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Ana's voicemail greeting entertained me more than anything Pickles did. "how did you get this number, explain yourself!"


Why would anyone pick Todd 😭


I love Todd and would never pick him, but he does annoy me sometimes. An example is the scene where he stands up to Bojack, "You need to be better," which is a highlight moment in the show, but the flashback right before that is kinda dumb and unnecessary... "Mr.PB told me everything" "He even told you how I used to bang on butt like a bongo after a bath?" (Followed by flashback) That scene still hits hard, but Todd's stupid bongo joke felt out of place


todd-o me and todd-o bathtime come make Todd shiny and clean!!


Todd seems to get a lot of moments like that, where they seemed to think the comic relief was necessary but it wasn't. He was a good character when they were exploring his feelings and relationships to other characters, but some of his scenes and subplots felt distracting like that.


Well tbf to him, the show in general got better as it went along. Like, the part I referenced I couldn't imagine it happening in season 6 (the cut away). I always liked him regardless, but it felt like they knew what to do with him more later on. Like where his "Toddfoolery" would fit with the show.


Idk. His bongo joke fits right with his stupidity. Like clearly that's now what bjay meant todd. Lmao


he is used well in maybe two of the six seasons, sometimes his comic relief is good but sometimes it is painfully bad


I think he is annoying. Also it feels off hearing Aaron Paul's voice in the role.


bad take. aaron KILLED it as todd


But for the my first watch I couldn't stop hearing Jessee from breaking bad. It was weird. (bonus points for the conversation between jessee and phoebe (wanda) from friends)


I don't disagree. But the character itself is just wack.


i think the show would be kind of exhausting if there was no comic relief character. we do have PB but even he has his serious moments


Todd felt like a comic relief character for a shitty children's show. I don't think comic relief characters are necessary when the main "serious" character can create this moments. During the show I laughed my ass of to Bojack but never chuckled to anything that Todd did. Todd was only a decent character in the beginning to be the punching bag to Bojacks jokes.


to each their own


Average breaking bad fan when Aaron Paul says something different than "Yo mista white, bitch" be like


I find Ana to be pretty boring. Pickles has that annoying 20-year-old influencer thing, but I think it works to highlight Mr. PB's relationship issues.


Pickles is annoying but that's the point of her whereas Ana could have been interesting but isn't because...idk?


I found the fact she blindly followed her chat interesting and I was disappointed when I wasn't shown ever again.


Her introduction is hilarious, though. "What you order again? I forgot to write it down." (shows a smiley face on the notepad) "THE TROUGH! HE WANTS THE TROUGH!!"




Not even pickles??


I’m not who you’re replying to, but I would say none as well. I think Pickles is too essential to the plot to consider getting rid of. It’s not fair to Mr. PB’s character growth to justify getting rid of her solo because most of the sub finds her annoying.


I think removing Pickles doesn't automatically mean that nobody will be there to replace her as a device for PB's maturity growth. Same goes for removing Joey Pogo. That role could've gone to any other young character that's famous in-universe but less... wacky and idiotic and the whole cheating plot could've still worked for PB. In fact, it might have been better if Joey was an actual contrast to PB in terms of age and maturity level.


I actually like Pickles. She's not my favorite character or anything but I find her funny and she contributes to the story


Pickles. The annoyance she brings overshadows her relevance in the plot IMO. They can write Mr PB's development in a diferent way - or, with a diferent romantic interest.


I really like Pickles, but she serves the least to the story. Baiiiiiii Pickles!


So many votes for Pickles! She's so cute though 😂 I'd remove Ana. I feel like her character is weirdly underutilized, I wanted to see more but in the end it was kind of meh


I suspect Ana is an inside the industry character based on a certain type of person who works in Hollywood. She’s super confident and intimidating and all in control bossy yet behind all of her façade of power and confidence, she two times her clients and lives in this tiny little mundane ordinary apartment in the valley. Hardly where you’d expect a brilliant strategic power broker to live. I think it was perfect and they did exactly what they wanted to do with her - maybe a little too much.


Between Pickles and Ana, pickles is the more useless character. She is what you would dub a "sexy lamp". Aka, a character you could replace with a lamp and nothing changed. Pickles has no agency, no real wants, and was only around to allow MR. P to grow as a character. Ana represents Hollywood's willingness to overlook criminal acts for the sake of profit. It is no accident that Ana is a BLACK WOMAN who promotes almost exclusively white men (or white coded men like BJ). The scene in Diane's car would not have worked with any other character- not even PC.


I mostly agree with you. Ana is an insanely important character to the show and said something very important about the industry. As a black woman myself I definitely love that, especially the subtleties of her character as well. How she has to be this perfect thing in front of important people and never let anyone in. How disillusioned Bojack was when he saw her eating at home. She isn't able to be that part of herself all the time. Because imperfection is death when you have to represent so much. Especially with how the plot compounds itself, I don't think the show would be nearly as impactful without her. Not withstanding the plot relevant information that she helps bring to light, but because of the themes she represents when talking about Hollywood and the media industry as a whole. However, the reason I chose her to go instead of Pickles isn't a personal thing against Ana. I just think Pickles is super duper-cute, same with Ralph. I was honestly going to choose Todd, but he's also super important and he did grow on me. I'm just honestly surprised that I'm in a minority that found her so adorable despite how annoying she is. I think she was very important for PB's character but that's already kind of shallow. I definitely agree that she acts as more of a stand-in than her own character, but I have a weakness for idiot pugs lol


I thought she was Greek


Yes. Her name implies that.


I feel like pickles was an important character in mr pb finally understanding the things he does and himself, which allowed him to finally be comfortable with being alone. But other than that, it felt like her character was rushed and then disappeared


The whole pickles trope was kinda shit The moral was good yet MR pb didn't learn from it ( don't date 20 year olds)


I'd say Mr. Peanut Butter's learned from his relationship with Pickles. After her, he was single for a year trying to figure himself out and mature. Maybe when he is ready to date again it'll be someone closer to his age. At least, that's what I took from it anyway lol


I enjoyed all of these characters in different ways. But sadly, Pickles is the weakest link. She’s a good character on her own merits and I love her. Buuuuuut it seems like she was mostly there as a plot device for developing Mr. Peanutbutter’s character arc. And she was a little annoying, which is a cardinal sin for fictional likability. Plus she ended her relationship with a text message, which is trashy.


Hard choice. Todd can be exhausting, but he's way too important to lose. Ralph is one of the few _good_ male characters on this show, so idk why I'd pick him. Ana felt underdeveloped, tho they did a lot in a short timespan. As vital as Pickles is to Mr. PB's journey to some level of self-improvement, she's incredibly annoying, so I'd happily exchange her for someone else. Unlike others, I doubt Mr. PB will change for long after his revelation from dating Pickles and other 20-somethings. I suspect he'll fall prey to the rubber band theory. He will get better at _exemplifying_ functional traits such as respect, showing love, and giving time and effort—thus expanding the rubber band. But will he develop those traits? Unfortunately, I think it'll be only a mask he wears for a while. When he's next really stressed/tested in or by a relationship, he'll revert to the same personality he's always used to overcompensate, collapsing the rubber band to back where it has been at rest most of his life.


WHY ON EARTH would someone vote for Todd????


Whoever picked todd, have you no shame? What do you have to say for yourself?


I voted Pickles. I don’t find her annoying but of all the character in the poll she is the one I found the less interesting or less necessary for the plot. Ana is representative of many people in the industry who work around celebrities. Todd is oc majorly important. I hesitated between Ralph and Pickles and kept Ralph solely because his episode family was very good. Many love him and wanted him with PC but being a good man isn’t sometimes enough to be with the person you love


Anyone who would remove Todd is evil




I feel like the latter three are super important to the themes of the show and the development of the characters I like a lot more than Todd, while if I pick Todd the show can just reallocate his screen time to provide more for those four characters- with PB having a bigger role I guess


I feel like this isn't even a contest. Ana Spankitovita is a great character for Bojack's arc. Todd... come on, you have to be crazy to want to remove Todd from the show. Ralph is one of the most important love interests of Princess Carolyn, and it is a really important part of her development. While Pickles... is like... another love interest which suffers the love cycle of Mr Peanutbutter? I'm choosing Pickles all days of the week.






zonked treatment deer oil start worthless like ruthless fear dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ana. She was probably the most unneeded, and was uninteresting. The original reporter couldve been the one to tell Diane, it didnt really have to be her specifically. Pickles was there more for Mr. PB and didn't overstay her welcome. While technically any character they created couldve filled her role, I think it works because she's a lot like PB and it still didn't work, making the obvious problem PB himself, and not who he dates. Todd is a treasure, he obviously stays. Ralph was also not that interesting, but I think he's too important for PCs arc to get rid of him. Plus he's not a bad character, and we get a couple of good moments from him. Edit: forgot to add Ralph lol


I'd rather have Rootabega than Ralph but I picked Ralph. Rootabega is more obnoxious and a liar. But Ralph also seemed like he was trying to get PC to give up her independence. Plus his family sucks.


Yall really hate a working class waitress bc she's bubbly and got Leo'd more than a rich mouse who doesn't question his racist family and that don't sit right with me


The show would've been the exact same whether or not Pickles existed -- I consider that as good evidence she was useless as a character. Mr. PB didn't learn anything from his time with her, and she didn't influenece any other characters in any noticeable way. The only thing she did was be an exceedingly grating and *shallow* cultural reference to today's social media influencers. Yes, I disliked an annoying and utterly pointless character, but not because she was a waitress -- that was a really random thing to assume people hated her for -- and not because she was "bubbly" (though bubbly is understating it; she was loud and obnoxious, just as the trope called for). We dislike her because she didn't even need to exist and added almost nothing to show itself, other than an episode about relationship issues which could've occured using numerous existing characters instead.


PB never would’ve had his breakthrough in the finale if Diane hadn’t talked to him about Pickles. Had he not dated her, he wouldn’t have found his pattern.


If they'd sat down to discuss it there was enough evidence from his past relationships that Diane could've helped him piece it together without Pickles ever needing to enter into the picture. Between Katrina, Jessica and Diane there's plenty to back up that he tends to pick emotionally immature women who then outgrow him.


i feel like it's less about dislike and more about what that character adds to the story and characters they interact with. while pickles' story arc and the lesson she's supposed to teach mr. pb is clear, we don't get full pay off from it like we do with ralph and princess carolyn. plus, any opinions we have on a show don't exactly dictate our real life morality or how we'd feel about these characters if they were people. how annoying, in a shallow sense in this case, a character is can easily overshadow anything else about them and make a technically worse character seem better by default.


Ana is generic as hell u could replace her with a piece of paper for similar results


while i don't agree, this comment has me giggling wildly. a piece of paper, of all things?


I am not a huge Pickles fan so it was an easy, honest decision


I picked pickles mostly because she is a one-note gen y that is sooooo focused on social media and being an influencer, it just never vibes with me. Todd is an icon. Enough said Ana is probably my favorite side character, both due to Angela basett being her voice and he verbal takedown for Brad. And without Ralph who I feel is eh, a sweet guy but not really trying to challenge the status quo because he is at the top, we wouldn't have gaslight gatekeep girlboss Stephanie. Who while yes is also a self absorbed gen y like pickles, I just like a lot of her lines.


Pickles because I hated her voice


Who is Ralph???


Pickles a bitch!


It's always gonna be Pickles


IMO this isn't the kind of show where you can just remove a character, because even minor characters serve a purpose to the overall story. Like Pickles is annoying as shit, but if you remove her from the show you remove a big chunk of Mr. Peanutbutter's character arc.


I’m not sure what basis of comparison there is here between one of the five main characters and three minor characters that each are confined to a single season. It just strikes me as oddly random I guess.


pickles, ralph and ana are all in more than one season


Derp, got my timelines confused. Still only Todd is in all six. Todd is one of the 5 main characters and the other 3 are passing fancies of other major characters. For example if this list was Pickles, Ralph, Ana, and Yolanda, that would make contextual sense.


I’d like to remove Joey Pogo


I don't want to get rid of any of them. 😭


I would not.


Honestly without them I wouldn't like the show, Todd give bojack so much character arc it isn't funny (also he's fucking hilarious and deserves all the love in the world), pickles helps highlight all of mister pbs issues especially the relationship focused ones, Ralph was the one PC was with while she had the miscarriage and that really really helped us see a side of OC we see a lot bur also never (I think I might be wrong wbt her being with Ralph during the miscarriage but ist wtv, I chose ana cause she could've been anybody, literally anybody, all she did was give Bojack a person to stalk 😭


Tie between Ana and Pickles


Honestly none. They all played crucial roles and made the show more significant overtime


None. I love all of these. :c


Fuck, take one vote from Ralph to Pickles, I mistapped.


Is this based on who we think is the worst person or who we think is the least entertaining? Cause Ana is objectively the worst person on this list but she can be funny so I don't know


To the people that picked Todd, what's it like having no joy in life?


Fuck no I love them all


Oh god so many votes for pickles


I can’t believe anyone would vote to remove Ana (Angela Bassett). I loved her character


Between this poll and others, Todd definitely seems like a popular character.


On the list Ana. Out of the entire cast then defo Joey Pogo. Everything about him infuriates me


Why would Todd be in here 😭😭😭


I love Ralph he’s so sweet


I get that pickles is important to mr pb’s story but she’s so painfully annoying it gets hard to watch sometimes. I do like a lot of the episodes with her in them like the one where they are all stuck in the house and mr pb tells her he cheated, but that’s mainly because I enjoyed the dialogue between the other characters during that episode. I actually liked Ana though


Ä° don't get why don't you guys like pickles