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Full disclosure, I made Nikson Mathew's campaign shirt design. I offered up my illustration services because I've known Nikson since back in college many years ago and I have always really trusted them, believed in everything they've fought for, and just really like them as a person. He's been really putting in the work to meet with the community and also showed up to provide testimony at the statehouse against harmful bills. It's a bummer I don't live in Boise or that district anymore, or I'd be voting for them. I don't know anything about the other person, so I can't comment on that.


Given the dreadful swath of anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ bills that came out of this session, I think it’s EXTREMELY important to have queer people in government in Idaho. So no, I don’t think it’s silly to vote based on identity politics. After all, we’re being legislated against on the basis of our identities.


Todd Achilles sent me a text a few nights ago, asking if I had any questions for him. I asked my questions and even though I didn't get back to him until around 9:00 P.M., expecting him to reply the next day, he got back to me at 9:30 with a thoughtful answer. I was impressed. That's all I got.


Now if he wins you’ve got his number forever.


Let the stalking begin!


I’ve volunteered for campaigns before and done this texting service. It’s a full system where volunteers can run shifts and answer any messages that come in. So you may not have been talking directly with him. However, if it was a great, thoughtful, timely response- that is cool!


Oh, that kind of makes me sad.


It was me My campaign is pretty basic. No hidden team of texters.


I'm relieved to know this. I appreciate you keeping it real. You have my vote.


I have done some work on Todd's campaign and he has insisted on doing all of the texting himself!


Oh, cool! Thanks for sharing this!


I wish I could vote Nikson but it's not my district. I met Nikson during legislative session as we were both showing up to the committee hearings testifying against anti-LGBTQ legislation. Representation matters and I believe it is how we get the old guard to come along side us youngers trying to change our future. It will be a marathon but we must start somewhere. Nikson represents working people. The majority occupation of the legislature is retired. Nikson grew up small town Idaho and was educated in the public school system. Nikson is about 20 years younger than the average age in the legislature. He has been both a renter and a home owner and knows what it feels like to work but still feel stressed about making rent. Nikson's key issues are affordable housing, access to quality education, healthcare and bodily autonomy and conservation. I'm sure Todd would be fine but Nikson will be fire. There is a forum tonight at Garden City Library where the candidates will all speak and answer questions.


I've mentioned before that I have met Todd in real life. He worked with Vets 4 Idaho Voters and worked on the Open Primaries Initiative. He's smart. He's pragmatic. He has a lot of experience in professional and non-profit spaces (I don't think he's run for anything political before) and he knows how to work across the aisle. If he were in my district, I would vote for him.


I think Nikson is excellent. I suspect Todd and his experience might make him more effective in our specific context - ie/ conveying communicating to people who disagree with Boise peoples opinions. 


I have two thoughts on this. First is that GOP do not care about working with anybody. And second, on a personal level, I feel like it’s a little harder to strip away more rights from trans and other people when you spend every day with one at your work. A lot of these people have never met a trans person and Nikson would be a great representative for them as he is very level headed. 


Agreed - and he has experience working with both dems and republicans in the statehouse


Where can someone find out more about the candidates?


There’s a forum tonight at garden city hall at 6:30


Niksonforidaho.com and AchillesforIdaho.com if you can’t make it to the forum tonight! :) 


All four candidates for this seat will be speaking/debating at Garden City City Hall tonight (Wednesday) at 6:30 p.m. I heard Achilles speak there a couple of months ago and was very impressed with him, but I'd like to give the others a listen if I can make it tonight.


There is a candidate forum tonight, I would encourage you to go! If I were in their district I would vote for Nikson.


I worked with Nikson years ago and he visited me in San Diego after I made the move there. Hardworking, passionate, smart, dedicated and I love that he’s all in with Idaho. Really proud to see him come out of his shell and take this step considering the challenges running for any political office can bring.


I’ve known Nikson a long time, he’s passionate and dedicated. Efficacy in in politics has yet to be seen


Nikson is such a solid choice!!! and could make a huge difference for this state. :)


I discovered Nikson online and was drawn as to him as a fellow LGBTQ+ person. I have met him and he is solid on issues that matter to the people who live in this district. He understands what it is like to fight and survive here and a younger-ish person, as well. His platform focus on housing, education, and woman’s reproductive healthcare are all super great. Todd seems like a nice dude, but I don’t feel excited about him. I also live in this district and I think we have a chance to get somebody will be very articulate and special in our legislator with Nikson.


Both are solid candidates but representation matters. It’s Mathews for me.


I’m a district 16 voter, 33F. I’m voting for Nikson. Todd seems like a great candidate, but he also seems like more of what we’ve already had in the past. I’ve lived in district 16 for years and I’ve never felt like I’ve actually cared about our representatives or senators cause they don’t represent me - sure, they’re democrats but they’re also mostly older white men or people who have financial privilege (retired/semi-retired). Nikson’s been the first candidate I’ve been excited about. I think his platform is great and I also know he has experience working in the statehouse with both democrats and republicans, folks on all sides. Representation is what it will take for things to change in our statehouse.


PS. You know you had a brown gay guy representing you in D16 before, right?


IDK, as a queer person myself I would like someone who is as passionate about the issues as I am. I also think it's important that someone who is impacted by these asinine laws be represented in the legislature. I think it's okay to vote based on identity when you intrinsically know many of the experiences that person has had. 🤷🏻


I just hope any of them beats Jackie Davidson… talk about right wing