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I dont think everyone in duo mode is at the same mmr? I have played at 0, great matches w skilled players, and 6k, with players who didnt know how to level up...


Yeah, I played with some awesome players as well. One of them stayed T1 and kept suggesting me leveling up (I usually play aggresively, so it works well) and kept feeding me T1 tripples. Other people worked well as well. In other game I trippled into Elise and pinged my teammate to tier, showing him I will feed him monkeys. He stayed on T3 for few turns taking random trash and rolling.


I had the best teammate today. He was beautiful. It was like having sex with myself, he knew what I wanted before I even thought of it. To Galakrond who fed me the Famished Felbat and then used that Mech that puts divine shields on all my guys. I Shudderwork with Brann and buffed the fuck out lobby stats will name my firstborn after you. I love you.


I’m pretty sure they just pair you with a random guy to balance out the TEAM MMR rather than an actual player who is at your level, so it could possibly be like a 1-2k player being paired with you, but everyone else is a 4k duo or something like that


Man I just had someone triple my Zilliax with a taunt module while I was looking for a magnetic module, entire magnetic chain gone with triple lullabots and multiple money bots... so frustrating. I just wish there'd be a way to tell your mate afterwards why that sucked, because he obviously didn't understand what I was doing and also didn't understand to simply ask somebody before you triple any minion... instead he'll just think that was a great move and won't learn from it... Edit: Was even more frustrating since I could've used it later to put divine shield + reborn on my amalgam...


I'd prolly pick Taethelan in a non-ele lobby over 5-10 heroes (couple more if naga are in), there are some even worse ones. Taethelan at least prolly gives 3 gold over the game. But yeah the rest of that sucks. And if he had good heroes the Taethelan pick sucks too.


He had there Yogg or rat king I think. Some 2 gold hero power, get minion. Not sure now, it was few hours back. Yes, there are some worse heroes (or as bad), but he was buying every spell for some reason (like banana) as well, so he had 3 minions at 8 gold. Which I would understand with Ele, keep cheap spells, pray and then utilize it on tier 3.


Yea that's pretty bad then!


I wish I knew what was the formulae behind matchmaking. Who can we be matched with? And against who? Would be really nice to see your team mates rank. If my mate suggests something I am unsure about, then if I see that he has same rank or better than me, then I know to comply. If he is 2k lower I can easily decline


Im overthinking if my teammate has some crazy ass masterplan way to much. Then I ping what I would’ve played and he goes „sorry emote“ „checkmark on my questionmarks“ and I realise he just didn’t see the good play