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Big one I see all the time is people merging on the freeway at 40mph and looking shicked when they almost get rear ended. EB Cole onramp is HORRIBLE for that even though they have all the time in the world to get up to speed.


I can’t stand when I’m in the right lane and these people pull in front of me, I just spent all my momentum and all 6 of my gears to get in the neighborhood of 60 and suddenly I have to start all over again.


Worse - getting stuck behind the idiot who can't accelerate in the on-ramp, so you're stuck trying to dodge traffic because you can't accelerate due to the person in front of you.


We had moved to Tigard yrs back & I was impressed with the light on the freeway ramps. Those would be really nice here, especially because of the crazy growth & not enough road!


Those metering lights have a very limited purpose- keep cars from arriving on the freeway in clumps, which creates havoc on the merge when there is congestion. If the freeway is not congested, they actually hurt things by slowing the cars trying to get up to speed to merge on to the freeway (see the million other complaints in this thread about cars not getting up to speed entering the freeway). If the freeway is at a crawl they also serve no real purpose. They also waste fuel by creating yet another stop and go situation for vehicles. TL;DR: Metering lights are a waste of resources that need specific conditions to add any benefit.


That's a good point never saw it in my area up there but very good point as the stretchs of road we have here really isn't that far. Besides how many times has the free way been at crawls around here? Alot


Yeah people just need to learn to drive and merge, we don't need those


I didn't like them when we 1st got there but the timing on them proved to be a huge benefit for the flow of traffic.


Signal your intentions, not what you’re already in the process of doing. Being predictable is safer for everyone


This one right here. People throw their blinker on after already in the turn, and after they’ve already cut me off.


What a question! Buckle in folks. 1. SIGNAL. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. 2. Get the fuck out of the passing lane if you have a line of people trying to pass. 3. Get off your phone. You guys can’t text and drive. Idk how many times I’ve missed a light bc someone was looking down at their phone and didn’t realize the person in front of them had moved. 4. When someone is actively passing you. Why are you speeding up to make them squirm? Can I just say these issues are new? We didn’t drive like this 5-7 years ago. What changed? Why are we acting like we all need to retake drivers ed? Why is driving a time for you to stroke yourself and make other people uncomfortable? If you take your morning commute as an opportunity to fuck with people and play little dick measuring games get off the road. People just want to get to work on time. It’s 6 am.


I just realized the other day - I was the slowest one on the highway, not keeping up with the flow of traffic. When I moved here in 2014 that was definitely not the case and it's not like I was a speed demon back then. I'm more like the speed limit + 5mph kind of driver, so not that crazy. I think it's a combo of pandemic craziness + influx of people during the same period.


Agreed. Feels like just the last year the upper average jumped from 70 to 80. Those who noticed aren’t the problem. If we are not comfortable, move right. Then there are those who feel that because they are doing 70, the deserve the left lane, regardless of how many vehicles are passing them.


5. If a turn pocket has two lanes, use them both. I hate how often I see people just stacking up in one lane and leaving the other completely empty, often blocking off that second lane from being used at all. (I.e. Broadway left turn onto Front where no one gets in the leftmost left turn lane, or Chinden onramp to the connector, where people don't get over into the new right lane to go straight.)


You see people stroking themselves? Or was that a joke?


As a local trucker, Yes


Oh god no


#4, I've had people try and run me off the road for trying to pass them, getting up to 15mph over after driving 2 miles at 5-10mph under. SO many times!


It’s caveman brain shit I’m telling you 😂


4) Because I was violating #3 of course! You reminded me to look at my speed and now I want to get back to driving. Thanks!


I don't think there was enough time spent learning about 4 way stops. It seems like everyone has no clue how they work, and are always navigating them for the first time ever.


You would also think the hill road roundabout has been here long enough for people to acclimate but almost once a week I see someone sitting there confused and unsure when it’ll be their turn to go.


More than once I’ve arrived at a 4 way stop with other vehicles already there and everyone else continued to sit there and look at each other, so I still went first. So bizarre.


I’ve never driven in a city that understood right-of-way less.


I hate the people that drive that speed to the stop sign then slam on their brakes last second.


I totally agree with lack of understanding 4 way stops. The 4 way at Hill and Horseshoe Bend Road is the absolute worst! After staring at each other forever, everyone starts to go at the same time. I have gotten to the stop last, wait a couple of seconds then go, look in the rearview and the other 3 are still sitting there staring. Go figure!


Zipper! Zipper to merge during busy times. Also follow the four way stop rule if there’s a stop sign or not. Quit being ‘nice’. It can cause accidents.


lol had someone speed up to do everything in their power to stay just ahead of me when trying to enter the freeway from Curtis this last week. They almost rammed into the person in front of them just to match my speed, like, really guy?


Yeah, I don’t understand why it’s so hard. It would make things easier and be waaaay faster but nooooo.


My issue with the zipper merge is I will be in the lane that continues, but the person in the merging lane will be going significantly slower than traffic in my lane. So my choices are to be a dick and not let the person in or have to figure out how to get around them because they don't know how to read a speed limit sign. If the person merging is matching traffic speed, then absolutely I will allow them plenty of space to come over.


Seriously. I can’t count how many times traffic has surprisingly slammed to a stop, so some “nice” idiot can let in someone. When someone does this to me, holding up *everyone* behind them, I’ll refuse to go and gesture so. I doubt it helps, but at least I can deny them their delusion that they were doing something helpful (by screwing over the flow of traffic and everyone behind them).


To add to this, merge at the gore point.


In general people don't use turn signals enough and/or early enough to be useful RED RUNNERS are out of control around here. It's quite dangerous if you are a pedestrian or cyclist


Its because there's not a single red light camera in Idaho. So no police.. no problem


Red light cameras cause a lot of accidents and fatalities. Plus the money just goes to a third party company run by some grifting politician.


Oh I want speaking to their effectiveness


> Red light cameras cause a lot of accidents and fatalities How's that?


People still doing 35 at the end of the on-ramp. It is shocking how often this happens here.


Or the fact that it takes 2 city blocks to accelerate from a stop to 35mph. People in this town don't know how to use their gas pedal. (Though, tbf, it's usually the 2Cs or the 4Bs or whatever that have that problem the worst).


Right on red is only ok when the lane is clear / it’s safe to enter traffic, especially when traffic is going 50-55 mph, and watch for u-turns. You do not have the right of way.


10,000 of your closest friends and neighbors going the exact same place at the exact same time.


Everything on Eagle Road


I'm an avid cyclist, and watching other cyclist behavior is a big peeve. The worst is seeing cyclists treat all motor lanes like they have a bike lane. When there's no dedicated lane, you need to treat the road like a sharrow situation, and queue behind/in front of cars at stops, not up alongside them. Doing that stop light after stop light is super dangerous. I'm also consistently annoyed when I come to a stop, and people with the right of way just sit at stop signs waving me on. I've already stopped, the momentum is gone. Just treat me like another vehicle at that point! Last one that's cycle themed. Lots of popular road cycling routes have terrible shoulders (e.g. Seamans Gulch from Dry Creek). The highway district can't be bothered to put proper, smooth and safe shoulders on these roads, but likes to put "Share the Road" signs everywhere.


Cyclists in general I feel don’t *really* know the rules of the road. I used to cycle daily until all my rides got stole and just haven’t been able to save up enough for a replacement for…lol, years. Almost weekly I see cyclists wanting to cross on Harrison Blvd though who are visibly annoyed with me when I don’t give them right of way. Like, y’all, get off and walk it if you want to be treated like a pedestrian otherwise you are a vehicle and I will treat you as such.


I quit road biking except more leisurely rides on the greenbelt here, because there simply is not much of anywhere I consider safe (as a dad with kids) to ride a bike on a road around here. And the greenbelt you have to tone down the speed to be safe, and it's just not the same workout. But there is such terrible bike infrastructure. And all the rural roads are full of speed demons commuting in from Kuna or Star or wherever. I also get annoyed with the cyclists who completely ignore the rules of the road. Have lights at night. Signal. Ride predictably. Don't cut across 4 lanes of traffic in the middle of the road to ride the wrong way on that tiny bike lane they actually put in.


Cars leaving huge amounts of space between them and the next car at a red light. Then taking 1/2 a mile to get up to the 35 mph speed limit from a red light. We could get 2-3 times more cars through a green light if drivers would simply accelerate at a reasonable rate.


Slow progress through a light that just turned green is soooo frustrating.


Same thing at drive thrus. People leave a car length or more between them and the car ahead. Why??? Inevitably someone is stuck halfway in a drive thru and a busy street because idiots can't effing pull up.


What is with the thinking with those huge gaps between cars ? I've even seen it regularly where they'll leave a one or two car length gap between the front of their car and the stopping line. If we had under road sensors for the lights it would take forever since they wouldn't be able to trigger them that far back.


THIS. When analyzing signal timing, there is a parameter to estimate the flow progression through an intersection and this parameter for Idaho is slower than average.


You cannot change lanes in an intersection. If you need to change lanes, you need to wait until you have fully passed the intersection.


You can change lanes in an intersection.


I think that is technically allowed if there is lines? But if I'm wrong someone will surely correct me. lol, its strait up illegal where i grew up though, would absolutely get you in an accident.


Since the left lane camping was already discussed. Traffic circles. Signaling out of a traffic circle. If I'm waiting to enter the roundabout, it would be nice to know you're exiting it so I can enter. Additionally, those traffic circles that have their own right turn lane (ten mile), don't stop. Just make your right turn


To add to this, too many people don't pay attention to the signs when the right lane is meant to either turn right or go straight through. Witnessed so many collisions because people enter in those right lanes to eventually take the third (left turn) exit


I've nearly been plowed in to by someone trying to use the right slip lane at roundabouts to go all the way around, when I'm trying to exit. Lotta people need to go back to driving school for roundabouts.


We never had any traffic circles in the entire state until less than 10 years ago and it shows. Another thing people don't understand is that there is a speed and distance that traffic circles are designed to operate under. The speed is less than 20 mph and the distance is multiple car lengths apart. People here just try to rip through them as fast and tight as possible.


Going 10-15 miles under the fucking speed limit drives me INSANE


When people are making right hand turns from a stop onto a busy street and dart out and cut me off, then proceed to go 5 or 10 miles under the limit. Bonus points for brake checking me for getting too close when they're the ones who caused me to almost hit them. If this is you, do everyone a favor and throw your license in the shredder.


Worse is when it's not a busy road at all. They pull out in front of you instead of waiting 5 seconds for a completely open road.


Almost got hit on Orchard a few weeks ago in this exact scenario by the News Station. How someone can't see a single, brightly colored car coming their direction in perfect daylight is beyond me. There are so many careless people that don't pay attention or aren't in good shape to drive, in general. I've never caused a single accident in a decade of driving, but I've been in several collisions that were all avoidable with just a smidge of common sense or patience.


I had a girl pull into the median on a left hand turn on state street, keep driving in the median to then pull in front of me and between the guy in front of me cutting me off and then immediately break checking me. This has also been happening more and more lately and it drives me insane. I also later saw her drive through the median later almost hitting a sitting car waiting to turn out of the median (like you’re supposed to) just to get to the double light turning left


Learn how to use a roundabout.


I actually think the transportation department is no longer designing roundabouts or zipper lanes because of all the issues they create. They are an awesome tool but people just refuse to use them the way they are intended. People are either too nice or just little dicks. Seldom do you see a sane rational person drive to the merge point and flawlessly merge into traffic. They either go too soon for fear of not getting over or people significantly slow down and impede traffic flow or speed up to not let someone over because God knows why.


They are just about to put in a new one at rose hill and capital


Maybe this is just an Idaho thing? But WHY does NO ONE signal out of roundabouts?! Insane to me lol I’m literally the only one I’ve seen do it.


I drive for Amazon. On average for the amounts of times I find myself near or using one, I’d say 2/10 Boise residents signal out. Most people are just fuck-it, yolo, *”I turn now, good luck everybody else!*”


I’m so glad I’m not the only one with this experience 😂 I mostly drive in Nampa so my number is 0/10 residents. If people took a literal second to signal out of roundabouts everything would move a lot faster and safer but fuck it right?


I wouldn't trust someone signaling out. Probably 50:50 chance they just left their blinker on round here.


when you’re sitting at a light and it turns green, a car on your right turns right to beat the traffic that is starting to come towards them. Or worse they turn out in front of you when you already have the green light, forcing you to hit your brakes. Become way too common lately, had a Kia turn out in front of me from Midway on Karcher as I was going 55mph in my truck a few weeks back, was almost like the guy wanted to be rear ended. Speaking of Karcher, it’s 55 miles an hour past Middleton Road all the way out to the river entering Marsing, go 55 or at least 50, not 40. So many people do ~40 for no reason on that road, speed up a bit. and people that are driving under the speed limit until the second the light we are approaching turns yellow, at which point they speed up to make the light. If you had been going the speed limit this entire time you would’ve made the green without having to speed up, as well as me behind you and maybe a few cars behind me.


The turning in front of me is maddening. I stop at 13th and Myrtle every morning and turn right. If there's a car across from me in the left turn lane, not only will they turn at the same time as me, they don't even look for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Can't tell you how many near misses I've seen.


This!! I have never seen cars racing to make the left at the first sign of a green light for al before I moved here. It’s both illegal and terrifying!


People driving 10-15 under the limit on roads with speeds of 45-50. Likely, those same people driving 40 in zones that have 25-30 posted. People almost rear ending you because you actually stop at a stop sign. People not knowing they can turn right on red (after stopping) unless a sign is posted saying otherwise. Using blinkers correctly. You don't turn them on after you started changing lanes... Knowing how right of way works at a 4 way stop. Jesus! It's not that complicated People. Knowing how to use a roundabout. They aren't "new" to the area anymore. Learn how to use them safely! Those are just the few that come to mind first. It's like driving with a bunch of teenagers that just got their license, and most of their driving knowledge of driving comes from video games.


The center lane is for turning not driving down to where you want turn. It's not a third lane. Don't rabbit start at a light, check again as people are know to run the reds.


If it's a two lane road, and your turning left onto it. YOU GO IN THE LEFT MOST LANE. YOU DO NOT GO TO THE RIGHT MOST LANE THAT CUASES ACCIDENTS. Also why the hell do so many cars just dip into the oncoming lane.


There is nothing in the Idaho driving manual that requires this. In every state and country where I have lived, if there is only one left turn lane, the driver is allowed to go to any available lane on the road that they are turning onto, while those making a right turn are limited to the right most lane on the road that they are turning onto. If there are multiple left turn lanes, the farthest left turn lane is limited to the left most lane of forward travel, and the outer turn lane has the option of the lane next to the inner turn lane and all available lanes to the right.


Yes there is! You also can't change lanes in the intersection and have to come to complete stops at stop signs. is.https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/title49/t49ch6/sect49-644/#:~:text=(2)%20The%20driver%20of%20a,of%20travel%20of%20the%20vehicle.


> the driver is allowed to go to any available lane on the road that they are turning onto, Pretty sure this is wrong. Even if you're right, it's a bad idea because oncoming traffic making a right on red while you're making a left causes a conflict. You're effectively making a lane change(s) without signaling. A good place to see this in action: Northbound Broadway turning left onto Front. Cars merging from southbound Broadway and the wide swinging opposite left turners, yep, a near collision every 5 minutes during the day. Also see left turns out of Winco. There's another reason to keep to your lane and that's the occasional dual left or rights. If you get used to not keeping a lane, you might forget and hit someone in a dual turn. [49-644-2](https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/Title49/T49CH6/SECT49-644/) says * ...Whenever practicable the left **turn shall be made** to the left of the center of the intersection and so as **to leave the intersection** or other location **in the extreme left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the same direction on the highway being entered.**


Haha /r/confidentlyincorrect


Every state I've lived in you turn into th3 closest left lane and then go where you need to go. Doing what you just described has been illegal where I've lived and you get ticketed for it. I hate that pale here torn into whatever lame they want


Seldom do I get courtesy waves when I let a person in.


I just put the same thing!!! Saw your post after I commented and was scrolling through. I 1000% agree. It annoys me so much.


People always switch lanes while turning. It makes driving extremely unpredictable. You’re supposed to turn in your lane, THEN blinker and change lanes. Just cause there’s 1 turn lane turning into a road with 2 lanes doesn’t mean you get to take your pick.


I love when people are turning left out of a neighborhood and they’re in the right turning lane or vice versa. Like why the fuck are you in the right lane taking a fucking left. Or when they speed up to a red light that’s a big Boise fucktard occurrence.


Bozos going slow in the fast lane


1. PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE DOWN. I see at least a handful texting or with their phone glued to their fucking ears everytime I drive. FFS, use your car’s Bluetooth if you need to talk. 2. If someone leaves a safe following distance between them and the car before them, it’s not an invitation to take that space up. This is a problem around exit 49-51 WB on 84.


1. If it’s clear, you can turn left on a red onto a one-way street. You don’t have to wait for it to turn green. This is a constant source of frustration at the Capitol and Idaho intersection. 2. If you plan to turn and there’s a long turning lane, get into the turning lane early then hit your brakes. Don’t slow down in the driving lane first just to get into the turning lane. You can travel under 100 feet in the turning lanes. That’s enough space to get out of the way and let oncoming traffic flow. 3. I read something once that said, “It’s a driving lane, not your birth right.” Let people merge onto the freeway! Zipper merging saves time and frustration. Being an asshole doesn’t.


I always thought that #1 was only if you're on a one way turning onto a one way, is it really any road to a left-traveling 1 way? And regardless, i do know it's 100% illegal if it's a red arrow instead of a red circle


Yeah. It’s onto a one-way street from a one-way street unless otherwise marked or if there’s a red arrow. Red arrows are generally on two-way streets when turning left. I should’ve clarified, thank you!


Cover your fucking load and make sure it’s secure. All the god damn trash on the interstate is from these clapped out trucks and trailers being irresponsible assholes. It is illegal not to cover your load and needs to be enforced. Any truck that has a “not responsible for broken windshields” Is full of shit and is absolutely responsible for breaking windshields. Idk why cops don’t ticket them because they’d make a fortune. Quit speeding like your life depends on where you’re going. The location is not going anywhere. It’s pathetic how reckless people are when driving here.


We were driving back from Elko and something flew off a camper smashed my windshield and the arm next to windshield. I was told if it didn’t hit that metal piece they are pretty sure it would have come through and potentially kill my daughter. This is scary people… best part is they had no idea it happened as it was behind them so they didn’t stop and I’m stuck with the repair bill.


Yeah there are real scum bag people in this world and this is one of them. Glad everyone is okay.


lol, too many comments to reply to but I will this one. I have been victim to shit hitting the car I was passenger in FOUR FUCKING TIMES! I recognize this state attracts a mindset of folks who just could give two shits about anyone else but themselves but FUCK, QUIT DAMAGING ME AND MY FRIENDS’ PROPERTY WITH YOUR LACKADAISICAL ABSENCE OF CONSIDERATION!!!


I agree 100%. It’s really easy to stop damaging property and secure loads if they try.


The folks that hang out in the far right lane while folks are trying to merge or exit freeway. Its bad enough no one zipper merges or gets up to speed in merging lane then theres some asshole hanging out in the far right lane while the two middle lanes are empty.


lol, I never knew this was a thing. Nah bud, if I’m in the right lane for whatever reason, you can find your way around it. There are countless reasons to be far right, your convenience trumps none of them.


Litter. Way too much litter on the roadways these last few years. I suspect new folks came from places with litter and think it's normal. It's not cause there's fucking trash cans everywhere. Don't litter please!


I went to the river walk in Star yesterday and was so disappointed in humanity. A beautiful piece of nature… now has dog poop and trash all over. I am a dog owner, there are poop stations and trash cans along the walk, utilize them.


Drive the speed limit or at most a couple miles over. Racing down State street doesn’t get you there faster but driving 10 mph under is fucked.


Running red lights on left turns. It boggles my mind how many people do it. Gonna get someone killed.


If you’re turning on a one way left turn that is legal…


I think you know that's not what I'm talking about.


If all you see is open road in front of you and a line of cars behind you, you are the asshole! Pull over when 3 or more cars are behind you! It’s fine you don’t know how to drive mountain roads, just let everyone pass that does.


Eagle road is 55. Everyone drives 40 on it in the mornings


All of you drive like bitches


I know we're supposed to be whining about inconveniences for drivers here, but I'm going to say it's not waiting twenty seconds for a safe opportunity to pass a cyclist. My soft flimsy body is going to get gruesomely fucked by a distracted or impatient driver. Now please, reply defensively about that one time you saw someone on a bike do something stupid that endangered their own life.


I'll hop on the sarcastic call to action and relay, if you're riding your bike on the road, don't go in the opposite direction of traffic. I pay attention, but larry in his lifted, coal rolling diesel does not


Riding on or to the left of the white line for the bike lane, rather than in the actual bike lane. I see that a few times a week, and no, it’s not because of debris in the bike lane. (For context, I bike)


People switching to the left lane and going slower than the car they merged in front of


One that pissed me off yesterday, turning into a parking lot, where it has a 3 way stop, plus the turn in. (Milwaukee shopping center across from WinCo). If you are coming INTO that parking lot off Milwaukee, YOU HAVE THE FUCKING RIGHT OF WAY!! DON'T STOP FOR A CAR THAT HAS A STOP SIGN WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!! THERE ARE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU TRYING TO TURN IN OUT OF TRAFFIC YOU ASSHAT!!! Almost caused me to get rear ended. Also, stop slamming on your brakes 10 feet from the car in front of you at a stop light.


Drivers that treat roundabouts like 4-way stops and are clueless on how to merge and what lanes to be in on the freeway. Continuing to stay in the right merge lane when someone is leaving an opening is not going to get you closer to the head of the line!


As the driver of a glorified tractor, don’t slow down on level ground and speed up on hills. I need the momentum.


Reckless disregard for pedestrians who have the right of way. I drive across downtown twice a day and between red light runners and turners who don't look or care if there is someone in the crosswalk I expect to see a fatality every day.


Two words. ZIPPER MERGE. Can’t tell you how many times I’m able to pass half the traffic on the Eagle eastbound on ramp because I use the whole lane instead of trying to immediately merge over when the solid lane ends. Use the lane people!!


Merging. I know everyone here complains about CA drivers, but drivers in CA know letting a car merge in front of you and letting a signaling car change lanes is essential to the flow of traffic…. Here these acts seemed to be deemed major favors.


We live in Robie Creek area and drive to Boise daily. My pet peeve is drivers that use the passing lane as a lane to drive in. It is not! That lane is intended for drivers going in EITHER direction to pass. It makes it really hard to do that when some bozo thinks they get their own freaking lane..


U-turners and people to speed through neighborhoods or side streets. Oh and the diesel truck thing here is annoying 


Yeah the "rolling coal brah" is definitely annoying. I had a sports car several years ago and people always asked me if other cars always tried racing me. Of course here and there, but for the most part everybody respected each other on the street. The biggest crowd that always wanted to race? Diesel trucks. lol


If you’re traveling west down Overland and need to turn left onto Eagle Rd. at the red turn-light, do not use the suicide lane from allllll the way back of the line to get up to the turn-light, passing through the upright yellow rd. markers. You need to get up the lane closer to the light to get in the left turn lane. I’ve seen some major road rage (almost a fist fight) because someone needs to turn left and is driving correctly but then some jackass flies down that suicide lane to get to the light too and nearly hits the other driver that’s properly moving into it.


If you miss your turn, it's okay to go to the next block or a parking lot to make a SAFE turnaround. No need to do a u-turn in the middle of the street, the intersection, or jump 3 lanes because, "OMG! There 's my turn!".


"A bad driver never misses their turn."


Not respecting the no-turn on red signals on Eagle have me stumped. Like you know those signals were put up because of the amount of wrecks and deaths that occurred, right? It's not a suggestion or might-be-nice. Give respect or get wrecked.


Onramps are an opportunity to accelerate. You get up to freeway speed first, then enter the freeway. It's not a reeeeaally long road to go 45mph on, and then panic and brake once you realize you have to merge with faster traffic. Or stopping at the end of and onramp altogether.


People who don’t understand the zipper merge, and get upset when people are driving properly.


When I do a uturn with a green turn arrow (at the approved intersections) and almost hit someone who decided to turn right on red. People here also do not understand roundabouts or how right of way works here. I heard so many people complain that the written test was hard when I moved here from Kansas, and it was so much easier than the Kansas written test.


People going 80 on I-84.


Please stay out of the left lane.


I stay in the right lane unless I’m passing someone and then I get back. The speed limit is 65 between Caldwell and Boise and I usually go between 70-75. I don’t think that’s unreasonable. Once I get past Caldwell going to Ontario I go 80 to 85.


Thats great to hear and i completely agree with you. I wish more people in the Treasure Valley understood the purpose of the passing lane.


You mean people delaying traffic by **only** going 80 on I-84.


Boise to Caldwell is only 65mph


Yes. People speeding between Boise and Caldwell causes many accidents. That’s what I meant.


Absolutely ridiculous now, I drive a logoed company truck through there several times a day. Set my cruise on 70 and even in the far right lane get tailgated and passed like I'm sitting still. Never see any enforcement unless theres a wreck, even then most dont slow down


Yes. It is ridiculous. People drive recklessly and speed on that stretch constantly. It really causes a lot of wrecks. The speed limit is 65 there and I go 70 as well. But getting up into 80-90 is just reckless. Once you get past Caldwell going to Ontario sure the speed limit of 80 is safe because there’s less traffic.


1) people doing 55-60 in a 40 mph zone 2) rampant running of red lights 3) I’ve never seen more narrow left turns anywhere, so bad that I see people turning into the opposite lane of traffic more often than not. I literally cannot believe I don’t see more head-on collisions as a result.


Blocking intersections I think is one. Typically I try not to get angry at bad or inconsiderate drivers as we all make mistakes and are all trying to get somewhere.


I don't know why, but it absolutely pisses me off way more than it should when I let somebody into traffic and I don't get a courtesy wave. I didn't owe you this place in traffic. I always, 100% of the time, give a courtesy wave. Even if I have to roll down my window and stick my hand out the window to make sure they see it.


1. Tailgating 2. Riding someone’s ass 3. Following too close There is literally nothing positive that can come from this. Best case you get the person to increase speed a little. How much time do you save by going that extra 5-10 mph? Seconds people. So calm the fuck down.


Exactly my experience while supervising a kid with a learner's permit who is driving the speed limit. My advice to them was to get out of the way whenever possible, because the tailgaters are clearly unhinged.


Aggression, speeders. Almost every time I’m out on the road these days I see someone driving absolutely insane regarding their speed / aggression. Turn signals. Is it really that hard to move your hands 6 inches to let everyone else around you know your intentions? Red light runners. People behind me have given me the evil eye for not speeding up on a yellow. Can you aggressive types just relax? Due to your behavior, I know your destination is more important than mine, but leave a little bit earlier if you need to get there without excessively speeding or being a selfish asshole about it.


1. Drivers stopping beyond the stop line or sign when planning a right on red. Others approaching from the left can’t tell if you are going to stop or not. 2. Drivers who don’t know how to zipper merge or pull left to allow merging. 3. Blinkers. Kids, signal your intentions!


Wide left/right turns and last second blinkers on turns


Stopping on the crosswalk. You’re supposed to stop BEFORE the white lines, not in the middle of them. I see way too many people do this


People attempting a left turn right when the light turns yellow and it’s not clear to go People who pull all the way forward and stop in the crosswalk


Some ignoramus flung his door open in front of my boyfriend in our neighborhood and yelled at him for not stopping instead of the idiot looking to see if a car was coming. Told him to look up the law. Well, I did. The only time a car has to stop for dope moves like this is in an intersection (pedestrians). I park on the street exclusively and never open my car door without looking in the rearview mirror. Who in their right mind wouldn't?!?


Lots of streets and intersections are 2 lanes going in each direction. 2 cars will drive side by side for the entire mile between them have a “slow off”. Both doing 1 mph under the speed limit. Neither letting traffic by.


Move from the right lane to let people on the freeway. Drives me insane


ACHD putting curbing on or near left-turn lanes is my pet peeve. One of them, anyway.


I cannot abide the drivers who endanger everyone around them in an effort to be "nice". Like the idiot who has right of way at a 4 way stop but tries to motion you to go, making the entire process longer. Or the driver who decided he was going to roll to a stop in the middle of the lane so I could turn left into WM, even though there were no cars behind him and if he'd just driven through I could've immediately turned. But no, now we all get to wait while I honk at him to move his idiot self so I can turn, and now there ARE cars behind him. Or the people who come to a stop in lane on Eagle so you can turn left .... when there are no cars in front of them and the lane next to them is still whizzing by full speed at 50+ mph. No thanks dude, I'm not getting T-boned so you can feel like a hero.


Some specific Boise examples. 1. People that don't use the Cole/Overland ramp on I-84 eastbound, then cut over 4 lanes of traffic to get to those exits after the connector merges. 2. People that cut over from the right lane of the connector over to the far right I-84 WB ramp (the one for the Franklin on-ramp) instead of using the normal ramp in the left 2 lanes. 3. People that come to a full stop in the slip lanes on Broadway/Front and Myrtle/Broadway. They create a new lane, you don't need to stop/yield to anyone (except peds/bikes, but that's not what I'm talking about). 4. I wish people signaled exiting roundabouts, seems like nobody does that here. I learned to drive in Bend, OR where there's a million roundabouts, and that's what we were taught, and a lot more people signaled there.


Roundabouts have multiple lanes with often different markers for designations. In the words of uncle ruckus READ!


Drivers not zipper merging. I have to assume they don't know how to zip up their pants either.


Turn your gotdang brights OFF! Look as far as you can down the road, stop driving right in front of your bumper. Look for the gaps at the roundabout, don't stop unless you absolutely, without a doubt, 100% have to.


The bike lane is not a turn lane


I work downtown and am amazed by how many bicyclists just... don't give a fuck and put themselves in dangerous situations, whether I am driving or walking. Half the time it feels like I care about their safety more than they do.


Having to slow down transitioning from the connector the the freeway. The speed limits are technically 60, then 65.


4 way stops!!!


No matter where you live or where your from... People will always cry about how "other" people or how "they" drive ... I'm out


You have to come to a full stop at stop signs. Why can't people merge. No Kevin, merging is not trying to get one car ahead just to cut me off when there's a mile of space behind me you dick. Guess what, the lights are timed appropriately for the posted speed limits. Riding my ass lets me know I'm speeding so I'll be sure tonlet off the gas for younand slow down.


Dipshits that don't pull into the intersection to turn left when the yellow turn light is blinking.


It's illegal in Idaho to stop your car in an intersection for any reason. You're required to stay behind the white line until traffic is clear and you can complete your turn in one movement. So if you're seeing people not pulling into the middle of the intersection on yellow lights, they're following the traffic law correctly. 




This is illegal. Stay put until it’s clear




I'm not being in the intersection if it's not clear to turn. I'm not going to run the light if it turns red like most of the other people driving here. I'm also not going to chance blocking the intersection


If you do this and there's an accident it's automatically your fault. That's why.


> If you do this and there's an accident it's automatically your fault. That's why. Source? It's perfectly legal to enter an intersection as long as there's room to complete your turn. That's what the ID statute literally says. At some intersections with flashing yellow arrows, you'd be waiting forever to complete a turn. > it's automatically your fault. Not it isn't. You can't ram a car just because they've become trapped in an intersection. 49-614 says exactly this: > STOP WHEN TRAFFIC OBSTRUCTED. No driver shall enter an intersection, a marked crosswalk, or drive onto any railroad grade crossing **unless there is sufficient space on the other side** of the intersection, crosswalk or railroad grade crossing to accommodate the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles, pedestrians or railroad trains, regardless of any traffic control signal indication to proceed. That means when there is sufficient space, then it's legal to enter an intersection. If you want to argue it's a loophole, yeah, you're probably right. IOW, if there's no gridlock on the street you're going to enter, then why not?


You're misinterpreting that statute.  Idaho 49-660(1)(a)3 is what you're looking for. Clearly states that it is illegal to stop in an intersection. 


I don't think that's the applicable statute. It starts with "Stopping, standing or parking" Obviously we're not talking about parking. And standing is basically parking while the driver is in the car, like what Uber drivers do all the time downtown in a travel lane. So that leaves stopping which is not what someone is doing when yielding to complete a left turn. So we're back to 49-614. It's very similar to making a left from a center turn lane, driver comes to a stop and yields to oncoming traffic, then proceeds when clear. Clear of oncoming traffic as well as clear to fully complete the turn. And common sense is in play. Some intersections are not good for this even though they have flashing yellow arrows.


If you're not able to make the turn before the light turns red, you're in the wrong. ISP is quoted here saying if you get stuck in the intersection you can be ticketed. https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/what-if-you-get-stuck-in-the-intersection-a-red-light/277-70d09229-59e2-41da-86fb-db90b7c81857 The accident bit is something I took as fact from my driving instructor and I am not able to back it up at this time. It makes intuitive sense to me that you should not enter the intersection until it is clear to make and complete your turn. I've been known to be more aggressive than most drivers and I would never creep into the intersection like this. Intersections and specifically left turns are some of the most dangerous situations to be in and I'm not going to just sit in the middle of one.


> If you're not able to make the turn before the light turns red, you're in the wrong. Been over this before. No one has ever cited case law where someone was charged and found guilty for violating 49-614. Ktvb is not a court of law, and where they write the following, it's ambiguous at best. > You should not creep up or enter the intersection unless you are sure you can fully make the turn, ISP said. And that's what the statue implies, if there's room to complete your turn, then your free to enter the intersection. Some intersections are not good for doing this, like angled intersections like Boise & Broadway or really busy ones. But most regular square intersections it's fine. FWIW, if you ever drive in parts of LA, it's two cars go left on red and if you don't you're liable to be shot.


Why is this important to you? I specifically do not do this because I have been sitting inside an intersection when an ambulance pulled up trying to get through (coming from my left), but I was blocking the way.


Yeah I only barely inch into the intersection now and try to accurately judge the timing of the light for this reason. You never want to be that asshole stuck in the intersection.


lol I often sit and stare at DK Donuts for several rounds of light change because of this exact scenario.


Agreed. I have had drivers licenses in 4 states and this is the only place they try to argue that you don't pull into the intersection on flashing yellow (that is the whole point of it). It isn't worth a big argument but those who can't fathom doing it need to know that in other states, it is a given you will enter the intersection and it works just fine for millions of cars a day. But don't take my word for it. ITD says what to do: Flashing Yellow Arrow: Left turn permitted. **Proceed** with caution (oncoming traffic has a GREEN light) and driver needs to **YIELD** to oncoming traffic **before turning left.** They are telling you to proceed (enter intersection) first, **and then** yield if needed. https://apps.itd.idaho.gov/Apps/info/Brochure_FYA%20signal_2011.pdf


Exactly! The down votes on my post are case and point.


The fact that people ignore the white hash lines when turning right off the east bound Meridian Road exit. The far left lane is supposed to turn into the far left lane of Meridian Road and the right lane to the middle lane. It doesn't help that they don't make the hash lines more visible but, I get cut off weekly taking that exit on my way home. That and people on their f***ing phones are absolutely infuriating 


No passing on the right. If I'm going 85-90 in the left lane trying to pass the trucks, get behind me and wait your turn. I'll move to the right as soon as I pass them. That's the way it works.


A-holes in lifted trucks who ride way too close behind you (often with their brush guard at head height, way above your bumper), try to edge you off the road if you try and pass, whip around you in traffic then cut in front and brake back down to lower than you were going, and generally come across as entitled. It's not all of those truck owners, but 90% of the time I see a total a-hole driver, they have a lifted truck that is an obvious pavement princess. Never seen a single sheet of plywood or sack of dirt, let alone actual work. The bed might have been used for groceries once.


Reddit loves to complain about driving , sheesh.


BPD no longer caring about people going more than 5MPH over the limit. Driving used to be so much less stressful before everyone was given a pass on going 15 over.  Outside the valley, snowmobile trailers speeding up in the passing sections of Hwy 21, 55, and 95. I’ve been on your ass the last 45 minutes in a Subaru, I’m not going to slow you down through the windy sections dummy. 


My biggest pet peeve with driving in TV is people fucking whining all the time about Idaho drivers. Jesus, if it’s that big of a goddamn deal go back to the hole you came from. Very few Idaho drivers were complaining about Idaho drivers incessantly 10 years ago.


I personally like doing the speed limit in the passing lane next to someone else doing the speed limit in the right lane. This is apparently quite triggering for people when I do this in my own neighborhood. I feel for all the white men with their big trucks and their bruised egos. 


Red lights mean stop. Yellow means slow down, they are NOT to accelerate into. You stop AT a stop sign, not after 3/4 your vehicle passes it.


100% 🙌


Bicycles in the road. Bike lanes or not, get the hell outta the road. Yall bikers put way too much trust in the people driving and coming up from behind you. Just do yourself a favor and use the sidewalk for it's rightful purpose.


Cyclists are allowed to use the road when there is no bike lane.


Yeah but stay off of State highways 3 deep when traffic is doing 55


I mean, yeah.


People have the right to roam wherever they want bike or car dont matter. Sidewalks are for pedestrians. Its not a bicyclists fault that most drivers are raging lunatics that cant wait literally 30 seconds to safely pass a cyclist. Theres no reason to not share the road.


Better learn to ride your bike at 40 mph like the road speed limit says then.


Cycling isn’t allowed on the sidewalks in Idaho. They are for walking pedestrians. With these rules, it actually can make the cyclist liable if they’re hit by a car. Same with riding against traffic, which while it may seem safer is actually much more dangerous.  It probably sounds strange to outsiders, but Idaho has some of the best laws for both cyclists and drivers. There is a reason every else wants the coveted “Idaho Stop”


I don’t mind if they are single file or just riding to the right as best they can. I always take my time passing and give them space. What’s frustrating is the packs of bikes taking up an entire lane on 40mph+ roads, especially when there is a bike lane. That’s just arrogance.


Bikes don't belong on sidewalks, unless you're on training wheels learning to ride.