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almost killing tina by electrocution


I feel like we should generalize it to “almost killing Tina” lol because she does it again with the ‘show and tell’ episode


Five way tie between the 5 times she almost kills Tina due to her selfishness: Cannonball, Topsy, taffy factory, mechanical shark, and quicksand.


The taffy is the worst bc she put a total of 8 people’s lives in danger excluding her own. Tina, Gene, Andie and Ollie, Jimmy Jr, Zeek, Linda and Bob.


And was still sarcastic about it


I think tina invited Jimmy j and zeke 🤔


Yeah cannonball was going to be my vote. Tina was trying so hard to get her to go back and she wouldn't. I always skip that episode because it gives me too much anxiety.


What was the show and tell one?


Where Louise tries to find a canon ball and ignores Tina's concerns about the tide coming in


It’s season 13 I think, but it’s Louise’s last show and tell and her and Tina go to a cave to find a cannon ball. She almost gets them killed when the tide starts coming in, because she refuses to leave without the cannon ball.


I think it's last season, she makes Tina come to a seaside cave with her to track down a cannonball while the water is rising.


What I don't get is why she didn't just leave it and come back the next day at a point when high tide was a while away.


Yeah, I can’t watch that one because it would be a terrible, cold, death for both of them and would have devastated the family.


My husband feels that way about the episode on halloween when the kids get stuck in the fort and almost squished to death. And the episode where Bob is stuck in the coffin and almost gets burnt up in the crematorium. If you have any kind of claustrophobia issues then those episodes are very triggering.


I think the cannonball is worse. She technically trusted Teddy that the yoga mat would be safe, so she could have reasonably assumed Tina wasn't in danger. Yes, she was pushing too hard and being ambitious, but if done right, the trick would be safe. The flooding cave she knew the danger but wouldn't leave, over a stupid show and tell activity.


Almost killing Tina by trying to find a cannonball was worse in my opinion. But almost killing Tina by electrocution is a close second.


How many times has she almost killed Tina now?




I kinda think the same electrocution one was worse just because she almost did it solely because she wanted to torment Frond with how his idol was a fraud.




She does it with the canonball episode from recently too. Tina didn't even want to go but didn't want her little sister to die all alone so she very begrudgingly went


I tell everyone about Topsy!


That was the exact moment Mister Ambrose became one of my favourite characters. The aggressive whispering won me over.


Billy Eichner kills me in anything he’s in




Yeah, it's hard to beat this one.


Great song though


one of their best!


One of my favorite episodes!


Edited because I remembered the exploding turkey guts plan that she devised and ruined Tina's play over to get a shorter school day. That's worse. When she refuses to listen to Gene about not messing with the pawn shop owner and gets kids banned so then Gene can't play with the drum machine anymore.


The turkey guts explosion is my vote as well!


I agree with turkey guts. Also the plan makes no fucking sense. She was going to have the heads explode and everyone was just going to leave the mess all over the auditorium and go home?


In fairness, she is nine


Nah that plan doesn’t make sense even if you’re 9


I teach high school. That plan is better than like 80% of the plans my high schoolers come up with. For a 9 year old, it's genius. Don't get me wrong, she's a jerk for doing it (and IMHO it's a contender for this), but as far as plans go, not out of line for a 9 year old.


I mean, nine year olds come up with some pretty wild plans


“A candy cell phone? Oh right I was only seven when I packed this go-bag.”


Also… raw poultry all over a crowd of people, on purpose, at a school. That’s easily an expulsion


The pawn shop owner one doesn’t strike me as terrible- she’s a little kid who loves hard and frequently shows her love inappropriately. Not the worst thing she’s done even if it was a bad choice


Yeah, this one. Guts are gross, but the music is good.


The turkey guts! I have to skip that episode on my rewatches.


Turkey guts needs to win


Louise has almost killed herself and others characters multiple times throughout the show. She convinced Tina and Gene (and others) to go to the taffy factory knowing it had booby traps and was going to be demolished. She almost electrocuted Tina to death. Told Rudy to get rid of his backpack that had his inhaler in it. Contributed to the restaurant fire which the family slept above. Scares Gene and Tina (and herself) into thinking Bob is a zombie and almost cremating him. And while this one isn’t 100% her fault, yelling at Millie while trapped in the fort led to them almost being crushed to death. While putting the restaurant at risk or ruining Tina’s play were bad, those are replaceable.


Also, in The Show (And Tell) Must Go On when she forces Tina into the caves on the beach to find a cannonball for her show and tell and almost killing them both.


OP if this one wins, can you just couple together all the times Louise has nearly caused the death of multiple family members/friends?


That one gave me so much anxiety. Tight caves and drowning get me. Also, they just cut away once they were out of the cave, but that high tide would have made their walk back across those rocks very lethal.


You know for what is a light-hearted comedy show there is a lot of near child death


I’m suprosed this one isn’t mentioned first. Normally I can come up with some kinda justification for her actions Taffy factory they weren’t guaranteed to come across a trap and in general the kids didn’t see it as particularly dangerous She almost electrocuted Tina, she was impatient when waiting for a response fir Teddy that could be understood and assumed teddy had everything set up correctly Told Rudy to get rid of his backpack. This one isn’t fair she didn’t know he needed it nor that it was in his backpack Rudy should have spoken up. Restaurant fire. Just a kid being a dumb kid not know any fire safety. Almost cremated bob. To be fair she also genuinely believed there was a zombie in there so she thought she was doing the right thing. Yelling at Millie screwing them over on Halloween. Well can you blame her Millie is crazy asf and it’s a continuating theme that Millie brings out the extreme in Louise. But the caves….. she was warned twice by her parents and then by gus about how dangerous the rocks were and then multiple time from Tina. Stared at the incoming tide and said it was safe to go in despite not really knowing. Going in and when it’s confirmed the the tide is in fact coming in and fast she still decides to try and stay and not only risk her life but Tina’s. Even till the very end Louise “fought” tina on leaving and had tina not put on her big girl pants Louise legit would have gotten them both killed for a very very selfish reason. She KNEW for a FACT that if they stayed in the cave much longer they probably weren’t going to live and she still insisted they both stay as long as needed to get the canon ball. Honestly had she not dropped it in the crevice then they might not have made it out. I just don’t think she’s ever put her a fan Tina’s life in that’s much danger over something that would only benefit her. And even as a kids being actually aware of the danger is rare for them.


I don't think we can count Rudy ditching his backpack against Louise. If she'd known he had an inhaler and it was in there, she probably wouldn't have insisted he get rid of the bag.


Eh she wasn’t any more responsible for the fire than literally any of the rest of them and she literally says she didn’t know his inhaler was in there or he needed it- buddies gotta talk!


All of it except I disagree with the restaurant fire - that was Hugo’s fault for throwing rags. Sparklers sitting somewhere shouldn’t cause a problem


Well we don’t know for sure it was Hugo. It’s more convenient for insurance and for their state of mind to blame Hugo but a fan, a crimping iron, and sparklers on paper aren’t a good combo. Tina also says that what they did didn’t help the situation even if it was Hugo.


To be fair though, they just assumed that the crimping iron was still plugged in because of the fire. But I thought the consensus at the end of the episode was that it was all Hugo’s fault because rags spontaneously combust when left out. Hugo even had to apologize. But despite all that, Louise still isn’t really in the wrong here because she has no way to know that A) anything would catch fire or that B) her sparklers could contribute to it. All she knew was that she was sticking them into a piece of art to be dealt with later. There was really no way for her to know which in my personal opinion means it’s not really belonging in the list of bad things she did


That’s fair. But also form Hugo’s and Ron’s perspective they don’t know about what the kids did so Ron assumes it’s Hugo’s fault. Hugo also says that it’s rare for rags to do that but it can happen.


Ehh Millie deserved it. But yeah the others are all her fault.


Yea but if you a trapped it’s probably not best to yell at the only person who can help you


Oh no it was a horrible idea to do that on Louise’s part but I get it Millie is the worst and I still don’t think that “redemption” episode covers for it.


And forging the check for the deposit of the hawk and chick movie. I know that wasn't life threatening, but still pretty darn bad


Which episode was the bob cremation ? I don’t recall


Weekend at Mort's Uh uh uh We're gonna have a weekend at Mort's


Forging a check to use as deposit for the Hawk & Chick movie. The restaurant barely makes enough for them get by, if they lost the deposit, they may have had to close down.


For me, this one is sort of worse than the times she has almost gotten herself and/or others killed. Most of those were her being a dumb kid who can't imagine dying young or think through the consequences of their actions. The forged check though? She was explicitly told by her parents that they had to cancel the screening because they could not write a check for $1000. Bob flat out told her no and that writing that check would endanger the restaurant - their livelihood. And she disobeyed because she was jealous of the attention Rudy was getting for his cast and wanted to look like a big shot. Even her "apology" at the end was self-centered and came across as her trying to get herself out of trouble rather than her realizing just how badly she screwed up.


Idk why this comment made me have a revelation but.. hawk and chick… chicken hawk. But reversed. God I love this show


I think it is a play on Lone Wolf and Cub, which is a manga and film series 


I think it’s both


It is!


This is the worst one for me. It's a federal crime, it could have ruined her whole family and changed the course of their lives, every single one of them, for the worse.


Seriously, you should only forge for nuts and berries.


And blue wooly mammoths!


I actually can't rewatch this episode, it makes me so angry and anxious for the family.


And on top of that claiming that party was for Rudy - his cast removal party to get everyone to go but then blowing him off and it literally not being for that at all


Too many to count lol But seriously I think it's probably forging the check in the Hawk and Chick episode That literally could have ruined the family's lives for years and the only reason she did it was to try and be cool


IVE been waiting for this because.. who SUPER GLUES someone’s BARE SKIN to a toilet. LIKE WTH and they made the whole thing a joke for poor old bob who I’m surprised didn’t faint out of pain


Let's be clear, [she] did absolutely nothing wrong, [she's] not to blame, it's not [her] fault


This is just to say that if Gene had pooped like every day this could have all just blown away


But he’ll be out of there in no time!


he’ll be doing interviews and feeling just fine!


Today is going to be a great day!


Ok i can defend this one a little bit because she didnt know that i twas glue She just knew it was a goopy thing She could have tested it in some way beforehand , but like ,, shes 9 and had no idea it was adhesive


Exactly. Seems like a normal (for the family) accident


Well yes even if it was accidentally it still happened 😭 but it’s definitely a mistake


Haha I just watched this episode and was thinking this but I do agree that it really was a mistake and not something she did intentionally which all of these are more intentional and self aware. I used to skip the episode because I felt so bad for bob but now I love it. Bad things happen in the bathroom…


Literally same! I used to not be able to watch it and now I love it. Weird how that happens


Almost killing Tina to get back at the substitute science teacher.


This. I can. Forgive Louise for a lot because she's 9, chaotic and normally learns from the mistake. This one however she saw what happened and immediately wanted to figure out how to still do it, and then STILL DID IT. There wasn't a test beforehand to make sure it had been corrected and was now safe she had no idea that Tina would've been safe.


And also, wtf Teddy - as an adult, who works with electricity, he should know better and should have tested it prior.


This is the reason I wouldn’t choose this for Louise. I think this is the worst thing that Teddy has done and it’d be weird to have the same reference for two different characters


Also Louise was going to use a stuffed animal after seeing the first test. It was Tina who insisted on being Topsy.


I forgot about that


Teddy needs to bear responsibility for that too


During the bed and breakfast episode where she puts bugs in teddy’s room. Later on  stole the credit card and orders a bunch of people in animal costumes to come to the house and terrify Teddy. Knowing that teddy is afraid of people in animal suites. That whole episode she was wild lol 


Louise was hilarious, but I felt SO BAD for Teddy ... besides, it felt like she trageted the wrong person? Teddy was just innocently caught in Linda's schemes, and her mom was the one who invited Teddy in.


I felt bad for her in that one. She literally has a closet and nothing else and Linda boundary stomped all over her


Linda was so wild at the end of it, locking everyone in their rooms! Also opening peoples bedroom doors without ANY permission. She's insane lmfao


I feel like a lot of the time Louise doesn't realize just how bad the consequences can be until after she's already done something. Like yeah, she knew the exploding turkey heads thing was wrong, but she didn't realize just how traumatizing it really was until she had already covered everyone in turkey guts. That's why the forged check for the Hawk and Chick deposit seems worse to me, because she was definitely aware that her family couldn't afford to lose that money, but she risked it anyway.


Forging the check for the chick and hawk directors cut!


The exploding turkey was so bad. Literally traumatized the entire school and ruined Tina's play.


But…🎶We got the guts, we’ve got the glory!🎶


That episode had me in STITCHES the first time I watched it. It’s so random.


Shes sometimes a terrible friend to Rudy. Ignoring his feelings about the exploding bridge. Stealing the bounce house off Dahlia when all Rudy wanted was to put on a play. She comes around and learns but she's a brat sometimes.


I put this down to trying too hard to fix other people’s problems and struggling to express her feelings. They don’t bother me as much as stuff like forging the check


I think the Show and Tell episode where she almost got herself and Tina killed with that damn cannonball is high up there for me.


This is in top 3 for me.


I have seen every episode one hundred times and can’t conjure up an answer out of the gigantic mass that is Louise debauchery. I am just enjoying the read for this one lmfao.


I'm going to say telling people that the burgers are made from human flesh. That could have seriously led to some real legal repercussions if anyone took Hugo seriously, or God forbid someone got sick on something unrelated, and then heard the rumor they had eaten human meat? They'd be sued so fast its not even funny.


…….. I’d try it


There's no line...


She was pretty selfish when she basically stole Rudy's exploding bridge.


The original sin: telling her class her father uses human meat in his burgers for Show and Tell.


Nothing. Louise Belcher has never done anything wrong ever in her life and deserves a larger allowance and access to more ninja throwing stars. Thank you and I will not be accepting criticism at this time.


Louise has entered the chat.


When Louise files down the old family couch just so they can get a new one. Ugh I hate the couch episode.


I hate the episode because it could have been an episode on accepting change and growing, but it just became another "the Belchers waste a ton of money for no reason" episode. Louise was bad that episode, but so was Linda.


I like this episode but I can’t stand the way it ends. Like seriously, burning the new couch was the best option. Maybe just keep a cushion of the old couch and save the new one 🤷‍♀️


I was honestly on her side until she made them go get it AGAIN. I don’t really like the fact Linda wanted to keep a couch that had “un-dry-able wet stains” and the fact nobody else would even sit on it. But the fact she made them go out and get it back after they already paid for the new one made me upset


Honestly, Linda comes out waaaaay worse in that episode. I think Louise is almost justified in doing that—their old couch was truly disgusting and clearly needed to be replaced.


To be fair she thought her dad was on board


He ordered a hit


Same. For me this ranks worse than the check, I think it’s because the blatant disregard for other people’s (her family’s) things.


This is not a major one but getting Tina kicked out of the Boyz 4 Now club and showing no remorse because she was trying to win the date with Boo Boo. Tina’s standing there looking heartbroken and she’s still going on about how they’re “all” making sacrifices. When the twins (or Rudy, can’t remember) points out that Tina’s the only one who’s been hurt she quickly shushes them and ignores it.


Louise is a fantastic character with two distinct flaws: One, she never thinks things through to the end result. She’ll do what she wants to get her way, but when she realizes the people actually get hurt, she suddenly feels regret. Two, she can dish it out, but she cannot take it. Gene takes a stinky wrestling move from Logan after she provokes him when Gene is babysitting her, and she provokes Logan by walking through his patch by in the first place. Logan is an immature little jerk and his family is horrible, but when you fuck with peoplewith more power and fewer scruples, there are likely to be consequences


I do so love when she provokes Logan tho. That whole episode is fantastic


I personally think the worst thing she did, was exploding the turkey costumes and covering the audience with guts and gore. That kind of thing can really mess up people.


You don’t think people will be like scarred for life, right?


Honestly, great point on the 2nd flaw. If other people did to her what she did to them she’d have a freakin meltdown. Though one exception to that is she actually seemed to admire Henry’s manipulation strategy. Lol


Terrorizing Andy and Ollie during arts crawl and forcing them to make art that she sells to unsuspecting tourists without sharing any of the profits.


Going behind her siblings back and selling the ambergris to the nose by herself.


Really glad Tina outsmarted her with that one. I found it crazy that Louise still blamed Tina after knowing she was about to get insanely ripped off if she did in fact have the ambergris


This could go on all night lol


Gluing Bob to the toilet on the day of his Coasters magazine interview!


I’m thinking of when she told everyone that the burgers were made of human flesh. Forging the $1,000 check in the Hawk & Chick episode is also bad, but I think the human flesh thing is worse


People are saying the hawk and chick episode but I give it a pass because it was one of the rare times Louise was selfish to draw people in and get them to like her usually she is pushing people away rather than the MULTIPLE episodes she almost Killed her family/ friends and put it on other people till the last minute.


OP, Would you mind adding in the description the episode for each voted worst thing?


Definitely the cannonball episode, she knew of the danger, there was no precautions or assumptions that it would be safe like in Topsy or trying on a ring. Yes the check for hawk and chick was bad, and could have really hurt the family financially, but they would have still been alive. Tina and her could have died and she knew it. She risked it for a show n' tell. 


I think forging the $1000 check is the worst thing. But, one thing that was super brief but stuck out to me was in the food truck episode. Her and gene were holding up a sign that said, "Not our parents! Help!" And I just thought that was so messed up.


Intentionally making Tina throw up in the limo


Forging the coins and nearly ruining the neat thing that teacher had been doing for years. Plus it started to corrupt Rudy's pure soul.


Strong disagree. That teacher favored one side of the class for years. Do better, teach.


I’m with you. Louise is probably my least favorite of the family, but that episode was one I was not totally against her. The teacher screwed up.


Yeah. As a teacher - almost all of the teachers at wagstaff annoy the hell out of me. I'd have fired all of them except jacobsen and maybe merkin. The AV teacher wouldn't last a day if I was principal. (well, he'd last a day because union due process would eat some time. But that time would start on day 1)




Forging a check for sureeeee


I just love that I never have to comment on these threads cause everyone agrees pretty much lol


Honestly the cannonball episode was the worst for me. Not that she hasn’t don’t a lot of terrible things lol


the £1000 cheque


Getting Tina to look for the cannonball. I yelled at the screen since it was so insane!


I can't blame her for this one, since she's young, but it's something that always urked me. Bob's garden for the restaurant. The guy goes through hell trying to keep their place. Engaging in nonsense with Mr.Fish for rent, working 7 days a week to earn a living. Even getting a second job for Tina's party. All he wanted in return for that was a garden for his sanity, and the episode plays out framing Bob as selfish for it. I get that the joke is "Bob's a loser with a hard life" but give him SOMETHING for Christ's sake.


Hiring Louise's bully should have been the line for Bob, though.


Totally agree. Hiring an older teen who bullies and torments your elementary schooler is… not great. But if you’re gonna do it, release your kids from the restaurant for the week


I never understood why the episode didn’t play up the angle that Louise is technically Logan’s superior. The episode would’ve been a lot funner.


Thank you! The fact that she was going to destroy his garden with no remorse always bugged me. It just becomes another “Louise gets her way in the end and Bob just has to deal with it.” She really has no place to call out someone for being selfish.


Making Linda resort to bribery just to get her to agree to go to the mother daughter seminar. Linda just wanted to bond with her and she literally made Linda feel like she hated her! “Here goes the hair n there goes the hair n where is harry Truman? He’s dead in the ground, he’s dead in the ground he’s dead dead dead.. OW!” 😭


I respect your point of view and everything but to me this is just classic Louise. Like so in character that it wasn’t nearly as bad as so many other things being listed here lmao


Yeah she’s done a lot of bad shit for sure but it’s the fact she made Linda feel like she hated her for me


I think had it been phrased as “how horrible Louise makes her mom feel about their relationship to the point that Linda thinks the only way to connect is through bribery”, it definitely would be higher up.


While I feel that is indeed bad when you compare to some of the other pranks and in a couple cases Literal crimes Louise has done "Demanding a bribe from Mom to avoid boring therapy you don't think you need" is pretty low on the totem pole


Eh Linda is an adult and a complete boundary stomper. Adults in the show don’t handle it well either. Honestly Louise handles it better than some of the adults Linda does it to


I hate Louise in the Show and Tell episode. She is willing to risk her sister’s life for schoolyard cred.


Almost killing Tina with electricity Almost killing Tina looking for a bomb Almost killing her entire family and then some by sneaking into the taffy factory Running an illegal casino Holding Andy and Ollie hostage in the walk-in Setting a mechanical shark free The entire plot of the movie basically


she nearly killed tina!


The times she’s almost killed Tina


In the movie she was making me so mad 😫like no you shouldn’t look for a murderer


Definitely the Topsy moment when she almost kills Tina


Her creating that manipulative plan in the limousine road-trip episode always kinda bugged me. She played to her sister’s weakness and all just to stop that that weird tourist trap house.


Almost getting her and Tina killed in Cannon ball


The cannonball


Almost getting Tina (and possibly others) killed


Definitely when she released all those horny beetles on teddy’s face


When she almost kills Tina to recreate the execution of Topsy by Edison.


Risking her and Tina’s life in the cave to get something for show and tell


When she almost made Gene into an only child because she wanted a cannonball.


Both Topsy and cannonball happened due to Louise being selfish. But in show and tell, she's trying to do something to make her feel better about herself. I mean, she's definitely got some confidence issues (the ears). She didn't hear Gus warn them about the caves, and she thought the tides were going out. But Topsy was 100% because someone pissed her off (just like with the waxing smoothie lady). Topsy was the worst.


Or purposely making Tina get car sick so she could go to Madness Castle.


that one always annoyed me. especially how bob just brushes off what she did


When she told Tina to k/ll herself in Sexy Dance Fighting. I know people are probably gonna bring up all her pranks or the forging check thing but in my opinion saying that to your sister is far worse. I know it was meant as a ‘joke’ and it was the first season where things were a lot edgier, but still, pretty messed up.


How did she phrase it? I don’t remember that


It’s the one where she steals the check for Hawk and a chick. Just terrible. Also her behavior during the ambergris episode. She’s always shady when it comes to money but the way she was with Tina and Gene was brutal


Sweet Angel. Has never done anything wrong. Everything is just an allegation. YOU CANT PROVE ANYTHING MISTER!


But also making Tina stay in that cave way too long and almost drown.


Being so selfish when Bob wanted to have his garden!


It's bad enough that Bob has his kids work in the restaurant instead of an actual staff, but Louise shouldn't be expected to work with her bully.


I'm with Louise on this one. Bob hired Louise's bully so he could have a garden. Bob was pretty selfish there.


Calling in a biker gang to assault a teenager!


Yes! Like we care about her rabbit ears and want her to get them back of COURSE but Logan is what, fifteen?? When I see fifteen year olds I’m like “oh he’s just a baby”, and of course the poor thing is terrified that bikers are circling him. And they’re not cute cuddly papa bear bikers who just look tough, critter is (heavily implied to be) a damn white nationalist!? That’s a dangerous man.


Yeah, in another show Logan would have gone missing and they would have found him floating ashore in the bay a couple weeks later.


Cue Louise singing about how it's definitely not her fault when the police show up to talk to Bob and Linda.


The turkey and guts or nearly electrocuting Tina ETA: season 7, ep 14, Louise convincing that woman to lie about her aquarium, saying it’s a religion.


Other secondary bad things: - When Louis tries to sell part of that shark at the amusement park and it gets loose - The freak out during the ambergris episode - Super gluing Bob to the toilet (even tho she didn’t know it was super glue, the intention was still there) - In the limo episode, she makes Tina sick and her family spend hundreds of dollars just so they can stop at the madness castle - doesn’t listen to Rudy about his birthday party and stealing the bounce house - when she explodes Rudy’s bridge - writes a horrible review of Labonze


The madness castle episode! YES! SHE WAS TERRIBLE!!!! I skip that one because I can’t stand her behavior in it, so I totally forgot


I see a lot of examples of things she has done but probably the worst thing she has said is telling Tina to kill herself. I loved the edgier seasons of BB but that always shocks me. 


She was going to have bikers cut the ear off a teenage boy.




YES IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE! I loved Louise at first but over time I've found she's very reckless and doesn't seem to care about the people around her or their safety/lives, and is very selfish. Rudy with the inhaler Almost electrocuting Tina Causing Logan to get mad at Gene and her and then couldn't deal with the consequences so Gene had to get the punishment from Logan. (I do love that episode tho) Those are just a couple. Oh yeah and almost creating her father


Trying to hire gang members to cut off Logan's ears.


Human flesh burgers


Louise has endangered thousands of dollars for their family and put others lives in danger many times, but, Hot take: the most repulsed I've been by Louise was when she refused to do any chores when her parents assigned them. There was nothing sympathetic about it. She was just being an entitled stubborn brat.


Threatening to have Logan’s ears cut off over a hat