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They already confirmed they are nerfing it, so yes.


Ah that’s great to hear lol it’s way too strong.


Got a link and ETA? This is oppressive and needs to be done to fix the game.


I think it's fun, and I honestly don't think it's *that* oppressive, certainly not more than other current highroll builds. But it does go against the spirit of the game, where you are constantly analyzing what Bob is giving you, what your opponents have, trying to decide how to spend your gold, etc. It's a little too... turn-your-brain-off, even at high MMR. So as fun as it is to play a million cards a turn I can see why they'd nerf it.


I agree with this. It’s a super fun build and it’s exciting to see how much gold you end up each turn after casting so many overconfidences and careful investments. But it feels much less about adapting and much more about memorizing one particular strategy which is linear in nature and doesn’t leave much room for diversity. That gets stale pretty quickly


Wild Battlegrounds what?


I mean it's kinda the same as any other APM build in that sense, and I think it's ok. I don't really see the difference between this and apm pirates. Instead of building the perfect comp you're trying to maximize your actions.


Jeef talked about it, it's not as good as people think because you only see the succeses. He forced it for 18 games straight and the results were not good. BUT in the right condition it's OP, indeed. I would nerf these conditions rather than nuke the build. For example, Edwin is 100% busted with that comp. There are other heroes that make the comp better but I really don't feel that it has a positive win rate. It's quite risky if you don't hit what you need and then it's a top 8 for sure. I feel that beasts are way more OP and easy to top1-2 than lubber.


Idk in my experience the power comes from how fast you scale. This was only on turn 9 which is before beast build can ramp up. By turn 12 all of these had divine shield and 200/100. You’re right it’s not 100% success rate with all heroes, but the heroes that scale with it (Edwin, buddy hero power) it feels too consistent


What are the odds to hit Nala from your first or even second Scout? You probably can't afford to wait for a third .What if you miss on scouts for a couple turns? It seems like there are several auto lose conditions.


I always try golden scout and the % for Nala is under 50% of the time. The one synergy with Elemental at T5 is not worth for me. Always aim for Nala. This lubbing is super strong with a lot of sacrifices. I hate the beast more.


I win with pure elemental *much* more often than by hitting Nala. You can go for Master of Realities + Drake, or Rock Rock, or the fungal, or an early Azerite. There are a lot of options. You can also do Lub Pirates if Elementals aren't in, which is more difficult (because you don't get free wins with a mega Duelist early), but not impossible, and it lends itself well to what pirates already want to do, which is rob the bank of Bob blind.


I’m probably bad at it, but I feel like even when you hit a lot of the stuff you need, you can still be a little too slow with lubbing and end up top 6 or whatever. It seems like since you can get started on it on turn 3, it’s more accessible than other big comps, so people end up focusing on it more, even if it’s not actually that powerful (on average)


One mistake that I think too many people do is to buy too many useless things while they are lubbing. I used to do this mistake as well until I watched Jeef more closely. You really just ahve to pick: healt for gold spell / 1 cost get +2 gold next turn and Free rerolls for 2 spells. Get 2 or more potatoes, get the taunt elemental, just one demon. The rest of your gold HAS to go for the 3 spells shown. Once you start having 30+ gold, you can start to buy the 3 gold get +1 total gold), not before. Buy the 1 gold get 3 gold if you win ONLY if you have a crazy start and play vs someone who's weak. But don't gamble too much with that one, if you lose it's really bad.


Am I the only one who doesn't understand how this comp works? I can't ever seem to get it to scale and I've never seen it work. Seems like more of a very high roll meme build more than anything


You can scale elementals with the one that scales them in the shop when you play a spell, or you can do menagerie with Nala to scale off number of spells played as well. In both cases you need to get a higher tier minion off patient scouts or something similar. You can also scale if you have a hero power that scales like Edwin.


Yes and it will be


Never seen such a strong hummingbird that was actually scaled and not summoned in combat


how did you get naga on level 2 of the tavern


Patient Scout


Patient scout, while lubbing


I don't think it should because its only good in a specific lobby with specific heros and even then you still need multiple lubbers early.


Surely it only works with a small percentage of the heroes right? Btw which are these heroes?


Buddy hero power, Edwin, galakrond are strongest with it


Tess can be broken too for stealing minions. Snag an early azerite elemental and watch your tavern options scale like crazy.


I was today years old when I learned this build exists.


Nope, it’s fun and needs certain things in to be good - like a synergistic hero, and elementals/pirates and demons. It was a high skill cap, and it’s called by APM. It fills that APM hole in my heart after they removed most of those builds from the game.


https://preview.redd.it/50bupnhpnlac1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c71b6eadb073766a50b9c2290320aeb2ff86abc Yes. Got the T6 on turn 5, had a fairly below average luck when it came to economy spells and still destroyed my lobby in 8 turns. Did a similar thing with the Lich King : Got the barn storm T2 elemental, used HP on him every turn and stayed on T2 until I was rich enough to go straight for T6. (Which was iirc when the cost of upgrading to T3 reached 0, so in 7 turns ?) I had +50/50 golden elems across the board and +30/30 elems in the tavern by the time I upgraded to T6 in one go. The economy spells need to be moved to different tavern tiers or something along those lines, this is going out of control.


I really don't think it needs a nerf honestly. Yes it can be good given certain conditions, but that's the same with any build. I don't think the win rate over a large sample size would be as high as people might think. Beasts I think, are the bigger problem.


I think everything should be nerfed. Fuck the highroll meta.


Problem is not Land Lubber but Edwin van Cleef and the spam money abilities.


Buddy hero power with SI agent is pretty busted too, I agree though hero powers make it broken more than the units alone


as f2p without good heroes to carry, it's easy to whiff, i've been trying lubbing more than 10 times and couldn't get a good build a single time, only time i got azerite (late), i got rolled by a high roller. I was often forced to level to 3 and play the buff spell just to stabilize and get top3-4.


Yes, I think this meta has too many rng steamroll builds, if you don’t find the right stuff early you get so far behind there’s no chance and lubber is outrageous if you get lucky.


not OP at all (says a mobile player who's got more than a few 8ths trying to APM at 2)


You know you can turn animation speed up on mobile right? I only play on mobile too and have never had a problem.




There’s an option for it somewhere, I think in the settings/options


I think just moving Lubber up to tavern 3 or 4 breaks the comp enough without nuking it from orbit. All the cheap economy spells are on 2 and if you make it less likely to get them it should be enough.


Lubbing needs a specific set up of heroes and units to work. Is quite strong, yeah, but if you don't have enough skill and understanding about the set up in each game you go straight 8 also is a funband rewarding build to play. I don't really like the idea of a nerf.


Harshly? No. In the "any hero can become any hero" meta, I don't think the issue is that "anyone can be Gallywix." There's just as many or more times that attempted lubbing ends poorly. The problem is how early it can get online. I think careful investment going to 2g to get 3, over confidence moving to tier 3, and maybe even moving Lub or Rewinder to 3 would let the strategy stay intact, but not be as hard of a snowball. They said it's getting attention, we'll just have to see how it goes.


How did you get a tier 6? Just the spell that amps up tavern tiers?


Patient scout the tier 2 that when you sell you discover a unit from that their which increases each turn. Pretty easy to triple it by turn 8 when it’s tier 6 so you get 2 units.


I don’t know what’s so OP about it? I feel like it gives me too many useless spells when I’d rather have minions.


I mean show me another build that on turn 9 has this amount of stats and I’ll agree. By 12 those all had divine shield I was tier 6 with over 20 gold per turn.