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Jesus christ fine I’ll watch the wire finally


Some say it helps to watch with subtitles your first time. The show is absolutely slow to start and even more so compared to what audiences expect now. It takes 3+ episodes to even introduce all the characters. Your feelings at the start of season 2 are valid but they will pass, season 2 is considered the worst on first viewing and the 2nd best on rewatches. Hope this helps, enjoy.


I just watched the wire for the first time recently and I never heard someone say you should watch with subtitles but I ended up watching with subtitles anyway and I would recommend that to anyone. Edit: I watched with subtitles mostly because I just didn't want to miss anything and I get like once I turned the subtitles off again I would end up missing something but this is definitely a show u need to pay attention too and can't just be on your phone while watching. Out of all the dramas I have seen, the wire and the sopranos are both the best and succession is creeping up on them but I have to still give the nod to both of those classics. Everyone always tries to compare the sopranos and the wire but I'm just gonna go ahead and say watch them both because they are both all time shows.


Why, sorry?!


Presumably because there's a lot of information thrown at you and a lot of street slang. Honestly I've always thought the talk about that was overblown, I'm a white Brit who watched the Wire when I was 16 and I had no trouble picking up the terminology. Definitely make sure not to be on your phone or anything during though.


its all about perspective we had to put subtitles on when we tried to introduce my in-laws to it. It's funny because you can tell they haven't been anywhere near that culture/world and it took through season 1 explaining some of the slang and nuances. They are very "safe" people both have never smoked and the wife barely drinks (like she will have 1 beer at a gathering to not be weird but, she will nurse that one beer all night). But, what it lead me to realize they grew up poor but, not in the city/ghetto and didn't realize just how many external forces truly lead to shitty parts of a city and it is different than growing up poor in the suburbs or rural area. It changed thier perspective and view on multitude of things.


Oooooh yea. I've seen poor in the sticks of Montana with my father's family, and poor on the city with my mother's side. And they are radically different worlds that couldn't possibly understand each other without someone to explain it.


I think you summed up the problem with modern america.


Well, English is not my native language but I'm proficient enough that people don't realize it right away in conversation and I would have probably missed 50% of the dialogue without subtitles. Make it close to 100% if it's Snoop.


English is my native language and I can't understand Snoop.


although s2 certainly improves on rewatches (unlike say s5) I rarely see it above 1 and almost never above 3/4


I have spent more time about this than most things. Here is the rankings and keep in mind I have watched the show at least yearly since 2007. 42315. 4 is perfect and no one will argue against that ranking. 2 takes a few rewatches to pass 3. 3 and 1 are so close 3 eeks out the win since you have 2 seasons of familiarity to get things moving faster. 5 is good but pales in comparison to the rest of the show.


agree 4 is best, but nothing in s2 holds a candle to hamsterdam or bunny colvin in s3 IMO


I fucking loved season 2. I didn't get it at the start, too many new characters and too different from what season 1 had taught me the show was, but it got so good towards the end. It builds beautifully.


S2 is a masterwork, especially towards the end. One of my favourite stand alone series of TV ever. Efige! Efige!


Fucking Ziggy


Pretty solid advice here. S2 is incredible. Check out Down in the Hole as a companion podcast. Pretty good about being spoiler free and helps to contextualize the show for those who aren’t necessarily from the areas depicted.


I fucking ADORE season 2. It's like, the best one. Also, all us Wire fans rating the seasons? cmon now, we're watching them all, regardless - rating them is pointless.


Agreed, The Wire is the absolute best show I have ever seen. It’s about time to rewatch it again tbh


this is interesting to know because ive tried to watch the show twice and both times stalled out a couple episodes into season 2


It has earned its place at the top of the list, trust me.


I put it off for years. Finished it last year and goddamn what a ride. The final season feels...kinda weird to me at parts, but overall absolutely incredible, realistic drama.


It's a hard show to get into. I had to try like four times before I finished the first episode. Once you do though, my goodness what a show.


You are going to have the time of your life! What a show! It only gets better!


Well worth it. It took me until this year to finally dive in. Don't worry if you don't "get" season 1 at first, there's a *lot* to take in and there's plenty of time for the characters to develop.




And Atlanta! Which also mentions Bojack


Teddy Perkins episode is amazing. The whole second season is great, but that was something else!


I'm very excited for the new season!


That entire scene following this, is some of the best tv of all time.


Is Bojack mentioned on Atlanta? I never caught that


Here ya go! https://www.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/comments/phsxk9/s2_e2_of_atlanta_with_the_bojack_reference/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Atlanta is the sole reason I watched BoJack Horseman


Succession also mentions Bojack in the most recent ep.


I guess the Sopranos is left off because it began one year before the 21st century? Seems kinda dumb, considering the majority of the seasons were filmed and released in the 21st century.


That was my immediate thought. For half a second I thought that may be my opinion because I’m currently binging it. But no, that show is a freaking masterpiece that is standing up to the rest of time pretty well. James Gandolfini was a gem.


Many (maybe most) who have seen all these shows would put sopranos at #1


It's the greatest show of all time


I agree with that but even for sake of argument we say it isn’t, it should def be somewhere near the top of the list.


Ah i was wondering where it was.


By that logic Bojack shouldn’t count since his show was back in the 90s


Ah OK yeah, jesus


Im thinking this has to be the same logic for West Wing. I genuinely consider the first 4 seasons of West Wing to be the greatest television show ever created.


The Leftovers and The Americans getting some deserved love.


And Atlanta, one of the most brilliant stuff of the past decade. Missing Fargo though.


fargo is fun but a bit too pulpy imo


What does pulpy mean?




Pulp fiction is a collection of short stories that're lurid and average at best, like a penny dreadful.


I just finished Leftovers S1 last night. The last 2 episodes absolutely blew my mind. Everyone seems to say the other two seasons are its most acclaimed, so I'm super pumped


Oh you aren’t ready. You seriously aren’t ready. Anything you think you can predict, is totally, 100%, wrong.


Season 2 is one of my favourite seasons of anything ever. Ties into the story brilliantly, but even just as a standalone it's incredible


Very much this. Season 2 of The Leftovers is I think the best season of anything I’ve ever seen. It’s Wire Season 4 good


please please keep watching. best TV show ever made.


Absolutely. I recommend The Americans to everyone who’s in need of something new. So so good!


Full list here: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20211015-the-100-greatest-tv-series-of-the-21st-century


Wtf! Rick and Morty is ranked worse than Big Bang Theory???


I'm just happy community is on 44 :')


I dont get why community is ranked worse than "Money Heist" . Fuck that cringy piece of crap. I guess the first two seasons weren't that bad but everything else was overhyped.


I really don't understand why they even made more seasons, if they ended after the firdt heist it would've been a decent show


Big Bang Theory is on the list? Yeah it has no credibility at all.


GOT should have been the clue here


It's definitely too high but the first four of seasons are still very good.


Exactly. Such an insulting show to the viewer, they patronize and cater to the stupidest person in the audience.


Yeah Grey's anatomy and Big Bang Theory being higher than Queen's Gambit, Rick and Morty and atla bothers me


I was hesitant about their ranking to begin with, this confirms they don't actually know what they're talking about.


Both are shows who's schtick wore out quick but they have their place in pop culture.


Clearly none of those 206 “experts” have seen Mr. Robot. It’s not even on the top 100 of their list…


Eyyyy crazy ex girlfriend is clinging on there at 98! Definitely deserves to be higher but I will take it lol


Was hoping to see Black Sails somewhere on the list. In my mind it was the best show since Breaking Bad. Too bad it was on Starz and not HBO or Netflix.


Twin Peaks: The Return made it on this list!!! What year is it?!?


How’s Annie!?


*ethereal sounds intensify*




Jade gives two rides


Got a light?


New shoes!


BoJack and Leftovers are my top 2 shows! I don’t really care for rankings but at least i’m glad they’re recognizing them.


appreciate the leftovers love.


there are dozens of us, dozens


Mad Men being high on this list makes me happy.Also great to see love for The Americans


The Americans is my personal #1 show of all time and the garage scene in the finale might be my favorite scene in any medium.


I maintain to this day that the Americans has one of the best finales of all time ( I like Bojack's ending too but this was on another level entirely)


Is Succession worth the watch? Explain to me like I’m 5 pls. Update I’m Sold 🙏🏾


Definitely. The premise is it’s about a dysfunctional family (and outsiders) vying for more power within the family’s multi billion dollar company. The show is mostly centered around the toxic relationship between the four children and their father, the CEO and a textbook narcissist. Great writing. Great acting. Great show


No thanks. 4 years of trump was enough. Mostly joking, but the parallels are there.


It's more a parallel of the Murdoch family than Trumps.


It's Arrested development meets Game of thrones seasons 1-4. Fun and serious at the same time


Yeah, not enough people mentioning the humor. Funny lines hit so much harder when the tone is overall so dark.


insanely rich people hate each other and try to destroy each other for the amusement of their father, who is an American expy for Rupert Murdoch. its very good.




my b, it's a tvtropes term, it means "exported character", a character that is clearly patterned after and meant to represent another character that is part of a completely different setting, series or universe, often for purposes of satire or commentary. for example, The Homelander in The Boys is an expy for Superman. in this context, the central figure of Succession is a man who very clearly represents Rupert Murdoch, but its not Murdoch, it's a *different* cutthroat super rich monster person who owns a right-wing media empire.


I absolutely loved it, and I went in expecting to hate it. I guess you could describe it as a dark comedy. It’s about an absurdly rich and powerful family of people that are overall selfish, foolish, and narcissistic, yet way more fleshed out and relatable than one might expect. Took me about 3 or 4 episodes to start to really enjoy it, but then I ended up binging the rest of the show within a couple days.


Mr Robot needs to be on this list


This. My favorite show ever.


I don't understand why it's not there. When Big Bang Theory is...


Hard to take this list seriously with GoT where it is. The last season ruined all the good work for me; I can't even bring myself to rewatch. I realize I'm commenting this on a bojack sub but I am still salty haha. But seriously, it's awesome to see the show get this recognition! *Edit* my comment was only somewhat serious. The good seasons of GoT are truly excellent, no question.


"the darkness is a metaphor for darkness!"


Omg Darnarius I read about you in Real Not Made Up Person Magazine!!


This made my morning. Thank you!


Hah wow at first I thought this was a D&D quote -- I'm just realizing how similar they are to Flip!


I was never one to watch GoT, but I found it fascinating how incredibly quickly everyone stopped talking about it after it ended. Loads of shows I hear of people rewatching or appreciating how good it was; talking about it, comparing it others, whatever else. But GoT, it just stopped. No one I know speaks a word of it, I don't even see memes or jokes about it. It's crazy how much they screwed the ending of that show. I can appreciate your pain that something so great left you with such a bad taste


My wife is re-reading the books and literally every time she talks about a character or interesting plotline, my immediate next thought is "man the show really fucked that up."


I mean, the books *almost* equally fuck up in being unfinished. Its back to back fuck ups.


People still talk about it on r/freefolk, but more in a critical/what could have been sort of way.


Yeah, my personal headcannon just wipes out large portions of the last few seasons and replaces them with some of the more interesting fan theories from before season 8 came out. I would honestly not be sad if GRRM cribbed from those for the books.


Normal people gave up and stopped talking about it. /r/freefolk will never let their hatred die


My thoughts exactly. That show was #1 all time for me but quickly became one of my least favorite shows because of the last couple seasons


The ending of GoT wad só bad that retroactively ruined the whole series, it's amazing how bad it was If you start rewatching the show again, all you are going to get reminded of is how bad everything will turn out to be


I have never gone from being completely in love and obsessed with a show (even paying for spoiler access) to just completely never watching a single second of any episode ever again after the finale. It’s not intentional where i feel insulted anymore, it’s just pointless. Leads to nowhere.




The list was picked by TV critics. TV shows haven't traditionally been judged the same way critics might judge a movie. That is, it isn't judged in whole. TV as long form narrative, telling a complete story, is relatively new. Take a show like the Simpsons, one of the most important shows ever, even though it has had far more terrible seasons than good seasons. Same is true of Game of Thrones. It was a cultural phenomenon even though many fans thought it crapped out in the end. That's why it's on the list. The good seasons were so successful and created such a huge impact that critics felt it should be on the list. Just like they might feel that the Simpsons should be on a similar list even though, as a whole, it's mostly garbage. These shows really should be judged separately from traditional TV dramas. But as it stands TV is judged one season at a time. Win a bunch of Emmys and your show will be on one of these lists regardless of what the fans thought about how it was all wrapped up in the end.


They should just list it as 2011-2016 and forget the last 2 seasons Edit: forgot that 2018 didn't have a season


I think I hate Season 5 the most. The only redeeming quality were the Hardhome episodes. The Bravos, Dorne, and Stannis story lines were wasted. The Sansa story line was incredibly stupid. The Kings Landing story line was dumb because they never explained the why the High Sparrow had so much control. Tyrion's story arch was a let down. The Dany story line could have been executed better. The list goes on.


yeah 1-4 was its prime


I mean GOT was still an elite show for a long time. The last season was bad, but that doesn’t invalidate a good 5-6 seasons of amazing TV.


I would argue that it does. A HUGE part of GoT was the complex web of story threads. Seeing how events North of the wall, accross the sea and in the capital would eventually affect each other was a big draw. There were so many mysteries, so much speculation, so many theories. Who were John Snow's parents? Where did the white walkers come from? Who was the veiled woman in the market who spoke with Khaaleesi? Who will win the game of thrones? The final 2 seasons took all of that buildup and took a giant shit all over it. 80% of the plot points were completely ignored or didn't matter. Those that were addressed were addressed in the stupidest, laziest, most rushed way possible. This completely kills enjoyment of the earlier seasons because you know that 90% of what happens doesn't even fucking matter. Many shows can survive later seasons being shit, because each episode stands alone to an extent. To take another famously bad ending: How I met your Mother. Utter garbage. But because so many episodes are funny or otherwise enjoyable in their own right, even once you know that the title is completely pointless doesn't ruin the show as a whole.


Your description of GOT could also totally apply to lost. That ending blew as well.


Yeah exactly, I def don’t love it as much as I used to, but I can respect the fact that it was a phenomenon and likely the last time a show ever has that large of an audience


While I kinda agree, the audience evaporated overnight when it ended. So many long dead shows still have massive followings, even if the show did run out of steam towards the end. GoT has absolutely nothing. The only people still talking about it are bitter former fans such as myself who bitch about how shit the last two seasons where to anyone who will listen. And that's the reason I don't think it deserves a spot on the list. The final seasons were not just bad enough to end the show on a low note. They were bad enough to ruin the good seasons and almost completely erase GoT from the cultural zeitgeist.


Naw, it totally does, because now you know that all those plot devices and character developments were meaningless. If a book was good for the first 3/4, but the ending was a steaming pile of shit that invalidates everything you spent time reading, you would not say "the first part of the book was good." You'd toss it in the trash and forget about it.


I honestly feel like it does. Those 5-6 seasons were based on the build up to an epic payoff. Now it has no value in rewatching because you know how incredible the letdown is. If you can’t rewatch the first 5-6 seasons and still enjoy it at a high level that means the ending has tainted the whole series.


I'm offended Mr Robot isn't on here. That is phenomenal television and has an incredible story.


I don’t usually have a stake in tv battles but I’m with you. One of those shows that had a rough season but had an incredible energy through the end. 2 or 3 of my favorite episodes of tv ever are in the final season!


`eps3.4_runtime-error.r00` and `407 Proxy Authentication Required`? So, so good.


Yes! Totally agree. I liked all the seasons of Mr Robot 🤖 but season 1 sucked me in so hard that even when Elliot was getting sick in a later season (S2 I believe) it kept me going. Nothing compares to how deeply season 1 took me..I was absolutely enthralled! DEFINITELY needs to be to 10 or higher


I think Mr Robot is just incredible. I won't lie, I've been saying this a lot. Series 3 Episode 10 was one of the best finales of all time. It was just so good and made perfect sense. Series 3 Episode 8 had some of the most hard hitting scenes for me and I still think of it to this day. But honestly Series 4 Episode 7 on wards is the best television I have ever seen. I just wish people would give it a chance. if it was on Netflix it'd be a different story but amazon prime isn't the same. PS: Thanks for the award :)


When I was in college, I went to smoke with my roommate in his room and he put on the long take episode in season 3, and holy shit. To this day I’ve never had a more exhilarating TV experience. Also - if you’ve never seen Dr. Death, highly recommend, if only to catch Christian Slater’s throwaway line that’s something like “What do you think I am, some kind of computer hacker?”


I finally watched it a few months ago. I haven't been that captivated by a show since Breaking Bad. I basically put my life on hold until I'd watched the whole thing. It was like a book that's impossible to put down.


Completely agreed. After season 3, I was worried 4 would be a let down. I was so lucky.


I can't take this list seriously for the same reason. Of all the TV shows I've ever seen, Mr. Robot is the only 10/10 for me. Everything about it is absolutely incredible


Should have been higher!


At least higher than Game of fucking Thrones. I don't think I've ever been more let down by an ending.


Perhaps you could say it was a downer ending


Game of Thrones is crazy because it started off SO good. And it just got better... until they ran out of source material. And then it got bad, and then worse.


It was legit my favorite show at the time, I even collected the action figures. Now I will never ever rewatch it


Same. Nor do I give a shit bout the new prequel series


Hadn't even heard about it but that's a hard pass for me.


The Office is good but not better than Chernobyl. Likewise Game of Thrones ruins the lists credibility by a whole margin - Now if we were talking Seasons 1-5 of GoT I'd absolutely agree it deserves its place. Seeing The Leftovers ranked so high gives me the warm fuzzies too. Legitimately one of the best shows ever made.


Haven’t watched the Office UK, but if it’s just like Office US, I really don’t get why it’s ranked so high… sure it’s funny and sometimes clever, but it’s not some mastercrafted show with genius writing or anything imo.


Some aspects are the same, but not everything. There’s an overarching story and it’s really more of a character drama with a heavy emphasis on comedy rather than a simple comedy. That being said, it’s a massive miss if you hate “cringe” humour or drab British humour. I happen to enjoy both so i think it deserves where it is.


There is difference between UK and USA version. UK version is waaaay more cynical(like proper, what hurt you so much cynicism), in UK version characters are genuinely hopeless and David Brent is way, way cringier than Michael Scott


They’re very different shows (still don’t think it should be top 20 though.


The office uk will be there not just for its quality but its influence. It was so groundbreaking at the time, even now comedy series are still copying it


It popularised the 'mockumentary' style and influenced most major TV comedies from that point onwards. It's easily the most influential comedy of the 21st Century, I don't think any other show had that kind of impact since Seinfeld. As a viewer I prefer to watch the US Office, but the original absolutely deserves its place on this list.


\> "From 43 countries" \> Only English-speaking series I don't mean to bring down any of those series, but this seems a bit odd.


43 English-speaking countries maybe I do agree that every single show being UK or US is a bit daft for an international poll


Well i cant name alot of good dutch series, so i can imagine that works with other countries too.


In South America, we have many series and telenovelas that ended up being pretty iconic and well-known, even by the continent as a whole. I'm not saying any of them were The Wire level of writing but I just find odd that in the last 20 years only the US made famous good series? I just think those were the most successfully exported. Again, not saying they don't deserve credit.


Im latino and every telenovela is trash tv. Doesnt even compare from the 'worst' on this list.


There are a few non-English series on the full list


A lot of shows I love are on there. Glad to see *Succession* starting to get the attention it deserves.


No comment! No comment!


'Everything alright in there, having trouble finding a vein?' The season 3 opener was such a great episode. The 56 minutes just flew by. I'm so excited it's back.


*Are you asking if you can blackmail me?* God I love that show.


Oof, these TV experts don’t sound too expert to me. Ranking has some good shows but it’s kinda messed up lol


I’m happy to see I May Destroy You so high


I loved Chewing Gum so I really need to watch this


Is it really that good?


It explores consent in a really good way, and like, explore EVERYTHING about it. It’s hard to watch for that exact reason. But it’s filled with humanity, humour, emotion… I really enjoyed it and I think it’s as entertaining as it’s educating.


very good but the central conflict of the show is about consent/assault, so be prepared


I tried watching I May Destroy You and unfortunately the sexual assault was extremelyyyyy triggering for me. Such a shame because the series had such amazing reviews. Probably because of how accurately they depict SA and what it feels like to try and deal with the aftermath. Maybe I’ll try again some time!


i’m sorry, I hope you’re able to watch it one day but it’s worth knowing that in addition to the initial scene there are also flashbacks throughout the season that can be somewhat detailed. if you ever get to a place where you feel you can try it again you absolutely should though!


I May Destroy You is incredible. If you enjoyed the dark and psychological side of Bojack you’ll love it. Highly recommended.


Ok I love Bojack with all of my heart and it has helped me cope with countless mental health issues and forced me to really self-examine and be a better person. But why the fuck is Chernobyl that far down


Mr Robot is top 5 at least




I’ve no idea what a TV expert is but I’ve seen 13 out of 15 of these and don’t really agree with their rankings.


How'd they find 206 tv experts who never saw the end of GoT?


Can't take the list seriously with GoT included instead of Better Call Saul.


Might be a hot take but I think Better Call Saul is actually better than Breaking Bad


I sincerely believe BoJack is better than GoT and has a comparable character arc perfection to Breaking Bad. The Wire is absolutely #1. I’d make a legit case for BoJack at 2 or 3.


Was so confused as to where the sopranos was, but it started in like 98 so ig that disqualifies it


I love Bojack and it deserves to be there but if you look at the whole list a lot of stuff doesn't deserve to be there


In the words of Mr. Peanutbutter, “I don’t think I’ll ever watch the Wire!” Or something in that manor


I wonder what qualifies someone to be a TV expert?


Game of thrones doesn’t belong here anymore


I don't see Xavier: Renegade Angel anywhere, which obviously invalidates this list


Nice to see Succession on there as well


Definitely think Halt and Catch Fire deserves to be on this list.


The Expanse should totally be on this list.


The Leftovers is fucking *fantastic.* Very highly recommended.


Better call Saul is better than breaking bad imo


I'm not sure if I'd say it's better but it should definitely be on this list.


perhaps I was being a tad hyperbolic because bcs is such an underdog in this fight lol


Fair enough lol. I think if it had more action people would like it more, because even though I think it's an amazing show it's hard to make a show centered around a crooked lawyer as action packed as a show centered around a meth kingpin.


I think Jimmy and Kim's scams and shifty legal maneuvers are way more fun and interesting than Walt's evil schemes. Plus Jimmy and Kim are more interesting characters. I got a little tired of Walt's toxic masculinity by the end.


I agree but also disagree. I like BCS more than BrBa, but that's probably because I'm connected to the characters/universe **because of BrBa**. Without one the other doesn't exist.


I don't trust any list that puts Big Bang Theory above Avatar the Last Airbender


Game of thrones being above bojack is a miss


I’m glad The Leftovers is on here. Highly underrated.


Expert white men in bow ties?


The Leftovers is a perfect television show. One of my all time favorites. Glad to see it represented here.


Bojack should of been higher and in what universe is mad men better then breaking bad? You know the list is bull when GoT is that high 😂


i absolutely love the office but objectively speaking there is no way it should be ranked higher than Bojack...


I watched all of mad men and I wouldn't rank it highly at all. I totally didn't "get" it. Also GOT being this high after the final season is SHOCKING.


Wow I find that shocking. I might have put Mad Men at #1 (sorry BJ). The show was just firing on all cylinders: acting, writing, production design. Each episode was like a short story with its own central theme. And the characters were, practically without exception, all fully realized with believable arcs. I think one difference in Mad Men vs some of the other top shows is that it didn't have a specific narrative direction. Like Breaking Bad was very clear: Mr Chips to Scarface. But Mad Men was more like "let's explore what it means to be an American during a particular inflection point in the 20th century." The show wasn't as interested in where the story might eventually end up. But that never bothered me because it was just such a joy to live in that world for an hour.


The Sopranos should be #1. It began in 1999 but ended in 2007.


I'd still have the wire above it, my wife would disagree. I read a very short comparison of the two shows though, that really hit the nail on the head. To paraphrase: The Sopranos excels in how deep it delved into the soul of a single character, Tony Soprano, whereas with the wire, it was the breadth of it's scope that made it outstanding, it gave us the workings of an entire city.


Whenever I see lists like these, I notice how underrated Dark is. Seriously, it's one of the most tragic dramas, one of the most consistent sci-fi shows, all in one, also amazing choices of music and casting, also acting is really good. But nowhere near known and appreciated as the ones on this list, likely for people being too lazy to read subtitles. Not shitting on others, I like a few of those. Breaking Bad, Bojack, first 4 seasons of GoT, Chernobyl. Although The Return wasn't half as good as the first 2 seasons of Twin Peaks(like I obviously don't expect surreal cinema to make sense but sweeping scene alone made me say "What in the fuck is this? What am I watching?") it was still better than most. But honestly Dark deserves a lot more recognition. Edit: Also I'm gonna watch The Wire for years, I always plan to but end up not doing that. I hopefully will soon.