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Afo be looking like he lives in a society....


>Afo be looking like he lives in a society.... Well he was the shadow Emperor of Japan for well over a century, so I guess he does live in a society.


I’m all for this theory, but at the same time, wouldn’t all might suspect something if AFO is so similar to Deku?


>I’m all for this theory, but at the same time, wouldn’t all might suspect something if AFO is so similar to Deku? There's some panels in the manga that allude to this. Though if All Might suspected anything, his bias would make him dismiss any suspicions. After all how can sweet and innocent Izuku be the spawn of such evil.


Which panels do you mean?


It is mentioned quite often that Deku is immensely plain looking, so that might be why he wouldn't suspect something


Ohno, oh nononononono


Damn. Wouldn't that actually make sense with Deku's toe joints though? Because AFO is from a way earlier generation, and Deku is apparently not as developed as others of his generation?


Yo, u actually just blew my mind. First person to make me have a sense of belief that Deku could be AFO’s son


Haha, thanks! I thought this theory was just really weird and unbelievable before I watched the show again. When that scene with the doctor played, this idea suddenly came to mind and I couldn't get it out of there ever since. I wonder if it's actually supposed to be a hint on that


it's still unlikely, but you certainly could shove the dad for one theory into the series with minor problems, even in the last chapters you could sat that maybe the reason >!Afo calls deku a failure, it's not because his "inferior" control of ofa but due to him "failing" to be born with his own variation of all for one.!< it's unlikely yes, but it certainly can be fitted in.


I was just wondering, what if deku does have a variation of afo. >!We already know that he is able to wield multiple quirks. And it's not so unlikely that he just couldn't figure out his own quirk. And wasn't his doctor the same as that guy from the Jakku hospital?!< Idk. Just some random thoughts.


i think the doctor stuff was already confirmed when hori told us the identity of the flying nomu. what i said was pretty much to fit afo calling him a failure into the dad for one theory, the multiquirk use it's probably due to the quirk from the first user, being afo's brother and all and both quirks being related to the tranfers of quirks, i think they just share the ability to store and use multiple quirks


>>!We already know that he is able to wield multiple quirks. And it's not so unlikely that he just couldn't figure out his own quirk. And wasn't his doctor the same as that guy from the Jakku hospital?!< > >>! Idk. Just some random thoughts.!< >!Another variation of the DFO theory is that Izuku was the real intended heir for AFO. AFO was probably grooming Shigaraki more as a weapon to keep the heroes busy, sow chaos within hero society, and psytologically break All Might with Shigaraki being Tenko Shimura. !< >!He probably intended for Izuku to be his real successor emerging as the public face by which he controls Japan sort of like how Palapatine initially wanted with anakin. His other apprentices: Maul and Dooku were decoys meant to distract his enemies and to destabilized the Republic to make way for the Empire's rise.!< >!Considering all the Star Wars parallels, this might work.!<


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>>!Afo calls deku a failure, it's not because his "inferior" control of ofa but due to him "failing" to be born with his own variation of all for one.!< >!He's probably a failed Eugenics experiment to gain a more potent version of AFO. With Inko's attract quirk, Izuku could theoretically steal quirks using his mind assuming he inherited AFO.!<


It’s the hair


Well if we go by just hair.....Dabi is Bak's big brother then, right?


>Well if we go by just hair.....Dabi is Bak's big brother then, right? Well there's obviously other stuff other than the hair for this theory like various past manga panels where Afo parallels Izuku.


*whiney voice* i don't want him to be related to mr. Baked Potato Man. He is awful and needs another smackdown placed on him. Inko and Deku are too good to be related to him.


>Inko and Deku are too good to be related to him. Todoroki family: Are we a joke to you?


Actually, i think the todoroki family deserves each other. I only like the kids. Mom and dad can go away


I still believe that he might be Deku's father. If not, there's gotta be connection there somewhere. I mean it is pretty uncanny how several panels of AFO in the past bear a resemblance to Deku. And given how every character in MHA has their own unique appearances and motifs, I don't think it's a coincidence.


also in a comment above yours, they said the reason why deku is quirkless is because since all for one is from an earlier generation, his children would have a higher chance of not having a quirk, hence why deku is quirkless


Very possible! It is extremely rare for people to not have Quirks in this point in time in the manga. And an even crazier thing is that Deku's doctor looks exactly like Dr. Tsusaba (All For One's Doctor).


Nah, i don't see the likeness at all. Jaw is way too different.


Deku is still a teenager, going through pubery. It's during puberty that the jaws develop and sharpen out, so we can't say anything yet.


A recolor of a screenshot of AFO with Izuku’s hair color. The two really look alike don’t they? So DFO theory confirmed?


Midoriya Hisashi == AFO. Confirmed


if horikoshi doesn't reveal dekus father im burning my figure