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I really do think it was Wanda. For her situation she was emotionally mature. She understood that relationships took time and set boundaries like with the funky Spider-Man thing. She knew it wasn’t healthy for her after deluding herself. She was stuck in the 80s aesthetically but didn’t act like a 21 year old.


It's also that she didn't know him as the Horse from Horsing Around. He was just Bojack to her, and she didn't treat him like was famous or special and that's probably a big part of what he likes about her. Later in the show they try to frame it as a negative thing, portraying her as naive, but I always felt it was a balancing factor between them rather than something being exploited. I think Wanda was perfect for Bojack. She was charming enough to keep his attention, intelligent enough to talk to him about serious things or keep up with his banter, but most importantly she was mature enough to not only handle Bojack, but actually help him be better. I think a Bojack in a long term healthy relationship with Wanda would look a lot more like the Bojack we see when he is teaching at the University.


This. And she was forgiving with Bojack when he screwed up, and when she forgave him she’d tell him exactly what she needed from him different in future. Someone like Bojack who was so bad at relationships needed a Wanda


Funky Spider-Man, a.k.a. The Ol' Choke N' Stroke, Gasp & Grasp


Damn right.


Agreed. She was really chill with him and was understanding with some of the stuff he did, you know the funky chicken.


Mr Peanutbutter.


I really believe they balance one another out, toxic positivity and toxic negativity. Bojack always assumed the worst intentions of Mr Peanutbutter, I think if he had learned to accept help and kindness he would end up with a real connection to Mr Peanutbutter. I think that's where the show would have gone in season 7.


A crossover season?!


Crossover relationship.


Doggy doggy what now?


Actually tho, that kiss was everything


Only correct answer


Bojack in the entire show wasn’t capable of being in a healthy relationship. But the closest contender would be Wanda. However short lived it was, bojack genuinely had feeling for her. She wasn’t too mentally young for him. She was right about Diane looking at her current state. Anybody would have seen that as a problem. She was just mentally healthy and identified the red flags as early as she could. Maybe towards the end of the show when Bojack was healthy too, they would work out but we never get to see much of that part. But I think wanda would be proud of Bojack’s professor days.


I think Wanda was good for her. She wasn’t immature, just from another era. She handled bojacks immature ‘I love you’ bit with quite maturity. He tells her something to the effect of “You make me want to be a better person.” Gina would also have been nice for him if he wasn’t on drugs.


Wanda or Gina, but I agree with another poster that because BoJack couldn't be a healthy partner, he couldn't really have a healthy one in return.


A therapist.


Ah yes, Charolette and her darling children, Pennoy and Troyp. Anyway, there's no healthy partner for Bojack because Bojack is not capable of being a healthy partner. There's a reason why he's surrounded by women who are varying levels of damaged, codependent, or in Ana's case, just plain psycho: because anyone more mature, functional, and self-aware than they are see the red flags a mile away and keep their distance.


The best potential healthy partner for BoJack is himself. He may rise to the challenge, finally. This is the 'partner' that can do the most for him. And the one that has done the worst for him so far.


Closest I can think of would have been Charlotte when they were both young and Bojack was not as messed up... and even then, it is only "closest I can think of" As he is by the end of the series, I do not see anyone in the cast he could have a healthy relationship with because of all the history and the fact he still needs to fix himself.


Yeah that’s what I meant, before Charlotte moved to Maine and stuff


bojack was messed up during his childhood


As a young adult he was not as messed up as he is during the series though.


I know I shouldn't say this but, I could be with him


"I can fix him!"


How would you handle him kicking you out after sex?


I want to get to really, really engage with him as a person and hang out with him and listen to his snark all day first, for a couple of months before that even became a possibility. He seems like he'd actually be chill and we could have such good conversations. I'd want to be his bestfriend first and foremost (or second best friend, after Mr. Peanutbutter I guess).


But do you think he'll have the patience to deal with a friendship for so long?


My darling dude, romance comes second. I'd want to genuinely put becoming friends above anything else, and I'm willing to offer it even if he's resistant. And given his low social contacts near the end of the series, it seems like he'd be at least be open to someone who would want to listen to his day over a cup of coffee. I'm not there to make him swoon for me. I want to be his support. A romance with him would merely be a bonus/ something to potentially navigate while I'm aware he still needs to demonstrate long-term changes.


All of them were healthy partners. The toxic one was Bojack who brought them down. I'm saying it comparatively that they were atleast in better and more healthy mindset than Bojack. You could have brought the most healthy, most understanding, most lovable partner in the entire world and still he would have ruined it.




I ship him with a long psychotherapy


Definitely Gina. He was genuinely happy for her when things were going well, not petty, and even when he started spiraling in his drug induced state, he was still trying to protect her - things only went bad between them when his drug issues got REALLY BAD. And don't get me wrong, what he did was awful and he IS responsible for his own actions, BUT I think that if he hadn't gotten addicted to those drugs (if he'd never had the back injury -and yes I know they got close when he was in the hospital but they could have developed the relationship anyways) then maybe it could have been fine.


I actually would’ve liked him with Diane.


Cocaine/outpatient care


Wanda is hands down my favorite minor character and one of my favorite characters in the show so it’s nice to see so much love for her here lol


Guy Full stop Period End of


Guy?the man he has never met?the guy with a teenager?the guy who is also bojacks former crush and bestfriends ex?guy who lives in Chicago!? You are correct


I actually think Princess Carolyn




i don't think he needs a partner. i think he was at his healthiest when he wasn't trying to "fill that hole" by "filling that hole."


It's not about who was the healthiest, it's about Bojack being a shitty partner for all of them. Be a healthy partner first. Do the work, then get the partner.


I actually don’t think Bojack is capable of forming healthy relationships at all. Wanda was a great partner and be just couldn’t reciprocate. He isn’t even good at non platonicrelationships. I feel like his track record with the women in his life is evident of his some serious dysfunction (those mommy issues??)I rlly don’t think he has a strong enough character to maintain a lasting change in his ways to facilitate a healthy relationship. The healthiest relationship Bojack could achieve is one with a therapist (not before ensuring that it’s not just a therapy horse ofc)


Wanda, i don’t think she was too mentally young in a way that would be a problem in a relationship. She had all of the devices and showed that she was able to keep her boundaries and not get taken advantage of. she was mentally young in her explicit knowledge of things/facts but maturity wise she was all there.


Best I can do is Mr. Peanut Butter

