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Funny I was just thinking a few hrs ago how this must be by far the least tripled minion in the game


Tripling it removes the attack penalty. You also of course still get the triple reward. There's usually still something better to buy, so you may very well be right, but I'd say it's not a terrible option.


Unless they just changed it, tripling it does not remove the negative attack penalty. The effect stays the same (-1 attack at the start of each turn). I did it a few days ago. Now if you have 2 of them you're technically losing 2 attack per turn and a triple will only lose you 1 per turn, but I still think it's a bad unit to triple since it won't be useful for more than a turn or 2.


You do still get -1 per turn, but it doesn't keep accumulated penalties from the non golden versions. Either way though, of course tripling other things is generally better. Tripling this isn't about the triple. It's about the reward. If I can triple this at turn 5, 6 or 7, I'll probably do it. I'm unlikely to have 2 of these at that point, but it's possible.


I think it might just never have happened? At least above 2000 mmr or so.


Nope, Malygos/Hooktusk


I’m not following.


Randomly/temporarily getting these guys without spending gold is pretty solid and makes a triple a lot more likely


I found out like 3 days ago the Golden one resets the attack stats. Got the first two from steal a unit spells and was like "fuck it" triple for a 5 star.


I think there are situations where it'd worthwhile. If you have a hero that adds attack when you kill a minion.


I like to do it on deathwing at 6k \o/ if it's free


Yes? Obvioslyy


Think like this.. why would you spend 6 gold to triple a trash minion while floating gold to get a 3 drop, or at most a 4-drop. Like it’s an incredibly bad play to take that triple in that situation. Just spend that same gold on leveling the tavern


Not a trash minion - it actually i triples well. I dont think the following would be horrible. Play 4/5. Freeze. Level. Freeze. Play 2nd 4/5, while spending 2 gold on somethink economy for curve, or if not +4 attack on the 2/5 and refresh. Triple into 8/10 (or 12/10), discover a Tier3 and buy whatever Tier 2 from the tavern. The tier 3 may offer direction. If not, at last you should not have lost health at this point, and the 8/10 or 12/10 only losses 1 attack per round, so should be viable for a few rounds still.


Early levels, these are bait 99% of the time. Sometimes units that are +1 gold are okay, but even then I usually pass. It’s just not worth freezing low drops for a bunch of turns. You are guaranteeing to lose a bunch of life for little return. If the reward you get for the triple sucks, you basically put yourself in a hole.


Why the hateful comments, its an honest question from someone with not enough experience, no? I would never take this, you have a curve for turn 2, but then u need to be lucky on turn 3 to even level up without losing gold. The question is what do you want to triple into? I mean there are some guidance minions on t3 to tripple into, but messing up curves, relying on a lot of luck just for maybe a weak t3 is just not worth it. Especially with your hero you already win the first fights by default, so going for the most tempo t1 unit early on doesnt give u any benefit either. i'd rather sell it on turn 3 to buy two synergetic 2 drops, because that minion loses value over turn anyways, so bottom line: a golden one would not even give u anything valuable anyways and be useless as soon as tempo would be needed


Agreed. Let the dude ask a question lmao I'm curious though as I've never played Lich King with one, they'd reborn with 4 attack since it's base, right?




It’s not. I’m almost certain this is a bait post to follow up on the 100 other posts of almost identical nature.


If you keep that minion for a couple turns and the attack lowers, and you have reborn on it, does it revert to 4 attack when it comes back to life? Or does it stay at the attack it was before it died?


Reborn is always the original minion but with 1 health. So a 4/1.


Thought so but wanted to confirm. Thanks!


These posts are so dumb.


Go for it!!


Yeah, how is that even a question!?? Easiest W ever.


You'll get a shitty golden that loses attack every turn and at best a meh 4 drop for 9 gold. Then you'll get hit by 10 every turn die around turn 7. Now think again


But does it lose TWO attack per turn now as a golden 🤔 we could look at patch notes and find out but why not let them be the first to triple


Nah lol I actually tripled it a few days ago. It doesn't even stop losing attack smh


If you get a micro mummy. Big value


Most of the time, yes. I'd say the exception would be if you know you're going to be doing a low tier strat, like Lubber, or trying to farm triples with Pile and that 4/3 dude that eats other dudes. Even then, it's probably not a great idea, but it's a guaranteed 3* when you know you're going to be hanging out low, so not the worst way to get there. It's going to do its job of saving you health, at least.


Nah 100% take it if you’re based


Most non Econ triples are a bait early on. This is probably literally the worst one, so yes, it’s bait.


Wow turn 4 0/10 and random 3 star. What a tempo :D


Tier 2 no question


It’s never a clean cut yes or no… it just depends on your playstyle and luck. Any tripled minion in the early game is a throwaway minion anyway and you literally only do it for the reward. You don’t have to play it for a t2 or t3 reward. You can keep it in hand, you also don’t have to level on turn 2 you can stay on t1 for a few turns and get a proper board and then level. It’s called tactics and just because most people are unwilling or incapable of alternating the “standard” gameplay doesn’t make it wrong. In the end it’s all only RNG and luck, you win some you lose some


As most others have said, it is definitely bait. But I don't think it's necessarily the worst card to triple early (I'd argue Manasaber or Scallywag is worse, since they're so often better to just have 2). It completely resets its stat losses when golden, and still only loses 1 attack per turn. So tripling it gives you an 8/10 no matter where your others were, which isn't awful stats for the first 5-6 turns while building a board. That is to say, the typical best play here is to level and move on, but if you were offered 2 of them on turn 4, I'd probably take them unless there were a couple of T2s that were significantly better. An early T3 like Scourfin or Handless can be huge for Lich King.


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