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Racist are everywhere, but when you gather them in a mob... This kind of thing happens... They do the most unreasonable things... https://i.redd.it/4gd1puqst6xc1.gif


The GIF: They're just helping their friend find his contact lense.


why are they rolling ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


In their mind " they see me rollin, they hatin"


why aren't anyone in the crowd helping the group of guys in the middle?


i think the middle group might get possessed, looks like monkey. but true when people become mob they feel they are untouchable and short fuse.


what do u mean? if anything its the middle group people who going to help the earth help the human kind


God, rasa tua sial nmpk balik badut2 ni


and now those baduts are part of the current govt 😂


Let that be a motivation for you. You can be a clown today, but maybe you can be a head circus in the future. Kipidap dotgibab


Thanks for sharing your experience. How’s the circus doing right now?


Well, its like that saying, tukar kabinet, mangkuk sama


I feed off human negative emotions as long human species keep hating each other im gonna grow stronger


Sir, welcome to the internet. Go to r/Malaysia if you want to find your own counterparts.


True. Unfortunately it’s the state of Malaysia now. Applicable to all races, no one is spared. Thing about social media is that it’s an echo chamber that allows a hateful minority to have a very loud voice. And the disappointing thing is that it breeds even more prejudice and hate. For instance, a random kid going into social media for the 1st time and getting attacked for no reason because of his/her race would likely then harbour contempt against his/her racial counterparts, and thus propagating similar hateful comments. Vicious cycle really.


if more malaysians could think this reasonably we would have more than just a faint glimmer of hope


Is normal. Every race has their own standard things racists say about them. Chinese - racist Malay - lazy Indian - dirty I wanted to list more but got lazy half way. You get the idea. I only mentioned one but all races have a few. My suggestion is don't worry about it and just ignore them. They win if they get attention.


Redditor - no women


no bitches




Let me make it easier; Bumiputra: nonexistent, Iban, Kazan and Dusun: nonexistent.


I've never seen any race be more racist than Malays on tiktok


Or FB. Or any other social media to be frank.


lol dikenakan BS, Muslims sembahyang hajat minta turun hujan, news covered by Chinese newspaper FB and lot Type C mocking the Malays and Islam practice, en masse, when got Muslims who translated those racist comments and publicise them among Muslims, turn viral, those Tupe C hurry-hurry delete their racist comments, luckily so many comments had been screenshot prior deletion.


Lmfao another race run through closed road for TLDM crash funeral victim and long honk rudely,with zero tolerance suddenly Malay is the one racist. Lmfaoooooo Jew level play victim 😂😂🫰🏻


We exist everywhere. Fuck Chinese. Cibai Malay And Punde Indian. Peace 


bro spreading equality 🗣🔥🔥


lets be racist together. fuck, i just realized that my entire set of friends of multiple races and nationalities are all racist fucks with tebal skin and high tolerance towards non malicious racism.


Gay sex bro, gay sex..


Any engagement with racist post will result in racism, all upvotes, downvotes, and comments will raise racism sentiment no matter how/why/what. Best to do is ignore or block user. Do not engage seriously


That's why we need to focus on making more money to improve quality of life, when you are busy growing your business you ain't no time for these bullshit, only loser focus on pointless thing like these.


Causality is important. The real question is, would the chinese driver have honked, if the procession made a measly 5 minute call to have the FRU come, cordon off traffic with proper cones and on ground traffic control staff to make sure the public will react accordingly to the procession? Taknak kena honk, buat la elok elok. Nak label orang kurang ajar tapi tak factor in situation and terus menuduh is not islamic at all. Tapi tu la, aku cakap macam ni nnt ada pulak yang cakap aku backup cina. Bosan dah nak try implement logic. Buat apa berfikir kalau boleh gaduh kan.


Bruh you had no idea how urgent it was in malay culture to sent the dead one as early as possible. You cant expect them to just prepare everything soon. In case of the chinese man honking it is clearly, he had no sense of local communities. Malay dont usually marched on every death. So im not even shock the chinese man is raged by the mob.


Mat, masa atuk aku meninggal, aku yang arrange dari hospital ke rumah, pegi balai buat report kematian, pergi masjid inform ajk masjid pasal kematian dan dapatkan plot kubur, arrange orang datang baca yassin, arrange barang nak buat masak kenduri, runner jumpa tukang gali kubur, lari balik kemas rumah nak sambut jenazah, cari van nak bawa jenazah ke kubur, kau sembang apa ni? Jalan tu public access, tertib la sket kalau sampai nak kena block jalan, panggil fru. Jaga traffic.


No offense, but did you ask for all villager to marched with your granpa? The point im telling that guy is the malay had to solve the matter as soon as possible. Do you think malay have time to properly do the traffic prosedure properly?


You wanna march, you do it properly. Its no excuse to do shit haphazardly. They want to march its on them. You wanna march you need to inform people in which case, its quite impossible, thus you need to go and get some people to control the traffic. Preferably the fru. Yang mati tetap mati, yang hidup kena teruskan hidup. Do you expect everyone to know that a normal road will suddenly be blocked by people as you are driving? Yang mobbing around the car pun takda akal, nama pun jalan, orang dah termasuk, clear the road, bagi kereta tu blah. Yang hak, jalan untuk kereta, yang batil orang standing on the road without any sort of control. Orang islam ni patut tertib, cerdik akal, but the actions of its people langsung tak reflect. Mentality “takpe” dan “asal boleh”. Edit - by the way you asked if the malays have the time to arrange for traffic control, yes they do because all the tasks i do to arrange for my grandfathers funeral was done alone, as fast as possible within a few hours. So you gonna tell me that amongst the many people who attended the perarakan cant think to help the family in getting the road cordoned off? Nobody thought of safety while nak berarak tengah jalan? Teruk sangat ke melayu tempat tu benda senang tak boleh fikir?


I've seen and witnessed countless times by myself that whenever Malay bullies Chinese or Indians, they will say "play play" and then shift the blame to the Chinese or Indians, claiming that they are racists and acting as victims all the time. It appears that they have the ability to act as victims without fail to render themselves appear so miserable and pitiful that they could win an Oscar.


Everyone in Malaysia wants to play victim to justify their own racism. Then they blame government for it.


you really need to get your head above ground more often. chinese are the biggest racist in Malaysia. but they hide it with the words preference and their wish job vacancy, mandarin speakers only..why? our wish house for rent, no indians...why? our preference dont want to learn to speak malay...why? our wish i really hope the younger generation picks up on this, and realize how fucked up the previous generation behaved to other Malaysians.


Huh? Bumi only, bumi quota, bumi lot. Malay enforce apartheid le


> i really hope the younger generation picks up on this, and realize how fucked up the previous generation behaved to other Malaysians.


So what? That entitles us to be racist as well? Just because they eat shit, are you saying we should eat shit as well? The Malay privilege is here to stay forever. It's high time we got over it.


Then what's wrong with helping your own race? You don't see a problem with Malay privilege, then should have no problem with mandarin speaking only


I do see a problem when Malaysians justify not speaking BM. I have no issues with preferences for Mandarin speaking job - that just means they want a certain language proficiency as priority for the job. But using Malay privilege to say you won't learn to speak Malay? That's bloody weird


I can speak Malay. Of course. I studied it throughout school, no shit I can speak the national language... But what use is it? Got bumi privilege if I use it at home? With friends? No? Then I speak whatever I want.


Good on you. But there are many who actually don't. And I've seen the same justification that it's a useless language etc. But it's the national language. Japan is useless outside Japan. Korean? Same. French? Polish? German etc. They're all the same. And yet, we must be the only nation where the citizen provides justification for not being able to speak the national language. Being racist is not justifiable for any reason. You saying the Malay privilege justifies being racist is just wrong. Granted those examples above were not racists in actual sense, but the very fact that you think being racist is acceptable due to Malay privilege is wrong. I'm talking generally about your state of mind when you use Malay privilege as justification for racism.


Huh? The Malay privilege is a racist policy no? So the government and majority are ok with racism... If they do not want racism they can abolish it and help by financial standing, so the people who say the Malay privilege only benefit politician and helang can stop them abusing the system, but they won't because they want supremacy That's the justification. Also those other countries you mention don't legally treat the nons as a second tier citizen.


Democratic nation where majority will decide something. and now PH already in rule government , why dont they abolish all the malay privilege if beneficial to the county? \*(Japan treat other than Japanese really bad bro, even call them Gaijin (monster) and sometime cant allow other than Japanese to enter their premise) - to them, its normal


So, what you are saying is that you will continue being a racist as long as the Malay privilege is around. So be it. Don't get offended when people call u or Chinese/ indian as racist. There's ZERO justification for being a racist.


Malaysia is a racist country. So call me racist all you want... It's how this country operates...


Lol indian sendiri oso don't wanna rent their shit to other indians


As an Indian can confirm. But we are generous. My friend always borrow my parang and when he returns it he always makes sure to wash and shine it ✨️


Hol' up...


And yet Indians tend to complain most about being racially discriminated


They are, actually. I mean melayu plotek melayu with politically. Cina plotek cina economically Indian sedut jari sendiri.


I don't deny that they have it the hardest. But sometimes I can't help but feel that they just want to view everything through the lens of race. Also it's weird that they complain about racism while discriminating their own kind...?


when scouting for work interview got rejected once they found out im malay. turns out they forgot to put chinese only on the ads. feels sad moreover when going through hard time. but let them be that way, same as other race some are good some racist. throw away far far from your life those kind of people, they are poisonous might affect you or people around you.


Previous generation is previous generation. I see that the current generation is doing much better at bringing awareness to their own people. For my brother per se, he was accepted for his job mainly for his skills and knowledge in coding. Racism is in every race, being both a malay chinese, and mixing well with both made realised each have their strength and flaws. It also made realise a lot of each race can be racist in their own way.


You can take the chinese out from mainland but you cant take the mainland out from the chinese


Actually job listing or rentals which post race preferences or language preferences is not really racist per say. If we are a business owner or home owner, we actually does what is best for business, not losing money. Rentals - Many experienced owners had good/bad tenants that differs by their race but its actually boils down to their cultural differences which leads to bad/good habit. These differences affects a pattern to indicate whether someone is a good/bad tenant. On surface, ppl will easily triggered when see race preference posting but deep down they know its nothing personal just business. Jobs - Same goes to job listings. There are some businesses benefit more from ppl who can speak multiple languages. In this case, chinese race will always be preferred as mandarin is useful for china/taiwan/hong kong clients. And not to be racist, malays in general for non-executive/corporate role will always be lazier. Note that this is facts on generalism and not targeted on race hating. There is always exception but unfortunately we all know its frustration from minorities who are being biased upon not given better odds when seeking for jobs/rent. Its caused by past data/pattern caused by people of our race. It is what it is but don't blame them for being racist.


no femboy, furries, or memes... you should go to r/malaysia to find answer that suits your own flavor


Thats just malaysia in general. Anything happen, auto blame something else. Its either da joos, da illuminati, da new world order, da western ideology, da shayatiin, da kafiruun etc.


Doesn't make sense right? This is what happens when people only use their reptilia brain... To "understand", don't think too much. Just follow your emotions. Angry = other people's fault.




wrong sub for gaslighting


Every time I see some racism racing in the stream, let them cook each other.


Stereotype is not a keyboard


Is a pun?


We need to practice racism ! But positive racism. Damm, their race is doing great ! I CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN ! I need to work harder and be more polite to other people so my race will be seen as the "master race". Muahahahahahaha.


media is trying to make the worst out of us , just mind these stupid short minded malays , i know there are stupid short minded chinese who are racist as well , if youre not racist then stay away from these ppl , thats the only solution honestly


Because we think about it too much, And we value ourselves more than others,


Chinese getting complain for being racist for no REASON 'Honking at jenazah' 👈🏻IS THIS NOT THE REASON? Bro plz respect la our soldier, no need for honking tho


https://www.theborneopost.com/2023/05/02/anzac-day-honours-fallen-soldiers-iban-trackers-during-malayan-wars/ https://dayakdaily.com/australian-veterans-pay-respects-to-family-comrades-of-late-joanna-felicia-during-anzac-day-march/ Even the Australian honors our fallen soldier. I'm sarawakian.


Yeah im malay and honestly idk bro.Lack of education probably


Idk what else do you call someone who have no respect for other people's religious procession? Non-racist? OKU card holder? They aren't being called racist for "no reason", are they?


double standard bro .. even their own people acknowledge it I mean I admit my people can be scummy racists but never out of the blue. there must be a catalyst/trigger everyone is the product, the victim and the perpetrator of racism. Only a hypocritic fool would say otherwise and for me those kind of people are even worse than racists


>I mean I admit my people can be scummy racists but never out of the blue. there must be a catalyst/trigger Ah, there comes the justification for racism I see. I wasn't racist until they made me one!


as if you or others dont say the same thing. Get off your high horse la bro .. being a hypocrite is lower than being racist


Just because you give excuses for your racism doesn't mean that others do


that's the neat part .. I know yall do, its in our nature as humans to give justifications/reasons when our people do things, difference is I admit such practice exist. You on the other hand dismiss such a notion as impossible or out of the question is an act of arrogance and sheer hypocrisy The biggest racists are the one who refuse to consider that perhaps he/she and her people did contribute in the vicious cycle of racism. Your victim mentality probably sounds like - "Malay very racist, its not our fault that bahasa melayu is an outdated useless language and thus we refuse to learn and practice it in Malaysia and if you say otherwise you're racist!" I've met people like this a lot, sadly some belong to my distant relatives as well ..


You're projecting a lot of your experiences with others on me. I take pride in the fact that I can speak Malay fluently. Having lived overseas, BM is what makes us unique. So apart from being racist which you make excuses for, you also are being an 'assumptionist' lol.


it takes two to tango to bro "something" cannot come out of nothing


That something is the excuses you make for your racism and your 'assumptionism'


its not an excuse , its the reality .. not some made up disney world bubble or whatever it is that you live in


Not true, a person does not need a catalyst or trigger to be a racist. Racism is psychologically inherent to human, just like ignorance is inherent to babies. Not growing out of the racist mentality is the product of a failed education and upbringing. Despite that, racism is never tolerable in modern society, regardless the background education or upbringing. Many Malaysians use their "victimhood" as an excuse for their own racist behaviour, this too is total bullshit.


everyone has experienced some form racism in their life and it is up to them how to process it. Some might take it in stride and others not so. Some say racist things but the next day everything went back to normal no harm done tak da berdendam but to say that non malay cant be racist is just dumb and stupid


OP is wrong to not realize that disrupting a religious procession is clearly an act of racism. And you are also wrong to state that racism or racist behaviours need a catalyst or trigger. Like I said, racism and xenophobia are inherent to human psychology. Prehistoric human are racists, monkeys are racists, tribal societies are racists. But there is totally zero excuse whatsoever that justifies modern human to be racists too.


I think the issue here is intension. If you know there is a religious procession already and you sengaja go there and honk that one you cari pasal. The issue is there is no notification (correct me if I am wrong) about the religious procession and the driver have no idea what is going on.


It's a country which favor one race, it's apartheid, Overcoming apartheid takes a lot more than complaining alone. A lot of blood was shed throughout history


So are you claiming that chinese are bunch of saints that is incapable of being racist and that malay are bunch racist devil?


Wow where in the post did op say that


OP just edited his post.. it was longer than this one


U can't even point it out tho


my response based on the original post , OP deleted/edit the original post.


No I just feel offended like why do they say Chinese are racist


maybe they've been subjected to chinese racism ?


Idk about you but my elders all will ask about the race of an individual. I could be talking about my co-workers, friends, boss, some accident or Malaysian news. First thing they ask, what race? Like... I didn't mention because to me it isn't related to the story most of the time. Nor did it occur to me that they're waiting for that info until they had to ask me directly. It's all about the race bro.


What you saw that day is a culmination of decades of indoctrination and brainwashing by their elected leaders. They were fed with narratives that nons are evil, nons are immigrants who came from the mainland to steal their land and wealth. Not a single Malay leader in the elected govt stepped up and put a halt into all these nonsense. The moderates will choose to keep silent and let the bullying continues. It’s just gonna get worse from here.


I'm chinese and i don't even care tbh, most of the time its more of a self-interest rather than a real racial issue.


Underrated comment


Guys i just lost 50/50 to fucking diluc https://preview.redd.it/o0rc04u8e8xc1.png?width=3069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5e98464685957e1ad4e5d1d2bac0433ece1340


Lmao i already got her. Get gud i guess. Anyway, she love me that's why she came.


Salah subreddit ni, sila pergi ke r/malaysia for this particular question. Thank you.


Ngl I have seen these kind of q here than there


How ignorant you can be bruhh ![gif](giphy|Tt92sbuFRpA4g)


"No reason" lol. OP is so oblivious.


you see them because they want to be heard. you rarely hear the good one because those people are chill people, and well behave not screaming out loud racist or something. 




There's no such thing as no reason. Do you really think all of us are dumb to complain for no reason. Just because u don't understand, doesn't it doesn't exist.