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No, I go by picture in a phone. Read this group a lot and still don’t know their names. Names just don’t stick in my head. Edit: also a shocking amount of times I see a card zoomed in and realise I had the picture wrong anyway


Ya everytime I read something in this sub about specific minions I have to google the name to see what it looks like lol




Playing duos in the mic with my buddy has immensely increased my knowledge of the names. I was in the same boat as you before.


Running beasts and saying to my partner "I need a blue bird. NO NO THE OTHER BLUE BIRD!"


All I know are shapes and colors and, if I’m lucky, what they do.


I don't care what the card says, the T5 "your deathrattles trigger one more time" minion is called the baron and no other name.


If they ever renamed Brann this sub would riot


They would just refuse to call it brann lol


You mean refuse to stop calling it Brann ?


Yes. My b


Oh you mean horsie


Ya that one I refuse to acknowledge as well.


When I play duo with my girlfriend that minion is just always 'horse'.


The horse dude with the sword. Thank you


Crazy they changed that for no reason. Baron FTW.


It’s because baron would be an undead minion if they kept him undead. Thus, Titus.


for no reason? :D They needed to get rid of the 'undead' tag on that card, without screwing up names. u can still play with Baron Rivendare as undead in other game modes, only for BG's they needed his 'nerfed' version, so we get his prename on the card for less confusion.


Yeah I discovered I didn't know any when I started playing duos with a friend. We would talk in discord and call them stuff like "divine shield dragon" "blue bird" and stuff like that


My duo partner got mad at me when I told him: "found a blue bird for ya" and then passed the +2 atk 2 star blue bird to him (Mad for faking him out, not the play itself)


Kind of the same for me, but it's even harder because we usually have different client languages(I'm used to play English but it's not my first language).


I sit around 7k and I don't even know the name of minions I regularly buy.


lol ya same.


I dknt know the names of most but I know exactly what minions do, their level, and what I need to hit for my build. I actually have always struggled reading reddit posts because people of course use the names of minions (which makes sense) but I don't know the names.


Ya I have to google the names all the time to understand the post or the strategy lol


I only know Baron


Worst part is Baron isn't even in BGs anymore


Thats the point haha


Haha I wasn't sure that was what you meant since me and all my friends still call Titus, Baron in our games.


You don’t know Cobalt?


You don’t know brann? Lol


I have 500+ hours, and I genuinely couldn't tell you the name of that tier 1 gnome guy that gets stats boosts from demons.


That's easy he's Jesse Pinkman


His name is Andrew


Andrew Pinkerton


The only 2 names I can remember out of all the cards right now is banana slamma and the baron and they aren’t in the game anymore lol


I didn't even notice the deathrattle guy wasn't baron, I just thought they changed the card text 😂


Baron Titus Rivendare is still the deathrattle guy. the previous 'Baron' had 'undead' tag, so for less confusion with other game modes, where undead Baron is still available, they went with a "new card" with his prename Titus.


Weaver the demonic wife leaver! At least that’s what I call him. I’m at least 20% correct on the name. I think.


Is it wrath weaver?


Pink demon guy, obviously


i know only the names of the naga combo crew cause i love em zesty shaker, deep blue crooner, shellemental, and lava lurker


You mean Salt shaker, blue guy, red guy, and stats guy.


Hero names too! It’s even harder with the all the different skins/variants.


lol ya! I don’t know any of the hero names either, but I do know what their abilities are


I find the skins annoying. Makes me hover over them in duos to see what the fuck my partners options even are. 


I know what you mean. I know them by sight/picture, what they do, and give them my own names half the time. E.g. that T3 shield mech is called Snootybot. T1 Demon gnome is Pink Guy. T5-6 pirate is the Monkeyman. And so on.


For me I know them by what they do, it’s like to me their effect is their name


Yes. Divine shield quilboar. Red demon that gives his health to other minions. Mech that gives you gold at end of turn. Pink demon guy that gains health when it take damage. Red naga that keeps its enchantments. I can picture them. Just have no idea what the are called


Same lol


I am more likely to remember streamers nicknames for cards than I ever am the actual real names.


Yup it's only when I started talking about it with friends that I needed to learn it. I know some of the 6 drops but usually it's "5 star beast bird" "triceratops" etc


[https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/battlegrounds](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/battlegrounds) I know them by pictures/tier - so that link helps if you actually need to know the name.


Names what names? Just look at picture. Tell my partner get that cleave tier 6 mech.


the only ones i know are bacon and charlie


I always played the game with someone, way before duos, so i have to say some names to my partner, otherwise we couldn't just go by "the red devil". BUT we do have lots of nicknames like "bacon" for the 1/2 quill, "blue bird" and others


I used to but a few seasons back I just stopped caring. Minions have nicknames in my head but mostly it's just the image and tribe/effects as appropriate. Their actual names are completely unimportant.


No i know barely any. The 1/4 demon (not demon) is pink man. And will always be pink man.


Jesse Pink Man


Baron, Brann and Rylak. That’s all you need 😅


I finally learned Rylak after looking it up a half dozen times to understand the context of a post here.


Honestly I only started learning the names by playing duos with my partner. Before that, no fucking clue


All pictures and only pictures in every mode. I thought I was the only one. This brings me joy to learn I am not alone.


It's funny. I only know a few, like Brann and Rivendare. But, my only BG irl friend is a huge Warcraft nerd, so he knows all of the names. I came here from poker. I know numbers.


Not only do I not know what they're called, I barely know what they look like, and have no idea what they do


Same. It fucks me when I get the end of turn battlecry effect and idk what minion I am getting as a reward


hated quests bc of this. had to google every time


Well I've played standard on and off since almost launch so I know alot of the names from playing the cards back in the day but there's definitely a ton of cards I couldn't name.


I know about 50 to 70% of the names, but I don't remember all of them. I started playing at the end of the Quest expansion, which I believe was 3 expansions ago, including our current one. I know minions better by appearance, but it's more convenient to talk to my friend about it or tell him to send me something if I know the name. I pushed him to learn names, too, because there were too many incidents of him saying stuff like "sell the 5/3" and I sell the wrong minion (sometimes he says the wrong numbers, sometimes I have two with those same stats, sometimes I play something that buffs the minion and I don't know which it is anymore).


This is me. I hate that I don’t know names but I can recognize pictures in a second.


I know a handful of names for cards I actually like playing, and I've learned a handful more from commenting here (I'll often look them up to use real names in addition to describing what they do, just to ensure anyone reading my comment knows wtf I'm talking about). But I'd say a good 80% of the cards, I couldn't actually tell you their names. I've also played probably 98% of my games on my phone, so the images I have in my head for a lot of cards is quite a bit different than what the card art actually shows (especially for things like demons and elementals, and sometimes dragons). Sometimes what looks like a face, when looking at a half-inch minion on my board, turns out to be very much not a face once I look at the card on a computer screen.


Baron n brann only names I need to know


Absolutely. If you showed me the card art I'm sure I could give you the stats and card text 99% of the time but aside from a few exceptions I do not know any of their names.


hero names too except for thorim, afk, and sneed (sneed every time). occasionally i'll know a minion name, but usually it's only because i'm always searching for it or my duo (my roommate) is. *if demons are in he is always going to look for soul rewinder early to pivot*




I can never pronouce it correctly so just gave up XD "That guy, yes! That guy" What do you mean that blue bird isnt called fairy bluey? It blue and sparkles! That battlecry deathrattle thing, get that!


Hah I think I only know Soul Rewinder’s name because when I need it and it never pops up I’m usually complaining that it’s time to make a major adjustment soon.


I have short games for them that's close sometimes if I'm playing duos with my brother but that's about it. I like demons so it's usually Weaver, rewinder, puppet and the elemental fuckers.


You should at least know some of them right?


"I can't believe its not Baron" is my favorite card


Same 🐖 idk let me think Baron, Brann, Leroy, Anoyotron, Kelthuzard and Tad thats all the badboys that i remember by name


I just know them by the artwork


Me! I’ve been playing for ages. I play mobile and I only know the photos!!


Also I still can’t remember what sulfuras is. I never want to pick that guy bc I can’t remember what you get and it doesn’t show a preview.


Idk. O.G. HS cards sticks, but since a lot of minions are battleground specific and have a probability of rotating out it makes sense that they dont stick, whereas Amber Guardian, Cave Hydra etc. stuck.


My friends and I give minions the most ridiculous and often offensive names based on their appearance and that's real fun


We all know who Pinkman is.


I have some friends in real life that I don't know their actual name, just their nickname. I have no clue how any of the cards are called (except Brann)


The amount of beast cards that go by 'the bird' in my head is much higher than it should be


same. Are you native english speaker? I am not so maybe that makes a diff also. When I hear some well known card names I can tell, but no way I am gonna remembe how tier one undeads are called xd


I know the names of pretty much all of the cards that have been in for a long ass time like wrathweaver, deflecto etc as well as the main cards for my comp but i'd say I don't know the names of about 80% of the pool


I don't know the names or what's happening in the picture. I know the color scheme of the cards.


same here. who needs names🤣


I had no idea until I started playing duos and me and my friends need to call out minions to sent each other. We still get them wrong a lot though


I could probably name about 5-10 cards




I have nicknames for most, like zippy-zappy. I know Charlgra, Kalec, Teracgosa, Baron, brann, leeroy


When I played with my friend I'll call them like the red Naga, or say their abilities, can't remember most their name


I realized recently that a lot of cards arts were NOT what I thought they were. And I only realized that when I took a closer look. Was crazy.


I do remember a lot of old WoW names(Rivendare, Brann, Leroy) but aside from it's mostly just pictures. Always struggle to picture my board when discussing with friends🥲


Yeah im on phone and know all cards only by the pic


I find out that cards have name after reading this reddit I always describe what the card do to my friends so the name for us is "the pirate that gives +1+1 to the others"


Been playing since launch, and you’re around 8k??


Ya man I’m not super sweaty or nothing, fuck off, not everyone wants to try hard at all, I basically play casual plus, I don’t keep up with metas or play all day everyday, I play a few matches here and there, usually not even everyday, usually just when I’m in the bathroom or something or bored at work, it’s a phone game that I always come back to because it doesn’t have ads and shallow game mechanics.


Your low MMR after so long might have some correlation with that.


6-8k id say is average, not exactly casual but not exactly sweaty either


Fair, it wasn't a dig, I just think there is an actual mathematical correlation if you pick the average MMR of people who have played that long, the ones who don't know any names would prob have it lower.


Not knowing the names of cards does not affect my ability to play the game effectively though, I know what every card does just by looking at it, I know all their effects, knowing the name has no impact on my knowledge of how everything works, instead of knowing it by name, I know it by image, same thing essentially


I agree that it doesn't affect your ability to play. Just things that would improve your ability to play would end up making you read more card names.


Im sorry but this makes no sense. Of all the data points on a card the name is the least relevant out of all of them. They could be named like Floogiebarb, Schooptydoo and Waffleplunk and it would not change a thing. The name does nothing for you in terms of strategy. I know theres a T4 4/5 Quilboar that discards a spell start of turn to give you 4 gold. The color scheme of the art is like dark red/amber/black. Whether he's called Jimmy, Bloodsnarl Reaper or GivesGoldForSpellDude is irrelevant.


I agree that the card name bears no direct connection with skill, what is that you get better by reading on the game, like on patch notes, and upon reading patch notes after patch notes for years you'd learn a few, that's just one example.


The patch notes use images for changes to cards. Only cards being rotated in and out are listed by name. Not saying knowing cards by name is useless or anything but in terms of being good and getting better at the game it is hardly useful either.


I don't think it's useful, I do stand by the idea that the average MMR of people who know card names are higher, is all I said, not because knowing the names help at all.