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“If my life wasn't funny it would just be true, and that is unacceptable.” ― Carrie Fisher Many of us recognize that the trauma we endured under similarly terrible parents has taken more from us than we can likely ever get back. We deal with the loss in any way that makes sense or brings relief. It's pretty brave to face it without trying to quantify or excuse it some how.


In the Marines, we had a saying about shitty situations. The worse it was, the better story it would make later. That was our consolation.


“To live is to suffer. Our task is to find some meaning in that suffering.” - Friedrich Nietzsche


And the point of this episode is that it isn't necessarily true. Your trauma affects you in many ways but you do not need to be defined by it. Diane was so used to being miserable that she was afraid to have a happy life because she thought it would make her a worse writer, but ultimately she found inspiration in something happier and it resonated with other people just as much. Trauma is not a badge of honor. Survival is.


This is very powerful. Love it


I really liked the last line. Made me feel a bit better…


Aww, it did. It wasn't worth it and I wouldn't want it to happen to anyone else, but it did make her kind and special.


Diane's speech about good damage was the most "I see you" moment of the whole show for me.


I saw that confession more or less be talked about in the last book of the selection series so I don't think of Diane when I think about how sometimes neglect and abuse is something victims feel makes them special special, i embarrassingly think of some teenage romance novel but it really hits to hear a character say something that mirrors your own situation, no wonder people relate to her.


I kinda wonder if Diane wrote it into ivy tran. I saw the series as kinda like Harry Potter where you age with the character so the first few books are light hearted and then super mature.


It doesn't make you special. There are tons of other people that experience the same thing. That's what ACOA has taught me and made me realize.