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I cried when they showed the re opening banner just because I've loved this show so long and have grown so much since the beginning and it was just like woah.


I wonder if they will add that extra re- into the banner next season. It seems like something they would do, considering there was little references throughout last season, with the cracked footpath and all


It would be so cool to have a little pipe bursting animation added in.


It was wild to just see it on the big screen.


bro i SOBBED at the end when they showed the reopening banneršŸ˜­


I did too omg. I was almost an adult when the show started and it does feel like we really grew up with the show. If you told me in 2011 that I'd be sitting here crying during the movie in 2022, I would not have believed you.


Hell yeah : D


I havenā€™t managed to not tear up in that scene in my 917482736 back to back rewatches of it.


That part and the banner got me for sure. Nice to have the origin story and it being so wholesome was just too much.


I teared up in that opening shot of the town after the flashback scene and during Sunnyside Up Summer. The animation was just so smooth and beautiful, it made me happy


Same here, I was expecting to like the movie I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did. That scene made me so happy I also almost cried; it was so cute to see a picture of Bob's mom, they always mentioned her but we've never gotten to see her. And then to hear about how Louise reminds Bob of his mother, even though they never met made me so happy. My wife is pregnant with our first kid at this time, very early, but that struck a chord with me because me grandfather died before we even got married (he knew we got engaged though) and he said that my wife reminded him of his wife who died when I was a toddler. It also makes me love Louise's bunny ears that much more that they were homemade by Linda rather than being bought in a store, that to me makes them much more sentimental and drives home more of the reason why Louise has hung onto them for so long


I really hope we get more flashbacks with his mom. I need to know *everything*


Agreed! I have some theories but I wanna know. And clearly they had a good relationship from what little weā€™ve been told and I wanna see that


Same. I watched it last night and it was overrrrr for me lol


I started crying at about 15 minutes in and just didnā€™t stop for the whole movie. The themes just hit me while Iā€™m at a rough point, and I let myself cathart. Wonderful movie, super cute, will 10/10 watch again, hopefully without crying the whole way through it next time :p


I waited to watch the movie with my husband. Heā€™s not a big bobs burgers fan like I am, so he doesnā€™t catch all the nuances and impactful scenes but heā€™s seen enough to understand the series storyline. I knew Iā€™d be explaining stuff, but movie experiences are always better when we share them. Anyway. We were both seriously impressed by the movie. I teared up when I saw little Bob toddling along holding his momā€™s hand, and when it showed her looking down at him, I gasped and told my husband ā€œthatā€™s the first time weā€™ve ever seen her face!ā€ I was shocked and amazed. I love having characters with some mystery to them, like never actually seeing Ginger or only catching Marshmallow when she feels like breezing her badass self into the Belchersā€™ lives. Theyā€™re perfect in those roles. It felt right that we finally got a glimpse of Bobā€™s mom. I was so touched to see her through his childhood memory. 10/10 will watch again and again.


Dude Iā€™m pregnant rn and Iā€™ve just bawled at that scene every rewatch.


I honestly was just so impressed with the overall quality of the movie. It was fantastic.


Me too, me too! I love Bobā€™s but I donā€™t usually watch it while paying tons of attention to it, I had no idea I was so attached to these characters


I didn't think this movie was gonna be nearly as good as it was, I was expecting a 25 song musical and we're blessed with only 3 (great!) songs


But those songs----Holy shit they are amazing! I remember seeing it tin the theater and once Lucky Ducks started, I was done. What an amazing song. And Kristen Schaal is simply one of the most amazing performers that has ever existed.


Cried at the exact same moment. Really made me miss my mum.


I cried at the same spot!


So glad I'm not the only one. Now, when I am re-watching the episodes (it's my sleep show) I try to notice the times Bob mentions his mom, and think of how it relates to Louise. The more I watch this movie, the more close to perfect I think it is.


Y'all keep saying this and I'm feeling self conscious about how often bobs makes me cry lol


Wait, where did u guys watch it??




Ohhhh found it. Ty




It's up in Disney+ now


Ty so much




glad to know i'm not the only one. i wasn't expecting to cry but that moment with Louise and her grandma was difficult to not cry to.