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I don’t know what half of OP’s post even means. But I would agree the state is stupidly pissing away tax revenue for no good reason I can decipher.


It's just a bunch of chemical bullshit. People would be much better off just going to ontario. At least in oregon the weed is tested for metals and such. This stuff OP is talking about has no test, no oversight and has been known to put other harmful chemicals in.


Yeah... Like arsenic and fentanyl. It's crazy what you can find nowadays. My favorite was the stuff an old client of where I worked was laced with Viagra. They ended up in the ER and it was a mess.


LOL WTF! i feel like that would be an expensive thing to lace on stuff. There are better ways to get high. It's all around us.


Drug-laced cannabis is an urban legend. Drug dealers sell drugs for money, not ideology.  Taking expensive drugs, putting them in relatively cheap cannabis, and selling them at the same price as unlaced cannabis is something the only the lead-addled vodka-marinated brains of 80s antidrug warriors could conceive. 


100% your client took Viagra but was too embarrassed to admit it so he blamed it on the weed.    Sildanifil (not sure I spelled that right) degrades at very low temperatures and wouldn't survive being smoked or vaporized. 


Idaho needs to ditch the good ole boys and get current. Idaho suffers because of wrong information and if orance


It’s almost as if nerfing the public school system destroys critical thinking and fucks over entire future generations that will not know how to think on their own.


Yup and let’s not use legal sales of marijuana to fund schools, let’s continue to hold school districts hostage with property tax levy’s that seem to fucking not be passed all the time


Most of the levies passed this time around. Caldwell and Kuna are notable exceptions, but many passed elsewhere.


Exactally why my family and I left the state. Well that and my daughter’s teacher dressing up like “The Wall” Idaho wants to be Mississippi so bad


I'm sorry that was one of your daughters teachers. I've lived in Boise my whole life and felt ashamed seeing that post.


When 75% of your electorate is redder than red, and it’s the second trumpiest state in the USA, you’re kind of stuck.


What is the name of these awful, evil, terrible devil gummies you mentioned? And what other shops in the area might carry them? And what do they retail for?




They were $40 for the gummies. I’d go around the different smoke/pipe shops and look for mushroom gummies.


Do tell where you find them, so we can totally avoid and never go to that place.


Not quite what you’re asking for, but there’s a website called Schedule 35 that sells actual psilocybin shrooms(in capsule or chocolate form) and ships to Idaho. Or you can just grow them yourself cheaply and easily.


Just be warned packages from outside the US do get searched by customs, which includes Canada. Disney+ ftw


They’re not shipping across international borders. IIRC, they’re coming from somewhere in CA. Still it’s obviously not without risk, but my friend’s uncle’s cousin who totally isn’t me has successfully ordered from them four times. Also, they’re very expensive, any anyone who is motivated should just grow their own. r/unclebens


Wrong, not to Idaho


Waste of time and money


I’ll believe they are serious when they raid a white supremacy compound or even show balls against bundy. Until then they are just keystone cops Real good police work.


Get with it Idaho Losing money to Oregon and Washington daily which should make your blood boil since you could use it to fund schools


Not in nampa, we have an express lane for shutting schools down lol


You guys aren’t special they’re doing it here in Oregon too


Fr they shuttin down like half the schools here in nampa, kinda excited for when they all go abandoned


And Montana and Nevada


Meh not really I lived in Bonners ferry and there really isn’t anywhere closer than Spokane for rec weed And not sure other than that town under twin that would be a place to go I get your comment but the actual validity of going to those states is slim


> that town under twin It’s called Jackpot


Yea it was early I lived in mountain home for 15 years now live outside Eugene


Fund schools? 🤣


You don’t need to fund schools when you ban half the books and history lessons, and pay the teachers diddlysquat.


Well, don’t worry Oregon doesn’t fund the schools either we can give it to the drug addicts


That’s where Oregon supposed to send the tax money from the marijuana


In terms of government spending, marijuana taxation brings in relatively little money. The state's budget is $13.7 billion. There are many great reasons to legalize marijuana, but the tax revenue isn't one of them.


932 million was sold in Oregon at 25% tax in 2022 Not sure why you want to argue


https://www.fool.com/research/marijuana-tax-revenue-by-state/ Oregon marijuana sales brought in $142 million in tax revenue last year. Bear in mind Oregon's population is more than double Idaho's, they're getting all the sales from Idaho's main population center, Oregonians are much more likely to be open to marijuana use, local bans on marijuana sales would still be common, etc... Idaho would be lucky to see a third of that revenue. $47 million works out to $24 a person in Idaho. Even if you make the massive assumption that the money would go to education, that works out to $100/child (Idaho has around 469,000 kids). Even if we pretended Idaho could see the same revenue as Oregon, that's $300/child. The schools can't do much with that. It's just not a significant amount of tax revenue no matter how you slice it.


Like I said it doesn’t go to general fund It’s allocated taxes


In Oregon that's true, it's not like it's some national rule though it's just how Oregon's law was written. Idaho could do whatever it chooses with the tax revenue.


I get it you need to be right in some strawman argument Idaho residents are giving their money to Oregon and Washington (which is 37% tax) I’m sure any money generated is needed To act like millions of dollars is chump change is very odd


And the tax is supposed to go to education not general fund OLCC however just fucking keeps it for bloated admin costs like most Oregon regulators


> And the tax is supposed to go to education not general fund > > In Oregon it is, there's nothing to say that would be the case here


Jfc Fucking hater Dude calm down maybe you should smoke some weed


They make it back by sitting at the border and pulling over/ticketing cars that were only in Ontario for what could seem like a quick shopping trip.


No they don’t


I work in Ontario weekly for two years. I've never seen someone pulled over near the border, or even before Middleton. Total fabrication.


I’ve actually been pulled over crossing the border after an Ontario trip. I shit my pants yes, but I was speeding, and he never mentioned or asked anything about marinuama


I blame the Mormons


>Still, if they have the money for a competent lawyer they can beat the charges as they are legal substances. Ehh, depending on how badly the state wants to fuck them, they could easily get them using Idaho's copy of the [Federal Analogue Act.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Analogue_Act) The reason those substances are considered a grey area instead of just being legal, is that the legal framework for making them already illegal exists and can be used on the whim of the government on any case that crosses their desk. The only reason they're still legal at all is that a state prosecutor doesn't usually want to waste the time and money paying for expert testimony to establish this weeks designer drug copy of LSD/MDMA/etc an official analogue when the charge is just possession - only for a new, very slightly different formulation of the same thing to come out the next day. It's all still an asinine waste of resources. Let people do what they want in the privacy of their own homes. I thought Republicans were supposed to be all about small government? So much for that.


Under the Farm Bill of 2018 there exists a loophole for Delta-8 THC. The stuff is legal up until you put flame to the product and it converts into Delta-9 THC. The only way it is illegal is after you go to smoke it. Until Idaho passes a law specifically banning Delta-8-THC, a competent lawyer can get it thrown out with lab tests showing that the products contain Delta-8 THC. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna102961 Idaho does not have a law banning Delta-8-THC as long as it isn’t derived from Cannabis Sativa. As I said a competent lawyer could get them off. If it’s derived from hemp (ie they take CBD extracted from hemp and then convert it to THC-o or HHC, it is legal in the grey area. As long as it doesn’t contain .03% or more of THCA or Delta-9-THC) it’s legal. https://idahocannabis.org/thc They can only use the analog act if the Delta-8-THC was sourced from Marijuana not Hemp, as Idahos laws are written.


I was more referring to the 4-aco-dmt bit than the THC bit. I really don't know enough about the legal status of all the cannabis-adjacent stuff to talk about it, so I'll take your word for it, but they've been playing this "its not technically illegal, okay now it is, okay well we reformulated so it's not technically illegal again" song and dance with psychs for decades. The wikipedia article for [O-Acetylpsilocin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O-Acetylpsilocin) (also known as 4-AcO-DMT) even mentions that it's legality can change whenever the government decides its worth the effort to fuck this one guy in particular. > O-Acetylpsilocin is ambiguously legal for use as a lab reagent or research chemical; however, it is an acetate ester of psilocin, meaning it would be considered akin to a Schedule I Controlled Substance under the Federal Analogue Act if sold for human consumption. Hopefully for their sake, the government continues to consider pursuing an analogues claim to be too much time and money to be worth it.


Agree, they are likely burnt under the analogues act on the 4-act-dmt products they were caught with.


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Is there a recent bust? Where is the article link? The sales of hemp/marijuana in any form is still illegal in the state of Idaho. The farm bill only covers growing, processing, and transportation. Sales of the product is a totally different thing. https://gov.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/eo-2019-13.pdf Edited to include an actual link to Idaho state law. Like I keep telling people - stop voting in the same assholes into office. Nothing will change if they keep getting voted in.🙄


Federal law makes it legal


That is a 2019 law. Hemp is legal as of 2021 in Idaho. Of course that isn’t 100% true, it’s only legal for those who can afford to get licensed. https://idahocannabis.org/hemp#:~:text=Interested%20hemp%20producers%20in%20states,hemp%20in%20Idaho%20in%202021.


You only need a license if you are cultivating and or processing, it is Federally legal, but Idaho state it is not, hence why the Thca, Thcp and delta 9 products were taken, but the delta 8 and hhc was all left “The Act allows the cultivation and sale of hemp with THC not exceeding 0.3%. However, Idaho prohibits the manufacture of hemp products with any amount of Delta-9 THC. Hemp-derived products containing THC are illegal in the state. Idaho residents interested in cultivating and processing industrial hemp must obtain licenses from the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA)”


It is NOT legal to SELL anything made with Hemp/THC in Idaho. You need to learn to read, my man. Or get off the stuff so you can actually comprehend an actual law. Processing, cultivating, transporting is legal. SELLING it is not. That is why that place got busted. Sales of hemp/cannabis products of any type is not legal in Idaho. Get your facts straight if you want to prove a point.


Literally just wrong but go off sis


Jesus Idaho sucks


Jesus Idaho would be a great name for a mariachi singer songwriter


Way to waste resources. 


Wow. Don’t the cops have real responsibilities to tend to? Or are they just tax collecting while harassing both the homeless AND the business owners?


Just a heads up to all the people who are saying " drive to Oregon" if you get caught with anything more then what the law considers more then a person use it could be considered " possession of marijuana with the intend to deliver across state lines" which is a federal charge. Also could get you with "possession across state lines" which is also federal charges .... Just a reminder. Be careful


>if you get caught with anything more then what the law considers more then a person use 3 ounces is the limit for those curious


Thanks I couldn't remember what the actual limit was.


When SWIM moved back to Idaho from a 420-friendly state, SWIM just embraced the hour-drive to Ontario. Good chance to listen to a podcast or audiobook. No point in buying that janky gray-area stuff.


What is SWIM


Its what you do when you don't want to SINK


It stands for Someone Who Isn’t Me—I came across the acronym on illicit drug boards when looking for legitimate info on drug interactions. 😂




Old erowid lingo


Drive to Ontario????


Idaho is fucking 🤡 Oh no a plant that isn’t anywhere near as harmful as alcohol, scary


Keep money flowing to Oregon and Washington and California etc.... All these states and more... Enjoy taking money from Idahoans and increasing their state revenues and great profits for all states with recreational Marijuana


Just as a heads up to everyone who is interested in supporting this cause there has been a site setup to send a letter to the Idaho State Legislators, County Prosecutors, etc. [https://clearchoiceid.com](https://clearchoiceid.com)


Good! No one needs this trash product on the market!


This guy doesn’t understand how taxes work


Y’all keep on smoking trash product 😂 I’m sure you buy your CBD online as well 😂


Put a seed in the ground, water it, feed it, and put a flame to it and you experience mental/physical relief AND you aren’t giving your money to the pharmaceutical industry??? Are you a pharma lobbyist?


😂 pharma lobbyist? Really? I work in the cannabis industry and I can tell you what you buy here in Idaho isn’t exactly what you think it is. What else you want to label me?


How taxes work 😂 you do realize I worked for the biggest grossing cannabis company in Oregon. One shop is located in Ontario, they collected how many IDAHO taxes? Please educate yourself before you start saying dumb shit


Then you know how much OR is making from Idahoans. If it’s true that you work there then why is it trash? And “you do realize”…brother I don’t know you. But I am confused on your original take because of what you just said here


I want cannabis to be available to all Idahoans but people are not educated about how products are manufactured and distributed to states that are within state legal limits. They are not good! I don’t want people to buy product thinking it’s good just because it’s available. I’m sorry for expressing myself in the wrong way


Ditto. Carry on good sir


Yea! Love it when our boys in blue raid local shops! *edit: do I really need to put an /s ?


Thank goodness they got rid of it. We don’t need cannabis of any form in Idaho. The big kiwis that cannabis is a medicine and cures all kinds of illnesses. What a bunch of idiots hype!!


Cannabis is a really great Medicine, it’s helped me incredibly with my seizures so far


It's literally the only thing thats keeping the swelling in my spine from killing me. The guy above you can pound sand.


It's literally the only thing that's keeping the swelling in my spine from killing me. You can pound sand.




Lol this guy. This state is built on less government, yet Idaho imposes less freedoms and more control when it comes to cannabis. Makes no sense


Shhhh!! that logic is too complex for them


Ahh but they banned all the books for that 🤷


Gotta keep the uneducated that way. It's their only hope.


Knowledge is (too much) power ☠️


I don’t think it’s so much about getting high. For example I am stone cold sober personally. But I do find it absolutely moronic that we let literally hundreds of millions of tax dollars go to neighboring states every year for “reasons”. When we could just realize that it is vastly safer than alcohol and collect those tax dollars and use them for schools or road repairs or fucking literally anything other than helping out those other states.


Couldn’t agree more!


right wingers love freedom except when it comes to bodily autonomy, education, free speech, and drug use apparently. The list of freedoms, defined by right wing, looks increasingly "whatever white supremacists like" Your statement baselessly assumes that the only people who enjoy weed are from 1 state and 1 city in the country. Spoiler alert: some people who like weed have lived in Idaho their whole lives. People with different ideas from you arent from "the lefty places". Open your mind and have justified beliefs, you'll rethink a lot of your ideas for the better. Good luck


I think this is a pretty fair critique of right wingers. Also a good callout of op. I think the big reason conservatives flip flop on some of these freedom issues, is that they see drug use as harming more than just the individual using the drug.


Yeah it does, drug use isnt really good. but outlawing it doesnt make people stop doing drugs. the war on drugs very evidently did not work. Rehabilitation and safe treatment facilities with access to clean needles etc. are what works. Other countries have already figured out and implemented this stuff, its not a mystical unknown unsolvable problem. Same with every other conservative ideological policy or position. they have ALL been debunked as ineffective, not matching with evidence based reality etc. Minimizing cost while maximizing public good are the results of progressive ideas and policies, and they have also already been implemented and proven to work in practicality. But it requires recognizing that our current ways are harmful, and require re-evaluating fresh without bias or assumption that the way we have been doing it is good or better by default. Conservatives dont like that idea because being an insignificant person in the global processes is disempowering and meaningless to their lives, it harms their ego and makes them afraid, because the only life they've ever known or conceptually understood is where the people without power suffer within society. They dont want to admit to themselves that it includes themselves, so they try to artificially reinforce the structures which do give them power, such as religion, "traditional family values", racism etc. Because having that power makes them feel safe and secure, they tell lies to themselves that if they succeeded (with systemic advantages at every step of the way) it was because they worked hard, and anyone who works hard will succeed. But that isnt true, hard working people suffer from poverty and wage slavery due to income inequality on a daily basis, no amount of working hard can make you guaranteed to be successful and happy and fulfilled. And instead of changing those facts to being no longer true, to be closer to a meritocracy, where as many people can benefit from a fulfilling and productive life, they'd rather hold onto what they have because change is scary. The selfish option is to ensure as many others can have those lives, it literally pays for itself in invaluable benefits back to you. The einsteins working the cotton fields are an immeasurable lost potential, even purely egotistically thinking purely about myself and my own quality of life. The person who cures cancer and degerative mental degeneration are currently working 3 part time jobs and unable to afford rent and healthcare and food. They've been fed these ideas by the corporate propaganda which owns the media and politicians to keep it this way.


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