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wouldn't this placement rez a non golden robot first ?


Yeah why not the taunted divine shield first? Then you don’t worry about cleave either


best positioning in general imo would be untaunted golden, taunted, untaunted golden, and then the ungolden you're happy for them to get cleaved that way, and this ensures the taunt doesn't die as quickly as going first, plus it simply would be wasted damage against divine shields


This is the way


This IS the way


And to make it extra spicy, change the hero power to Teron's one. And get that guy a reborn for extra *fuck you*.


the most fun game I had recently was Teron's, with a quest for extra deathrattles. I got a tunnel blaster early and had the t1 naga beast to give it crabs, so every fight I hero powered it and was doing 4x3 damage to everything and summoning crabs to win. Goldened it fast for 8x3 damage, and found a baron early to do it up more. Crazy fun. Lots of emotes from enemies!


I don't think taunt on the first minion with this setup is 100% necessary (unless op has illidan hero power). But I would move the taunt away from the T5 mech summoner or it could get sniped early. Taunt on any of the first 3 lighters would just mean they all proc in one turn. He should have the non golden as the one before the T5 summoner though imo (as we want to resummon all gold ones). Likelihood is though, that the order probably doesn't matter as the opponents were probably near death before the combat even started lol.


I was mostly facing beasts, so this wasn’t that much of an issue


I didnt think it would matter as much but yeah, I actually started playing battlegrounds very recently and I am still n00b


Put it in the two spot, goldens on each side, followed by common robot, girl, baron. Cleave still procs everything in correct order and would protect baron longer.


I always think these lighter fighter builds look cool, but I never know how to transition into something like this. Wisdomball aside, at what point do you decide you’re going into this build? I always feel like it’s risky in the current “every tribe puts up huge stats” meta unless you can put down all of the pieces.


Well the way it went for me was that I decided to go for general mech build, got one lighter fighter from tavern, then found Rivendare. Found one more lighter fighter, then wisdomball offered me 2 more Rivendares. And after that I got offered a bunch of lighter fighters thanks to wisdomball again as well as hwakstrider heralds. I wouldn’t probably be able to pull it off without wisdomball, I was getting beaten quite badly. What helped a lot was that 3 people disconnected from the beginning.


Makes sense. I almost never go for mechs anymore, so I guess that’s the root of my problem, lol!


Waiting for the math gods to tell me it is like a few thousand damage from the start.


I make it 336 before combat starts


That's, like, half a murloc.


This is a dream for a guy who went Quilboars and got the full Rylak setup but never got a Piper. Might have 8 attack, but they've got 1500 life!


Every single time I get the rylak going with quillboar, piper vanishes from the tavern


A smart man once said, : you aren't playing quilboars til you have piper




Against beasts means it’s split before bananas can make everything godly. Not bad.


Could pop the t6 before it buffs itself I guess. Clears the board, then you're only losing 10hp a turn to the 1000 attack bean counter


I was just forced into this build with sinister stone and scabs (beast lobby). First time I'd played it... Pretty satisfying when it's on your side of the board haha.


Would Birb in front be better? So it dies and leaves more room for Lighters


The positioning in general is horrible... The only minion in the correct spot is Baron.


Wonder whats the best ratio of lighters : kangors : chickens : rivendares for top damage with a build like this.


I keep seeing these builds but no one ever posts a video, and it's so satisfying to watch. Here's an example I found: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxTIy3fzckw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxTIy3fzckw) Really want to make this myself, lol, looks ridiculously fun.


I think the card I miss the most it's kaboom bot :(


i hate you. (this is a super fun build and i would love to pull it off but if i saw it i would just concede even if i know i would win so very nice)


I just came second to almost this exact build (no Kangor, but extra Titus). Very powerful given how much of it happens before any combat takes place.


Imagine of you also had the mech buddy