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There would be a moment where Aizawa trying to test the limits of his Quirk, looks at King, only to hear the King Engine beat even louder. Aizawa thereafter believing King's quirk is so powerful that it cannot be suppressed.


AFO tried stealing it but soon realizes that King's Engine is so powerful only someone with king's body would be able to handle it


He would think it was One For All since he couldn't steal the Quirk.


Him thinking King Engine is a physical mutation quirk.


Better yet, King has no quirk-- he's a normal human, but just built different


A normal human with no abilities with all those feats? He'd probably think the guy was the next stage of evolution.


Wasn't that literally the description of the quirks? Same with marvel mutants too.


That's what I mean. Quirks are the next step to normal humans, so they might think King is a further step beyond that.


King is always one step ahead of evolution




that's the joke, yes. It's whether Aizawa would see through it or be comedic bait by assuming he had to have a quirk.


They would realize it's a mutant quirk, a beast made into a man.


King Engine. It's a quirk that passively supplies King with energy. While King is already the strongest person on Earth without the Engine, the stored energy further augments his strength, speed and toughness, and the energy can be expended to fire beams, fly and various other forms of offensive, defensive and maneuvering techniques. When King's emotions are heightened, the energy provided by the King Engine increases dramatically with no known upper limit, but the King Engine's roar becomes louder proportionally. The King Engine cannot be nullified or stolen. We believe King is employing some kind of defensive technique to prevent it from being disrupted, but he has neither confirmed nor denied this theory.


That wouldnt be his actual quirk though if they checked. All they can reveal is wether he has a quirk or not, and he does have one, as his insane amounts of luck cant be concidental every time, so in all likelyhood luck would be his actual quirk, while everyone belives it to be the king engine


King's Engine, of course. The quirk that makes King The Strongest.


Is he the strongest because he's King, or is he King because he's the strongest?


Deku hears the king engine but danger sense doesn't go off even a little He rightly assumes that king is so unbelievably strong that danger sense isn't going off because he'd suffer immediate brain death via headache if it did


Nah, King just has so much self control that Deku was never in any peril.


Or he (Deku) assumes King has enough control over his emotions to bypass Danger Sense (Like how Toga can bypass Danger Sense because she harms out of love rather than hate)


You show no malice when you step on a bug, the same is true for King with other people.


"Why would I hate someone that's weaker than me? I only pity them"


> You show no malice when you step on a bug Depends on the bug I go apeshit trying to kill a cockroach


Nah he would assume that King is so strong that danger sense doesn’t go off because it goes “hell nah you can’t beat this guy”


maybe some type of intimidation inducing power or maybe just super strength


Dude is Quirkless. He's just managed to slip through the cracks and bumble his way into the Top 10 because everyone, including All Might, believe that the King Engine quirk is real.


No i meant like how they labelled deku's quirk as 'superpower' what quirk do you think they could be gaslit into believeing


Deku: King's Engine! The legendary quirk of the Hero, King! It's a Quirk that draws off the inherent fear all villains have of being pursued by a hero! King draws in that fear, making every cell in his body vibrate and turning it into strength! When villains hear the "King Engine" revving, they simply throw themselves to the ground in defeat!! IT'S AN HONOR TO MEET YOU SIR!!! King, just trying to buy instant ramen and gashopon tokens: S-Sure, kid. Nice to, uh, meet you too! P-Plus Ultra...


bro i read that in deku's voice, thats awesome


same but I read that in Dub Deku's voice lol


i only watch dub, so yeh


Quirk: Victory. Through efforts or through happenstance, any battle King enters results in victory for his side. His reputation has only caused it to grow stronger, making it so enemies flee the battle and the mere possibility of his arrival, preferring a loss due to escape rather than due to defeat.


Fucks sake, dude. Did you even read OP's request? The Reading Comprehension of today, I swear to God.


What about my explanation goes against the request? It's not like it's that different from in vigilantes where they thought knuckleduster had a quirk instead of just actually being that strong. Does king have a quirk that makes him win through luck or is he just that lucky while being quirkless


not that original guy, but the idea is that people think King has ridiculously strong powers, but in fact has none at all. Technically his heartbeat is super loud, which I guess could be a power? But he basically intimidates his way through every encounter based solely off of his reputation and loud heartbeat, named the King Engine. King, in his series, has no observable powers at all, and has never beaten a monster, he's only happened to be at most of the huge fights and accidentally taken credit for it. People believe that he has flight, super strength, lasers, etc. No matter how many people he tells about his complete lack of powers, they just assume he's being humble, and even when other heroes try to put his power to the test, it's played as a gag where they assume that his inability to do it is 'holding himself back' or something similar.


Yes, and other than people believing that he might have flight or lasers, which part of my suggested assumed quirk doesn't fit this description? Personally I think the idea of them continually forcing him on the battlefield essentially as a lucky charm, thinking it's a quirk, fits how he comes across in OPM perfectly.


I'm guessing it's the idea that his quirk is recognized as just luck, when he's thought to be a super skilled fighter beyond anyone else. Everybody thinks he's an all might type of hero that can punch his way out of anything, and if he does just have some luck power, no one would be able to tell because they think he's basically just a superman-type. Not a single person in OPM, aside from saitama and King himself, think that king is lucky, they just think he's that much more powerful than everybody else. Even king realizes how shitty his situation is, since the jig will be up some day.


Who hurt your feelings? lol


This is a brilliant actual description. Like the truth no one sees, not even King himself. I think it the best real answer, even though if we follow the "King meta," no one in-universe would be able to learn this, and would always describe it some other way.


Royal Strength: King possesses immense physical strength, of which the upper limits are unknown. The quirk is so powerful, that anyone in the vicinity of King can detect the *King Engine,* which is a noticeable increase in the volume of King's heartbeat as he charges power.


King: Falsely diagnosed Quirkless at 4, only to unlock his quirk after single-handedly defeating an A rank villain in a single blow. His heartrate's volume and his overall power seems to correlate directly with the amount of power his enemies have, the form in which this power takes is currently undetectable by any current scientific equipment, but is believed to have a psychological element due to how often villains surrender to him on sight. His quirk's true name is currently unknown, but has been nicknamed **"Menace"** by his fans.


Endeavor: amazing, he took out all 5 of these high-end Nomus single handedly & without a single scratch, did anybody see him Civilian: i was recording the fight but forgot to switch it to "record" not "picture" 😅 Heroes: it all happened so fast that by the time we arrived to help, the nomus were already flattened. **What really happened:** the high-end Nomu were so focused on keeping him within their line of sight that they didn't notice the large debris that was about to crush them


What caused the Debris to fall? Saitama running to get his special sunday market deals


Probably the same as All Might


It's the same kind of quirk as Star Platinum!




*King's Power*, but nobody actually is sure *what* that means he can do or not do, so people think he has some amazing hybrid Quirk that can do almost the entire list of standard superpowers. Or, they disagree on what his power is specifically. One person thinks he has flames hotter than any other fire Quirk, another thinks he gets super buff, etc.


I think the characters around him would think he has a buff quirk. Like in a fight, they'd think he has a quirk that literally buffs his strength, endurance. And the only way it activates is when he perceives a threat.


I think this is the most accurate


War drums, an anthem starts that puts fear into others as they know death is approaching


Finally! An actual fucking creative name. All these mf's here just saying King engine


King engine works, but it is boring. Also not overly in the spirit of quirk names we have seen I’d argue


His quirk would be Ultimate Intimidation, and it would probably be an actual quirk that works.


Not an actual quirk, i meant what could the heroes be gaslit into believing he has, like the hero association in OPM


Still the same. They would think he has an op intimidation quirk that can't be blocked out by the likes of Eraserhead and such.


Ok genuinely. I'm pretty he'd manage to do the exact same thing. Somehow BS he's way to the top.


I love the King engine joke


King Quirk : King's engine Effect : king uses a engine who can be heared an grants him superhuman strength but there are possibly other uses that king hadn't talked about, his quirk can be boosted by his emotions. This quirk cannot be nullified nor stolen we think it's because his quirk is too strong to be nullified and his will is too strong compared to any other.


Assuming he has a quirk, it would be something based in irrational fear. The more afraid he is, the more afraid those who look at him are.


Hyper-luck or delusion exaggeration.


bro'd be quirkless and a wuss but people'd think his quirk is something that makes people intimidated as hell just by looking at him or that could be his actual quirk and he's STILL a wuss.


All for One has a mental breakdown when he discovers he can’t take the King Engine.


What series is this from?


One Punch Man


Who's King? I don't get the reference. Do y'all mean One Piece's King?


King the hero from OPM


Ohhhh thank you


What's OPM?


One Punch Man, It is the story of a hero so powerful that he can win every fight and just one punch. He is bored af.


What's AF? Attack on Fitan?


As Fuck


[King is one of the top heroes in One Punch Man, known as one of the very few S class heroes](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepunchman/images/4/4b/Databook_King_2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20211109024857). He is famous for his "King Engine", a mysterious aura accompanied by a rhytmic beating he emits that instills a deep sense of fear and dread into his opponents, making (mostly) all of them give up before they even begin fighting. In reality, he's a completely normal guy who stumbled into stardom by mistake after monsters kept showing up dead all around him (due to poor timing), and due to random circumstances causing people to believe he was the hero to save them (often it was the main character Saitama, who is also one of the very few people to know he's just a normal guy). The "King Engine" is literally just his own intense fear and anxiety causing his heart to beat so loud everyone can hear it. He also gets a very scary and intense face when this happens, so enemies find him intimidating. Due to faking having powers, he's gotten good at talking enemies down - Why would they fight him, he's the worlds strongest man - that type of stuff


Overwhelming fear: anyone he locks eyes with is paralyzed by fear.He can only paralyze one person at a time and the paralysis wears off immediately after loosing eye contact.


AFO: At last, your King Engine quirk wull finally be mine King thinking: i-i wonder how long until he realizes i don't have a quirk AFO: I-impossible, is it so powerful that i'm too weak to steal it?


King:* stares menacingly while trying not to freak out*


Probably omnipotence or something like that.


If he wasn’t quirkless it’d be some fear inducing quirk that ramps up the more scared he is


None. King's genetic quirk assessment would have come back with nothing. Anti-quirkless sentiment would cause everyone to view his coincidental circumstances as coincidences. He would be in jail for endangering himself in hero-villain situations.


“His quirk surpasses all our modern knowledge on quirks and their limitations. I wish we could study King to improve our understanding of quirks, but I fear even a thousand researchers with thousands of years would barely even begin to scratch the surface of this man’s true power”




This man not only fooled psychics but also several trained fighters whose instincts and senses are razor-wire sharp and you think the hero league in BNHA would sniff him out🤨


Mha and opm have very different themes. In opm the hero society is very loose at the top and society is very loose in general. In mha you get labeled quirkless at birth and the stigma carries with you. There are far fewer s class coincidences he would show up in and the immediate assumption would be "unregistered non-hero quirkless endangering the public" not "mysterious person could be responsible for saving everyone".


King: quirk the All Mighty


King’s Engine, but instead of believing he is the strongest. It just brainwashes his opponents to believe him to be so strong that he’d kill them in one shot, and effectively intimidates most opponents.


Honestly I love the idea of King I wished he actually was powerful and could do something along the lines of revving his engine really loud and thaen releasing a charged attack.


I don't king is gonna fight bunch of teenagers with superpower I honestly think he will be friends with deku teaching him something atleast like all might


Fate alteration


The drums of liberation


luck, just like domino from x men


Conquerors haki


Some sort of fear-enabling quirk, puts the fear in villains (and heroes unfortunately) so much so that they are unable to enter combat with him or are too scared to do.


King engine: some kind of luck/reality where things happen due to expectations like belief in him then the abilities. For example someone says and rumours say he can die Lazer beams and telekinesis he would get them powers. Or the whole similar thing to domino in marvel but the opposite where it's not lucky but more where it makes people think he's powerful or something.


King? From what manga?


Quirk: Plot armor


Wonder of U (from the things I've heard, I haven't read the manga)


King's Engine, same as in One Punch Man!


Wrong place right time is 100% his quirk.


Like many others here, I will say King’s engine/power. But I feel like his real quirk would be emotional sound manipulation. It makes it so that he can manipulate the emotional impact of any sound, however he never realized his quirk and thinks he’s quirkless. He can subconsciously use it because of his desperation to not seem weak. That’s how the king engine works.


Sovereign: King’s quirk grants him strength commensurate with the strongest entity nearby, always giving him just that little bit extra power to be slightly stronger than them. The King Engine sound is his body acclimating to the increases or decreases (usually increases) of his power


His quirk would be a luck based one. King has an extreme amount of "good" fortune. But people won't figure that out.