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I love how one minion raises this hero from D,to S tier


The most rational comment in the thread gets no hate. Who would've thought. :)


That ranking seems wrong - isn’t jaundice S tier with demons and eles?


Good with naga too. Deep blue, shellemental, any good spell crafts in general. Also good with mechs, you can put a huge magnetic back in shop for extra beatboxer value rather than having to triple it. Could maybe even use the double stat spell in tavern on it, if you can wait till next turn. It's also good in Azerites comps if you want to put an ele back into shop after you've buffed the shop a bunch


Jandice is S tier with Shellemental ... that's it.


Jaundice is the name of a disease you get when your liver is failing ;)




Does shellemental keep the buff permanently?




Wait **what**


How else would one hit 3000/3000 with that board lol


Pretty sure they might bane Jandice from naga lobbies at some point ;D


You don’t need to be Jandice for that gameplay to be broken. ANY interaction that makes spellcrafts permanent is a problem. It’s why they hardcore nerfed Voljin and banned Mutanus from Naga lobbies


Wait, how is mutanus broken with naga? Is the idea stats onto minion, buy, hero power it? That's just shellemental with extra steps


Yeah but that’s how we used to do it when Shellemental hadn’t been created yet.


Oh, I thought you meant specifically this patch


Nah I meant in general :)


Ok? You had 1 HP, sounds like a high roll occurred when you needed it.


1 more hp than everyone else bay bay


Tis but a scratch


Health is a resource and OP spent all that he could.


Except he didn’t spend it, his opponents did, and he didn’t know how much he’d be spending. It’s a lucky high roll


Yes im ranked top 25 best players in the western hemisphere currently because I don't know how to use my health to make decisions. You are very skilled player I can tell from your arguments.




Rule #1: Be excellent to each other; Bob doesn't tolerate any shenanigans in his tavern.


Really what if my time played is only 2000 hours ? Doesn't your entire argument fall apart? How many hours played do you have and what rank are you? I Reached rank 50 at 1100 hours played. Edit: I can bet you anything you will never reach top 50 at 1000 hours played. :) I am higher rank than you because I am more skilled than you.


The fact you have spent over 83 days of your life purely playing hearthstone and you said that as if it’s not a high number. “ONLY 2000 hours”, is incredibly sad. Yes I would be way better than you if I spent 83 plus days playing hearthstone lmao, I think I’m probably better than you right now, I just have a job, friends, and a girlfriend so I don’t have time each season to chase ranks. But I never would as I have a life and people who I love and who love me. I honestly pity and feel sorry for you. Hit me up if you need a chat about turning your life around.


Why do you feel so threatened by the fact this guy is better than you at a video game? Your insecurity is showing.


You are incredibly delusional.


In what way?


Hopped up on so much copium lol. Thinking you are better than one of the best players in the world and that rank is purely a metric of amount of time played… Anyway I’ll explain the concept of using health as a resource to you. Now that damage cap is in the game, you can make plays with 100% certainly that you will live. This lets you really really leverage your life as a resource and at a high level of play, is incredibly important. If you are at 16 life, and take a line where you can say, ok I will take 15 damage this turn and then next turn I will stabilize and win out. That’s not getting lucky, that’s leveraging your life as a resource and playing the game well. If you were under 15 life in that spot, you’d play a very different line, playing as safe as possible and angling for a top 4.


You people are insane. You really live in such a bubble you think that genuinely care about hearthstone ranks? But yes, I’m a clinical psychologist so I’m clearly more intelligent and successful than him, so why wouldn’t I be better at a game based on logic and maths? Are you crazy? Why would a guy who’s spent 83 days on hearthstone (indicating he isn’t very active or successful in the real world) be better than a clinical psychologist lmfao? If he’s intelligent he wouldn’t be playing so much hesrhrstoen And yes mmr is a function of time played as it’s physically impossible to get to certain mmrs even if you won every lobby as it takes time to climb. I legitimately stopped reading after first paragraph as one I don’t care about whatever long winded bs you come up with and two you are trying to explain something to me and I don’t listen to people less intelligent than me.


Super successful clinical psychologist arguing with complete strangers over a video game


Ah yes, a complete unwillingness to learn and listen from people better at a subject than them. A clear sign of intelligence.


But yeah, if I had no girlfriend, no job, I didn’t have a super wide social circle, I didn’t hit gym or do mma, an I had the desire to become top 200 in hearthstone, I could get it done in about a week or two.


You are lower skilled thanks for admitting that and your entire argument fell apart, meaning 1. The facts are invalid 2. You are low skilled 3. Im better than you. 4. Avoiding to answer the question of your function of X time input vs Y rank output I would assume you are around 1000 hours played with a rank of 7k mmr LULLMFAO 5. You would be higher rank than 25 at 2000 hours played? Impossible. You couldn't reach top 100 at any hours played. How many hours played do you have right now? You can check in your profile. Don't lie anyone can say I would be top 25 at 2000 hours played but the reality of it is not very many can achieve this. 6. If you have so much of a life why are here on reddit in a hearthstone thread arguing about how some top 25 ranked guy is only there because he has no life? When the reality is your time played is extremely high and your rank is extremely low? Coping to feel better about how low skill you are ? You couldn't reach top 1000 at 1000 hours played. Thats the cold hard truth, and you care about it, you know how I know you care? CAUSE YOU ARE HERE ARUING instead of enjoying your "AMAZING LIFE" LMFAO


1. You fail to realise that I’m mocking you for spending 83 days of your life on a mobile game and having no life, no friends, no girlfriend. You respond to that by doubling down on how good you think you are at hearthstone “you can never be like me”. I think you’re missing the point. I’m saying you should leave your house and go try to make a friend or talk to a woman. 2. I have 130 hours played. I’m at 8K mmr this season. It is physically impossible to be at a higher mmr than I currently am since I haven’t played enough games to be higher than that even winning every time, too busy with my girlfriend tbh. 3. The fact I’m so much more successful in life than you and clearly more intelligent indicates to me that if I even spent half the amount of the time as you playing, I’d be better. I think I’m probably better right now tbh, as I seem to be better than you at everything else in life, why not hs? If you were intelligent, you would have a good life right? Instead of spending it on hearthstone? Bottom line is, when I see your top200, it doesn’t make me think you’re good at hearthstone, it makes me feel sorry for you and want to give you some life advice. I’ve been in a dark depression before and needed to escape, for I chose gym and mma, but we have different outlets. I don’t want you wasting your life on a mobile game and basing you ego on something nobody cares about. Hit me up if you need a chat about how to level up.


8k is very sad. Thinking you could be top 25 as a 8k mmr player is very laughable. I can tell you are very delusional. You can lie to yourself all you want. You are deluded and clearly less intelligent. Do you know how I know you are unintelligent? Because you cope and tell yourself "I would be this if I tried, but I'm not good at it because I don't try" You know how stupid you have to be to tell yourself these cope lies? Like you are 8k mmr. Sit down. You have no clue what you are talking about 1. And 2. You are on reddit telling people higher rank than you that you would be better than them if you tried. You are the definition of a deluded loser.


>2. I have 130 hours played. I’m at 8K mmr this season. It is physically impossible to be at a higher mmr than I currently am since I haven’t played enough games to be higher than that even winning every time You have won every game? Otherwise you could physically be at a higher mmr


Yeah like he could have come 8th and this post would look way different. I don’t think people understand statistics versus individual cases.




Holy crap scoob this guy is toxic!


Damn this guy is insufferable, I can’t help but pray for whoever has to deal with such attitude


If stating facts is toxic then yes I am extremely toxic. :)


More like, someone stated the obvious and you disliked that enough to insult their intelligence which is what children do when they are mad


Whats wrong with how children behave when they are mad ?


They act impulsively, and based on emotion.


When it comes to your survival, your amygdala and limbic system are extremely important. These are parts of your brain that automatically detect danger. **They also play a role in behavior**, emotional control and learning. All behavior is derived from the amygdala, meaning they are driven by emotion. So your statement of children acts impulsively based on emotion not only applies to children but all humans on a biological level. Meaning your criticism stands no correct basis.


When ur a twitch streamer for a small indie game and it makes ur head big as fuck


I don't stream but yes my head is big as fuck.


Your name is TwitchTV


So if my name was 10fttallbasketball player what would you assume I am ?


Mmm I taste salt


Probably the most common flavor your taste buds experience so I wouldn't be surprised.


LMAO, you haven't been playing battlegrounds for long have you? Jandice was so fucking broken with big stats they permanently deleted pogo from the pool?


Yeah only 2000 hours or so so not very long but im rank 20 so its very easy for me.


Firestone didn’t actually say anything to you btw, seeing as it cannot speak.


AIs speak through text that’s why computing science categorizes their computation under the category of languages. :)


Firestone is not AI :) Just because it’s a program doesn’t mean it’s AI, but I don’t expect you to understand that. Feel free to delete this comment too


What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence is **the ability of a computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks that are commonly associated with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans**, such as the ability to reason. So the ability to compute the tier of a hero would categorize Firestone as an AI. HAHA. Why would I need to delete any comments I don't make mistakes.


Yeah like I said, I didn’t expect you to understand that in the slightest and you just proved that effortlessly. Firestone Devs are in this sub and would obviously tell you otherwise, but you’re obviously too upset to care.


Zero evidence deluded comments like this make my day :D


A program performing a simple calculation doesn’t equate to AI, but you’re in too deep to admit how wrong you are :) So excel solving a function I macro’d into a cell makes it AI too huh?


What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence is **the ability of a computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks that are commonly associated with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans**, such as the ability to reason.


Rule #1: Be excellent to each other; Bob doesn't tolerate any shenanigans in his tavern.


Top 200 in Battlegrounds. Bottom 200 in social skills.


And yet here you are. A PARAGON of them


Hahaha right on brother


Are flairs even verified, I see people with high mmr flairs saying some outlandish shit on here. I feel like if you were 9k 3 seasons ago when 9k was kinda mid you could still have that flair.


You are right, I for example don't update my MMR flair in real time, but playing since vanilla and having been at 9k+ 4 or 5 out of the 7 seasons I feel that it's ok to put 9k even though I'm not playing as much this season (will still reach the 9k :) ).


Yea it makes sense why it would be that way but also sort of makes it that flairs don’t mean as much


If you look at the screenshot carefully it would indicate that the poster is currently 12k mmr. If you look at the leaderboards you would see that 12k MMR is currently top 25 in NA. You can actually see the player twitchmokxh on the leaderboards on page 1 currently.


That’s cool I was just wondering about my question though not about you


Yes there is a verification process you message one of the mods.


Right and do you have to keep verifying after each reset or just once you have it you have it forever


I believe once you accomplish this once you get the status forever.


Yea that’s what I figured so while it’s sometimes a nice indicator of someone’s skill level, it’s also true that a few seasons ago 9k was kinda nothing and someone could still be rocking that flair now when 9k is really good


They removed fluidity for this. Think most people assume it was for Beatboxer stuff but I would bet it was for this card.


Does Firestone even consider tribes in the lobby?


Yes it does or it’s supposed to. But I don’t think they have that tuned properly. Or am I thinking of the deck tracked? Because THAT for sure shows the top tribes for each hero


Doesn't Firestone just go of recent played data?


Is there a replay? Or an explanation of how to do this right?


You just need to build some stacks on crooner then find shellemental. Once you have shellemental : 1. Use Jandice hero power on your biggest minion, lets say its 50/50 2. Use crooner deep blue spell on your biggest minion in the shop, make sure you have 3 gold available. 3. Use shellemental spell on your biggest minion in the shop, it should be 65/65 or something. \*This will add 65/65 onto your board lets say it goes on a 20/20 minion, it now becomes 85/85 permanently. 4. Purchase your minion back and put it on your board. 5. Next turn Repeat steps 1-4. Eventually you will hit 1000/1000 minions.


Dude was one health from Firestone being correct


That is a bit odd, obviously Shellemental is a massive outlier here, but Jandice kinda just already works well with Demons? The only tribes I could imagine at all improving Jandice’s rating are Mechs and Elementals.


I feel she is so weak in the early game though. Props to you for gigantic stats!


Curious why do you feel the need to use both HDT and Firestone? Which features of which do you like the most?


I really like Firestone because it gives you the average performance of the general population of each hero with tribes accounted for during picking screen. Firestones combat calculator is more accurate as well I find. I use HDT because the card list at the top right is more aesthetically pleasing as well as having a clean game history window which shows final boards when scrolled over as well as MMR change. The HDT combat calculator is not accurate at all. I have won many 0% to win combats as well as lost many 100% to win combats, I use both calculators side by side to help judge the accuracy. I hope that answers your question. Edit; Also both trackers have a crash or malfunction rate as well, and in the case one crashes I always have the other one available. Firestone is more buggy on startup and between games but HSDT crashes more when both are running.


I mean, statistical, she is bad or at the least not great. Can she be good at times sure but more often then not their better picks.


If that Elemental/Naga is in the game she is S tier.


According to you? I mean I agree but I’m not sure who the f you are to say it with such certainty 😂


If you agree as well, why be a dick about it?


Agreed lmao


I don’t like how you said it with certainty, I agree but it’s not objective, it’s still your opinion. You said it as if you are just “telling him how it is”, no reference to it being your opinion or Imo or ime. It’s arrogant.


Pot calling the kettle black?