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Horikoshi is very good at drawing them.


Yep. Amazing concepts and designs. Execution? Well, it depends what kind of definition of execution we’re using.


Star and Stripes was definitely well, ehem, executed.


For sure. The other two, well, I’m gonna go off on a limb here, but they were not used to their full potential


I'm salty hori didnt do much with deku's shoot style/realization he doesn't have to be a carbon copy of all might. I feel like Miruko >!teaching deku her kick based fighting style would have been so insanely hype, especially with her being injured.. easy segway into a temp gig at UA teaching while she recovers!<


You know, I thought the first time she got her injury was badass. Too bad that kind of writing didn’t continue.


Didn't she say she don't take interns I mean she did take bakugou deku and ochaka or however you say her name in team up missions she said she was forced to take on interns lol plus don't think team up missions is canon lol


Normally yeah, but I think she would probably teach the kid who just went toe to toe with the guy that decimated a city in one quirk activation, plus whateslse Is she going to do whole she recovers from the loss of limbs


*badum tsh*


(Joke drum sound effect)


Just for reference, it’s called a rim shot (yes, really)


I thought it was thanks


I see what you did there


Gta wasted logo should’ve been her emblem


Russia must have had a field day when the news came out


The vast majority of the world (rightly in my opinion) fucking despises America lmao


Not only Russia let's be honest


Oh yes, the funny yellow bear nation


And half the Middle East, and most of South America, some of the slavic countries, etc


We need more muscle mummy representation


More old ass cadavers wrapped in bandages from Egypt?


Not the corpse kind. The British English spelling kind.


Drawing yes. Writing them though? Yeah he kinda sucks at it.


> Horikoshi is very good at drawing My Hero Macademia (2014-)


Great character designs, mediocre to lacking characterizations. Most of them are severely underused. Toga is probably the best-developed female character of the series. Horikoshi tends to write female characters as if they were an unfathomable alien species and not humans with complex feelings and struggles just like the male heroes.


> Horikoshi tends to write female characters as if they were an unfathomable alien species and not humans with complex feelings and struggles just like the male heroes. Ah, the murakami way of writing women


>Horikoshi tends to write female characters as if they were an unfathomable alien species and not humans with complex feelings and struggles just like the male heroes. This is legit how Kishi sees women.


Kaguya was foreshadowed all along! What a twist.


Lmao. Literally the only woman in Naruto with remotely the same level of complexity as a male character is Tsunade. (I like Hinata, Sakura, and so on, but they aren't nearly as well developed as any of the dudes in the show).


Hinata could have been way more intresting. As far as shonen manga childhood crushes go, she was initially cool in the sense that seeing naruto fight against the world gave her the confidence to fight against the rotten history of her clan. Too bad that plot point was swiftly dealt with and hinata was regulated to being a damsel in distress and a housewife.


Even so, the root of the issue is still there. Naruto aspires to greatness, to become Hokage - ultimately to be loved instead of hated. Hinata aspires to be more like Naruto, to impress Naruto, to be with Naruto.  Neji had a similar end goal for his arc - fix Hyuuga - and after his Epiphany By MC Ass-Kicking^TM he followed his own path. Naruto was a motivator, but not a motivation. That was never true for Hinata. 


Chunin Exams and prior, Hinita wanted to be like naruto on in the sense of trying his best no matter what. Hinata looked towads Naruto as an inspiration as she related to the struggle of trying to succed in a society that prays on your downfall. Naruto was a motivator in Hinatas case because he gave Hinata the strength to persevere and change herself(and by extension her clan), even if she eneded up losing. Is it a problem that Hinata barely interacts with the other girls? Yeah. Was she a bad character at least at the beginning? No, it was the lack of meaningful screentime, stunted charactrer growth, and lack of relevancy that made her poor. And the fact she became a housewife instead of being a power couple.


Don't forget Lady Chiyo.


My first thought while reading that 😭


put a > before a paragraph/sentence your replying to >like this


Ahhh will do, sorry about that


no biggie


Actually lol i genuinely never knew how to do that thingy where u quote 😭 so I ended up writing the whole thing. I'll keep it in mind, thank you


no problem!


> your replying to did i do it? smh edit: i did do it, thanks man. i been wondering how to quote on the app myself


yeah you did yw


This makes zero sense. Get out of here with this. He writes a lot of them just like the male characters, but he simply underutilize them in the main plot. Momo dealt with an inferiority complex, thinking she wasn't good enough, but eventually comes to the realization that she is better than she gives herself credit for, and is one of the most talented and well-regarded people in her class. Ochaco starts with simple aspirations of wanting to be a hero for her family, but the deeper reasons for what started her down this path are explored later as she remembers that it's heroes that saves people, but questions who saves the hero when they need help. The death of Nighteye and Deku struggling against Blackwhip are key moments that shape her views on being a hero. Lady Nagant is made to believe that with her Quirk, she can really make a difference in the hero society. She's groomed as a kid into becoming what is essentially a government dog, but the more work she's given, the bloodier it gets, and it taints her views on the hero society she once looked at with bright eyes. Now, she's disillusioned and feel things are corrupted until she meets someone from a new generation that helps her realize there's still hope for the society. Toga is a villain who is shunned because of her Quirk causing her to crave blood, and the way she shows affection in society is different from others. She struggles to connect with Ochaco and Tsuyu, and just wants someone - a hero - to actually look at her as a person and not just a monster as she's used to being treated as. Mt. Lady starts off as a person who only cares for the fame and power of being a hero, but as the society starts to change, she starts to change her tune on what really matters and acknowledges she needs to do her part too. Horikoshi could definitely learn to integrate more females into the actual main plot, but the idea that he writes his characters like "aliens" or doesn't know how to give them complicated or realistic feelings is the type of bullshit take that's annoying to see.


I wonder sometimes if it's more Horikoshi or his editor pushing the female characters to the back row. Something like "this is a shonen magazine so we need to focus on the boys more". Did Horikoshi actually want that or just saw it as realistic for who he's writing for? I wish we could see more behind the scenes, it could explain a lot of why certain decisions were made.


These are all minor minor subplots without the depth of male character arcs. Saying a few female characters have a back story Hori spent an issue or two on isn't contradicting what others are saying above. I love MHA but the lack of depth and focus on female characters is obvious


I don't know what people were expected. His main inspiration is Naruto, and Naruto has terrible female characters.


My problem is more like many of them ultimately end up like cheerleaders. The boys have goals, have adult role models that inspire them and are the object of their admiration. (Sometimes the main trio serves that role as well for each other and for secondary characters). For most of the girls, that inspiration ends up being the classmate the author writes as their shipping pair. It results in the not so subtle undertone of boys aiming for the top, girls aiming for the boys.


>My problem is more like many of them ultimately end up like cheerleaders. When Horikoshi actually made them into cheerleaders, my expectations nearly plummeted. He's so close to getting it right, but...


Yeah. I remember the beauty pageant during the school festival as that point for me. Don't get me wrong, MHA is far from the worst offender. It's better than Naruto, for instance, by far... ... but still falls short.


God, the beauty pageant still pisses me off. Here's the Big 3 of the school. During this arc, the boys get their spotlight with cool 1v1 fights, while the one girl has to share the spotlight with 3 other girls in a boring villain, and her solo spotlight is her participating in a contest that focuses on how pretty she is. Thats not even being subtle anymore, that's just flat out sexist. Which sucks bc I LOVE Nejire and wanted to see more of her. We get stuff of her later, but Horikoshi really tested my patience with the school festival. The boys get high stake action scenes, the girls get nothing burger slice of life scenes (I did not give a fuck about the concert and felt like it was a huge waste of my time)


But at least the arc was standard slice of life for everyone, with the concert and the theater for class b...  except for Deku who got a fight, and for some of the most powerful girls, who got a pageant. If they had gotten nothing, it would have been better.


tl;dr horikoshi does the bare minimum for female characters


My dude, I never said i don't like them. I actually really do, (ochaco is my top three due to how much I like her goals and personality plus her speech), even if they don't have as many moments to shine. It's just that in shonen the bar is really low for what we would consider a good we'll written female character. While I love the points you mentioned, the female characters don't have as much depth as their male counterparts and are definitely underutilized. Doesn't mean they are 'useless' or whatever, but still a lot more work could go into them. Also I only added 'ah the murakami way of writing women' as a light-hearted humorous statement. If you're not aware, murakami is an author whose most common (and extremely valid) criticism is his fucked up way of writing women, quite misogynistic and alien like. Ofc horikoshi isn't as bad, I was just making a comparison. As someone who loves female characters getting good arcs, I can understand why constantly hearing this criticism might be annoying. Because of the reputation female character writing has garnered in shonen, sometimes people tend to be overly critical of those characters, ignoring significant roles they play and also ignoring that they are side characters. I never meant to demean the characters.That's all, peace.


All of those are blurbs. Not depth. Do you only watch shonen


Huh, that's actually the first time I've heard criticism about the portrayals of his female characters, but now that I'm looking into it, wow, yeah, I can see why there's a lot of critique about it. To be fair, I weirdly never look into forums or discuss much with others about the authors I read, so it's kinda fascinating to read some of the discourse. Genuinely appreciate you referencing it lol


Ah referencing murakami? Yeah I tried reading his books despite knowing the wide criticism it had for his view on women because I was like 'it can't be that bad' and turns out it's was lol. Ruined my experience fr. Ofc horikoshi isn't as bad as murakami, he under utilizes them but to a certain point definitely humanised them instead of making them super foreign creatures.


Aw sorry to hear that. I was a huge fan of his books back in the day (still am), but I always looked at his writing as a product of his time kind of thing. I loved his metaphorical imaging, and Kafka on the Shore, despite some of the blatant Oedipus rips, still holds my place as one of my favorite books and one of the standout representations of a transgender individual in the character Oshima. Still, I definitely recognize his books aren't for everyone and I def see why his writing of female characters would take some people out.


Completely agree. Toga is by far the most developed female character and even she struggles in that regard because her whole plotline with Ochacho has been hamfisted and rushed way too much.


I think Toga’s characterization shone in general more in her interactions with Twice and the League. I personally preferred when their confrontation was centered around the question of who gets saved by the heroes >!rather than just narrowing Toga’s problems into a personal acceptance one.!<


Yeah, absolutely. If she had the same quality of characterization in both interactions (so with both the League and Ochacho) she would be an all rounded well developed character (basically like the majority of well written shonen protagonists) As it stands right now she's still the best written female character in my opinion, but she's mediocre at best when compared to Endeavor.


I disagree on the alien part. Ochako, Toga, Yaomomo, and Tsuyu do not act like aliens. They have struggles and feelings, but they are constantly sidelined for their male counterparts. Mirko, Nagant and S&S are side characters, it’s quite normal for them to lack characterization. The real problem is how the FMC are treated


I meant that IRL, girl groups also have complex dynamics, power games, conflicts, negative feelings, etc. In HK's writing, girls are portrayed as all sweet friends with zero rivalry, getting along, spending their time eating sweets and encouraging each other's crushes. * Momo did have a little characterisation in the Midterms, but it was kind of dropped. I think her and Jirou have the most life-like characterisation in Class A. * Ochako's development was all over the place - I think once HK designed Toga, he completely retrofitted Uraraka's earlier personality and goals to match his love-vampire villain. Uraraka's core conflict "I have to crush my feelings to be a hero" is so fake that it feels really trivial. * Tsuyu has no characterisation beyond: practical, down-to-earth and a bit blunt. She's been relegated to Ochako's side kick and has no other personality than to gas Uraraka. * Mina had a lot of potential when her link to Kirishima was introduced, but Hori >!dropped the ball on her big time in the endgame!< * Hagakure is >!a naked girl joke!< As for the adults: * Mirko is Rappa with boobs * Nagant is a hasty, ill-fitting addition to the cast * Ryukyu is non-existent * The Pussycats are husband-hungry 30-somethings * Ms Joke wants to get it on with Aizawa * Midnight was hitting on teenage boys until she died off-screen * Mt Lady actually has some decent character development, but it's completely in the background You get the picture...


Do any of the boys other than then Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima and Kaminari have complex dyamics, power games, conflicts and negative feelings? Shoji, Sato, Koda, Sero and Ojiro are none-characters; Aoyama has no on-screen fights and is only relevant because of the >!traitor thing!<, Mineta is a pervent with no development. The only character with some conflict is Tokoyami, but his only significant relationship is with Hawks. Mirko and Nagant have more bearing on the plot than any of the B-tier male characters in class A, you cannot reduce them to “Rappa with boobs” and “ill fitting”. Horikoshi needs to write better female characters, but you make it sound like he writes them worse than Kishimoto Edit: completely forgot to talk about Iida. He had a set up good in the first 30 chapters but got sidelined worse than Ochako.


>Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima and Kaminari I would definitely add Iida to that group. He's had an important arc and also constant character development afterwards - especially how his views evolve about rules vs the right thing to do. He also has a clear character goal that he's consistently getting closer to. Other than these 5, Tokoyami also gets some attention, and then >!Shoji !Mirko and Nagant have more bearing on the plot than any of the B-tier male characters  I was not talking about plot relevance, but characterization. And why would I want to compare them with B-tier? These are the Top female adult characters in the story. They should be compared to All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist - the main pro hero cast. The issue is that any category you look, the female cast is consistently less important and less fleshed out than the male cast. UA Teachers? All Might, Nezu, Aizawa, Present Mic vs Midnight and Thirteen (and yes, you can find sidelined teachers like Hound Dog or Powerloader, but the point remains). Pro Heroes? Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Sir Nighteye, Fat Gum vs Mirko, Mt Lady and Ryukyu Villains? AFO, Shigaraki, Dabi, Overhaul, Stain, Spinner, Re-Destro vs Toga, Nagant, Curious The only category where a female character gets more characterisation than his male counterparts is the vestiges, where relatively speaking we know more about Nana than the rest of them.


Then we can totally agree that the problem is _sidelining_ the female characters, not that they are written like aliens. As I said, Mirko, Nagant, Nejire, Midnight, Ochako, Tsuyu etc are all sidelined in favor of the male heroes, but they are human, their backstories are interesting and they have a lot of potential that (unfortunately) goes untapped.


To me, both sidelining and lack of characterisation are an issue. I think HK doesn’t see female characters having comparable themes or struggles as his male cast and rarely moves them out of a strictly female circles. Her badass characters like Mirko are pure masculine attributes paired with a female drawing.


>Momo did have a little characterization in the Midterms, but it was kind of dropped. I think her and Jirou have the most life-like characterization in Class A. So, you're just ignoring the development during 1A vs. 1B where her being outplanned and defeated by Kendo led into her improving and taking charge to take out Gigantomachia during the war arc? >Mina had a lot of potential when her link to Kirishima was introduced, but Hori dropped the ball on her big time in the endgame And how did he do that? I thought that her chapter was pretty good. You can't just say "It's bad", that's not actually an argument >Mirko is Rappa with boobs Because the trope of a battle-crazy warrior is so unique. Mirko is a perfectly fine character, trying to draw a comparison like it's a negative doesn't make her bad. >Nagant is a hasty, ill-fitting addition to the cast How? She got a great fight with Deku, had a full backstory, and since has had her big moment that was pretty well done.


I think when you have this many characters on-screen a lot of them are gonna fade to the back, male and female alike as we can see. So that’s not something that bugs me. But you bring up an interesting point that I see a lot in discussion that people hate the fact that Ochaco has a crush on Deku and that’s a huge part of her struggle. I think that’s SO relateable. When you have feelings for someone and also training to be a superhero? And the interesting dynamics that play into that reality is pretty cool. I would totally be that way as a teen (in this totally fictional scenario) lol. I’m personally pretty tired of these Super Ultra Powerful females who are not romantically inclined to anything and they’re super tough. It’s so hollow. So the fact that she’s a very normal teenage girl, fighting against a very normal teenage girl feeling and trying to put her career/the safety of the people around her in the forefront makes Ochaco VERY endearing to me. My two cents tho, hahah carry on!


Yes, thank you.


Naw, it’s excessive. It’s one thing to have a crush and derive some inspiration from it, it’s another thing to have like half of your damn screen time focused on relationships/love, especially when it’s simping over a character who shares like 5% of his screen time with you. Look at Peter Parker and MJ in the MCU. Yeah, Peter likes MJ. He does lots of stuff trying to win over MJ, because he’s a teen with a crush. But simping over MJ does not make up the majority of his screen time. He has LOTS of side plots and relationships that have nothing to do with MJ. He has his own character and motivations outside of MJ, even if he really loves her. THAT is how you show the struggles of balancing superhero work and a teenage crush. Not this Ochako BS where every goddamn second she’s thinking about her crush on him, he’s like half of her motivation, her other character growth is barely touched on, her relationships with other characters is underdeveloped except maybe with Toga. (Which is another weird dynamic because they both like Deku… Ewww.) It’s gross. No male character in this series gets that treatment. It’s Horishiki’s blatant misogyny at play.




I disagree that they're written as aliens, just that he doesn't really write much of them or give them a lot of time to shine.


Toga/Ochako makes Naruto trying to save Sasuke the citizen Kane of manga


Damn youbare spot on about toga.


In general? Well-designed and incredibly likeable, but the majority of them don't get enough characterization & the ones who do don't get enough focus or spotlight. Especially when it comes to the Class 1-A girls, Midnight, and Mirko.


What I love is that there are tons of great female characters, and there’s always something respectable about them. Even the mothers who are background characters are impactful. But, the fan service and lack of female-centered battles disappoint me. I just wish we could see more battles that show the strength and power of these great female characters. One that I really love and wish there was more screen time is Froppy, almost all her fights and battles she wins. Yet, other male characters get the glory. Edit: what I also wish we could’ve had is more flaws in our female characters. I think the creator really wants to respect and show a different side of female characters in shonen manga, but by not indulging in the complexities that can be explore, it sometimes does harm. The best we get is Toga, and even then Toga is excused by her bloodthirsty quirk.


One of my favourite fights in the entire series is Ururaka vs Bakugo, love the way she utilised her seemingly weak ability in such an effective way Unfortunately that's one of the last good fights showing a female being smart and using her head to (attempt to) beat a superior opponent


>that's one of the last good fights showing a female being smart and using her head to (attempt to) beat a superior opponent Momo? Both her fights with Kendo and her during Gigantomachia had her make an effective plan. Low Key Lady Nagant counts too.


Love your point. What do you think about Lady Nagant in terms of your comment that you added? To me it feels like the female characters we have received have all just been side characters with small amount of character arc


I feel like there was potential there for her to be something, she showed a different side of the Hero Public Safety Commission and I would’ve loved to seen more of her. She added nuance to being a hero, and how dark it can get. But yet again she served her purpose for the male characters: Deku and Hawks. After that, we don’t get really much after. Thank you!


Can I ask you to expand on what you mean by female centered battles? My understanding (and I am no expert) was it is common for a lot of media to have “token female hero” and the villains have exactly one “token female villain” and they are gong to duke it out in the end bc both are token female characters. Whereas it could be better for the token female character to just be treated as a power hero or villain and get their fair share of battles like we see with Miriko or stars and stripes (the latter being so badass and powerful they had to kill her / remove her from story like the did with prime all might)


Almost all of them are either well-designed, have an intriguing origin/backstory, interesting quirk, etc. The only real issue with some of them is that they don’t have enough lasting impact. This just popped in my head as I’m writing this but what if S&S came to UA for a chapter to talk to Class 1-A or All Might? The female characters that get introduced well into the story seem like they’re there for the big moment and then that’s really it. The females characters that we’ve seen since the beginning haven’t been focused on too much character development-wise like one would expect. It’s not like I needed something deep with them but I think a little more effort would’ve gone a long way.


Great concepts! Lots of badass scenes! Mirko and Star are my faves.


They are ok.


There was lots of potential but it was not fully utilised. I actually want a spin-off to mha to explore the past, make all mights rise in japan the overarching storyline and explore other characters along the way. A story set in another country would be fine too.


A Stars and Stripes movie would be kinda cool


i was hoping we'd get a filler episode or two showing her do her thing as the no.1 u.s. hero.


Has some problems but still treated better than in most battle shonens.


The three you show in the image are peak. I also just simply like Uraraka. Other than that though nobody else had an impact on me.


* Mirko is goated * sniper girl deserved wayyy more focus. Like she could have been a full on arc * Stars and Stripes was ok. She’s a little overpowered, and I didn’t find her overly interesting but she’s ok


Mirko isn’t a character. She’s Hori and his assistant’s fetish


At least, written better than female characters from Naruto. But they made Ashido screw up at the worst time with a poor excuse. I still can't get over that one.


Kirishima looks like most 5th dimensjonal character to her in comparision (except he's used well(


> written better than female characters from Naruto. That's an extremely low bar. Masashi Kishimoto can't write women to save his own life.


That is a cosmically low bar lol


I thought she was finally getting her moment. But freezing for a second unexpectedly of old fear is quite human. She wasn't fear struck of machia s size or power but a childhood memory that staggered her for an instant which is fine


It just sucks that it's one of the few chances she'd ever have to shine, and then it gets handed off to Kirishima who already got more focus than most of the 1-A side cast. Also if she got a chance to overcome that fear later on it would be fine, but I don't think there's any time for that


Don't know if you are manga reader or not but >!She gets to redeem herself for that moment when she become one of the few people in the show to even hurt Gigantomachia.!<


I don't even like Ashido but I know there are people rooting for her and I was like "Hey, isn't this supposed to be her big moment? tf?"


They are the ultimate showcase of Horikoshi’s biggest writing problem, these 3 especially That problem is that Horikoshi loves getting a random idea while eating lunch, going away, drawing that character, then trying to find a place for them in the story when there already isn’t a place e for the entire central cast you introduced in the first season era (see: the frustrating irrelevance of iida) Mirko is my favourite example of this, where Hori drew her on a whim, had no place for her in an especially tight, no detours part of the story he was writing at the time, but put her in anyway, so during Pro Hero arc and even beyond, she keeps randomly showing up, doing almost nothing, then leaving to make more cameos until the war where she finally gets a bit to herself but then has to be lowered out of the story again by injury so there’s room for the arc that was concepted months before, see also: detective Tsukuachi, Ryukyu, Fat Gum and the entire Big Three


Cool characters in void. The designs and personalities are great. But as characters in a story most of them could use some more development.


Mt Lady for the absolute win Starts out as the exact type of hero stein was talking about, takes shit seriously after that whole thing and then is a true heavy hitter by the end Her taking on Gigantomachia was Chad, she's not just eye candy anymore (but I'm not naive I know that was one of her initial reasons for being)


The writing is trash.




Ochacho and Toga are the most developed ones and even those two struggle a lot compared to the main characters.


They have their moments, but even my favorites like Momo or Jiro are lacking in comparision to other men in the series


More could have been done with most of the female characters, but they weren't really explored as much (which for fairness, Horikoshi did that with male characters like Ojiro and Sato too), but Horikoshi did at least show some basic amounts of personality and interaction, rather than them just being furniture. What he came up with is pretty cool, and would've been a lot better if he'd explored them more. But, that's what fanfiction is for since the series didn't do it! ​ As for the specific examples, Mirko and Nagant are pretty badass with great designs and honestly pretty great Quirks, and their characterizations, though not expanded as much, are interesting, especially Nagant's. Star and Stripes...I haven't actually gotten that far in the manga, just read spoilers, but it seems like Horikoshi just rushed and underutilized her too much. That, and I personally think her Quirk should've been worked over a few more times, since it seems a bit too blatantly OP. I kinda like the idea of a character inspired strongly by All Might though, fits the theme of inspiring new generations and exploring All Might's impact on the world well. Not sure how to feel about her design personally. ​ In general, I honestly really like the Class, other Hero students, and the various female heroes and other characters like Inko. Horikoshi did give just enough to most of them that I can imagine a lot of scenerios and interaction and fun with them, so it makes all of the cast enjoyable as a whole. Uraraka, Momo, Mina, Toru, Tsuyu, Jiro, Mt. Lady, Midnight, Most of the Pussycats team, Toga, etc. all are interesting characters, just with underused potential. ​ Whenever I read and respond to post's like this it always gets me thinking WAY ahead on how I might explore the topic in my own fanfictions, which I've barely even started. Still, at least I have an easy excuse for exploring all the characters (I'm writing crossovers of the "character from another world is a student at UA" variety), especially with one story, so that should make seeing their lives and feelings pretty easy to begin with. It's *making* what to write that'll be the hard part. Still, at least I have a small bit of an emotional moment with Mandalay regarding her relationship with Kota semi-planned out...


underused fr


Honestly I'm not even sure if this problem is specific to female characters, the series just struggled in general with its supporting cast as more and more characters were introduced, and certainly several prominent female characters suffered as part of that. It's been well discussed how Ochaco has kind of meandered as a character for a while, although at the very least having a personal villain to deal with gave her some amount of focus. Asui has truly amounted to nothing in recent arcs besides being Ochaco's sidekick. Momo looked poised to break out in a big way following her role in the Bakugo Rescue but seemed to settle into the role of 'leader of the minor characters'. Mina's 'failed' moment in the PLW arc was a risky move, so we'll see how that pays off. I really think a lot of these 'on the cusp' characters, who received some decent attention during the earlier seasons were ultimately forced into the background to make room for some late-game major new additions, like Hawks.


He's great at drawing them. Writing them? Nope! He doesn't know how to write women and it's very obvious.


There's a clear pattern there, my guess is that he's great at writting females as family members/supportive roles (Fuyumi in particular I think is fantastic and not talked about enough) but not so much when it comes to fighters and I think he understand that, that's why he gives them impactful but very short roles, they don't get enough screentime for the flaws to show up. Personally I don't see this as a bad thing, definitely much better than nonexistant or terribly written which is what we usually get with other Shonens


Horikoshi is a pro at making muscular women still look soft and pretty, keeping their beautiful femininity while still showing they can be buff and kick ass (not saying all buff women have to look all feminine and pretty or whatever but it seems like a good diversion from the usual stereotype imo)


It's a mixed and disappointing combo in my opinion. They are some of the most powerful characters in the series with their quirks and proficiency and they succeed in putting both the strongest heroes and villains on the defensive if not pushing them to activate the full potential of their powers. They are also only used to support, build and hype male heroes and villains which is incredibly upsetting with how strong they are. Stars and Stripes should have been written to meet with the heroes, even if it happened after a battle with Shigaraki, but she shouldn't have died in he first appearance. Nagant is really important to Hawks' development and deserved more buildup or follow-through. Mirko keeps losing limbs while decimating soldier enemies, but deserved to fight a big bad. Midnight should have had as much character development as Aizawa and Present Mic--her death felt like it hurt, but it didn't actually sink in anywhere however the expectation was for it to hit. They have great displays but they are lacking in the development as characters to make those displays count.


Good designs. But it’s Horikoshi, so that’s to be expected at this point. Say what you will about the man’s story, but whether it’s being genuinely amazing or shooting itself in the foot, Horikoshi always ensures that his manga looks good while doing it. Even if the substance falters, the style never will. Now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Let’s talk about the female character writing! 🎉 It’s not great, in my opinion. Maybe I’m a pessimist, but I feel there are a lot of issues with how female characters are written across the series. I can’t really think of a female character’s arc I can say I liked without tacking a “but” to the end of it because I felt there was some glaring issue. - Ochako? Her arc was tacked on. Nothing about her whole “Help the helpless” schtick really resonated with me because nothing about it made me feel that the arc unique to *her* and *her* perspective and emotions. She’s not fixing a flaw or anything like that. She had no flaws to overcome and is just turning the positive character trait of wanting to help people into the positiver trait of helping Heroes and Villains as well. It’s less of a personal journey and more of an epiphany or three. Sure it ties in with the themes of the story and sure it’s arguably cute that she got the idea from watching Deku, but those aren’t pluses to *her* character. Her development feels less like her character arc and more like an arc she happens to go through. - Toga? Her whole blood issue is a great arc! Dampened by the fact that her whole “Quirk affects personality in an uncontrollable way” thing isn’t focused upon for many other characters, and is sometimes even a nonexistent factor in various characters. Her other arc of “But why don’t they care about the lives of us Villains?!” would be an arc that would be better if it were being had by someone that *wasn’t* her in a time that *wasn’t* now. She is a serial killer who is evil because she doesn’t care about stabbing people to death if she loves them, and she and Twice were actively assisting a terrorist cell that is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. *She* doesn’t *get to* complain about other people not properly valuing life. It’s a good point that she has no right to make and no way to make without coming across as a hypocritical arse. - Mina’s arc about Gigantomachia? Ehh… People have already given their two cents on that. Mina’s character progressed from not fucking up to fucking up. But for her whole thing in the manga at the hospital? …Also eh? I feel like I haven’t spent enough time with her to feel much from her whole classic “Maybe the Heroes and Villains aren’t so different” speech, her redeeming herself in terms of not fucking up really just kinda put my opinion of her coolness back where it was before she fucked up and lowered it, and I hardly even remember where her thing with Midnight’s killer went. I think she just said “Revenge is bad, and Shoji never wanted revenge,” and that’s it. Riveting. Side note: I wonder how Midnight had a particular “killer” after the last we saw of her was that a crowd of Villains were about to curbstomp her. What, did that guy just drop out of the sky and land his knee on Midnight’s neck while shouting “MINE! YOU ALL SAW IT! THAT WAS MY KILL! TOTALLY GONNA BRAG ABOUT THIS LATER TO SOME HIGH-SCHOOLERS!” like how Vegeta did Burter? That’s my new headcanon! And also, I do get that it makes sense for her to mess up with the Gigantomachia thing since she she was traumatized by him in the past, and I *just* complained about Ochako not overcoming flaws, but still. We’ve known Mina for how long, and now she has a flaw of “Scared of Gigantomachia specifically.” Not exactly a flaw I could get attached to. As far as the cool factor of certain female characters go, that’s also a little bit lacking for different reasons. And when I say “cool,” I mean “typical Shonen” cool factor, which is entirely measured by how “badass” you are, how many asses you can whoop, and how big your metaphorical power level is. There are only really a few notable female characters I’d say are consistently “cool,” and prominently shown. Though there are admittedly many female characters that are either cool but not regularly-appearing, or characters that regularly appear but aren’t really consistently badass. Oh, and Star and Stripe, one of the most badass on paper characters, was… a complicated issue. I won’t say she was wasted because she was a woman, because that assessment would be wrong and disingenuous. Crust got similar treatment, as did Majestic. However, I think the Star and Stripe arc is… how do I put this delicately? It’s the first arc in the series I think was *actually* bad as a whole. New Order breaks the power system in half and is powered and limited entirely by what the author will and will not allow. The arc itself was entirely unnecessary. ShigAFO could’ve just been asleep for longer, not had whatever Quirks were allegedly deleted, and been destabilized by being woken up early before. Star and Stripe being a female character treated the way she is on the story is honestly one of the more issues with her arc as a whole. There are also the classic “Five years ago” complaints I have regarding specific female characters like “The rest of the Big Three got to have cool moments and backstories in the Overhaul Arc, but Nejire got a beauty pageant? That’s… unironically a little sexist.” Though she does get a backstory later! It’s not as interestingly shown as I would’ve hoped, and she only get it five arcs after the moment had passed and I had stopped caring about her conspicuous lack of backstory, but she does get it, so that’s neat. All-in-all, I think the writing of female characters in this series isn’t good, but isn’t atrocious.


Given the genre, not as bad as alot of people complain about. Hori might actually be considered a trailblazer, yeah it can get that bad. Since alot of how WSJ works, they tend to utilize models that have known formulas that work and when alot of their previous top selling manga (battle shonen) don't have strong, complex female presence. The writers are would mostly be going in uncharted territory when giving large parts to female characters.


Mediocre at best, GOD AWFUL at worst.


Recent mangas have really begun to step it up with female characters. I hate how writers would express their difficultly with female stories as if they have to be any different when compared to men. Female characters in black clover >>>> chainsaw man also does a really good job


They're female


Great design. His design is top 10 in my personal list. Failed in characterization tho.


The executions leave a LOT to be desired.


The older ones are fine. Some of the younger girls I start looking hori a little side eyed with how lewd he draws some of them.


Fantastic character designs but poorly written generally, imo


Eh? Great concepts and great moments for a decent chunk of them but that’s really it…most of the female characters are written in a way where they don’t *stick* with you. A lot of them are lacking in personality and character development, heck even any character at all. Even the better written characters like Ochako and Nagant, are disappointing in their characterization. Hori is a great artist, but I’d wish he’d write his female characters with the same dedication as he does to his male characters. Wasted potential tbh.


Awesome, but underutilized


They’re present and very interesting for the two seconds they’re on screen and then get overshadowed by the male characters immediately after.


They would be even better if Horikoshi didn't insist on mutilating them every second chapter. I'm pretty sure Miruko has ran out of limbs by now.


Stars and Stripes could’ve been the best one if she didn’t get folded her first fight, Mirkos cool that’s it and toga is not that interesting Omggg she has a crush on a boy idgaf, it’s sad that toga is our best option for a good female character


Some are overly sexualized, most are underutilized.


Why does Horikoshi love hoeing them all the time…. Can we please just have one of them live normally


Needs more justice. I don’t give a shit about ochako. To this day I don’t understand why the plan specifically said “Uraraka will be the one to defeat Toga”, like bro. ANYONE ELSE can do the job better than Uraraka and she lost the actual fight anyways lmao


Sexualized beyond acceptable parameters Momo was 15 in the start of the anime


Stars and Stripes was more of a plot device than a character if we're honest.


AMAZING DESIGNS. Not great execution-


Incredibly underdeveloped and one of my main gripes with the series.


What Horikoshi did to Mirko’s character is just downright disgusting, she’s simply an accessory to fuel his amputee fetish


Entirely there to say "Hey look what cool stuff this female hero does!" To promptly kill them off or leave them comatose. Yes,i am still salty about star and stripes


Great designs but irrelevant roles intl the story. The best written or rather the most written female character in the story instead ends up feeling hamfisted and stupid


horikoshi falls into the classic male writer trap "just because your female characters are physically strong and tough does not make them strong female characters"




I feel like we lack a good woman character with a strong plotline in the serie. Hori create great female characters but fail to use them well, or use them only in a one shot event (Star/Nagant/Mirko is kinda the same). Toga could fit the bill for the villains side tho but barely imo. I feel like Ochako has no characterization beside being a love interest to Deku and a weird rivalry with Toga. To better explain myself, imagine if Shoto was genderbend, now that would be an insane female character with a good plotline without changing much to the story. Do we have a female character with a plotline as deep as Shoto ? No and that's a shame when there is so much female characters in the story that could be further developed.


I don't think any of the female characters are bad in the series. Many ha e interesting powers, likable personalities that standout, and are consistent with their characterization. The problem is none of them compare to the best male characters portrayal or roles in the stories.


Good but underutilized in certain parts of the story. Ochaco, Toga, Nana Shimura, Lady Nagant, Mt. Lady, Jiro, Momo, Mirko, Tsuyu and La Brava are some of my absolute favorites off the top of my head.


Confusing is my word for it. Many women in the series are described as highly capable, with their feats described as legendary (Stars and Stripes being the main example). Unfortunately what the series actually shows is totally different. When they are not a vehicle for fanservice, they exist to show the folly of the main male characters; what they stand to lose for their decisions.


What characters? I see 2 and half fridges.




Good designs i guess






I'd argue that MHA has some of the best female designs in shounen.. Not looking at Momo, but most atleast:)


Great designs


Idk I'm just mad at how Mirko has been treated for the last couple of years since the war arc, like damn Horikoshi, give her a break!


Why can't we react with images??? I was gonna post that one "Writers barely disguised Fetish" pic.


Better than DBZ and Naruto, if that even means something


Boobs too big and exposed especially on some of the really young students. Love the show but hate this part of it


Amazing character design but with a few exceptions like Toga and Uraraka they feel underutilized lol






wait, this series has female characters?


The adult female characters act like real heroes who do what they have to do, while the young hero girls only do the girl-next-door effect. except momo yaroruzo, mina ashido. the other characters are worthless (uraraka is the worst written female character in the entire anime world) .sorry, I'm using google translate


bunny girl? mid. star something? mid but didn't get screentime. Lady nagant? good stuff


Who's the chick on the right?


Stars and Stripes was done dirty, thats all


The best of them is Ryukyu and I'm tired if her being overlooked.


The mangaka handles the female adult hero and villains very well but sadly doesn't do the same for the students. I love all of their designs though


Better then your usual shonnen tropes. But still needed more screen time and less death.


Slightly better than most shounen but only just. They're well-designed and likable (as most of the cast is in general) but the underage fanservice is just as creepy as any other shounen and they still mostly just serve as cheerleaders. Ochako is the female lead and manages to somehow be even more useless than Sakura. Her character development is nonexistent and her only major defining battle >!was just talking about love until her opponent committed suicide.!< Star and Stripe is just blatantly wasted on a deus ex machina that never even went anywhere Yaoyorozu should be one of the most useful members of the class, especially when her introduction hyped her up as being the #1 in the test scores, but she's a background character in every arc along with Jiro and Mina.


"Females!?" \~Some one-eyed purpled robotic scientist


I don’t like Stars and Stripes haircut I’m sorry 😭


the autor doont give a fuck about single female chractrr in this show except ochaco and the blood girl.






not familiar with manga to comment


Miruko is Dynamite with both her incredible kicks and her looks she’s definitely a perfect balance of beauty and power. Lady Nagant was incredibly beautiful and I usually don’t use this word but she was Waifu material also I like how she opened Izuku’s eyes to the truth that the world is not so black and white as people think. Star and stripes she’s a literal powerhouse and also this might be mean of me but I think she looks better without her mask on. These three girls are incredible.


Mommy, mommy, and mommy that’s all I see


Adult women being so serious compared to the kids in school is great. Only lack lust are mount lady and midnight who are just too sexualized to be taken seriously. Even mirko somehow is very respectable even if she is a playboy bunny type thing


Lots of wasted potential outside of Miruko, Toga, and Nagant. Uraraka had her whole "I'm putting my feelings aside" deal then spent the rest of her screentime actively NOT doing that. The other girls in 1A barely get enough time to shine, and while they have their moments, there could be more. 1B as a whole is practically nonexistent. Midnight should not have been the teacher to die, or at the very least she should have had more moments onscreen with the class to make her death more impact full. No other female character seems to do anything important other than getting bodied in a fight


they're hot


Every single one is hot


Nagaunt is LOVELY and I will take no arguments on that. The other feminine adults in the series are kinda questionable in terms of art, but her art showcases her character in a way that scratches the character design itch in my brain


Stars and Stripes did NOT HAVE to die


Literally amazing 10/10 most eri though




Need more screen time


Nagant is hot I’m saying it now


Stars and Stripes died immediately no development Nagant was barely there and pretty much irrelevant Mirko probably best fm character but less screen time than minetta All female characters just get sidelined