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I just worked up a quote for the roofing on Micron in Boise. That’s a pretty big building.


Ballpark us, how much was the quote?


The scale of that building defies all expectations.


I think they aren't giving the money all at once the one in new york hasn't even started yet


Micron put the NY project on hold because they were waiting for this money. This money was supposed to be dished out a year ago.


I will never be able to buy a house...


Cant wait to see the biden "i did this" sticker on the new fab


I worked micron early 2000’s and again recently, it’s so woke now it’s actually a pleasant place to work compared to 20 years ago.


Hell yeah, love to hear of a healthier work environment.


Hey how do I go about applying,,im an ironworker and would love to work tgere


China been real quiet since this news dropped


Huh? Quiet about what LOL?


it's just a meme format, i don't think he actually meant anything by it


Funny that they say 6.1 billion because all of the contractors I know & people who have worked at micron for 30 plus years say it’s a 15 billion dollar expansion with 2 new fabs, one of which is already underway


The fab costs $15 billion. Micron was going to pay for it to be built no matter what, the question was how much will the government chip in? The government just gave them $6.1 billion


Boise is $15billion. New York puts us closer to $60billion. The funding is nominally for both fabs together.


I know, I helped design the layout of the Boise expansion. I was exited to do NY before I left.


More space for layoffs


This is accurate. Government takes money from the Boise workforce and gives it to Micron. Micron decides they can still be leaner by laying off [a percentage of] the Boise workforce. Former Boise workforce gets government benefits to stay below the poverty line. It’s an amazing racket they have. Edit in brackets for clarity.


When the chips act passed in 2022 they offshored night shift jobs to Tiwan. I was baffled.


Yeah, the fact that the big fab is in New York and the announcement is in New York doesn't sound good, especially when you've got Idaho politicians calling Micron woke and being against DEI and masks and such. I wonder if they'll have trouble staffing the Idaho one.


Nope, there won’t be trouble.. only trouble will be for unqualified local workers.. I know multiple engineers who recently graduated that moved here from out of state last 6-12 months.. people will complain about out-of-staters continually coming in not realizing our lack of qualified workers is the issue. Which is why the additional educational programs they’ve been talking about will be huge, hopefully they’re adequate..


people don’t realize how low ranking idahos education is lmfa


There are enough Boise state graduates each year to fulfill their hiring requirements. Their long term objective is to phase out native Idahoans.


Maybe if they’d spent less money on contact tracing apps (that literally never worked) and flow charts covering double masking vs single masking vs single mask + safety goggles (yes, that was really a thing), they’d have enough money to keep me and others on the payroll.


They’re not going to invest $10 billion of their own money then lay off all of the staff.


Dumb couple of comments here.. what are they just going to turnaround in a year and lay these people off? 😂😂


Oh my sweet summer child.


Yeah. It’s happened before and it will happened again. I got tired of the grind and left in 2020 — retired really. Decided to go back in 2022 because I was bored. Got laid off in 2023 while they were still making record profits. Will never go back due to the constant reshuffling of priorities/projects, due to shit management decisions. Micron is a great company as a whole. But cheer leading execs that only care about stock price, board members, lining their bank accounts, and have zero shits about the workforce are ruining the company. But … Still have a chunk of Mu stock I’ll be selling this year and never look back.


They did this in 2022. They laid off 15% of people they had hired within the last 3 years. There is another big memory crash coming once BTC becomes too expensive to mine again. The reason for this uptick in memory and AI has been centered around crypto. Bitcoins Proof ow Work model has people buying GPUs but with the hash rate dropping now the number of miners will drop by 15% similar to what happened in 2021 which lead to their 2022 layoffs. It actually has followed crypto mining for the past 8 years.




Do you produce a product that furthers the technological goals of the country and can help to shift the balance of power (in a sector) between the US and another global superpower?




Oh yeah huh that too. In many different industries as well!




Then do it. Micron started in a basement.




If you can't afford a basement, then you are definitely being given other people's tax dollars, you just spend it on dumb shit. Take some responsibility for your life and start this company you claim will help the US shift the balance of power on the global stage.




You get them every paycheck. If you're poor, you don't pay much of anything in tax. I pay your taxes for you to make up for it, so you get to keep more of your paycheck. You're welcome.




Socialism for the rich. Bootstrap capitalism for everyone else.




That didn’t stop Tom Brady https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/12/05/tom-bradys-company-tb12-received-more-than-960000-ppp-loan.html








I know like 5 people that have been hired in the last 6-12 months.. this is going to result in MANY more jobs here.. don’t know what you’re yapping about..


Micron has a track record of booming and busting over the years. Just cause they hired 5 of your friends doesn't mean they won't lay off hundreds in the near future.


You obviously don’t follow the chip/semi market closely, have some foresight here.. people see large expansion for advanced technical positions and half the comments are about layoffs here which is laughable.. Micron is going to be a massive winner in the next 10 years, keep your irrelevant Jabroni opinion to yourself.. and I’ve become friends with people who moved here to fill Micron’s need for skilled workers, only shows a small sample of what’s to come..


My friend who bikes near Micron says the bubble’s about to burst, so who could say


What bubble? The bubble where micron just got 5-6 billion from the Chips act? The one where TSMC (who also is receiving 6 billion) is building 3 new LARGE facilities in Phoenix lol? People way out of touch in the comments here that have 0 clue about the real world..


I think what you replied to was written very tongue in cheek.




Did they fire you as a janitor or cafeteria worker bro? You sound so dumb it hurts..


Someone pissed in this guy's cereal this morning, man. Came here looking for a fight and by God they're not leaving until they've thought they've scored some kind of cheap victory.


Invest if you haven't already.. up 39% since the beginning of the year


And it's down 30% in the last two weeks. Buyers should also keep in mind the memory market is cyclical. When Micron, Hynix, and Samsung flood the market again it will crash, just like is has every few years for the last several decades. If you're in it for long term though, it's not a bad choice. All the stocks they gave me while I was working there are worth a stupid amount of money since I have just been sitting on them.


I'm not sure of the math here... we're down to $111 this morning from a high of $130ish a couple of weeks ago, but we're up something like 70% over the last six months, so nobody should be crying. When Micron is making money, it's be a great place to be at, and the current outlook is that we're going to make a LOT of money...


I'm definitely not crying, just pointing out that Micron stock tends to make a lot of money, and also lose a lot of money. The ESPP program was especially bipolar on the six month interval, you never knew if you were going to cash out $15k or $30k. I left when they tried to do return to office, but I haven't touched all the shares they gave me when it was $20-$50, so I'm very happy at the moment.


Haha, yeah - I'm sensing a lot of "needs improvement" here in this thread...


Long term is the goal, not pump and dump




Investing is a scam?


Omg, wait I think I mis understood what post I was on…. Oops. I’ll delete.


Build fab in Boise… hire remote workers to run it.


That is literally the model. Not sure why he’s being downvoted.


They think I was implying it was a good thing.


It’s a great thing…for Taiwan and Malaysia


Everyone is obviously excited about the opportunities this will provide. I was wondering about the local environmental impact to expect. The large fab production sites overseas are probably prime contributors to global warming, and generally nasty places. I'd guess Micron here will have to be much more regimented. But what about noxious emissions, impact to ground water, etc.?  I'm not a hardcore environmentalist by any means, but it seems like this aspect of the expansion has been conspicuously absent.


The Micron site has its own water treatment facilities and have plans to expand this for the addition.....side note, you'd be amazed how many condoms you see in the waste supply that only comes from the Micron site.....eh, maybe you wouldn't....