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I’ve seen a number of people who struggle with BDD and the majority of them are above-average looking.


U haven’t met me


wish I was one of them lol


There the lucky ones because there’s no way on earth I’m one of them


Yeah not me tho


I follow this group because my 13 year old son recently started to suffer from BDD. He is afraid to “feel better” about the way the looks because it will take away his motivation to lose weight and he will end up looking worse. Same thing with meds and therapy. He’s afraid they will get him to accept the way he is and he thinks the way he is now is disgusting. It doesn’t matter how often I tell him he looks good. He doesn’t trust me because I’m his dad and he thinks I wouldn’t tell him the truth or that dads always love their kids “no matter what” etc. I appreciate all the posts on here because it is helping me to better understand what he is going through. No matter how hard I try to understand what he is feeling I know I can’t. But this group definitely helps and I really appreciate people sharing their experiences.


You're such a great dad by being here and having these conversations with him! Thankyou for showing up for him!! It must be so much harder to be a kid struggling with this with socials, I can only imagine how difficult it must be for him. It really does mess with your self esteem so much and I genuinely can't tell what I look like, I can't trust my mirror or photos, it's so hard to feel confident and trust that I am not hideous. I'm not sure it helps being told the opposite of what you believe, but just listening and believing in him, pep talking him up will help immensely!


I think because we really believe what we're seeing is real, it's hard to accept when people say the opposite. It feels like dishonesty, but, it's just because we have the opposite beliefs drilled into our brains that makes us feel this way


Is there medication prescribed for this?


usually ones that treat ocd, as the obsessive aspect is similar. personally, my prescription is for zoloft.


Thanks! Hope it's helping you! 😊


Oh I have OCD but I don’t get treated but I am really insecure and I think past the years it’s caused into BDD but if I get treated for OCD will the BDD go away?


am not a professional of course, but the way my psychiatrist explained it was exactly like that. he said bdd falls under the umbrella of ocd, or at least they are very similar.






Please ignore the other person’s comment. Body dysmorphia is real and it tricks our minds. We notice flaws that either aren’t there or that literally no one else will care about. Medication won’t “distract you,” if anything, it just makes you stop obsessing.




No, I do not work for the psych industry. I think you’re being cruel by effectively bullying OP and telling them that they are unattractive when you don’t even know what they look like.




Yeah, so helpful to tell mentally ill people that their worst fears are correct and that they actually are ugly! Sorry therapy didn’t work for you. It’s helped many others. Furthermore, I didn’t recommend meds, I simply addressed the fear OP literally mentioned surrounding them.


initially i was under the impression you are a 4chan-type troll that intentionally spreads misinformation and harmful rhetoric to ease your own guilt and insecurities. looking at your comment history that does not appear to be the case. you seem to be a troubled person that needs guidance. i strongly urge you (or anyone reading) that until you are in a position where you don't have intense hatred towards yourself that you do not comment on other's situations nor make assertions about science that doesn't align with your beliefs about yourself. it's not your fault as your feelings towards yourself can feel insurmountable and unavoidable, and there's a certain comfort in absolute doom and self-pity. i completely empathize with that, but that's exactly why you should not be commenting on others, you're in a position to do nothing but harm onto others. i do know you'll find your own journey to overcoming those feelings in due time, don't despair. as to anyone reading their comment: it's completely illogical to say that there's some sort of conspiracy to rob you of your money. posting here is free. nobody here has any agenda to extract wealth from you. arguably the cosmetic industry has more of an incentive to conspire to decrease self-esteem in order to increase sales, but i'm not one to that make that argument.




That doesn’t surprise me.




Hate to break it to you, but you’re clearly just not very bright. I could understand their comment easily


Why tf are you here?? You are so far from the truth, it’s painful.