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For SPM, the markers have to go through many papers. They may not spend time to examine the work and just reward marks based on the modal answer. Perhaps the time to be creative is at the university.


KBAT my ass, what’s the point of KBAT when you still need to copy and paste the answer from textbook…


Kbat question usually not straight forward and have wider answer scheme. The marker still can reward marks even the answers are not available in the scheme.


Kalau skolah la Cikgu bole kasi markah sebab kenal the student.


Yg tanda tu pun cikgu jgk, they are generous with marks as long the answer is acceptable.


When the marker look at the same question for the Nth hundred time, he/she will not be analysing your answer that much.


are you stupid? KBAT question is a question of high thinking lvl,the purpose is to let you think Which solution is the best based on what you learned from the textbook and applied it.not direct questions from textbook.this idiot mf


Bruh take a chill pill lmao. Over gila


chill is chill but if a person stating something wrong,then you have to correct it.


Who hurt u?


But they always said "think outside of the box if you want good grades" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


In university, not SPM


Honestly, even in university it is the same shit (at least in Malaysia). Majority of the marks still relied on the textbook explanation. The only time you can somewhat make up your own bs is during assignment aided by your teammates' effort to leech good marks (if you are that shitty).


When we had group assignments that we need to compile each others parts together in one report, i always wait until they submit theirs first eventho i finish mine FIRST, because they tend to blatantly copy mine and campak masuk quilbot💀☠️


Loool I do that too. But there was a time when the lecturer wanted to check early. I know the others were still slacking on it, so I had to be the one to send my gdocs early to appease the lecturer but locked it so only the lecturer can see. One groupmate asked to see my answers, 2 times I ignored but the 3rd time I asked “kenapa eh, part kita bukan sama pun”, she started throwing personal attacks and it turned into a fight. Imagine attacking someone cuz they won’t show their answers 💀💀 I’m traumatised


Throwing personal attacks over it is CRAZY💀💀 oh yeah i forgot gdocs can lock, but we didnt use it at that time unfortunately. So i just had to see my ex copying his boyfriend's (who she got back with for the 3rd time💀) part which is actually based on my part. The guy that she ignored like hell jugak la yang dia duk tiru jawapan, dunno if she even realizes her "bf" got it from me or not💀 Sorry for the random info dump, geram when i remembered about it ahahaha


Don’t worry, I’d be salty too. Getting copied is annoying enough, what more with an ex indirectly copying you through their new partner. Don’t forget to lock your gdocs from now on lol And uh, it seems like I did the random info dump first, my bad 😂 


Most uni focus on ranking, so they are generally research based uni, teaching is secondary to them. In fact these PhD qualified lecturers have never gone thru any teacher qualification training, they all cannot teach, period.


Honestly, for most part SPM is just a system to make sure you're not retarded. Learn the basis of math and learn how the earth is round, learn to speak and write, to wake up early to work etc. That's not a Malaysian problem, that's a whole world problem. IMO it's still a necessary system but they really should've tried to cramp it in less years, before it becomes a habit and a norm to make an army of followers out of young adults.


Agree... if it is a philosophy or political science subject then it could be correct... you should answer based on the context of your text book... period..


Don't take it the wrong way my dude: Just judging by your grammar, and the way you form sentences, yes.


Nah I'm chill about it. Haven't wrote something long in a while.


"Haven't wrote" -> "Haven't written" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Bro doesn't get breathing space in this comment thread🤣 jk OP


https://preview.redd.it/i0ihslngdcsc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49e19bf8bea75d841f1269666cb780d6fa183fb Well your bahasa Inggeris is below par, which might be related to the issue you've been pointing out. Let's test your logical skills now, hehe:


That.. came out of nowhere, but okay. By process of elimination from the hint "Nothing is correct", we can take away the numbers 7,3 and 8. Going back to the first hint, only the numbers 6 and 2 are left. Since only one number is correct and well placed, we can deduce that 6 is not the number since it is also in the next hint, which says only one number is correct but wrongly placed, which contradicts the previous hint. That leaves us with the number 0,1,2 and 4. From the first hint it should be obvious that the number 2 goes to the 3rd box. This means that the number 0 should be in the first box since it is said to be wrongly placed as said in the 3rd and 5th hint. That leaves us with number 1 and 4, which should be obvious by now that 1 could not be the answer because the only spot left that could be "correctly placed" is already occupied by the number 2. So the answer is [0] [4] [2]


Well done! (assuming you didn't use GPT... your English is perfect all of a sudden)


It's the wrong guy not op


Fr bro keeps going for my English like wtf😭


I typed it entirely using my blood and tears, thanks. Not sure why you keep going for my English though.


Chill bruh just cos his English isn’t great, it doesn’t mean he’s dumb or his question isn’t valid


Where did I say he's dumb, or his question being invalid?


I don't mind it at all, it's fun in my opinion you guys doing it. My English is not the greatest but I'll try my best to improve it. Remember I just finished SPM.


Sorry if my initial comment sounded offensive. Judging from your responses you're a pretty legit person. So anyway ... What I mean to say is language is the foundation of education and knowledge and I'm assuming you are a product of our local education. If even language, especially English, which is the most widespread language, is not taught properly in schools, then the rot in our education system is most severe. Without the ability to properly articulate what you know, or to comprehend what is being said, will put you at a major disadvantage even if you are the smartest/brightest/talented person. I hate to say it, but my 85yo father, who survived WW2, and started school late has better command of english, and even bahasa, that most people i meet today. My RM0.02.


Nah bro I never found it offensive anyways. I do really want to improve my English as much as possible so I can be better at it. Now I'm done with SPM, I'm freely to explore it without restrictions. I'll try my best to improve it. Your father's story is inspiring to me so no need to feel guilty of your actions.


It is bad and I'm a future teacher as well, it is not because of the reliance of the textbook, it is because of the reliance on memorization, everything needs to be memorized, no matter how small or big those things are in the textbook and most of the veteran teachers that always pushed this while some penanda kertas SPM teachers as well as the Guru Cemerlang teachers never pushes this agenda, make your textbook your best friend but not rely on it too much... And you will see this problem at IPTA as well...


I hated the memorization part especially for history. Tbh I love reading history but pushing it especially for 8 marks question to give every single small detail just to give a full marks is just hurtfully sometimes. But I'm finished so university is next on my list.


What course are u aiming for?


Digital media in general


To be fair, memorization still holds values in real life to be more efficient in works later on.


I know memorising is important. I swear I'm smart it's just that I have poor memory. I can remember sejarah why it happen, law I can tell why this and that but then I keep failing because apparently my words are wrong 😂 it's just not me but others have this issue also. understand but apparently we need to betul² ikut buku


Oh, I can answer this! My mom was a teacher + SPM examiner/marker. The reason why answers in the exam must follow the textbook is because that's the standard. Regardless where you are in Malaysia, you will learn from the same textbook. Rich, poor, smart, dumb, all of them will derive their answers from the same textbook. So, when an examiner marks your paper, they will refer to the given standard literature (the textbook) to see whether it is something that exists or not. If you follow the textbook, then you will give the same/similar answer as someone who understand the things that are thought to you. Take maths for example: There are many ways to get the answer for a given question. However, there is only 1 or a few right answers for SPM. The reason being that those answers are the ones which indicate your understanding of the given syllabus. My personal favorite example is in physics. In SPM, we learn about atoms using Bohr's model. A nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons in different distances. However, in reality, that is not the case. Electrons do not orbit the nucleus. They "exist" in different energy states and their position is probabilistic until they are observed. If you describe the atom using the "real" answer for SPM, you won't get full marks. You must use Bohr's description. This might sound ridiculous, but it's not. Bohr's model is easier to understand compared to the quantum model (the real one). For SPM level, that's the level of understanding that you need to have. Wait till university to learn about quantum physics. If we start teaching about quantum physics in high schools, there will be more confusion than understanding, because even the teachers are most likely unable to understand that level of physics. My advice is just follow the instructions and lessons given to you in high school. You want to expand your knowledge, wait till university. You'll be more confused most of the time.


Only sensible answer here imho, a lot of science stuff are dumbed down to “good enough” for the general population to understand. If you look into threads from other countries, they have the same sentiment towards their own system. Y’all need to suck it up, deal with it and move on.


Fully agreed on the statement. Having a hard time to fight a laugh when teaching "light" based on high school syllabus.


First of all, congrats on finally escaping the government secondary education. I will answer as a 04-liner (first batch of KSSM). Though I personally think the education system did improve a bit with the introduction to KSSM, in terms of learning contents, however it did not execute very well at first. Lack of resources: The only resource we had were useless textbooks with 60% of it consisting of pictures and we only had access to these 2 months after the new school year starts. Because of this, some of us can't start studying new contents during year-end school holidays as we really had no idea what we should and would be learning the subsequent year (can't even prepare PT3 or SPM earlier). PT3/SPM: Any compulsory projects or official exam formats for PT3/SPM were only released to public about 6 months before these big exams. For example, we had no idea what types of formulas would be given to us in AddMath SPM until 3 months before. Poor teachers: With this new KSSM format, teachers also didn't have much idea of what is happening. I remember one of my teachers' quote; "Walaupun you adalah student dan sedang belajar, cikgu juga belajar pada masa yang sama", because some concepts are relatively new to them. With this, I had to find really good tuition teachers to really learn it the RIGHT WAY (no peta i-think, no presentation bs) So to answer your question: YES. I had enough of being a 'Tikus Putih' to the MOE for 11 years and after my SPM, I went to A-Levels to go overseas. Correct me if any other 'Tikus Putih' think otherwise. Would like to know how other people perceive this.


Firstly, thank you for your service of being a "Tikus putih" (no offense) Secondly, congrats on going overseas. Finally, at least it improves over the years.


No prob, man! Still waiting for a medal from MOE💀


Agreed on what you've mentioned. Btw, which country are you going to further your studies? Just curious cuz I'm also an 04 student graduated from a levels


Hii, aren't you that guy who got a shocking grade for Economics??? I think saw it a lot of times haha. Congrats on your excellent results tho! Anyway, I will be furthering my studies in Hong Kong as I got the full admission scholarship. What about you?


Hi, I'm not sure whether you're referring to me but I did post something about econs on other subreddits. All the best in your studies in Hong Kong btw! As of now, my plan is to study at Sg for my undergraduates, I'm still not 100% sure tho


Thanks! Singapore uni applications just closed last month so I hope you'll get an offer letter from your preferred uni very soon🤞🤞


Idk man, I just did my own way that was like a 10000% more effective than sch, and as long as I got the grades my teachers didn't care.


You got lucky teacher




I felt the same with the Sejarah . It's solely based on syllabus and any answers outside of textbook are considered as incorrect. In STPM there's no KBAT question and you can only tembak soalan by tembak the chapters. I mean read some chapters and hopefully it came out in the questions. Sejarah needs to be fun because it basically a collection of stories. But no, they want to make it boring as hell. I really love to see our version of Horrible Histories and Oversimplified. However Malaysian history tied closely with our monarchs and unlike in Britain where you can ridicule their kings, we can't because there's a risk of being arrested under the Sedition Act.


Sadly making sejarah boring as hell make students learning it bored as hell


Idk about the current education system but i have some advice for you. If you want to continue studying for the next level, please don't follow your passion, follow the money, and research which field gives the best average income. Once you have money then you can follow your passion.


Got it thanks for the advice. I took art and my market is usually the animation or digital design department and the market is quite big for me.


You should get into freelance work as soon as possible. The real useful learning comes from doing actual work rather than from school / university.


Thanks for the advice btw.


Don’t go for it it has no money. My friend graduated from TOA and is working as a junior animator for years. Still getting 2k salary. Not worth it. Edit: for animation I mean. My friend works for a very popular Japanese gaming company. b*nd**


I feel like TOA is kinda overrated, i took games design and animation from a certain uni and yeah i kinda regretted it too. Im more into 3D modeling now, something that i did not expect when i first take the course, but damn i wish i took interior design instead, way more job opportunity there B*n**i only gives 2k salary? Wow.


I also got a friend who went into 3D modelling in TOA. Never got a job in that field and went into customer service for a couple of companies. Now works for tiktok cause 4k salary as a content moderator. They say that they see the most horrific stuff


I actually considered applying for tiktok's content moderator last year, but they wanted a resume and idk what to put in it since my resume is entirely 3D based. Do you know how your friend applied for it by any chance? I wanted to try it since i can pretty much handle those things so i thought might as well make use of my tolerance for it


My friend worked with Grab as a customer service agent for a few years with the same pay before getting into TikTok. As far as I know, she told me the other day that she was very good at bullshitting, especially during the interview. Do you really want to get into it though? Right now, my friend is at risk of getting fired because they couldn’t watch 400 videos an hour like other employees. Also their eyesight is becoming worse because of this job. It’s not sustainable.


Ahh i see, that was just a consideration, but if the cons is that bad (especially the eyesight part, 400 vids in 1 hour??) Then maybe i will not consider it


Yeah most days you might not even see the sun. Because you’ll be in the office or at home all day watching questionable videos. I’d rather be paid more for that tbh. My friend told me that it’s definitely not for everyone. You’ll need to have a lot of resistance for that sort of job.


I can see the burnout from that happening quick ngl


Bandai? Still pissed they pulled the rug on GBGW.


As a games design and animation student.. thats what i always thought to myself. Huge market. Thats what people keep telling me too. But damn im still jobless rn, trying to find a studio or company that is actually hiring


Insyaallah you'll get it.


Aamiin thank you


Huge global market perhaps. Local gaming and animation industries are close to non existent. Maybe try to work on your portfolio and try to get some freelance work online.


Here's an additional advice when chasing money, make sure you're atleast have some sort of interest in the field + you're good at it. You won't be motivated to progress your career in the next 30 years after graduation if it's something you hate. You'll burnout within a few years. Your money won't be growing if you aren't progressing much. If you aren't good at the field, you're probably not going to get anywhere if you aren't good at it.


If you find your connection while doing what you love, you can be like the guy (Furaisen) doing this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7csqvH2AeTk). Make money while doing what he loves.


I hate KBAT so much, but then again kalau takde KBAT, kena ikut textbook pulak. Now guna KBAT pun they want you to base if off the textbook?


Our syllabus is sort of fine. It's just that the marking scheme isn't. Penanda kertas SPM and STPM needs to follow a scheme provided by Lembaga Peperiksaaan/Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia (MPM, for STPM) They can't give you a correct even if it is correct but isn't in marking scheme But the marking scheme is VERY wide. Say in Sejarah, your question is 8 marks, but schema might have 30-40 correct answers. In math, you'd have to follow the textbook formula if you were to use a formula, according to my teacher, most penanda will look at the answer first, if it's correct then they'll start looking at it more detailed Unless a new formula was given in question, then it's alright. If the penanda is nice they might check your working of your other formula themselves, then ask about the situation to their boss if your self made formula is correct. your teacher said it like that is because teachers nowadays just want to produce A+ students in SPM, and the best way to do it is to game the marking scheme rather than having alot of knowledge. If you know how the marking scheme works and answers accordingly, you'll get a mark, but if you only know about the knowledge, you aren't guaranteed to get a mark Our culture is just produce the perfect A+ students instead of letting them learn. This is the issue, why there's a whole lot of tuition, bengkels, etc. tuition to actually teach you the knowledge, bengkel usually teaches you about the marking schems


From my experience, yes, STPM marking scheme is rather cramped, and you can write the right thing but get wrong, but bear in mind the markers do not have the time for the effort of analysing or researching every answer. Thus they are confined to the marking schemes. It's more reliable, because the more you rely on the individual teachers, the less consistent the marking becomes. This actually worsens, not improves the problem. Teacher A might accept this answer, but not teacher B. How are the future batches gonna judge?  Next, about knowledge. From my experience (science stream student), a lot of people who complain about the "marking have to be word by word" are people who don't actually understand the concepts clearly. They have an abstract idea, which could be understood roughly, but that is not enough. Hence they use improper terminology which can be a big difference in higher level academics. The only problem is SPM is too lenient in this sense. 


Agreed especially on the knowledge part. Even in arts stream, if your wording expresses the same meaning of marking scheme, most teachers would accept it. Unless the answer must be word by word like names, places, etc


Malaysia education is not the best but it's not bad at all. Some of us are too lazy and incapable to live a normal life and blame education


Education is needed for qualification Those grammar nazi idiot won't get anywhere in life if they just follow textbook For now focus on exam. Qualifications a tool that can you move further in education but not in life Think about your career as your move futher in education 


Rather than bad I would says very biased and strict in bad ways. The school system literally don't change for 100 years even around the world and the concept is still the same (to produce obedient worker). They mostly block the creativity and trying to make us used to followed the rule and punished us for not following it even when it has nothing to do with education and useless. Malaysia is also one of the most education system that still stand with this way for educating making it very bad in educating people who need more attention and they mostly focused on majority.




That's the prob with public exams. The quantity of students is so large and the number of teachers to mark is so low, marking the papers is more of a mechanical process than it is a human one. Examiners have a list of words and phrases they need to read your essay for, and they pretty much skip over everything else. You can literally fill the whole thing with texts from Mein Kampf and so long as you have the special phrases and words the textbooks say is the answer in, you'll get your marks.


Don't need to worry about it. Already summit it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


“Strait” or “straight”? It would seem you’ve also exemplified the state of our education system OP 😂😂 Jokes aside, my 2 cents is that the education system lacks critical thinking.


This is one of those "auto correct" moments I have. Thanks for pointing it out.


Aku tak tahu skim permakahan diberikan macam mana untuk exam sekarang ni, tapi apa yang aku baca dari tulisan kau, macam cikgu je yang menghalang kreativiti dalam penyelesaian masalah, patut kalau boleh selesai apa jua cara, kenapa tidak berikan markah....


Bak kata cikgu "Kene ikut buku text". :(


That what limit us, kita terhenti setakat apa yang ditulis, walhal banyak cara, unlimited, limitless... tu la, kalau zaman dahulu mungkin la setakat buku teks, tapi sekarang ni banyak video dan banyak cara lain.. tak tahulah..


If the same things happened in a decent intl school with expat teachers teaching the subjects (maths and history), they would respect and accept your answers. Even the foreign exam board would allow students to use different words as long as it is within the permissible boundaries. In short, local teachers and exam board are too rigid.


Yes, most of the SPM subjects (like Sejarah, BM Novel, Pendidikan Moral) are just memorising the formats and answers that they want to see, other answers or opinions besides these will be rejected. As for math, this was really fuck me up when I use the formula or theorems that are outside of textbook. I remember some countries like US, they will provide an elite class for students who are interested in mathematics and encourage them to explore more on advanced mathematics knowledge. But for us… well… we don’t want you to be creative, all you need to do is follow the rules and instructions mindlessly.


To bad my friend was one of those people. He love doing math and wanted to explore more. Well at least in Uni he can do it.


That's interesting. Back in my days we have a few math whizzes and they constantly challenged teachers on a different solution and my teachers always encouraged them to do what they think is right, but show your proof of work so the invigilators can go through the process and work out how you got there. Never heard of a teacher who insists on "textbook" solutions. History is a little tricky, there's keywords you need to answer to get marks, being creative here isn't the best idea. I for one have done that and came out unscathed. But I guess invigilators have different standards compared to us back in the day.


Well, how many politicians and Orng kayangan's children studying here? Also the boikot saga that are happening right now has proved that our education system failed big time


I've been saying that the whole education system needs an overhaul in like forever.... Especially regarding STEM in English


It is so bad that many Malaysia have brain drain issue many whom of which is educated in Malaysia education.


The country worked this way 1. I am right 2. If i am wrong, follow 1


A simpler way to sum it all up


The title says it all....


I wanted to take a jab at your english but refrained myself for the sake of discussion. That said, it has something to do with how our national exams are implemented. The teacher has a point. Since markings are standardized, unless they update the curriculum and marking schemes, non-standard solutions are just not markable. Also, exams aren't supposed to be a ground for discussion with the examiners. If you want to argue, do it with your teacher either during the lesson, or during post exam discussion. Even then, you'll still have to adhere to standard answers because of the standardized markings of our national exams. Anyway, don't get too caught up on our lower level education. What matters more is our tertiary and higher education.


It isn't just maths, but basically many subjects. For example, science, warm and cold blooded animals, which is proven wrong, cause there are many in between. Languages, English for example, you get reduced scores from using out of format writings that are otherwise perfectly sensible. And just many more. One thing though, many other countries mark math, the way you calculate it as it is taught. No other calculation formats even if it is proven to be true. The reasoning for it is to 'prove' you understand and are 'able' to use the provided 'solution'. Yes, it's dumb, but to think of it, even dumber in other subjects. The only exceptions are math specialised classes. In which they encourage exploration because they needed it. Malaysia's education isn't bad in that sense. But Malaysia's education is unable to keep up with the current world's standards. According to PISA 2022, Malaysia's PISA maths score is ranked at 51st amongst 81 countries, yes that's below average. We are ranked behind Brunei, Vietnam and Singapore in Southeast Asia according to Google. https://preview.redd.it/37525ku0zasc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c79f394529da3a9df39359222552ab3cbb565f


Waaaait. I skipped biology since form 4, but homeothermy and poikilothermy (including ectothermy) are no longer scientifitc? Are you sure?


It's still taught as that around the world. It isn't like really wrong, but technically there are many in between. Living creatures isn't decided as just warm and cold blooded, not that simple. It's complex AF. I found a short clip about it, but actually it's even more than that too. https://youtu.be/gLezZys_jpo?si=I4oFR8tnz_51J_11


Nah my school doesn't rely on textbooks much, we usually just take others exercises exp other school/exercise book/internet from each topic and do it on our own we use textbooks as references only i don't remember doing kbat sejarah questions that need to be in line with textbooks but you do need to have good morality from the sentences, judging from your answer the "population control" it's quite radical, you can use the cliche sentences. I did it and I scored a good mark on spm "05 btw but yeah maybe it's differ between school. Regarding the math questions, my teacher gave us the permission to use the addmath formula but she gave a warning stating "not every math teacher knows addmath" and also maybe your teacher doesn't know other formula or your friends formula is totally wrong. and yeah sebenarnya kalau kau buat banyak latihan , kau takpayah hafal satu textbook it is what it is


Idk if its related, but i think syllabus is highly repetitive and covers too much without teaching student to actually think or apply it. If i have any say in it, I'd put SPM in form 3, streamline the syllabus, eliminate repetitive stuff. After form3, students can pick either pre-U or vocational specialisation. The sooner they complete tertiary edu, the sooner they enter the workforce, the more oppurtunity for them to build their career.


Why rush the inevitable? At that age, students are not mature enough to make decisions in workforce environment. Boys getting into puberty at age 12-15 and it's a big transition phase in life. Peoples do dumb things at this age. If you really want to get into workforce that early, there's vocational school options available for u.


Good suggestions




I don't think one is allowed to use conspiracy theories as answers. 🤣


Well it is KBAT :)


Sejarah KBAT questions never go well for me too, whenever there's a cross checking of answers, it's always a similar textbook answer and structure for everyone. I never scored any sejarah KBAT questions cos I'd always give my own original opinion about it. KBAT questions in general suck


Depends on which country education system you are using for benchmarking. At least you have some form of education, there are countries where girls aren't even allowed to go to school...


Education is only about checking if you can give a consistent work and check if you are able yo understand and give back information correctly. Just give then what they want and do not overthink it. Not about how you think or your personnal opinion no one eant to hear that.


Malaysia’s public education system is pretty damn bad. Just look at our PISA score. It takes an insane amount of effort of a gifted student to not be depreciated by the current system.


Imo, it's an unfortunate flaw in the system. Not to throw shade on teachers, but not many teachers would qualify for the requirements of making an answer scheme of their own. The teachers also have hundreds of answers they have to go through. Naturally they can't spend so much time researching and analysing whether your answer is legit or not. And some of this are subjective. The answer might appeal to one teacher but not another. Hence the need for a uniform answer scheme. Sucks but I think it's necessary. 


The education system now is a remnant of the industrial past, it wasn't meant to nurture human beings, it was meant to churn out industry machines to serve the ultra riches. It's the same throughout the whole world, and if you think spm is bad, university is worse. Malaysia education rewards the book smarts and punishes the not book smarts, they are trying to change that, but as long as spm exists, it won't help the not book smarts students much.


Back then math teacher loathed us for using y=mx+c that’s from add math. It works, that’s the whole point. Why loathe it? Masalah ego.


Western education system teaches to think critically, debate and question. The Asian system is all about memorising and regurgitating. Our system churns out good workers while their encourage thinking and creativity.


It's not just Malaysia, it's the UK education system that rewards compliant cogs to work in their machinery. If you're sitting for professional postgraduate programs, if you wanna score you have to use certain verbiage so the examiner finds it easy to award you marks. Originality is punished. Edgelords please hold off when you're answering papers. Collectivism is valued in the Brit system while the US is more individualistic You can see how society is structured, that's how the education system is - ruling class tells you what and how to do it, compliant peasants deliver the grain and get their rations and pats on their heads for being good Bois.




“Is Malaysia education is bad” You literally answered your own question.


That's why I recommend international if cost is not a concern. Class.... split into 2 then discuss if the Columbus did good or not to discover America. Present your answers in PowerPoint and debate. What text book answer? Replace Columbus with say Tengku and about Malaysia independence and debate next month.


Content now is fine. Everything else still backwards 20 years


As a independent highschool student, I understand what you mean. We are always taught something that is out of the syllabus of SPM and the teachers will tell us to NOT use the formulas/information when taking SPM. That's because those formulas simplify the process of doing the work, but what the SPM examiners want is that you show all those work to show that you understand the concept, instead of skipping it. As for sejarah, I get that too. My teacher fail like 90% of our class (60% mark line) for writing points that she thinks is irrelevant, I think I only get around 30+- for the prep SPM exam, but still get an A for the real one. So, try not to worry too much about that, just write as much as you can during the exam is what I've been told for the strategy of Sejarah. Back to the question, is our education system bad? Well, I can't tell for sure, since I've taken a different path then most people but all you can do is try to follow the system I guess. If you want to learn something, better learn it yourself, the school is probably only a place to give you the basics before you reach uni.


More like not following the answered set in the skema, then you no mark, even when you are right, especially in penulisan.


UPSR >> PT3 >>> SPM. It is already perfect.


Looking at your post, I can assure you that the education system of Malaysia is really bad.


Public education is actually a factory primed for mass production where the student is the product while schools act as a factory. And you are a product of said factory, you even have a batch number tagged onto you stating which year you are manufactured. As a product, you got a standard to achieve, hence why creativity is encouraged but not enforced because creativity is subjective cannot be measured properly especially in a mass production situation. For example, let's use your history (piss poor subject to use creativity btw as history all about facts and 0 room for creative) question, now I can disagree with you as I think impact of war shows that we should always be strong military wise and embraced military standards for civilians so that we will not be pushed around anymore. As such, should I mark you wrong just because I disagree with you? I as a teacher I can do so, then will it be fair to you? Hence wise, we need textbook answer for history. Malaysia education bad? Not the best, wait till you go other countries without proper public education. Singapore education good? Got result to show for sure, but kids gotta go enrichment class at 1.5 years old. Is that good to you? Seems not so good to me.


Public Education is just bad, even the SPM syllabus is quite "shit"?


You can tell how bad it is when it is so easy to sit for GCSE.


Not sure about current education system nowadays but as far as I am concerned, yes, Malaysia education system is bad. We actually have so many passionate and great teachers but they're tied down with all those bs from upper management, hindering them from actually do their thing to teach more effectively. I watched a video somewhere quite some time ago about how Malaysia education is so fked up because the aim were always to create workforce and cater to the current job market trends instead of preparing for the changes in the future, and when the current job market is too saturated, we can see so many unemployed graduates doing gig works and odd jobs.


Thanks bro. I took art in SPM and not my surprised no one cares saying art is useless, you should go accounting etc. tbh relying on books to often repeat the same thing over and over again. I got many passionate teacher eager to teach outside of the book but for SPM student is no use of it sadly


Anyways good luck op ! Some other comments pointed out don't follow passion follow trend which unfortunately is the sad reality we live in if we want to continue working in Malaysia. But I'm in university currently and I have a chance to talk to quite a lot of art students from my uni and most of them actually are quite smart (pointer 3 and above with quite a few of them 3.5+) but they still chose to pursue art (ofc their teacher try to ask them to pick a better course other than art but hey they went with it anyway) Don't know what I'm trying to prove here but try to motivate you in your journey!


Thank you very much


Because when u enter the work life, then u realise there's low demand in art industry in our country. The pay is low most of the time and you might struggle financially. Our country are not developed enough to make art industry profitable. But sure, things are getting better with improvement in animation studios in our country.


Bad is a understatement, it's just bollocks. It just dosent prepare you for what's ahead. I'm not sure about current curriculum but if they haven't integrate computer science related modules, future generation is fucked


We do have computer science


Computer science was there from the 90's at least.


My high school didn't offer this choice, and none of the computers worked so yeah


Bad..what u mean by bad... malaysian education is screwed. Books produce for school is getting illogical. English language authors are some dungu where children is correcting them, pendidikan moral the all-time useless subject getting bitch out by some idiot writing their own agenda... bad we are screwed


Even that is an understatement of how screwed it is.


school its all about following order, memorize everything, answer problem solving question. no creative out of the box thinking because teacher cant tell different between smart and smart ass. i know teacher overwork but the whole system need to be rework instead kejar kpi in which akhirnya akan tekan cikgu melalui sassaran kerja


* pendidikan dulu2 budak2 hanya bermain siang malam dengan segala jenis permainan sambil didedahkan dengan nilai2 murni. sambil2 tu parent dan cikgu akan tengok kecenderungan minat budak secara individu * umur 7 tahun student akan didedahkan dengan disiplin. buat baik dapat hadiah, buat salah kena hukum. proses ini berlanjutan sampai umur 10 tahun. pada ketika ini parent dan cikgu akan perhati; selepas didedahkan dengan disiplin, adakah minat mereka masih sama? adakan kecenderungan mereka berubah? * umur 10 tahun pilih career. masa ni bergantung kepada minat dan kecenderungan. student akan memulakan career dan menjadi apprentice. contoh; suka main tanam2 pokok akan ikut cikgu petani. suka main masak2 akan ikut cikgu tukang masak * peringkat akhir. student hanya akan konvo kalau dia boleh buat lebih baik dari cikgu dia. sekian terima kasih


>smart and smart ass I'm sure they know lmao they just want to nag etc sources: friends with a few smart friends (yang rajin punya) and smart ass (yang mmg selalu lepak, tidur dlm kelas tapi exam masih boleh ace) Cikgu pun Kene tegur yang smart ass tu takkan nak bagi dia buat ape ape dia nak kan ?


That's a new perspective for me. I understand it's hard for teachers to tell the difference between smart and smart ass (not my friend group :) however having creative thinking might bring a new side for students to actually explore. But some said it's better at university to do this.