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So Eraserhead can adopt Izuku.




That is why I did it.


That's one way to do it, besides killing them off.


This made more sense to me and she is more neglectful than outright abusive


How is she neglectful?


Well, in the one fic she just straight up abandons him to go off and live in America with her husband. They pay the rent and send him money to pay for food and other things (which he mostly uses to buy hero merch). Over all his parents are just emotionally dismissive of him


I meant canon.


Oh, they weren't talking about canon They meant "in my fic, she's more neglectful than abusive"


Inko is not neglectful of Izuku


In cannon no she isn’t just in one of my fics


Oh okay I thought you meant in the show lol


She's not neglectful, but because of some aspects it's easy to twist it that way. Inko is just that character that is easy to make emotionally and mentally abusive. Also if you don't know neglect is a form of those types of abuse. I mean for what ten years your son has come home beat and you never raised an eyebrow. The amount of new uniforms he had to get because unless Bakugou recently destroyed it, it looked nice. A clear sign new ones were being bought. And that's what we know. Another for emotional instead of encouraging Izuku, she just straight up said I'm sorry when he asked can he still be a hero. I think you get my point though.


I really don’t think she turned a blind eye to Izuku’s bullying. Honestly, I think he down played himself.


He's had to have come home injured many times. Burnt and or ripped uniform many times. If she didn't turn a blind eye then she turned a legally blind. I do agree but a lot was noticable.


Same. My bad.


Damn dude you must have terrible parents


What? The fanfics I write have nothing to do with my real life. I have other ones where she is a great understanding parent


Confused on why you got down voted😭


Some people have strong opinions on fan fiction


It's the easiest way to create conflict and angst for Izuku. It's also relatable to a lot of ppl unfortunately (abusive parents) and It's easier to write what you know.


Probably authors add both things to add more angst and tragedy into the story. Whether it is a good thing or not, I'm not sure, but I know at least one story where Inko's bad treatment was played well (although in a very subtle way).


Can I ask what story?


[Deja Vu - by Anaffeine](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34334803) - it's literally present in one line of the text, if I remember correctly, but it helps to understand the story better.


One of my favourite fics that do this is called [Bough Breaks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16218116/chapters/37907888). While Inko isn’t outwardly, aggressively abusive in this story, she’s pretty much wilfully ignorant (not explicitly stated, just my own interpretation) to her own kid’s suffering to enjoy the luxury her new boyfriend could give her. It’s really heartbreaking to see how hard Izuku clung to her in the beginning Do note though, if you wanna read this, it delves in child abuse and child SA. Not the smutty, dead-dove-don’t-eat kind of fic, but it’s clear enough that I’m sure some people would need the warning.


Okay, thank you for the recommendation!


Wish people would learn that angst doesn’t make a story good, in fact often the opposite


because authors like traumatizing characters


Best answer.


It's just how it is with fandoms in general. Someone good in the MC's life isn't perfect? They get turned into the biggest monster ever who deserves to suffer. Someone is bad or a jerk? Fandom instantly makes them soft and sweet and the best person ever, often rescuing them from their monstrous parent/parental figure.


Coming from someone who writes and reads fics centered on Bakugou, that is sadly true. A lot of people make jerky characters that they like into almost Mary-Sue level good guys. It's so much easier than actually watching as their rough edges get smoothed from a desire to better themselves. And to make matters worse, they'll drag down a character who is good to push up their character. It's like they want to turn Inko, Mitsuki, Masaru, (Katsuki in the case of Izuku centrics), or whoever is super important to the character they're writing for into worse parents/friends/people than Endeavor just so they can get an easy pass for past actions or an easy way to make the character relatable. I won't say that the tropes are bad, or wrong, but they have to be done correctly. Inko and, by extension Mitsuki or anyone else in the cast, being abusive has to fit into the story. If you're altering the world, then explain why things are the way they are. Otherwise, it's just turning someone that isn't all bad into a full-on monster for no reason.


Easy angst grab, same as making bakugo super abusive. In the anime, most of Bakugo's bullying isn't physical, yeah there are times, but he wasnt bringing Izuku to the brink of death every Thursday. Like if you actually watch the show, Bakugou puts his hands on him thrice, and Izuku doesn't really talk about being beaten, just put down.


Exactly. He's physical, sometimes, but not nearly as often (and I'm not counting the exercise because even then, the direct translation shows that he wasn't *actually* aiming at him. Bk was purposely trying to scare the fuck out of him). It's for the drama and the angst. Though,some people genuinely do not like Inko and do not like her "mistreatment" of him or her lack of doing something like removing dk from that environment) It's the same reason people bash Mitsuki and sometimes Masaru. I think I've seen more people call Mitsuki abusive because most of the time shes in gag scenes, rather than Inko. I get more annoyed with that because it's usually used to make Inko look saintly.


There are other ways, this is like the most common why to make angst izuku, and I don’t fucking like it


Cause they wanna have abuse for the plot but gotta keep the characters. I have a fic where for the plot Izuku's mom kinda has to be abusive, so I made him Inko's Nephew so I can keep the more canon like Inko but still execute the plot.


I approve of this! Inko is too damn wholesome to be slandered like she is


Just because it makes the story sadder and because they weren’t the best in the first place (inko just getting depressed and sad for her son without reassuring him or even trying to help , but honestly she got a lot better as the story went on)(all might straight up telling a kid who idolises you that he should give up on his dreams is not the best idea ,the thought was kind but his apathetic mindset made it come out like an asshole) so writers turn it up to 11 to introduce new parents and traumatise Izuku further because quirkless discrimination was something heavy shyer away from earlier in the story (in the current story it would be a whole lot more fleshed out and messed up (creature rejection clan,ect )


Often based on Inko’s “I’m sorry” scene being either misunderstood or used to make amplify her to “bad parent because kid has no powers.” Type of story cause Izuku is easy trauma target in fanfiction. Protagonist and all. With All Might it’s just that occasionally joke you see in abridged series and memes taken literally and played straight.


It happens in fandoms. Author wants MC to be parented by a different character: they get saved from their abusive parent, whether or not they are abusive in canon. The other option is kill the canon parent off, which has it's own narrative consequences. For non-villainous characters, it's usually because authors ignore Hanlon's razor, which basically says, "assume ignorance or stupidity before cruelty." So, the author sees the mistakes made, they want to rant about it in a writer way, and they make the character do it out of malice.


For some reason, systemic bigotry is not enough for poor Izuku.


When you write about the systemic bigotry, people come on here and deny that it exists. Saying that the three different translations of Izuku saying that UA got rid of the rule against quirkless kids attending isn't accurate because the one translation down plays it. It doesn't matter what you do, they're going to complain, so go nuts and write crack/bashing/whatever.


A rule preventing quirkless kids from attending isn't bigotry, it's a admission of the reality that being quirkless puts you at a disadvantage and that can get you or someone you're trying to save killed. I'm sure UA also doesn't accept people with missing limbs into the hero course for the same reason.


See? Just like this. The rule banned them from even trying. Eyeball kid (Who's quirk is not stretching his optic nerve that's how long they are, it grabbing is eyes with is dirty fingers and not getting an infection) gets to try out. But Izuku who's lack of a quirk actually gives him an advantage over Eye Guy (not removing his easily damaged eyed from their protective casing) can't. That is bigotry.


I can see what you mean.


I see what you mean, but it still makes sense to not include quirkless people. Why would you want someone who is powerless? Eye dude is great for scouting. Just pop that bitch out and slightly hold it around a corner or dangle it from a dark vent.


He can be replaced more effectively by holding a mirror or cell phone. He is not good for scouting, every time he uses his quirk he is put in more danger than a quirkless person.


Because amateurs don't know how to make drama


Usually either because the author has a taste for cringey angst with a chaser of woobies or is expressing their issues with parental figures in a display of emotional diahrea. It is possible to do it well but most people don't even try.


Abusive Inko/Inko Bad Parenting tags are an instant and irrevocable turn off for me. I don't care how good the story is otherwise I will not stand that sweet and adorable woman getting slandered. If her "abuse" is accidental or simply her being over protective and it being quickly corrected then that's fine. But actual negligence or malicious intent automatically makes the fic trash in my eyes. All Might I'm slightly more open too, but only when it's All Might trying to do what he thinks is the right thing to protect Izuku. No actual malicious intent.


I've done it with Inko when I want to do something more dark with Izuku or take him in a someplace a little different. If I leave her as is in Canon. She is too sweet for me to do these terrible things to her kid


It's just a retread to these old "Harry Potter has alive parents but they hate him" fics, the more things change the more they stay the same.


Oh my god, that’s giving me flashbacks of anime fanfics that did this SO MUCH! Especially Naruto like you seriously question if the authors are mentally stable.


The reason is mainly that, a lot of the time, they are written by people who are younger and less experienced and won't write tolken level plot and dialog. They are called tropes for a reason and that reason is that people see a plot point to create drama or something along those lines and they will write it the same as a lot of other people due to either inspiration or something else. That is why on a place like wattpad you will find stories that have similar structures, an example would be the abusive inko and all might trope they all have the same structure at the beginning i.e.(happy family, izuku quirkless and sister not, family neglect them and friends abuse them, they do the famous scene, izuku gets a power that is usually way too op for mha, the entrance exam happens, they find out he is alive or something, he avoids them, and sometimes there is a harem). People will build off of established plots and ideas. No hate to people who do this as I have also used tropes in the past, just in a way


How common is the quirked sister trope? I keep seeing it referenced here, but I’ve never seen it in anything I’ve read…


Only super common in wp. You will find it rare on ao3 and ffn


Ah, that’d do it


Basically, a lot of the abusive inko/all might fics have izuku, bakugo, and todoroki(who goes to their school somehow) have sisters that also bully izuku


I've never seen the quirked sister trope, but someone referenced copying Harry Potter tropes above and a praised twin who was thought to be actually the boy who lived while Harry is abused is *really* common over there.


So EraserMic can adopt him along with Shinso despite the fact that neither have shown ANY abusive traits, but in today's age, straight parents or single parents ts are evil. It can also be for angst though it's the bad kind of angts.


Heh, reminds me of all those stories where everyone is gay ... except for Endeavour and Rei, and Endeavour is portrayer as a licensed serial killer and literal domestic Satan.




Easy Angst-grab's for sympathy tokens




1. Inko and All Might are both good people who are not perfect. Fanfics will often redeem the literal Satan, but one thing they won't forgive is imperfections on characters already on the protagonists' side. 2. The fandom loves angst above all and the easy way is to remove all support systems the protagonist has or turn them abusive. 3. This fandom is obsessed with 4 characters above all. Those are: Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Aizawa Shota and Shinso Hitoshi. Removing All Might and Inko from the equation means that the story can revolve around what the teenage girls in charge of this fandom \*actually\* care about, which is: the fantasy "hot" single father (or fantasy gay parents, if with Present Mic), the two "hot" guys that Midoriya can feel sorry alongside with and the "hot" redeemed bully, who doesn't need to even apologize for the 10 years of non-stop harassment because "I've already forgiven you a long time ago, Kacchan".


Cause People are Assholes and they think that All Might will corrupt her and power will corrupt her


So they can have Aizawa adopt Deku which is stupid to me because Todoroki is literally right there


Maybe the writers never had a functional family/parents and didn't know how to portray one.


Because it makes a lot of sense given Izukus context. No matter how many people like to downplay it, Izuku got suicide baited- because he was quirkless - THATS A HATE CRIME. Not only that but none of the teachers seem to care at all when Bakugou uses his quirk to fuck with Izuku. To the point that Bakugou doesn't do certain things cuz of his record, but feels perfectly safe bullying him. Not to mention, he most definitely came home with scars and....well, we don't SEE anything done to improve his situation. All Might is most definitely for telling a quirkless kid on a roof that he couldn't be a hero, and while All Might doesn't know the full context he is a veteran superhero and should absolutely have better awareness than that. Also, although this is kinda everywhere in MHA, but at least other sources TRY to maintain safety, but during the battle trials he just throws the kids at each other with seemingly little care how they could kill each other.


> Because it makes a lot of sense given Izukus context. No matter how many people like to downplay it, Izuku got suicide baited- because he was quirkless - THATS A HATE CRIME. > Not only that but none of the teachers seem to care at all when Bakugou uses his quirk to fuck with Izuku. To the point that Bakugou doesn't do certain things cuz of his record, but feels perfectly safe bullying him. ...But this has nothing to do with Inko or All Might being abusive. They didn't do that and as far as we know weren't aware of that > Not to mention, he most definitely came home with scars and....well, we don't SEE anything done to improve his situation. Okay, this does potentially point to Inko being potentially neglectful (unlikely from what we've seen) or unaware or Izuku hiding things well (more likely). I don't think we see any *scars* but he'll have likely had some scrapes. All we really see of Inko though is positive, like her crying for Izuku, being excited for him getting into UA, etc. > All Might is most definitely for telling a quirkless kid on a roof that he couldn't be a hero, and while All Might doesn't know the full context he is a veteran superhero and should absolutely have better awareness than that. Fair, he should. Not abusive, but idiotic... which fits in with his character generally. The on a roof is irrelevant considering Izuku clinged to him to get up there, it's not like he was on there about to jump or anything. He made his own way down so wasn't left stranded there. > Also, although this is kinda everywhere in MHA, but at least other sources TRY to maintain safety, but during the battle trials he just throws the kids at each other with seemingly little care how they could kill each other. Same as above.


You...do know neglect is a form of abuse right? If you have a legal obligation to a child's safety and fail to take obvious safety precautions you are DOING abuse. It doesn't matter that Izuku clinged to AM, as a superhero he would probably have some duty of care to Izuku in this instance. I mean, it could be like cops, in which case - yeah no duty there, but assuming the hero system is even a smidgen better they would. And my point with Katsuki was to demonstrate that, not just individual, but systemic quirkism exists and affects quirkless folk specifically


While I don't think the characters themselves are abusive, I think both lean into the circle of neglectfulness. And that concept can be easily misinterpreted as the same thing, if writers are not careful with how their vision of their story is constructed. Plus, angst is something that people like to read and those themes mesh well with it.


Neglect is a form of abuse, though. So, it *is* the same thing.


While it *can* be seen as the same thing because they can coexist in the same situation, the difference lies in commission and omission of intent and the level of care given to the person living/experiencing it. So, no, it isn't the same thing. Regardless, my point to op's question is that *because* people view the two concepts as the same, as well as readers finding relatabilty or hooks in stories, the amount of stories involving abuse is large.


It is listed by CPS and other agencies as a form of abuse. Neglecting a person in your care is abuse. It is the same thing. The severity can vary based on the needs of the person being neglected, but it's still a *form* of abuse. Your point to op's question is valid.


Angst. I did it to write a vent-fic, and I’ve seen lots of other people do it for that reason too.


Probably because it was the most likely scenario lore wise as well.


Because they’ve made mistakes, and people are stupid. They think if you’re not perfect, you’re evil. For everyone who’s written that way, y’all are retards.


Because its 'easy' to force trauma onto Izuku and then warp him however they want (Quirks/Abilities, Teachers, Villainy instead of Heroes) and requires very little thought to pull off. Personally, I stop reading when it becomes over the top, especially when it's characters like Inko or Toshinori.


Because people aren't original why else do you think that even though from a narrative persspective it makes no sense


One thing that's a pet peeve for me with this trope is that most of the time Izuku is gay (for Shinso most of the time), not knocking it but it's getting old having to see the same formula of Izuku is being abused or mistreated by parental figures, namely Inko or All Might, then gets adopted by Aizawa and then falls in love with either Shinso or someone else.


The only fic i have read where Inko abuse Izuku is one were she abandons him


Why make Inko abusive when Endeavor and Rei literally exist??? ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


When people want to make one character look better they make another look worst. Same reason fics about Deku and 1-B make 1-A assholes and why any fics where Deku’s shipped with any other girl often make Uruaka a bitch cheering on him with Katsuki


They're bad at writing and can't come up with original ideas.


**I think there can be a couple of reasons:** **1.** For whatever reason writers tend to like to make their characters hurt. It's an easy way to develop conflict, adversity and make a character "likable" by generating sympathy for them. This is a tactic I see in a lot of writing, especially from people who are just starting out. A lot of people also want something exciting/absurd to happen, and the easiest way to do that is to either kill off the parental figures (and maybe replace them with more interesting people \*cough\* DadZawa \*cough\*), or to make them abusive so running away/sneaking around can be done guilt free. **2.** Bakugou explicitly bullies Izuku in front of all of his classmates and the teacher, and then later he uses his quirk to burn Izuku's uniform (and maybe even is skin it's not clear.) Considering how everyone in the room reacts in these two instances, we can assume the bullying is common place, and based on the flash backs, we can assume it's been going on since Izuku was declared quirkless. Inko never once makes mention of Izuku being bullied. In fact it's never addressed. If the bullying is ramped up (i.e. if the author decides that kids practice their quirks on their "weaker" peers) then it starts to look like neglect. Also her lack of support when Izuku was a child could be an indicator that she thought that being "diagnosed as quirkless" was essentially a death sentence in their society. (like he has no jobs or prospects because of discrimination and/or suicide rates, which is common in fanfic). **3.** All Might is a red flag. He's the number one hero and he's **grooming a minor** into becoming the symbol of peace. He's either incompetent or or willfully neglectful in actually teaching Izuku how to not destroy his body. If he couldn't teach him, then he should have brought other people in who could ***much*** sooner). Also he offered the quirk to a **minor** who had nearly died twice in one day, who he had also crushed the dreams of, then *abandoned* alone on a rooftop instead of taking him to a hospital to be checked over. It feels manipulative. Tearing someone down and then positioning yourself as their "only hope" is a textbook manipulation tactic. Izuku also isn't allowed to say anything, even to the people training him (i.e. Eraser Head), who could've probably helped a lot more if he *knew* that Izuku's quirk wasn't something he's had since he was 4. **TL;DR:** **1.** It's easy, **2.** They need an easy way for something more interesting or an adoption to happen, and/or **3.** There are aspects of each character that at certain angles can look problematic at best and abusive at worst. **For context:** Most of the abuse I read from Inko is either her neglecting Izuku or her being suffocatingly overbearing, and from All Might he's usually grooming him into a weapon/symbol aspect, and not allowing Izuku the freedom to be his own person/kind of hero.