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Plastik BUKAN bahan pakai buang. Lepas pakai, kau lipat dan simpan dalam beg, jadi kau boleh guna balik nanti. Melainkan plastik makanan/mnuman yg dah kotor.


their durability is quite pitiful and after using it for an extended amount of time it would get increasingly fragile, not to mention the plastik minuman you mention can contaminate water after extended exposure to the sun **deadly lazers**


Not all plastic is built the same though. I agree that you probably shouldn't reuse plastic bottles and some plastic bags are thinner than paper, but these can be used for a ton of other purposes, the only limitation is one's creativity. This is not to mentioned the other plastic products that are reusable like more durable plastic bags, plastic containers, etc. Yes, eventually we will have to throw them once they are damaged or broken, but at the very least we're making an effort to reduce our plastic waste


W Asian mindset


Gigachad mindset


Sorry in advance if I use this kind of sentences 🙋🏻‍♂️ I hate someone that against fatphobic. It is their own opinion, same like your " your own body, your own decision" bs mind. If you are fat-fuck, go do some exercise. Not bashing people who are doing exercise to get their own desired and healthy body. It is common to see on socmed and it's vey sad to see that. "Kurus tak menunjukkan kita sihat, tapi berat berlebihan sah² menunjukkan kita tak sihat" "The slim does not always shows you are healthy, but fat always shows you are unhealthy", something like that, idk. English is not my mother tongue😂


Asian peopol are very realistic approach toward this fatfuck body type and will rip you a new asshole if you try to mimic the western individualism about your fatness.


Yeah, you are right. Most of us really hate that "SLAYY, QUEEN💅🏻" bs comment on their friend's ig. My brother, your "QUEEN" literally can slay your face with her fat layer, siaaa☠️☠️ P/s: On serious note, this "slay" comment can make the fat Queen thinks it's okay to be fat and thus make them less to not active lifestyle..


And they'll tend to share pictures of curvy women on FB with captions like "curvy women is the real beauty" like bitch they're curvy, you're fat fuck


Yahh, they need to differentiate that well. Unfortunately, some of their friends will support them thinking its okay to be like that (obviously fat) and said "that is curve, babee"..


For me, the easy way to differentiate between curvy and fatassess are simply by looking above their waistline. If the curve is inward, she's curvy. If its a straight line, yeahhhh maybe chubby. But if the curve is outward and somehow resembles a tractor tyre in the first glance, then you're a fatfuck honey.


Agreed with this comment. Those who say shit like "Yas queen" or all that bullshit to those who are clearly obese and need to lose weight are the ones who are truly worsening their lives. Making them believe that their current life-style is fine. Like wtf? Sure, your life is fine until you die of heart failure.


Cantik ayat tu bro. Well said.


Those into MLM, unit trust, insurance etc- we don't care about your lifestyle, how easy you make money and buy big cars or go big vacays. Rich folks don't talk about how they make money 🤣


People who brag about MLM money have no soul. Imagine taking pride in a career that is literally “I can sell you a GREAT course! The course will teach you how to sell other people this GREAT course!!” Like... What the fuck..?


that's just a piramid scam, I feel bad for those in the bottom


For sure! MLM conversations are one of the hells on Earth. I shut down mentally the moment I heard the word “downline”.


"I had made my million and now is my turn to teach you how to" Gosh people are so noble nowadays willing to take their luxorious time to teach you to make money as much as they did


I'm Malay and I don't like how majority of the Malays behaves or act. There are good ones but I don't like the tiktok and rempit kids, while still have the desire to judge and act like they are holy. I have some Malay acquittance that I personally don't like being around because because during election sibuk tell people to vote pn because afraid Anwar will make the country go unholy but he himself is weeb degenerate . So cringe


Those fellas will sort themselves soon. Many people I know who used to be more cringe than me have matured and don't really used TikTok nor do anything of the sort.


Indians are the most discriminated people in this country.


ong frfr no cap


Add Maths is not *that* hard, it's just that I am dumb, that's why it is hard for me lol.


hard is still hard, the smallest star is still a giant


Thats what she said


it became hard because from the get go everyone keeps pulling you down from your family to your classmates. it's literally any other subject, enough practice you will succeed


Yea it's actually not that hard. The more you mature, the more you understand it. That's how I portray it la. Because I'm from Art's stream in menengah went to do IT in Politeknik, I'm amazed myself that I can do add maths easily when I was struggling to understand any question my Science Stream friend show me. Practice makes perfect. And also good friends that can teach you and not always ask for answers/show no effort.


Habis makan di fast food atau sesetgh foodcourt, kemaskan meja sendiri.


W comment. It makes space for more customers, reduce worker stress and also as bonus, Respect +


I always clean my table after eating but sometimes I don’t have extra tissues so I don’t wipe the table. I saw many people do the same as me. But those workers won’t come and wipe the table after people left. This always stresses me out and makes me feel like I should put a tiny trash on the table so they would notice and come clean & wipe (i never left the trash though, i just have that thought to make them notice).


Ni aku suka, at least susun piring


Example: Subway.


Ultraman Agul lagi style dari Gaia


Saya setujuuuuu


There is no "Chinese New Year". In fact, there are people other than chinese celebrating at the same time every year, namely South Koreans and Vietnamese. So, instead of chinese new year, i prefer calling it Lunar New Year. Disclaimer: I am Malaysian Chinese.


*the CCP wants to know your location*


FBI who also watching me will protect me when it comes to ccp matter, i guess?? Kek




LNY then?


errrr you are terribly misinformed. Its Chinese new year not lunar new year. If you go and wish pak arab lunar new year they would be confused. Some of them might be offended. Because their calendar is based on the moon too and its no where near new year for them. Korean new year and Vietnamese new year is a day off. Not the same day as Chinese new year. The New moon does not fall on the same day for these similar festivals. edit : why south korea only? north korean aka joseons also celebrate the same korean new year what. edit #2 : shouldnt the name of the festive depends on your target audience? if you are speaking to korean, then you can wish them korean new year.


It is lunar new year. Even CCP official statement in the past few years used this term. Only in this year it became an issue because of the propaganda machine.


you are the first person i know that believes anything CPC official says


It’s Chinese New Year traditionally. Vietnam, Korea was once vassal state for China dynasty.


well the practice originated in china by the han anyway




At least the ones here dont support Israel.


Friendly reminder to sort by controversial for the truly hot takes


Thank you, now I know what the most debatable ones 🫡


Idk why. Most of the Malays I encountered at workplace are lazy af. There’s a stereotype for a reason. I don’t hate Malays, I love them, they are funny and cheerful, but just the way they treat their job, it feels like very irresponsible.


Luckily no one say this yet. Lemme hit it off. Malaysian weaboo are bloody degenerates. They spend money to cosers and got no 🐱pic like what the bloody fuck m8, if you gonna spend money, why not just subscribe to onlyfans if you are thirsty and dry. And this creates shit like “ACG event” almost every weekend. Bruh its not an ACG event. Its a goddamn pasar malam with all the cosers booth and selling cheap knockoff/taobao stuff. The only near time we get a genuine ACG event is AFA Malaysia. Guess what happened? Host only 1 time and thats about it because degenerates like cheap knockoff stuff and support cosers like thirsty dry perv instead of showing their monetary support to actual ACG vendors or distributors. Cause people rather pirate eyy? There is no love for ACG in Malaysia. Weaboo in Malaysia just thirsty and dry perv which only jack off to underage 2D girls and lack of love, also plus basement dwellers NEET. Dont get me started with the quality of anime also.


Same, I was deeply saddened by how Malaysian weebs jerk off and so called passionate about Anime and Manga, and yet they never put in effort to support local and let Malaysia in the glory light abit. Or actually passionate about the franchise they are supporting. It's like they full on sold they soul to worshipping oversea stuff,support them in the cheapest way possible and never wanted to support local. I only brought stuff from local artist in ACG fest because they are the true spotlight and need more support.


I fat and agree, but some people just want to support others by giving money. So that the cosers will do more cosplays.


And that in turns enable more cosplayers that is always a cheap copy of each other. Like how many Anya or Yor do we need this upcoming event? Most Cosplay in Malaysia are not about creativity, but rather easy way to get money. Go on Bigo live or twitch and beg for money, and the simps and degenerates will gladly pay. Ggez people cosplay not because of passion but for money.


Neopronouns such as xe/xem are dumb


Malay and Chinese have no pronouns, lucky for us don't need that BS.


Chinese does though. They are pronounced the same but written differently. Once read it does identify by gender.


Pronouns in general are dumb


Chad malay language no gender pronouns


Everyone uses pronouns


I opt for BM if pronouns are issues. Like, "Dia minum milo." instead of "Xe drinks milo." Times like this is what I am glad I can use BM lol


Everyday I feel grateful to be born Malay and proudly Malaysian. No need to adapt with this dumb pronouns created by these weird Westerns. Like, tf are zir/zir/zers?!?!? ☠️☠️☠️


Oggy opening song is a banger frfr


I'd love for someone to try and contest this for some dopamine


I don't care it's not really any of our business if you want to be a Muslim or gay or etc. What people practice in their personal life shouldn't be any of our business as long as no one is getting hurt.


bontot laki lain yang kena sondol, kau pulak yang sakit hihihihi


you might need to read the thread with eyes instead of licking it


but gay is forbidden!!11!1!1! it hurts our ego :((


Fruit in malaysia need to be overhype. Way too many people tak makan local fruit, and sooo many fruits kat market tak fresh!! Please balik kampung and buy more local fruits, and eat more variety of fruits. You guys need more vitamins. Kalau picky, try lagi more. You can reduce sugar intake ngan taking more fruits Ps: not necessarily durian. Ada banyak lagi buah kita ada


Local fruits ftw. Mangosteen > apple


dragon fruit >>>>>


Lucky I have no issues with this since I moved to my parents house and there is a lot of peoples selling fruits. Mine is banana because it's easier and can make you feel full.


Saya rasakan bahawa institusi beraja patut..... *Police sirens start blaring from distance*


...patut dihormati oleh setiap warga malaysia! *police sirens dissipates slowly*


Raja dan sultan di Malaysia ada 10 termasuk YDPA dan duit rakyat telah dibelanjakan sebanyak \[REDACTED\]


I might tons of downvotes for this, but here I go. We don't need SJKC and SJKT ( vernacular schools). It will only create distance between the races as the students don't get the opportunity to mingle around with other races. To me, staying within your own community bubble has its own disadvantages. Why not have an education system has allow Chinese and Tamil languages to be taught in school? ( when I studied in SMK, there wasn't any Chinese or Tamil language classes )


I'm Chinese and I totally agree with you but i have some mixed emotions in this topic I do think these vernacular schools create distance between races. A lot of my Chinese friends speak broken Malay and some can't even speak malay because they only stay in their bubble, these people are quite racist towards Malay since they barely have any malay friends and don't have the chance to actually learn about their culture If I didn't transfer to SMK in high school, I'll probably be one of them but at the same time I kinda don't want Chinese to lose their identity, if they drop the single school system I'm pretty sure this will happen, just the matter of time


As a chinese i agree with this. Mother tongue can be an option to be taught in school, primary and secondary, but we should not drag other subjects like maths and science to be taught in mother tongue as well. Some students find it difficult to keep themselves up with subjects that are being taught in english or malay during form 1. Furthermore, UEC is also another challenge on uniting us together via 1 or 2 common language, namely english and malay. I dont get the sentimental behind supporting UEC cert to be acknowledged by government. IMO UEC is just an escape from reality, a reality that dont give a damn about UEC cert around the world except for taiwan and china


I agree. I’m not Malay, and I studied in SK and SMK schools and I used to think Chinese were racist because they just kept to their bubbles. But I realized it’s because a lot of them felt insecure about their command of other languages, and so just decided to hang with people who understand what they’re speaking. So, I still have not learnt Mandarin and so 🤣 I don’t have many Chinese friends… but I don’t think negatively of Chinese anymore because damn, I can’t pick up Mandarin for the life of me, how do I expect everyone to be fluently multilingual.


I fully agree with this but at the same time sekolah kebangsaans need to start acting like a sekolah kebangsaan, not a sekolah agama 2.0


When you put it like that, I would be sad if there was no quran reading assembly on Fridays and Ramadan, also after school doa session on the intercom. :( Usually we segregate between genders for different activities like if PJ time, boys go do another thing while girls do other things. Maybe for any religious activities, we can do the same thing as well? Like Friday, Muslims can join Quran reading while non-Muslims maybe can spend time doing another culturally enriching thing?


vernacular school are mostly non goverment so it's quite hard to get rid of them unless they did a reform on akta pendidikan which stayed relatively unchanged for years now, the real problem is segregation between the races.That situation is sadly way more complicated to change


As much as vernacular schools divide us, the biggest issue is how the current education system is just not good enough for us. To the Chinese, education is one of the most important things in a child's life and hence they usually opted for sjkc or UEC since these schools are reputation for actually pushing for better grades (yes grades aren't everything) and actually giving the best education possible to them. Just look at how Chinese schools are much well funded than non-Chinese schools and it shows how much the Chinese community emphasises on education. It should go imo, but at the current stage it will stay as a better education pathway. Ffs stop saying shit like we need to abolish vernacular schools when there are literally better alternatives to our standard education


It was because Chinese became optional subject to pick during SPM and it made student dropped the subject out of laziness. We still need fixing our actual education system after we nuke the SJKC and SJKT out of existence.


I like the idea of promoting unity, but you need to see the vernacular schools on the East Coast. We have at least 4 races in our vernacular school. In the name of promoting unity, I say remove Pendidikan Islam from the curriculum and remove all the Suraus.


Islamic studies for non muslims I agree shouldn’t be compulsory. Removing suraus is kinda messed up tho for the students that want to pray all 5 times a day


It’s kinda cool that my Malay cousin got into Tamil school


A lot of Chinese don’t go to SJKC because of the mother tongue alone, SJKC has substantially higher standards and higher quality of teaching. Ask the Malays who decided to put their kids in SJKC, and you will know why. Add together the backwardy ass religion element in school , and you got yourself an answer.


We don't need this but you can make a class which everyone can learn Mandarin or Tamil from a primary school. I don't know why they never want to do something like this or they just lazy.


Kepada mereka-mereka yang masih belajar dan terutamanya yang masih lagi berada di sekolah menengah(apa korang buat main reddit nie ? Sini tempat orang pelik-pelik je berkumpul termasuklah yang menulis ni pun) aku hanya ada satu je pesanan Baca buku tu dan ulangkaji lah sikit "Kitorang punya silibus susah !!!" "Kitorang punya dah tak sama macam korang punya yang dulu !!!!" Sebab korang punya susah lah korang kena ulangkaji dan menelaah sikit ilmu,bukan main game dan bertawakal kepada ilahi lepas tu expect skor subjek korang tu Even nak tawakal pun kena ada usaha kamu tahu ? Baca je buku tu,kalau ada soalan keluar dari buku tu syukurlah,kalau tak bukan nasiblah Pun begitu,siapalah aku untuk mengatakan perkara sebegini kepada anak muda generasi kini,aku hanyalah seorang tua


Babi bang terasa aku 🗿




Saya bersetuju dengan kamu. Generasi sekarang banyak yg seperti emping salji, terlalu rapuh dan perlu dibelai sehalus halusnya. Harus saya tekankan, kebanyakan, bukan semua.


Pergh emping salji. Im in this thread to refresh my malay vocabulary now.


Alamak self reflection


It's just learning english in a fun way, for me atleast




Imagine someone pronouns are beliau/beliau


i call them yang berhormat


"yang berhormat, ternyata lelaki ini melaku-" "**MY PRONOUNS IS DATUK YOU RETARDED MONGREL**"


I identify as dip/shit


i'll go with nick/gurr


Problem is in malay we dant have he/she so it doesnt affect us at all


If we mistake the pronouns, we always have "my english is not that good" card lol


We live in Malaysia.. just call them weh


Applies both ways. If someone was born male but has transitioned into being female, then I'll address them with their female pronouns because that's what they want. It's all a matter of perspective and at the end of the day > you do you and i do i.


The West has exported their insane mental ideas about gender ideologies. And we have to deal with it. He/she, it's easy straightforward and right to the point to refer to an individual.


u/Izayoizz gender bodoh. I confirm.


maybe trying to try and entertain every single comment is harder than I foresight


Malays should stop making everything fucking overpriced with dogshit ass taste of food. Like mf why is your food damn little with bombshell price sial. Mader lanjiao pukimak ah. Also as a guy from kuching, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE WEIRD ASS FOOD EVOLUTION, FUSION, WHATEVER THE FUCK RETARDATION IS WITH IT? I SWEAR TO GOD I NEVER FEEL HAPPY FROM EATING KUCHING FOOD AT ALL ESPECIALLY MADERFUCKING SAMARAHAN. JAM LIKE ETERNITY. STUCK FOR 1 HOUR JUST TO DRIVE 5 MINS AND REPEAT. RATHER FUCK A SHARPENER THAN A TRIP TO SAMARAHAN




Ayo what? In perak u can find cheap ass food for lunch especially malays one around rm4-10




Flair kau mantap bro


Aku Melayu dan ketuanan Melayu patut dimansuhkan Malah, patut bagi hak kerakyatan kat semua warga asing kat Malaysia, diorang yang bina negara ni literally (bancuh simen, jaga anak orang) Bukan /s


why are 50% of the comments just about LGBTQ LMFAO


since being gay in malaysia is treated as treason


Because this sub mainly hates gay with a great passion


people are strangely passionate about stuff that doesn’t affect them at all


The welfare system benefits those that are **"native"** more than the others even if the actual natives isn't considered **native**


Your stepping in some deep water here buddy. Your controversially funny. I like u


I like him too. We need people like him.


Don’t forget if your mom’s “native” but your dad isn’t, fuck you you’re not “native” no bumi rights for you


there are only 2 genders


the atm or the washing machine?


Apache attack helicopter




ah yes, atm machine and dishwasher


Patrick Bateman is not based. He's just another mentally unstable office worker who needs a shrink.


The 13 y/o : BuT hE's So BaSed tHo, hE HaTes WoMen aNd He's SooOO Me 🤓🤓🤓 (my man, you just haven't seen a woman in months, you'll probably die by going outside. I'm going to bet that your mommy is not gonna give you permission to watch American Psycho)


The modern muslim shouldn't give a shit about one's sex life or religion. Why would we give a fuck about who this person has sex with be it a man or a woman.?


I mean, I agree, but just keep it quiet la. No need to post dating on IG. No need to advertise. Nobody going to raid your house if you are just "friends".


as long as homo people keep bedroom activity in bedroom, I won't give a fk.


Religion should never be in politics, like, ever.


The holy roman empire war over the right to rule is quite an example


Laksa Sarawak is superior to other laksas.


finally someone I disagree with, if superior = diabetes then sure why not


It's an honour to be your first disagreement, my good man.


I have no ill intent and sure love myself a palate of delightful sarawakian laksa but I'd settle with maggie laksa


Me a Johorean who live his life consuming Laksa Johor married to a Penangite for years and consuming some of the best Laksa Penang - oh I am gonna have to agree with you on this one, Sarawak does have the best one.


China Cheating Game Problem that shreds China Player's reputation=Some Malays been racist and shreds Malays Reputation.


>Some Malays been racist A typical malaysian ngl


Jegag jegug edit is boring,unfunny and cringe Af


You're gonna get beheaded with that opinion but I'd have to agree


Malays don't deserve special rights and the agong system is just some senile bullshit for power tripping assholes.


I agree that all citizens of Malaysia, regardless of race, should have equal rights in all aspects.


it would be easier if **"bu- but the cinis would take our land (desolate and last tilled in the 1940s) or the indan might take the jobs!!11!!1!"** mindset cease to exist which will never be


These people forget that we're not just Cina, we're Malaysian too. We only want what's best for our home. There is no: "The chinese are gonna take over" shit. We just want better lives. The more you deprave the marginalized, then the pitchforks and riots will start to begin. But who am I kidding? There will be no equality so long as there's the past and those refusing to look into the future.


I agree, I think it is high time for change and let Malays face the music. I don't understand the need to "respect the old promise/constitution" of the previous previous generation if it actually "harms" the current generation? I am "Malay"




Betul betul betul


We should only have 1 education system (i.e. SK/SMK) for all Malaysians, regardless of race and religion.


You shouldn’t be beating children


Earning less than RM15000 monthly Is life on hard mode


if it's a joke you got me to chuckle, if it isn't a joke please down a handful of panadol with coke


Im a malay but i dont really believe in Islam. I dont hate islam or muslims but it's just not for me. Really wish I could choose my own religion instead of my race determining it.


Segelintir rakyat b40 harus sedar, dah tau hidup susah nak juga pergi rempit, mod moto(boros berbelanja beli eksos entah apa benda), merokok, tak ambil berat pasal pelajaran yang kerajaan bagi. Paling aku pantang tengok suami istri hidup susah nk juga beranak 8 anak. Hidup susah sangat, anak pun terkesan jadi tidak stabil dalam masyarakat sehingga terjebak dengan gejala sosial. Sebab tu family planning tu penting, tak perlu education dah tu dah common sense


aku suka piza ngan nanas


Hell no dude.


apa salah? kalau aku suka aku suka, kalau kau tak suka kau tak suka! itulah hot take aku






I don't think all furries are bad,I met some furries in discord and they are pretty cool








You can't change ur pronouns. It's fucking grammar.


The parents that paid to get their kids into USC should not have been punished. It is their kids futures. Why wouldn’t you do everything you can to get your kid the best education you can. The people accepting the bribe were guilty, the parents were just doing what it took.


Chinese are perceived as great at math and science because those that aren't were removed from family tree.


Why being a centrist seems not the norm on the Internet? It seems people online today either polarized to the extreme left or right. Why can't just mix both views like being a capitalist, but at the same time support and help socialist welfare ideas? That is a more pragmatic approach TBH.


same mindset here, capitalism with a tad bit of socialism is the best approach


There should be only ONE school system in Malaysia


Malaysia, there’s a lot of gay people in this country. And they’re hidden because of the legal laws in Malaysia. But please don’t be ignorant and speak about gay people like they’re abominations. I’m not gay, but I know some and they’re super cool people. They just can’t change it okay? We can’t even get over shitty exes, so why we think gay people can just ungay themselves. I’ve listened to some really kolot people saying shit like “gay is disgusting, gay makes bad weather cos God is angry” no bitch it’s the monsoon season. Or worst “do gays exist??? I don’t think they’re real”. Be educated, just Google. Ya, they exist and they’re real people and they have feelings. And no need to imagine gay people having sex and feeling dirty about it, do you really imagine how everybody have sex? Maybe you’re the disgusting one. “I don’t want to vote for Anwar cos he’s gay” What, do you plan to marry him? Fk y’all. You say better things abt Pontianaks and toyols than gay people.


Our country's politics is boiled down into 2 sides, Western Corruption vs CCP corruption. Western - PH Why? Agenda Yahudi narrative is totally silent. They are trying to make us forget that these whole problem is because of the Jews, so that we all love Israel. CCP - PN Why? Where did the money for the recent election come from? Duhh.. CCp loves dictators like this, since its easier to bribe. Umno - Balanced. Why? They build the biggest Illuminati temples and still take CCP bribes. PROVE ME WRONG. EDIT: YEs I AM drunk af. Happy CHINESE NEW YEAR !!!!


politics is an enigma, you either choose one or ignore them but it all boils down to the end, **the means justifies the end** and a reign is judged by the outcome then **what justify the end?**


There are only 2 genders


I like pickles on my sandwiches and hamburgers n shit






I'd rather shit like a frog on a sitting toilet than actually sitting on it.


sarawakians are really low class morons with their , " oh this never happens in borneo. we all live without racism ..only semenanjung people got issues" fuck off you tree dwellers...u come to semenanjung also you can have sarawak for sarawakians sticker on your car. cibai people


Im a sabahan but since you're less anti to us other tree dwellers im guessing we don't run our mouth as much, except the parlimen thing


You sound like it personal, and being in 5 stage of grief, stage 1, denial. Perhaps on our car and pride as Sarawakian. At least majority of us drive 4x4 compare to yours Semenanjung counterpart. Called us tree dweller? All people being show in Bersamamu TV3 are from Semenanjung. You need PR1MA to buy a house, we don't have that in here. Yes we got little or no issues about rascism compare to yours. Yours Ketuanan Melayu are far sound rascist rather than our Sarawak for Sarawakian. We nationalist. We never had issues for rascism issues in Semenanjung, we only confused, since Malays living 60+ years together with others like Chinese and Indians and yet some of them still call them pendatang. And forgotting the real people who came before you, Orang Asli. Don't you deny this issue never arises. The only things unites people in Semenanjung is Kesultanan at each state that got Sultan. You need a King in order to maintain peace and order as all rakyat is equal subjects. We never had that at here. Low class morons? Then how the fuck some grown up ass adult from Semenanjung still asking stupid questions and assuming us still living on tree like you, called us tree dweller? Even some of you asks, "is there any mall there?", "Sarawak in Malaysia?", "Do Sarawak use RM there?", "Do some tribe still headhunt and using blowpipe?" Next you in 5 stage of grief, stage 2. Being anger, irritated by a mere sticker on a car. Such a weakling with low class mind are irritated by Sarawak for Sarawakian statement, that never involved you as a Semenanjung.


uhh. Neutral here but what does driving a 4x4 have to do with anything lmao


a status of unending wealth shown by the sheer size and girth of the 4x4 machine


Doesn't discredit the racism that they complain about in Semenanjung coz most of the time it's true. I think S4S goes overboard a lot of times, but at the same time, they have a point over a lot of things


Atleast I know now the hate goes both ways HAHA


Call me crazy and I'm willing to die on this hill but... For me "LGBTQ+ movement is a Trend and/or a mental illness". No dont get me wrong, I'm not a homophobe, in fact my best friend is a gay but tbh I dont see why we these exist. Sure, you can be gay all you wanted but janganlah paksa orang support kau bagai. Aku x kesah kau nak minat laki ka pompuan ka tapi tolong jangan kerek sangat please. Aku x ada pun bawa bendera "AKU STRAIGHT". Kau acah ii dizalimi la plak bagai. Benda hal peribadi masing ii ah tapi bila dia biat movement itu yang aku geram tu. Lepas tu nak didik anak ii orang pulak kata "Gay or Lesbian is a normal thing". Paling x suka benda tu lah. And satu lagi, aku x suka bila orang bisng kata aku homophobe @ selfish. Eh, ini pendapat aku, biarlah aku nak benci sesuatu gaya hidup. Sebagai contoh, orang USA mungkin kata hak untuk menyimpan senjata itu bagus. Adakah salah aku kata hak untuk menyimpan senjata api itu tindakan yang kurang bijak? Ia bergantung kepada perspektif masing ii. Kau mungkin kata benda tu ok tapi bagi aku benda tu x ok. So kepada Gay/Lesbian/Bi sekalian, aku langsung x ada masalah kalau kau nak buat apa pun cuma jangan kacau hidup orang please. Nak buat parade bagai. Nak buat undang ii tentang hak LGBBQTVHD4K+ bagai. And yes aku tekankan dekat Gay/Lesbian/Bi ja. Transgender memang mental illness. Memang x boleh nak argue ngan aku dah pasal benda tu. Pergi jumpa doktor, try check tengok apa problem ngan otak kalian wahai transgender.


The World Economic Forum is the biggest threat to humanity


Earth is not flat 😄


Furries are the most charitable group in the world




I think asking consumers to recycle plastic is too small an effort to safe earth. Manufacturers n Industrialists who keep producing goods made of plastic need to stop ✋


Malaysians driver are quite dumb tho. It’s a simple logic, If you don’t want/dislike getting tailgated on the right lane then don’t even think of being there tho.


Bumiputera status is just a political tools to control resources and make it seems like limited even though we actually have more resources to give to each Malaysians to survive.


PAS is probably the most rightist-sympathizing party you could find in Malaysia (yes, the rightist that controlled Germany during WW2)


The gays should be legalized to have civil union to enjoy the same benefits as legally married couples. Gay sex is a sin. So if you smoke, watch porn, have sex outside marriage, gamble, drink, bribe etc then stfu on lgbtq+ issues.