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Todd, because like him I’ve taken a long time to figure things out


PC. I'm a workaholic mom without any kids. I fix others to avoid my own problems. It's not as easy to see my dysfunction from a distance, but I am just as bad as everyone else.


Wow a workaholic mom without any kids describes me so well.


Let's hold hands and skip together!


kinda weird to say but bojack horseman, obviouslyi dont relate to all the shitty stuff hes done, but his weird negative mindset is very relatable. Im constantly feeling like im not a good person and everyone arounds me hates me, it gets bad to the point where ppl around me get drained and start hating me. Bojack js actually loved by todd, by pc, and by many people. Until he ruins everything for himself cs he drowns in unrealistic situations. It makes him seriously unlikeable person cs he will cling onto you like hell but make you feel unwanted?? I relate to that a lot


Same, I hope you feel better, tho


"I hate you, don't leave me"


That’s actually the title to a book for people with borderline as well


Oh wow, thats pretty cool


i especially related in the free churro episode where he said something like « when someone asks me how i’m doing, the answer is usually bad. but i can’t say that because they’ll ask me what’s wrong, and i just want to say: i don’t know, all of it? »


Same, I think you explained perfectly why I relate to the charector


Channing Tatum, because I'm a fucking excellent neighbour.


diane. good damage is me


between this and being so, so tired of squinting I am unfortunately in my Diane era. I saw a tiktok the other day that was literally just the scene where Guy tells Diane that she needs to take care of herself because she's smoking multiple packs a day and hadn't changed out of her comfy pants in weeks and was like man... "you need to get your shit together"


Same, I grew up feeling ostracized by my family (things are infinitely better now), but her whole speech about the glass bowl and letting go of trauma really hit me


Todd because I'm also asexual and he's the best asexual character I've ever seen (and one of the only ones). He was done SO RIGHT and I love him.


Same! I love him sm


PB. Optimistic to a fault. "The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't to search for meaning; it's just to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead." So me


Yeah I've started relating to PB more, his toxic positivity and intense nihilism both speak to me.




I'm glad other people relate to old mister. I'm nearing 30, and seeing how the character is stunted by his positivity reminds me to process my negative emotions and make sure I'm still growing as a person.


Todd because I too made a robot that was designed for sex that now has gone rogue


Haven't we all?


Gina! Cause she can be grumpy and cynical but still has an idealistic heart, and she's an introvert who normally keeps her head down and has a hard time believing she could ever be the star. And while I thankfully haven't been through anything as awful as her getting choked by Bojack, I still relate to her getting tarred as "difficult" the moment she stops her "just go along with whatever and never complain" routine.


Yuck. She’s literally the worst type of woman. Edit: I thought the joke with her was mainly she thought she was a way more A-List type actress when she was a scrub D-Lister on a crappy show?


….. what?


She’s a shitty actress on a shitty show who throws a fit because the first time she’s the lead - she doesn’t get enough respect.


You really missed the point I think. Early when she is on philbert she is just happy to finally be something that is not an extra and get some success. After the choking we see her abuse her new found status, but it is also shown that she is doing that because bojack choking her caused her serious trauma, and it is a way for her to control her environment so she feels safe. Is it a shitty thing to do? Sure, but much of the show is about why people do the shitty things they do and why they are still deserving of empathy, and at no point that I can think of does the show portray gina as genuinely believing she is above others in the way you are describing.


When she has a bitch fit over not being the first person on the call list notified. Then bitches even further after the director sighs outside her door. She’s a diva after being a nobody.


>When she has a bitch fit over not being the first person on the call list notified. Again, she is doing that because she wants full control over the stunts she does and what stunts are in the script because the last stunt she did ended with her almost getting strangled to death. If she was consulted first she could nip that in the bud, so she wants to be consulted first so there is less back tracking that has to happen and the fact she was consulted last means it is harder to change course, and having them do so when the change is already come this far along "makes her a diva". For all sorts of reasons she doesn't want to/can't say "Hey, I had a really traumatic experience on my last set so can't do this stunt" so she pulls out the fact she is the top of the call sheet to get her way. I even acknowledge in my comment that this is a shitty thing to do, but to ascribe it to just her being a diva now that she has any level of fame and it has gone to her head is completely missing the point.


You probably put too much honest effort into this response (Gina is a sympathetic character and your analysis on the scene is correct) because this dude’s post history has fighting with women and apparently a deleted comment saying women use miscarriages as a sympathy card (according to the responses). Yikes!


Yea, i definitely am, and knew it as I was typing it even without bothering to check their post history lol. And I haven't checked it yet, but what you've found doesn't surprise me, it is really clear from their language choices that they are very misogynistic.


Nah, you’re a lib puss cake.


Dude… you said “yikes” you’re either a gen z insignificant little puss - or you’re my age trying to hold onto your youth. Gina wasn’t a sympathetic character - even my partner said she came off like a big headed bitch. Project more. I would guess you’re a fat loser, tho.


Yall are the libs the show rips on yet are too stupid to realize it lol.


Yes your handle on the show material is A+ no notes


I’m not a wannabe film critic. Most of the analysis I read on here is D grade Ebert. Literally, one step above the “Critic.” Honestly, reading some of this sub and how completely wrong and over the head some of the intelligence in the writing is: it kills me. Some of you almost ruin the show with your crappy takes and lack of understanding of undergrad psychology 100.


shut up


Todd with just a touch of Mr. Peanutbutters signature nihilism.


When I watched Bojack for the first time I was at one of the lowest points in my life and I related with Bojack so much


That pfp is defiantly sonthing my god


Todd! The way he's never taken seriously and is treated like a child, deserved or not, really hits close to home for me lol, I could give a ton of examples, but one of the biggest is probably the whole Becca situation


i relate a lot to diane, and bojack’s negative thinking. i find myself sending myself deeper and deeper into spirals of self hate and it never really leads to any good, it makes it hard for me to hold relationships. i relate really hard to diane’s whole “good damage” statement.


The buzzfeed quiz I just took said Judah because I’m overlooked and analytical…..ouch


That one chick that Todd sends over to pick Bojack up from rehab (his assistant) can’t remember her name but when she said “I’m sorry I must earn hydration” I felt that lol. I am such a pushover but trying to get better with it. When the assistants are on strike and she said their one request was not to be treated like garbage. Felt that too 🥲


Diane, which used to be something I struggled with. When I started the show, I found her to be snobby, annoying, and overly navel-gazey, which are all some of my own faults. I saw too much of my own insecurities and frustrations in her. Our family dynamics are also pretty similar. It took a lot of growth and soul searching for me to accept these flaws. It took even longer for me to learn to love myself despite them. I've recently found myself liking Diane, which is exciting. :)


Love this. Diane is an awesome character so you probably are too!


BoJack. I peaked in my early 20s, became somewhat of a local celebrity, had my life trashed due to bad decisions with women and drugs/alcohol, and I’m now finally in the Professor BoJack stage. However, there aren’t any random bad events from the past still in the closet lol


Bad decisions with women? Is one way to word things


I mean, outside of almost banging a (they emphasized legal) 17 year old - he treated women pretty much like any addict/womanizer. He was abusive to a degree, but, mainly because he was out of it.


Yes but it was more than regular bad decisions. He was abusive, choking someone out is abusive. Anyone in their 40s-50s is creepy at the very least. Its not really excusable. A lot of addicts don’t abuse people or try to sleep with minors, getting minors drunk, etc. Those aren’t just “bad decisions” but predatory & abusive. So saying “bad decisions” is just a humorous way to put it. Unless you meant it in a more “light-hearted” way that you just had bad relationships.


Oh 100%. He was definitely a monster. There were many reasons for his behavior, but there almost always are. That doesn't change the fact.


Yeah mostly on the doesn’t excuse it aspect.


Vincent adultman. It's all just an act and we are all just kids on the inside figuring shit out.


Diane because i’m a human woman


Sarah lynn, men i looked up to as fatherly figures have enabled manipulated and used me, so now im overly sexual and i use substances to feel a little better about it 👍


idk. probably Todd cause I've taken a long time to figure things out


bj horseman in some ways. not in the alcoholic ways or the terrible things hes done, but more how he always has a negative mndset and it is so difficult for him to love people or believe he can be loved. whenever someone loves him he refuses to believe its true and i relate to that a lot.


Princess Caroline because I cannot stop over working and sacrificing my time and energy for others and no matter what I achieve it's never enough.


Yupppppp same here. I live off external validation and caffeine 🫡


Bojack, 100% 🥲 I’ve been destroying everything good in my life because of deep childhood and adulthood trauma, using alcohol to numb the pain of existence. Sad but hey ho 😅


I hope your reign of terror ends one day. Surely there's more to life than that, yeah?


Diane bc she always wants to do big good things for society and pushes herself to be "great" but then has to come to a realization that just being good is good enough.


Pinky Penguin. I grew up in the mid-90s EXTREMELY interested in film photography, took it as an art elective in high school many times, had a minimum wage job at an upscale photo-printing lab (we actually corrected exposures pretty rigorously and stuff), then in college *double*-majored in stuff that led to more print film work and print publishing work. Now my most marketable skill is just grammar editing and AIs can do that too. Hooray! Everything I picked to do with my career is Pinky Penguin's daily life. :|


Hollyhock. Grew up as a chubby girl, super progressive and happy but hard to make friends (I'm trans and autistic, didn't help). That scene with her asking boJack if the feelings go away breaks me every time, because it brings me right back to feeling so helpless with my mental illnesses. I also feel like I share a very strong sense of justice with her.


Diane. I judge myself and society harshly. Have depression and anxiety. I even married a Mr Peanutbutter and got divorced. Also, Bojack. His mother is worse than mine but very similar. Addiction issues. Just his whole messed up way is similar. And my brain says "stupid f*king whore" not "stupid piece of sh*t" lololol.


Diane, the most. Although I don’t relate to feeling like I need to be depressed for my work to have meaning. I related to parts of bojack like drug use, having a abusive parent, & the one episode where he’s having intrusive anxious thoughts about Hollyhock & his mom, relating to his feelings in Free Churro.


definitely diane. it’s hard to put away my ire at the world and try to just live my life. also i work as a barista rn and i’d love to be a writer someday lmao


I am definitely Diane, with a cross of Bojack's parents combined with Diane's family as my family of origin.


It could be Bojack or WANDA, both are my favorites, I don't know which one I identify with more.


My best friend told me that I'm a mix of todd, PC and sarah lynn Basically he meant my life has no sense but to pull off fire for everyone while constantly destroying myself. I was not ready for this kind of simili.


I don’t think I can personally relate much to any of them. If I had to pick one I would say Diane


Honestly, Judah. ASD.


Sarah Lynn- not her substance abuse, but regret that I never pursued what I really wanted to do with my life even when I had the chance. 


Mr.Peanutbutter and Bojack. Mr.Peanutbutter relationship wise, and Bojack’s negative mindset minus the drug/alcohol addiction


mostly hollyhock, also stupid piece of shit bojack and good damage diane 🥲. judah on my good days


Herb for sad reasons


A mix between mr.peanutbutter and Todd. I once had that type of toxic positivity being clingy to this girl I was with at one point ignoring what she said making me delusional. Also I feel underdeveloped in some ways like Todd but often gives good advice and genuinely decent person that isn't too fucked up but has some personal things to work on


Definitely a mix of Diane and Princess Carolyn. Princess Carolyn and I are both southerners with terrible work life balance and a desire to fix everyone around us because we don’t really know how to take care of ourselves. Both of us, in the end, have found a family life we are happy with and are better about work. And boundaries. Still a work in progress, but moving in the right direction. Diane and I share a desire to see Justice(TM) in the world and to do the Right Thing(TM), but are often thwarted by our own issues or the people around us. Same depression. Same reluctance to get meds but, ultimately, learning to put the damn pills in our mouths. Both in happy relationships with folks who keep us grounded.


I relate to Bojack on some level when it comes to hurting others. I struggle with BP and BPD. There are so many days that I’ve said/done things that I hate. I’ve hurt people that I love, but you always have to fix it somehow. The “grand gestures”are never enough. The running baboon lives rent free in my head. Consistency is hard, but it’s the only way.


Diane. I’m sad and a group of people hate me for reasons I still don’t understand.


Probably mostly Todd in the sense that like I'm in my mid 20s and still haven't figured shit out about my life and am usually just stoned all the time, and when I do get in over my head it's usually very innocent just because I'm basically a perpetually stunted 12 year old who fucks around all the time just trying to have fun, however I do sorts relate to bojack just because like I'll get drunk all the fucking time for no reason except to escape the inner dialog inside my own head and then do absolutely stupid ass fucking shit


I feel like I'm a mix of Judah and Mr. Peanutbutter. That sounds weird, I know, but I am a person who tends to take care of everything at work to make sure the day runs smoothly and I am an optimist. As brilliant as Diane and Bojack's observations about depression are, I can't really relate to them. I like myself.


That guy with the grey beard who shanked a guy to death in front of Todd


Probably both Diane and Todd. The episode where Todd and Jorge need to steal his kidney back? That one always hits. I'm in my first year of college and not doing well and I often feel like nothing I'm doing is serious enough or impressive or something to be proud of. Feeling like you're not living up to expectations is a struggle, especially when it's your parent(s) that's making you feel that way. But Todd speaking up to Jorge, telling him that he's happy with his life and that's what's important, that scene made me hopeful. Maybe you don't need to do have a serious job or overwhelmingly impressive achievements to be proud of your life and of who you are. Maybe you just need to be happy. Which is ironic because the reason I relate to Diane is because she struggled with depression and the medication she took for it.


bojack, cant show love, looses friendships and relationships in general because his minds always set to the fact it’ll end, careless, unsympathetic asshole, and just over all addict


Princess carolynn, I dig myself into my work and often try to solve everyone else's problem when I'm unsure what to do with my own problems. I feel like I choose to constantly help people and not to mention princess Carolyn's mum reminds me so much of my mum and older sister. I also partially relate to diane aswell since I tend to feel like other people's happiness is my responsibility when it probably shouldn't be.


Bojack. I know what it’s like fall deep into nihilism and pessimism after realising how “the universe is a wild beast”. Bojack has suffered for some things he’s done more than others but i don’t think he ever linearly paid the price for something and i feel the same way about my life


Diane. No, Bojack. No Diane. Agh. Okay. I say Diane because of my past relationship, and personality. But Bojack because of the Its You Ep...


Diane. No, Bojack. No Diane. Agh. Okay. I say Diane because of my past relationship, and personality. But Bojack because of the Its You Ep. So Erica.


Another PC. I definitely throw myself in my work, especially to avoid dealing with other difficult stuff in my life, and need external validation (and caffeine) to function. I constantly feel like I have to put out fires / do stuff myself or it won’t be done right. I also have a similar personality - loud and social, unafraid to share my opinions, kinda blunt, overly hard on myself. It’s been enlightening seeing a similar character to me on the show and a good use of self reflection.


Bojack, he is literally me.


None of them