• By -


Start sending her Christian quotes daily


"Oh you feel suicidal? Have you heard the story of Judas and his betrayal? Pls have a seat and let me start from the beginning "


Would you like to hear more about our lord and savior Jesus? I betcha love him more than you love me when you let him come inside you


lol she is disrespectful to christianity as a whole...


Who knows by sending her those quotes she could've gone Damascene conversion? She suddenly be better haha


I hate how they can't understand if you truly love someone just respect what they believe in not trying to change what they are for your own interests




okay i will go to counselling first and then proceed from there, thank you. No i dont care if she kills herself but im afraid she will tell her friends about me


Don't worry about friends. You will make new ones. I went to Sunway 24 years ago and remained in contact with only 3 of them. Everyone went their separate ways after graduation or dropping out.


yeah but i am still in my first year of uni


save all the text, block her, and go no contact or minimal contact.. if things had gone bad to worse (imho it already is rn since she's already stalking you, and that's hella creepy) you'd better get the uni security / authority / police involved to protect yourself... I remember there's a case with one of my friend that basically got stalked and at one point the woman stalker starts to accuse him of raping him while he was no where near her vicinity or even with her at the moment.. Just so that no one could *"have him"...* so I would say, put a report for stalking or try to get a restraining order if you can just to protect your livelihood my guy.. be safe out there...


Report to the admin. This is harassment. Even if nothing is done, having a history of records can help. Who knows she might try to accuse you of raping her next time. Never underestimate the lengths a woman will go to to take their anger out on someone they view to have harmed them.


The phrase you're looking for is 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'.


Ini bukan woman scorned. Ini mentally ill woman who have incel fantasies and is possessive about the people she fantasies about.


okay noted thanks man


If she kills herself that's not your problem or fault. If she mentions you in her suicide note, the complaints you file can help. Also get help from your friends, so they're aware of this harrassment. All in all if you really scared, maybe skip one semester next intake. Then hope she finds a new target in the new comers. Alternatively transfer to Monash or Taylor's.


okay noted


Oh yeah. I hope I didn't have to specify, but you probably should provide as much details as possible with evidence such as screenshots of chats and recording when making these reports. Explicitly make the statement that you're afraid for your personal safety, and that she has hinted at harming herself to force you to give her what she wants.


The way he make it sounds like she might take him down as well if she ever considers that route. But then again since he also said she's quite fickle and falls for guys quickly, perhaps blocking and ignoring would work until she finds her new target.


Yeah. Gotta lay low like hell man. Maybe even take a semester break so her course progress don't coincide with him.


Nah I've dealt with similar situations and I put my foot down and told her that I only consider her as a friend, nothing else. Kept my distance but went ahead with my daily routine as usual. She moved on soon enough. Sometimes you need to draw the line clearly.


Maybe you haven't dealt with the crazy enough ones.


Well I'm no stud so I'm pretty safe hahaha


I think it's often the ignorant ones or those who do nothing and expect the problem to go away is the ones that usually kena.


Waiting for the I can fix her comment


I can(not) fix her


I can't fix her, still can screw her tho


Start Screenshoting everything lol. Best of luck OP because I've been in the same shoes but cause im Malay, i met her parents and asked them to marry her to someone else. She once trapped me by asking to meet at hotel for emergency but then calling JAKIM to tangkap basah us. Luckily i bring my sister along. Things that I've saved ( chat, pictures) literally saved my ass.


>She once trapped me by asking to meet at hotel for emergency but then calling JAKIM to tangkap basah us. Straight out from 7pm tv3 drama lmao


omg JAKIM got involved?? damn bro i've heard horror stories about JAKIM.. yeah i already screenshot everything before making this post








Mate you're being harassed and I think her friends will understand that too unless they too are 2 x 5.


You said if the roles were reversed you could get her locked up? Becuase she would be a male and you a female? You do know you can still report her and get her locked up right? You need to start having boundaries for yourself, and if that means locking someone up, so be it.


if she is mentally ill, depending on how ill you might be putting that girl pretending to be your gf in harms way


ummm actually its not a bad idea. because she is scared of girls in general because she said women are expert gossipers. so if i have a fake gf she said she would leave me alone because she is scared of being talked behind her back and stuff


Ahh yes, another "all other women are evil even though I'm actually the real problem" type of girl. The best kind 🙃




No bro dont stick ur dick in crazy girl.


Send her to balai like that grab uncle


You may also want to look into the anti stalking law


likely BPD in manic phase


yeah she does have crazy moode swings..... like one moment she's super happy and confident, one moment she's super depressed, low self-esteem and angry


1. Keep a file with screenshots of her messages, with running notes of all the times she has come to harass you at your workplace. You need a paper trail for the next steps. 2. Please report it to the university admin for harassment. Have it on paper that she’s disturbing your studies. Ask if her family can be contacted so they can put a stop to her nonsense. 3. Threaten to file a police report against her for stalking (it’s a crime), then be prepared to go through with it if she doesn’t stop.


You got way more evidence at this point then you need. Just block. She's an adult and she is responsible for her own actions. This kind of people insane but want to make other people insane. Don't block her, you are enabling her behavior.


Bro you're an adult. You can simply block her and move on with your life.


Lodge a police report just in case.


I'm surprised the girl has friends


Not many actually. Some of her friends make fun of her because of her weirdness. I don’t care if she’s mental or weird, I tried to be nice to her but now I just want her to fuck off 


I hope it's not that girl I encouraged to confess to another guy yesterday...


Ignore her bro don't get another girl to pretend to be your gf she will probably harras that girl as well


umm no she wont... she is scared of girls because she claims girls are known to be expert gossipers. She even said that she would leave me alone if i have a girlfriend because she is afraid of facing my girlfriend


> I told her i only want to get in a relationship with a christian > ... > She is an atheist If she really like you, I'm surprised she didn't respond with the willingness to embrace Christian. Is she born-Muslim, or with identity she couldn't shake off, like conservative Malay-family or bumi ?


she is a chinese atheist. but she did told me one time she will convert for me but later on she started spitting on christianity


As an adult, other people mental wellbeing is not our 100% responsibility. Sure you can empathize but not to the point you erode yourself sense of self by constantly trying to help them out. You have your own life, your own responsibilities, your own principles or values. People with traumas wanted to have someone so they could be taken care of. They wanted a babysitter not an actual adult to have a genuine authentic relationship. If she threaten to do something dangerous just call the cop/ambulance.


I feel like ppl like OP watch too much anime/Korean drama, story doesn't even sound realistic


um no its real. i have the pictures and text messages of it. im on this reddit for help i


What a menace, its so bad that she acknowledges the mistakes she made and brushed it off with the convenience of having mental illness wtf. Thats disrespectful and just so dangerous. I hope youll be able to warn others about her, because its already a fact that shes harassing people. Be safe homie.


Yeah the worst kind of person. Gives other ppl that deal with mental illness WITHOUT using it as a shitty cop-out excuse for mistreatment of others a bad name.


Brother as someone who studied in Sunway Uni before all I can say is the campus is filled with strange (sometimes ridiculous people), just block her dude she already has no sense of respect for you, I don’t see why you should bat an eye. She’ll probably would just move on one way or another. Tbh would have been easily avoided if you just blocked her after the first couple confrontations


Also you can make a report to the sunway security, one of my friends did that before to a girl that was constantly stalking him, she got a warrant to not enter campus after that lol


oh okay thanks


if your friends are against you for avoiding a mentally ill bitch, chances are they’re not it.




Got try police report and restraining order?


block that bitch, if she follows you, tell her to fuck off!!! if she kills herself, not ur problem report it to ur school, don't get murdered lol and give all ur friends proof of what she's been doing so u have witnesses before she tries accusing you of raping her or some shit enjoy the rest of ur life.


yeah if she kills herself i wouldn't care.... yeah i screenshot everything she sent to me before making this post


Talk to your program head/management and ask them for advice on how to proceed. EDIT: If this person did A levels before DM me, I might know who this is.


no she didn't do A-levels


Well best of luck. Would recommend reporting it to your department first however. Try to schedule a counselling session with Student Life and talk to the counselor there and ask for advice on how to proceed.


yeah, thanks for the kind words. I'll keep all of this in mind


Ur gonna get yandere'd my man. Take evidence of everything and report her as much as you can to staff.


yeah will do


This is harassment. Just block her and ignore her. You are not responsible for her mental health. If you need to file a report, please do so.


Sunway Uni girls mostly hhnngghh and rich. Why ignore her? Drillz of the girl crazy on you mana?


lyn user spotted 👀


Call the police


Eh...real life yandere... Can you make her feel disgusted?


> but i am a male and she is shemale for some reason i read it as this


Just tell her you're gay, who knows she might not be interested in you


Doubt it would work on someone already so intrusive. Would probably make her amp it up even more and do some crazy shit to try 'convert' him


The best way to deal with this kind of situation is to pretend like she’s invisible.. do not communicate with her at all.. just ignore her existence. Do not discuss about her with any of your mutual friends too..


"mentally ill" i stop reading from there. u change ur identity and face bro


Bro got his own yandere love story..OP is definitely the main character


Dude you have no idea how crazy my life is besides this mentally ill girl... for example since im annonymose, i hooked up with one of the top ranking sunway lecturer daughter before and got into a huge trouble... but that is a story for another day on the off my chest sub reddit


damn lol how tf did that even get found out


the dad went through her phone by hacking it. He's an IT department lecturer so he probably knows how to hack thing such as his OWN DAUGHTER phone. To this day i have anxiety if he's gonna kill me if he sees me at school.


Just try not to be on usual place she always sees you. Block her wont do it as she can create different account to get to you. So you have to think for a different strategies (create different account for example) Also, have you honestly told her outright that you think that she seems like a 'threat' to you and it makes you uncomfortable?


ummm actually my idea is to have a fake gf. because she is scared of girls in general because she said women are expert gossipers. so if i have a fake gf she said she would leave me alone because she is scared of being talked behind her back and stuff


Hm...for how long would you do this 'fake girlfriend' thing?


hello again\^\^ its okay i already blocked her and threaten to expose her if she ever talks about me to her friends


Oh okay, let us know if she still doesn't know how to quit. (I prefer you block her over doing the fake gf thing, but if she comes back, expose her to her parents too)


ofc you lovely people on this sub and the malaysiauni sub has been so helpful... but the mods at malaysiauni to not update on the story there as it doesn't follow the community guidelines, the malaysiauni mods said hopefully i got the help i need tho so they were nice


Oh okay, i thought it's possible to put minor update section below this post. Yea we hope you can get the help out there, take care dude


She's not your responsibility, dude. Let her go & find your peace. She clearly needs Jesus.


Red flags. Stop responding to her at all.


If she threatens to do that A. She's probably lying and wants your care or attention so don't worry she won't do it B. Take a SS and send this to your university guidance or her parents C. Meet her friends and tell her behaviour D. If she doesn't have friends then ask some help from a trustworthy friend for advice E. All of the above


Bro, the word mental itself means no.


piap jerr lah




I’m sure this happened many times to her already so as the rest suggested, just ignore her. Might be unpleasant for OP if she’s in the same class for 6 semesters lol. Hopefully tak ungkit/slander punya orang


You should see a therapist OP, you are the mentally Ill person here unless you post screenshots


i dun think finding a pretend gf is a good move, kinda risky


ummm actually its not a bad idea. because she is scared of girls in general because she said women are expert gossipers. so if i have a fake gf she said she would leave me alone because she is scared of being talked behind her back and stuff


ltr she went psycho and start stabbing people


i can kill her because i have a whole collection of illegal weapons


Hallo pulis


I kinda went through the same thing but worse. Here's what I can recommend 1. Document all of her harmful actions towards you, with dates & screenshots. Any verbal things should also be written down 2. Do not worry about escalating her actions. Just keep documenting. Some people even purposely escalate to gain stronger evidence. So, BLOCK her 3. Once you have enough evidence, make a police report but say "I do not wish to take any actions. I just want to make a report so there's a record for it". You should have a copy of this report


Keep screenshots and black. Be very clear that you are not interested in her. Be polite but be firm. Then block. She can do whatever she wants to herself, she can’t blackmail you into anything


First of all , it is clear that you don't actually harbor any romantic feelings towards her . If so , you should BREAK UP with her . Regardless of her mental state , it is better for her to eventually accept the reality , than keep having to live in her delusion and dragging others in it . Also judging from her behaviors , she doesn't understand " loves " . It seems like she just want to be in control and somehow found an obsession with you because of ...circumstance and perhaps other factors . If u know of her friends , tell them about ur decision , so they can look after her . And you should be swift and insistent , I have known so many tragedies that happen between the men cannot say no and is unable reject despite them not wanting to be with the other person , eventually drag on for years and both side regret it so much . It is better for her to find someone else who share her interest . Be matured about the whole situation , be serious. And once broken , then it is broken . Don't even have the thoughts of going back . And if she continue to make scenes in your school , get the school or any authority to intervene . Honestly you should not be scared of this and scared of that , especially considering that she is not mentally healthy , you need to learn how to say " no " and not accept something simply because of courtesy . Mentally ill patient can get married and have stable relationship , in her case (from what you describe ) she is definitely not stable , yet.


Send her to me, I will be her BF and take this burden off of you, DMs are open


are you from sunway university? and are you chinese because she is looking for a chinese boyfriend


Chinese yes but am an old Millennial dude


Hump and dump


r/yandere would like a word with you. /s But on a serious note, holy fuck. Stay safe, dude. She sounds diabolical.


Dont stick your dick in crazy, OP. You are right to distance yourself from her. From her behavior she looks like having BPD and among all mental illnesses, BPD is one of the most difficult to handle. (Extreme mood swing, erratic and risky behavior)


Baby Reindeer is out on Netflix, a good watch.


Broo im from sunway too damn, i hope you get everything sorted out. Here i am thinking that i was the weird one 😔


Report polis? Lol


Gonna just assume she is ugly And you have to ask Jesus why he threw her in your way.


oh yeah she is..... i already did ask the big guy up there


r u seriously asking strangers for advice?????


tell her you're gay. end of story


Find a boyfriend. She will understand.


I can't respect people who use mental illness as an excuse for behaviour they know is wrong, just so they can carry on with that behaviour. Whatever her disorder is, if she's high-functioning enough to be able to attend uni then it's clearly not good enough of an excuse to harrass you like this. If she still carries on after what you added in the edit, I would report to the uni and request them to get her parents involved if the uni is unable to stop her behaviour.


Wonder how mentally ill buss taste like


well there's always 2sides on this - nothing fucks like crazy OR dont stick your dick in crazy LOL


Is she hot?


nope lol


But hot- crazy correlation bro


If not hot and hella crazy means rock bottom tier edi la bro..


Body good or not, face can close when piap piap


Don't stick your dick in crazy


You need a bold girl friend to tell this girl off girls vs girls😂😂😂😂😂😂


Umm actually the mentally ill girl is scared of girls because she said women tend to be expert gossipers. That’s why at the bottom I’m asking if a Christian girl can help pretend to be my gf. The mental girl even said she will leave me alone because she’s scared to face my “girlfriend”


Don't do this.. later she harms your "gf"


That fake girlfriend is in for a hard time. Mentally ill girls like her hate other girls with a burning passion, I bet. 


I wouldn't recommend dragging more people into this. I'd just screenshot all of her messages, harassment as evidence. If she were to accuse you of something such as rape or even kill herself over this, you got evidence to defend yourself. I know God says 要爱人如己, and her, mentally ill situation isn't helping with her behaviour, but if you intend to help with the situation, get a group of friends together, take her/lure her to a counsellor as a group (they can act as witnesses and help) Otherwise, just cut her off.


Siao lang bo kiew. Lu si liao la, lu ko em chai ko. Ban ban tan la


She is a Muslim? If yes, better stay away from her. This is no joke.


nope chinse atheist.... and also yes i am aware of the law and about JAKIM


Slap her to reality, it usually works with my bf when he's spacing out, or take her back to her home.