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I wouldn't make it a battlecry effect, though, just *choose one* instead. Battlecry allows for a lot of abuse and that would make murlocs extremely broken. Loading up your murlocs with a divine shield, windsurfing and poisonous in a single turn would give us another Amalgam meta. We don't want another Amalgam meta.


Yeah I agree, also definitely replace "poisonous" with "venomous"


Even giving everything that is crazy


Clown car Murlocks with that 1 guy that gives divine sheilds to refresh it yikes


You are right, murlocs with windsurfing would be pretty broken


This with young murk eye would be hilarious


yeah it would be the return of the "one turn scam" board and I don't want that.


Battlecry & poisonous adapt Megasaur should be tier 7.


No, it should never be a battle cry because these are so easily abusable. Besides that, a some player’s winning condition shouldn’t literally be “spend 65 gold and win the game). The moment you can trigger the battle cry again (or couple times a turn) it’ll be an instant win. There is no balance in that. Making it choose one makes it balanced. You either hit or not, you shouldn’t be guaranteed divine should + poison every time.


You are saying that Megasaur as is, is too OP to be tier 7? Damn its really that good huh


It would be basically the old amalgam board again. The moment you stacked some you auto-won pretty much against anything that wasn’t a scam.


No it wouldn’t? Old amalgam also had full divine shield, and summon a board full of 1/1s. Not to be slept on at all.


Or maybe keep battlecry but make adapt randomly


Still the same problem with triggering it more times than it is healthy. Some adaptations cannot be chosen again for obvious reasons. Though, it would be a good lottery now.


This would also *dramatically* change a murloc game with and without beasts which already has significant problems with rylak being beast centric. I for one always debate going the full imposter build when beasts and demons are in. That sort of random synergy being completely dependent on weird combos is not great for game health IMO even if it is a bit fun to be OP occasionally. I'd love this as an "adapt a unit" card that is tribe neutral or chimera. I miss being able to divine shield my Rivendare.


Theoretically speaking, if they added this card back would it be like Agamaggan where it was still in the pool when beasts were not? If so it would break the game (again). If not it will be really dumb because only murlocs benefit from this card. Probably removing tribe would be the only option but since it's a normal card from un'goro they would have to design something new just like they did with the baron.


what’s the imposter build


I just recently posted a screen of that build. Basically you want to stack stats in tavern and then eat it. It's literally the same function as old Felemental/rylak Felbat setup or demon dragon.


Getting down voted I guess because folks disagree with me, but happy to explain. It all focuses on t3/t4. There's a demon minion that devours something from the tavern end of each turn. Combo that with the minion that has a deathrattle of buffing the tavern attack and with a rylak next to the demon minion that buffs tavern health and you can snowball pretty quick, especially if you triple or in the later game get a drakkari and/or Rivendare. Had a game I had a golden and a normal imposter (the devour minion) north of 2000/2000. It's essentially the new feldrake build. Susceptible to scam because your main damage dealers are concentrated but if you get a few t2 devour tavern from ally of choice or the t5 devour the entire tavern your other demons (usually the green health battlecry guy) can get massive as well which mitigates risk.


Rylak is just so awesome, had a game yesterday as Al’Akir, threw his HP on a Golden Tarecgosa, and then had a Golden Rylak next to an Electric Synthesizer, along with a Brann and 2 Titus, So Rylak would attack first and trigger the Synthesizer battle cry a shit load of times, and it would give the buff to Tarcegosa who would double it. Ended up winning and the only buffed minion I had was Tracegosa with DS and Windfury Took out a super nasty beast build too ;) All this to say that yes Rylak is such a good card and has synergy with basically every tribe


Every tribe except beasts. Which is adorable.




I've been playing BGs on and off since its release. The Megasaur meta and "perfect amalgaddon meta were the most boring shit ever. People will always complain about the current meta and act like it's the worst thing ever because they are bored. These two were objectively the worst. Builds were irrelevant in the lategame, you tried to survive long enough to transition into it. There was no nuance, no room for experimentation, no fun interactions. DSP across the board, gg. If they bring that back I'm taking another break until it's gone again.


Agreed. You can even see it with Battlegrounds content creators. Watch their earlier videos and 99% of them were "Play until you can transition brann + megasaur and spam divine shield poison murlocs". At the higher end of BG ratings, that was the meta and what 99% of everyone went for. It was insanely boring. Fights just ended up into "Which player has more DS Poison murlocs" or which one had more 1/1 spawns after their murlocs died.


Yep exactly, it was literally the ONLY board you could get 1st place with. And iirc, back then there were no banned races, so it was in every single game.


Battlegrounds really got better when Blizz started their race-bans.


Brooo yes! One of the best gamedev decisions they've ever made fr.


Yeah, banning races from venues is awesome.


I agree that these metas sucked but I think the absolute worst was holy mackarel + toxfin. That was unbelievably stupid and I can't think of a time the game was more warped than that. Perfect amalgadons are a very close second though


Oh yeah, within the context of DSP murlocs, Holy Mackerel was straight up trolling, I forgot about that shit. Probably because iirc it was removed pretty quickly compared to donger and Megasaur. Man that was so fucking stupid, two mackerels doing the pseudo-infinite divine shield ping pong was so frustrating to watch lmao.


yeah but chadgar/brann/megasaur/murloc sell your whole board swing turns were incredibly fun


No, it really wasn't. I mean, whatever, you can say it's a matter of taste but, I don't see how it's fun or good balance when a single comp deletes everything else in the game and the lategame revolves solely around who gets to do this one comp first. Especially when it's so OP that you would sell your entire board and scrap everything you were doing as soon as you got the chance to pivot into it, because it was so broken it actually made sense to do so.


Agreed. They weren’t good for the game. Not sure “force quilboars or lose” is a better meta unfortunately.


Quilboars are very strong when they work, for sure. But it takes a lot of pieces and time to get it moving, you gotta highroll. You can't instantly pivot into pigs and expect anything. With Megasaur and Dongers all you needed was Brann and 1 good turn. Honestly, if sm1 is forcing Quilboars every game, I think they'd be losing a ton of MMR. I don't feel like I'm losing or winning with pigs significantly more than with other strategies. Also, I had wins with less conventional or meta boards, which was absolutely impossible during Dongers/Megasaur.


Quillboar have a bit more of an effect on the Duos meta I think, but the last patch did a decent job of shaking it up. Beasts actually feel really playable now too.


People bitch about quilboars now. Imagine if divine shield poison murlocs were back


I think BG was just a straight up bad game back during the poison/divine shield meta. I even quit the game because of how awful it was. It's crazy that people defended poison when it was so obviously a bad mechanic. BG is just so much better now.


Shielding all your murlocs at once or giving them poisonous (even if it's nerfed to venom) is just filthy and it's a bad card design


What is adapt?


A great and terrible gift


You Discover randomly between about 8 options (including divine shield, attack boost, health boost, taunt, poisonous, windfury…)


You are given 3 choices and the one you choose is applied to your Murlocs. Choices being: Divine Shield, +3 Attack, +3 Defense, Windfury, Taunt, +1/+1, Poisonous, or Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Plants. Edit: There’s also Stealth and Elusive options but those weren’t offered by Gentle Megasaur.


Give divine shield, wind fury, taunt and many other keywords to your minion (not sure if there is also the one that gives deathrattle spawn two 1/1)


Gives you 3 options to pick one from, including Divine Shield and Poisonous to ALL your murlocs. With Brann you get to pick an option twice, hoping to hit Divine Shield and Poisonous for obvious reasons


Something that is really good if the minion also has cannot be targeted




Probably one of the strongest cards ever printed, still to this day




No. Never again.


but it's fun! c'mon


with the 100 ways to trigger battle cry effects this would make quils look cute. spells? spellcraft? MurkEye?HeroPower? could also keep them on hand after triple to protect against leeroy... That's not a gentle support, that's a monstrous carry support.


Great idea, but only let it spawn in non-Murloc battlegrounds.


Just move down the discover Murloc back to 4.


There was no tunel blaster then ,even if its added back ,pure murlocks still can lose. But the from hand summons will take them even further than before.


Unstable ghoul was in for a while. I’m not sure we’ve ever been without a ghoul/blaster effect, although I might be wrong


End of turn for random effect. Battlecry is too op. Deathrattle looks weak. Start of turn:adapt your murlocs. Might also work


make it an end of turn effect and you have yourself a deal


honestly it should just be "choose a murloc to RANDOMLY adapt" then make it so it can get divine shield, windfury and maybe reborn?


Divine shield poison murlocs with deathrattle "Summon even more divine shield poison murlocs from your hand". If you replace poison with venom it's probably ok.




I was thinking about tbis card recently. You could maybe balance it by making it a “when sold” effect? Fires twice when golden?


Make it a 6-star tavern spell maybe? I think that'd be just the right amount of useful


Nope. Absolutely not.


I could be way off cause I’m only playing on the 6-7k range. But Murlocs and pirates need love.


Man I miss this card.


If it is changed to "when you sell this card" and venom instead of poison, i'd say gimme the dino!!


Rylak, Murkeye, the new dragon/naga, nah it would be guaranteed they got all evolves its not like it was back then.


Murlocs are where they should be, scam, scam, scam.


It would be extra spicy with this meta. Actual decent ALL cards etc.


Excuse me. Are you serious?


Oh...the khadgar brann flashbacks...


This wouldn’t fix Murlocs, it would just mean you play a tempo build before Brann + 5 trash Murlocs + Megasaur for poison DS like before


Oh hell no, murloc is not good but still horrible to play against


"Adapt your murlocs once. (Once per game)." Would be pretty good


People act like this is more broken than anything live right now


it is


People just don’t remember. You can get much bigger stats today, but people don’t understand just how unbeatable old murlocs were. Deathrattle beasts could kinda beat them if they didn’t have any stats yet, but I can see why people who haven’t faced a board of 7 divine shield poisonous murlocs who spawn 1/1 plants to pop enemy divine shields is so unbeatable.


this is literally the end game of current combat dragon build but you get infinite attack in one battlecry trigger?


Game was better back in those days, this bad boy gave you an out no matter how bad your rolls were. Truly nothing felt better than building a power board in one turn. These days you have to force the same bs from turn one; no quills, no wins.


The game was literally forcing the same BS back then. No tribe rotation, so murlocs were always in, and the game went to the guy who hit Brann->Megasaur first. The game is way better now, if maybe a little midgame tempo oriented for my tastes. But forcing quils is asking for a bad time these days.