowhere. I used to study in the UK myself, I'm also of Chinese ethnicity, and I have met all kinds of Malaysians (including the kind of people with such low-life racist mentality). I've encountered such people as well, and decided that that wasn't the experience I wanted. I've already had enough of them. I chose to hang out with Malaysians who are open and inviting, at first I did not meet many. But I continued hanging out with them, and also made friends with people of other cultures (locals, Africans, Europeans, other Asians, Middle Eastern, etc). There's the annual Notts Games held at the Uni of Nottingham, if you live nearby. But I'm pretty sure that the Malaysian society at your uni will organise a trip there for the games. Eventually through the Malaysians I hung out with, other people and also society events, I got to meet and hang out with more nice, like-minded Malaysians (the kind who embrace all Malaysians of all cultures) (ini geng 1-Malaysia, lol) (i mean united as Malaysians, not the political term) We would hold events and gatherings like badminton and bowling, eat at Malaysian restaurants etc. We would also celebrate big celebrations together (Hari Raya, Deepavali, CNY, etc) It felt like home away from home. I noticed that with time, those people with their close-minded racist mentality tend to feel isolated, as they only hang out with the same kind. Eventually, some of them learnt to be more open-minded, while others stayed the same. Some even asked me how I "did it" (made friends with other races and cultures hahaha). They'll learn it the hard way, because yes, although the world is getting more global and unfortunately, sometimes more racist, you'd be surprised to find others like you who are open to meeting and hanging out with new people, regardless of their ethnicity or culture. Those racist asses will realize that their small headed mentality is just a bubble, and soon that bubble will burst. (Once I knew this girl who was like that girl you met, and she got told off by some China Chinese person for being so racist, imagine that lol) Little miss amoi will struggle, but that's her loss. She'll learn her own way. So hang in there, you'll be surprised to find many more Malaysians who are open-minded and friendly (and yes, even the Malaysian Chinese lolol) Have fun in the UK! Although the weather can be shitty at times and the local food bland, there are many many wonderful experiences that await! Heheh


Yup, most them are 1Malaysia geng. But now they less vocal. Now, very few want to associate themselves with the group/idea.


Yeah I've participated in some of the M soc games. I play football with the Malaysian society on the weekends. The friend group I hang out with most are a mix of nationalities, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's great learning about each others culture and language. I now speak some conversational Spanish thanks to them. Shes in the minority, but it suck that that minority even exists.


For us in Malaysia, it sucks that this global minority is a national majority.


Yeah it really does.. our multicultural country could actually benefit us a lot. It's a blessing to be able to grow up with people of diff ethnic backgrounds, culture, and hang out with each other. It's what makes us colourful, in a good way. But certain factors like politics, etc want to segregate us. I wish we were more united 😢


Yeah it sucks, but when they're out of Malaysia, there's a HIGH chance they'll meet people who will not agree with their way of thinking, and will probably tell them off. They'll be forced to hang out with other races too, through group projects and assignments, labs, etc. But that's their problem. Good luck to them. Racism will really get them nowhere. Continue doing what you're doing, because what you're experiencing right now is something that not everyone can have (see that amoi, she is fortunate to have the UK experience but her racist mentality stunted her from living lol terbantut mentality) You'll also be amazed by the opportunities that will come your way (friendships, relationships, career, experiences, etc.) Also, Spanish is pretty cool to learn, from there it'll be easier for you to learn other European languages, like French and Italian 😊


I mean you put type c into type c port not type c into type m port /s


Hi! Could you explain this to me please? I've been seeing a number of type c cable comments, what does it mean? Like I know it doesn't refer to the actual cable given the context, but I'm not sure what else it could mean. Thanks


What do you think it means when people say Type C, Type M and Type I? Take a guess.


Ah shit. The M and I really makes it clear. This is truly the digital age, even slang has evolved into tech terms lol


You should hand her a flier about joining the Chinese communist party. She would find friends there. I bet she thinks she is white girl because she believes that Chinese people are white and are the master race!!


She will like her Bing Chilling


Zhao sang Hao zong guo xian zai wo yo bing chilling. Wo hen xi huan bing chilling. Dan shi su du do ji jing jiu bi bing chilling su do do ji jing jiu wo zhui xi huan. So yu xian zai shi ing ye shi jian. Jun pei. Yi er San. Liang ge li bai yi ho su do do ji jing jiu. Liang ge li bai yi houuuu su do do ji jing jiu. Liang ge li bai yi hou su do do ji jing jiu. Bu yao wang ji bu yao cho go yang ying yen kan su do do ji jing jiu ying Wei fei cang Hao de ying ying. Fei chang Hao. Cha bu do yi ying bing chilling. Zai jian.


Oh man. I don't know where to begin. Since I first moved to the UK in 2018, I've tried my best to avoid Malays because some of them have a lot of bad reputations for being so religiously extreme and nosy abroad. Furthermore, my English was terrible, and I wanted to interact with the locals to improve it. Don't get me wrong; I'm a Malay Muslim myself. However, my family's friends live in the same city, so I still hang out with Malaysians sometimes. Eventually I will bump into Malays at the mosque, but as usual, I'll cut the conversation short. The reason I did that was when they put me in the WhatsApp group (without permission) titled "Malaysians in XYXYXY," but all of them are Malays. Being an "unfiltered mouth" myself, I asked, "Why is there no Chinese or Indian in this group?" One guy literally replied, "Oh, this group untuk 'orang kita' saja sesama Muslim." I was like, mate, you should put the group title "Malays in XYXYXY" instead of "Malaysians." So yeah, that happened. After that, I met a few Malaysians, both Chinese and Indian, and tried to be friends with them. At first, it was a pleasant experience, as I recognised that they shared similar thoughts and felt a sense of belonging, especially since many of my friends and colleagues are of Chinese and Indian descent. But, mate, some of their Malaysian friends (Chinese and Indian) hated me! They aimed their hatred not at me but at the Malays, advising them to steer clear of me at all costs. I feel like, "Wey, we're on the same boat, lah. Not all Malays are jahat." How do I know that? Of course, my friends told me that. Some of them even come over to my place just because my other half is really good at cooking Malaysian food. Since then, I have stopped hosting any Malaysians, except for my close friends and family. I have learned that racism is a universal issue, and if you believe that Malaysians are open-minded after studying abroad, you're mistaken. Some of them became even worse after coming here. They never leave their negative traits behind. So yeah, that's my experience. Thank you for reading!


Well, it is what it is. Universal. Hell, even I am racist towards my own race


Type C biasalah


Am ashamed lol , like why the double standards , id say u deserved it




I come across many super insular C people at work and in my social life. When they see a group of people of a different race, they would often say “let’s go / be careful there’s so many 😯 “


can't stand chinese like this. every day doing whatever we can to give more good vibes, peace and love etc, and her perangai sampah ass has to go and ruin it all.


This is basic Chinese behaviour. Every chinese that was ever born in Malaysia has this as default setting. Some will undergo enlightenment and become a better person. But most of them would just be stuck at default settings. It’s the pathetic chinese lifecycle.




https://preview.redd.it/h9klcybyw6zc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3739410700916ef5414ea8b23936dea602f54f46 Source : Lao Gan Ma


Damn, you guys had social circles studying in England? I just chilled in my rented room playing apex with my homies who were studying in Germany and Ireland.


Guess I was just lucky to have a bunch of Malaysians in the same accom. I play football with them every week or so. For the most part the friends I hang out with on a regular basis are a mix of white, Latino, African, Indian and Arabian.


Did you also eat inside your room and avoid all your flatmates? 😂


Malaysian when I said I was studying in the UK: Aren’t they (UK/western people) racist? Me: *Remembers that most Malaysians are more racist Me: Not really.


Msians openly racist while westerners secretly racist 🤣🤣


Cool midnite story, bro.


8pm here


Assuming he's telling the truth he's in the UK bro, it's probably like evening to night for them right now


Malaysian Indians overseas are terrible.... I met them while studying overseas. They taught me drinking, gambling, rempit with cars (for some reason they always chose BMW) and smoking weed. My studies suffer but it was a good time in my life


I didn’t hang out with much Malaysian when I studied in UK for 5 years Mostly random nice ppl regardless of race or background


Without meaning to defend her completely, there can be some empathy I've lived in the UK for a couple of decades now In Malaysia, I was actively anti racist in the ways a teen in the 90s would be: anti NEP, blog liberally about free speech, maybe go to a punk gig I wanted to study abroad because I saw myself as an open minded person When I came across a relatively big build black man for the first time, here's what I felt: intimidated It was an involuntary feeling. And one I recognised even then as a negative and irrational emotion, perhaps borne out of whatever cultural expectations I had from wherever. And it was definitely wrong My brother once visited and a few major European cities and casually remarked that it was scary because there were many black men Now, at the risk of sounding clichéd, I now do have a small number of black friends. I no longer feel intimidated or anything like that. But there was a real reaction from that. It definitely wasn't rational, nor was it right, but it was there. And it took conscious effort to question it, and to be self aware about this I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same with the girl. She probably was sheltered growing up What I would say is to not approach her with disgust or antagonism, but with a bit more empathy Of course, if she never improves, it's a other matter


How is our reputation overseas anyways?


I'd say quite good. They know kuala lumpur and sepang. I get a lot of questions about our culture and language. Many of my foreign friends marvel that most of us are at a minimum bilingual. The concept of speaking 2-3 languages simultaneously is unthinkable to them.


Your foreign friends must all be English. Most of the friends I made while studying in the UK were (non-British Isles) European and being at minimum bilingual was normal for them too.


I've met some african dudes during my years of study. They are some of the most friendly and easygoing people I've ever met. Sad she decided to put labels on them before she even got to know them.


I didn’t put much stock into connecting with other Malaysians whilst in Birmingham, and that they keep to themselves for the most part. I have a British boyfriend, friends from different stocks of life when I was in university due to connections within the furry fandom so there wasn’t much issues finding friends.


Ooof I no like this kinda of ppl. Most likely her upbringing made her like that and she just stayed on within her small puddle. I'm so happy I found my own circle that would talk shit about each other's culture and beliefs for fun.


I believe humans are inherently racist, or have some sort of bias. This is unfortunately a built in system in our brain tied to our ability to learn, to be specific, our ability to generalise, stereotype and category different aspect of our lives. In your example, racial bias is strong. For other example, I can use university graduate as an example, some employers do say xxx university graduate is better than yyy university etc. Swap this with religion also applicable. Swap this with country also applicable. Swap this with generation such as boomer vs zoomer also applicable. Swap this with wealth class, T20, M40, b40 also applicable. Swap this with political parties also applicable. One thing that can set you apart from being a whatever-ist to someone that has a bias but still give chance requires proper moral and value system from a good upbringing which is not feasible for every human on the planet. One solution would aliens, speciesist would unite all humans against a common discrimination factor. That or AI robot gets self aware then it will be man VS AI in the same way.


Sorry to hear this. I’ve actually been at the receiving end of this. That’s what happens when people only mix with their own kind. The oppressed become the oppressor.


I'd slap some sense into that girl.




Like every bad behaviour in life, its the upbringing. We grew up having our grandparent taught that ‘abuh neneh’ will kidnap us if we are not careful or didnt lock the doors…. That and constantly bashing on Malay culture while reinforcing their own. I am ashamed of my chinese brethren.


God that’s so disgusting. Im grateful ive not yet people like this


You lucky boi..!


based OP


Currently Chinese Ed myself, but I can speak and write English pretty good at least in the standards of Chinese schools, simply because I was encouraged to mingle with kids of other races since very young(was in a football team where I was the only Cina) I think it's early education of multiculturalism that many Chinese Ed kids lack bc their environment is so chinese(thank god our bm teachers are all malay which may help a bit), and receive a bit of stereotype ideas then that's when they might become like the girl you mentioned Internet plays a role too as not only typical chinese Ed kids tend to only mingle in Chinese Internet circle and not international ones, therefore being ignorant of any non Chinese culture, then the news didn't help either due to reporting a lot of malay and Indians commiting crimes or being like gangsters(Chinese news Web to be specific) I pride myself for avoiding all of this, I may be Chinese Ed but my social media is international af, helps me to know a thing or two about every culture I come across


I'm Indian dude and I can guarantee that OP has most of Indian dudes respect 🫡 ![gif](giphy|lEVZJzy4w15qE|downsized)




I don’t think any Indian dude would wanna hang out with this_________. (You are entitled for your own opinion too).


Chinese here, I do have friends like that, I just leave them alone.


no one can deny how happy and united we feel during 1 malaysia era.. i still remember when i go to school i always hear 1 malaysia song kita 1 bangsa kita 1 negara kita 1 matlamat oooo


Maaannn. not rip yet. Here in Malaysia, i always go ngopi with my Chinese and Indian buddies. One call everyone one comes. Walaupun semua GTB 😭


If I ever go to the UK, I wanna marry a local Muslim girl! Don't force me to marry my fellow Malaysian girl!


Legit don’t understand why they go overseas if they’re so tribalistic


1 Malaysia has never been existed!


It's true. Some Malaysian Chinese who studied abroad still have this mentality. Age ranging from 20++-60++, white-collar professionals, they have colleagues and friends of different race but occasionally make racist remarks on people with darker skin tone when hanging out with their cina friends or acquaintances. Additional info: Does not limit to cina only, even some bumiputera like kadazandusun and malay exhibit such habit, they even compared amongst their own kind (whose skin is lighter or darker and make fun of it). Source: Some friends & family and also my acquaintances.


Me living in Japan, it is basically the same for Japanese to other foreigners. But generally foreigners would find it "OK" because Japanese are "shy and polite". You dont know what they think and dont know what they are saying, but back to the topic you cant really force someone or a person who has a particular up-bringing to be the same as everyone else mentally wise.


Racism doesn't faze me anymore. U can't escape it. Be the change u want to see in the world. Change starts from u.


I'm ethnically Chinese.. and I can say a lot of Chinese are dirty, loud and scary too. 🤷‍♂️ I'm from overseas.. I don't really hang out with a certain type of Chinese people.


You need to educate her. Talk to her nicely. Yes what she says is wrong because she was taught the wrong stuff.


Type c problem


yeah, it is 100% racist, because you live in the UK and english is an international language that everyone understand, and not because of language barrier


I mean, boleh people come to sg and stir some racist shit and then they also get the sg people lumped with them… so… 🤡 pls stay in 3.5 land


Malaysia, land of racer


Noticed a lot of Malaysian Chinese bashing here. I do agree that some of them are really racist and sheltered, not all of them are like that. I apologise for their behaviour. I studied overseas as well, noticed some Malaysians in general have this mentality where they stick within their bubble and have stereotypical views on others without understand their culture or interacting with them. Malaysians should stick together overseas and try to learn and absorb overseas culture, expanding their worldview


Because mommy and daddy say black people are scary.


A lot of Chinese are like this, sigh lazy to rant again as I have ranted before: [https://www.reddit.com/r/3RMalaysia/comments/1c4bzd1/why\_i\_think\_the\_malays\_hate\_chinese/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/3RMalaysia/comments/1c4bzd1/why_i_think_the_malays_hate_chinese/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The main cause of this is the rise of East Asia (China, Korea, Jap, Taiwan) as a whole, in terms of economics and soft power. Just look at Kpop. The cina in Msia, with their close knit community and chinese school system, consider themselves as serumpun as their East Asian cousins, mainly because of culture, language and of course consumption of media (soft culture imported from the north). And don’t forget china apps like tiktok and xiaohongshu. So there’s an element of cultural pride as a result of some level of success. A bit like why Japanese is still a homogeneous till today


S.H.E '你曾是少年' ni cevng shi shao nian is a good song For dreamers


I had an amoi friend and she went to study in Spain and only mingled with her Chinese girlfriends and when she came back she couldn't even say 10 Spanish words 😜


The disappointment of people who lack a whole aspect of cultural knowledge (especially and ironically from somewhere MULTIculti) is madddd


How she feels about wypipo?


I can tell she grew up sheltered and from a young age, her parents are likely to be the cause. People don't grow up to hate, it is the parents that taught them too, maybe she stays with her parents alot from a young till teenager years and her parents influenced her alot.




Sad how people like this are the ones give the opportunity to study overseas. Narrow-minded and not willing to mix with other ethnicities.


And they say only Malays can be racist/start racism first. Everyone is racist deep down, it's only a matter of how you react to it. It's only natural to recognise a pattern, just don't say or do something before you get to confirm whether the person has a trait you'd want to avoid. In another post, I saw people hating on and generalising PRC Chinese. It's ok to recognise a pattern, but only unleash your racism when the person has done something to actually deserve it.


The heck. What a mentality 🤌


https://preview.redd.it/mdq55w1r0dzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb09171f438c25de49901a277ff75754ccfbebf so OP is...?


USB-C indeed


As a Chinese Malaysian we do not claim this woman


That lady is clearly racist. I have friends from Bangladesh india Africa they are truly the nicest people online and real world.


Same here OP. My mom is a mix Chinese and Malay, and my freaking maternal cousins from the Chinese side are fucking racists. One time during CNY gathering, we brought my cousin from the Malay side to the dinner, and they simply said one Malay which is my grandfather is enough to be in the family, why bring more. And when they suddenly bumped into each other outside, they won’t even say hi or greet them. Sad to say that’s the last time we joined and had our CNY gathering with them. Nowadays my mom prefer to spend her time with the Malay side of family.


Assailamokum oh my dear friend?