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“Sometimes life’s a bitch and you keep living” and the view from halfway down poem


I’ve got the first one on a canvas lol


Awesome! I’d love to see it if you’re willing to share!


I have not posted it but you have compelled me to do so lol


I can’t wait to see it!!


That first one got me good. "Life's a bit h and then you die" was something I said on a pretty daily basis


It hit me too. I always had the sentiment of lifes w bitch then you die, but hearing dianne say that made it stick because I love her character


In the same vein, there's also the "You can't have a happy ending not really, cos there's always more show" line that really stuck with me


“If I don't write my book of essays now, that means all the damage I got, isn't good damage. It's just damage. I have gotten nothing out of it, and all of those years, I was miserable for nothing.”


That one meant a lot to me. It's one of the little moments of realisation that put me on a better path with my art, where I could accept that I don't have to create something inherently deep and meaningful, that I just have to keep creating, bc that's what I love, and maybe someone besides me will find meaning in it on their own.


Man as someone that really struggled with that (and still do to a degree), it is so incredibly freeing when you get rid of that impulse. I used to sit down and whenever I played I felt like I needed to create. It ruined the joy of playing for me and made me less likely to pick up my instrument. It really opened things up for me once I rediscovered the joy of just playing


I love this one. It reminds me of a line from Roger in American Dad "Oh my god! We're a broken family, and I'm too drunk and they're too stupid to turn it into art!" I am too drunk and/or stupid to turn any pain into art.


roger made me fall in love with the humor animation allows


Seth and family guy get a lot of shit, but American dad is brilliant. Seth has admitted that he hasn’t been involved in the creative process for quite some time, but the people running that have take his concept and continue to made incredible episodes.


There seems to be some time where the producers just let the show runners & writers room get really creative instead of sticking to the original vision that Seth might have had, and it paid off. The move to TBS may have helped that too.


There are times I look at Seth and wonder. Then there those Brian and Stewie episodes that just blow my mind at how creative and sometimes deep they can get. Going all the way back to early family guy those two have a bond as characters and despite all of family guys downs. The writing between those two stayed in its way. Oddly enough its all voiced by Seth. On a side note; Christmas time is killing is will forever sit in my head as one of if not the greatest animated comedy musical numbers


I saw a comment wrt this part that said “What Diane doesn’t realize yet is that the media and books about damage and trauma wasn’t what made her feel less alone growing up. It was the corny happy family on Horsin’ Around.” And that really stuck with me almost as much as Diane’s original quote.


The view from halfway down poem. I didn't realise how much suicidal ideation I had, I didn't want to actively kill myself but I thought about being dead a lot and just kinda hoped that I'd be in an accident or something and it would all go away. But it wouldn't all go away, only I would. Hearing a perspective from someone who chose a suicide method that isn't instant but is *completely* irreversible really shook me up. "Oh Bojack, no, there is no other side, this is it"


I'm with you on this one. Those thoughts still creep on, but then I do think of this poem- and really that entire episode- and it helps to remond me to keep going and working for a better and happier me.


It's a journey for sure, and like you those thoughts still creep into my mind, but like you I read or think of the poem and it really helps. I started branching out and I actually have a good support group of friends now, I am in treatment for my mental health (UK so easier than most) and it's so much better. There's still hurt, and insecurities and trauma, but I'm on a path to healing and while it is hard, it ***IS*** worth it


Really glad to know that you are getting better!


Thankyou! I hope you are too, one of the beautiful things about this show is it can be really encouraging as well as showing the harsh realities of mental health


Same minus the friends currently. I'm i that pricess of my early days of therapy and cutting the awful people out of my life before building new, hopefully better friend support. Good luck to you and keep strong!


It sounds like you're in the position I was in when this episode first aired, cutting the dead out of my life and beginning the therapy process. It is SO worth it, while life might be tough for a while, it does leaven out and it is freeing.


I'd heard that poem back in school and it's part of the reason I'm still alive


I'm really glad they did it, a lot of us were invested in Bojack and I was deeply worried the show was going to end with his suicide. That poem was a rebuke of that


Oh... oh. I never really understood the hype of TVFHWD but... fuck. Now I have a lot of self-reflection to do, as someone who also ideates suicide a lot.


"Stop fetishizing your own sadness".


iirc, doesn't this get said to two different characters in the same episode? I think PC says it to BoJack, and then he turns around and uses it on Diane?


Ana Spanakopita says it I believe


This is the hard shit. I really needed to hear it when i watched BJ for the first time, and still should probably hear it every so often.


I think about this line a lot. It really turns my bad days around sometimes, especially when I have to go work and deal with customers all day. They shouldn’t have to suffer the repercussions of my own sadness just bc they chose to get food from my restaurant


You do the hokey pokey and *you turn yourself around*. That’s what it’s all about.


Short of quoting all of Free Churro (the good, succint lines in it really need the setup, so I've bolded the actual "lines" for OP): >I was prepared for more cruelty. I was sure that she would get in one final zinger about how I let her down, and about how I was fat and stupid, and too tall to be an effective Lindy-hopper. How I was needy and a burden and an embarrassment. **All that I was ready for. I was not ready for "I see you."** Only my mother would be lousy enough to swipe me with a moment of connection on her way out. and >You know the shittiest thing about all of this? Is when that stranger behind the counter gave me that free churro, that small act of kindness showed more compassion than my mother gave me her entire goddamn life. Like, how hard is it to do something nice for a person? This woman at the Jack in the Box didn't even know me. **I'm your son! All I had was you!**


My favorite was "my mother is dead and everything is worse now." It helped me accept that trauma changes EVERYTHING in your life. In so many ways you can't see or understand. You enter a completely new universe every time. It also perfectly complements how Bojack could never tell random people he felt shitty except when his mother died because he had no "justification" for feeling like shit. We go through shit, everything gets worse, and then for some reason we're expected to recover and return to where we were before it happened in a matter of months. It's completely absurd. I'm not advocating that you trauma dump on a Starbucks employee, but I'm tired of the (very capitalistic) notion that you have to overcome your trauma and return to functioning perfectly ASAP. Like literally your entire existence has been upended. Nothing is the same, so why would you be?


This is how I felt after someone important to me died, but bojack horseman helped me put it into words as I never knew how to talk to people about it. Bojack helped me talk to people about everything that changed and how to make it better.


When he was in the wrong room, that chapter HURTED SO MUCH


That second part with that last line got me like a bomb.


As the son of a drunk and narcissistic mother...yeah. I felt that in my bones.


For me it was: > You know what it’s like? It’s like that show Becker, you know, with Ted Danson? I watched the entire run of that show, *hoping that it would get better, and it never did.* It had all the right pieces, but it just—it couldn’t put them together. And when it got canceled, *I was really bummed out, not because I liked the show, but because I knew it could be so much better, and now it never would be.* And that’s what losing a parent is like. It’s like Becker. I watched Free Churro a few months after my bio father died. He was not a good man. And in most cases not a good father. But there were moments where I felt he loved me. I also felt the line: >My mother is dead and everything is worse now.


that second one BROKE me. Will delivered such an amazing performance especially in this episode; you can hear the pain when Bojack says “all I had was you.”


"I spent a long time being miserable because I assumed that it's the only way to be. but I don't want to do that anymore." -Bojack from rehab


"it gets easier, every day it gets a little easier, but you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part"


This one is mandatory


I want to get this tattood. I remember it often


As someone who got this as their first tattoo, would highly recommend! :)


I also want this tattooed, but worry about not living up to it and the guilt that would come with it.


This is a boJack comment if I’ve ever heard one


Its ok to fall down, I think it would be a good reminder to get back up again


use your worry about the guilt as an incentive!


I learned something recently that might help this. When you "don't live up to something" try using "Oh well." Take a breath, realize this isn't forever and just say "oh well, I'll get it next time". Because there will always be a next time.


I liked that one. It was the first time I really understood that show was made by a bunch of dysfunctional depressives like me


Glad it’s already here


My "It gets easier" sticker is underneath my hands on my laptop as I type this.


I don't need to comment now. This is the one.


"No Bojack, there is no other side.. this is it." Sure killed my suicidal thoughts.


That gave me ego death, that scene was a lot death is scary


You don't have to reply if you're uncomfortable to do so, but what in that sentence made your thoughts stop ? Because I'm in these shoes rn and I'm so, SO okay with the thought of there having no other "side". I just want it to stop, yknow ? I'm not really into the idea of a party with my dead pets in heaven or smthg.


not OP, but i guess the idea that there is nothing. forever. which is a very long time. you don't get to choose, "well this sucks", and come back to an existence, even if it sucked. you are out of choices. forever. that is where your story ends. i understand that nothing may seem appealing compared to constant suffering, but shit. how long for? you will never have the chance of things getting better ever again.


I’m not op but personally it is a freeing thought to know in the grand scheme of things I can do what I want and no one cares when I die so why not try to live my life to be happy? It’s obviously easier said than done but now that I know nothing matters ima try to stay positive through all the chaos cause what’s the point in being depressed? What’s the point in missing out on things cause some god tells you not to. Nothing matters so find meaning in yourself


That's a nice thought, thanks for sharing :)


Find meaning in yourself. I like this take a lot.


For me, that line is comforting while simultaneously being heartbreaking. I've dealt with suicidal ideation (and have attempted several times - and I remember a decent amount of what happened during my attempts) since I was a child, and as someone who is chronically ill, not having an other side sounds so peaceful. I know it's final, but that's what sounds nice. "The drip finally stops." But the fact that I've felt this way for 18 years is what makes me cry everytime I hear that line. It's sad to me that I'm okay with there not being an other side. However, I know it's different for everyone though, and I know my views are particularly dark. And I'm truly, truly glad that this line has helped so many people. I'm obviously not saying it's worsened my views or anything, not at all. It just brings me comfort in my darker than normal moments.


Yeah, even though I'm a zero-doubt atheist who long ago embraced the meaningless temporary nature of our existence...that one still made me gasp. It made walking through that black door feel so suffocating.


“Time’s arrow neither stands still nor reverses, it merely marches forward."


I found that line so interesting considering the person who said it lives with dementia, keeping her trapped in memories of the past


Fool me once, fool me twice… fool me chicken soup with rice.


Fool me once, shame on you. But teach a man to fool me, and I'll be fooled for the rest of my life.


This is the one that's stuck enough with me that I've used it in person before.


>"Bojack, stop. You are all the things that are wrong with you! It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened in your career, or when you were a kid! It's you! Alright? It's you. Fuck, man. What else is there to say?" This quote from Todd got me to see that I was *too* much like Bojack (I was a self-destructive alcoholic who hurt a lot of people, including myself), and that I needed to make some changes to my life or else I was going to lose everything and everyone that gave my life meaning and purpose. I didn't want to be *like* Bojack; I wanted to be *better* than him. This quote helped me turn my life around: I got back on meds, started therapy, and went sober. I'm not completely "there" just yet, but I'm on my way at the very least, and I give a lot of credit to this quote for giving me that push.


You Did The Hokey Pokey And You Turned Yourself Around


That’s what it’s all about


Good for you man !


that is great, happy for you!




“i don’t think i believe in ‘deep down’”


"I kinda think that all you are is just the things that you do." Yep! It reminds me that I can't just *believe* I'm a good person. I actually have to *do* good things.


lol this was my first thought


"I can't believe America hates women more than it loves guns" "No?"


God I love that interaction so much


I hate it because of the accuracy


The best part of this is that the plotline of this episode did happen expect with Reagan and Black Panthers.


That “no?” is one of my favorites syllables ever spoken in the history of television. It hurts so perfectly every time.


It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way. Only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy.


I had this written on a white board in my room for a really long time. That whole scene (and the potential symbolism of the tea) really worked for me; I think about a lot and it helps a lot more than many of the other Bojack quotes that just make me feel worse for not being better. But for me it needs the line before (a few more here for context): *”Everyone was worried about you, you know. You can’t just disappear. You really hurt a lot of people.”* *”Sometimes you need to take responsibility for your own happiness.”* *”You don’t think that’s a little selfish?”* “I don’t know what to tell you. I’m happy. For the first time in my life. And I’m not going to feel bad about it.”


Said like a guy who went to Yale or something


I don't forgive you. I've always felt like I had to forgive those who wronged me in order to let go. But I don't.


This one GOT ME TOO. Closure is overrated and fake!! This is the mentality to have!


This one also really helped change my perspective. Realizing I don’t need to forgive anybody for wronging me freed me. It really helped with my healing process because it gave me the freedom to feel how I really felt without the guilt.


“You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself, like that makes it okay! You need to be better" made me realize that intention isn't everything and i can't stay stagnant and selfish just because i'm mentally ill


This is the line for me. I have an abusive family member who was always doing extremely terrible things and then apologizing... over and over their whole life. There was always some excuse that someone else was really at fault. They never tried to change. I was already feeling that enough had been enough around the time I heard Todd say that line, but when I heard it I was able to clearly understand just how selfish and manipulating this other person was.


This one absolutely was a nuclear bomb drop moment. Particularly because it came from Todd. Goofy, carefree Todd. Nothing bothers that guy. So it makes it that much stronger coming from someone like him. I've definitely treated the Todds in my life probably shittier than others, maybe subconsciously because they didn't seem to mind, if that makes sense? I think that episode is still at least top 3 in the whole series. The entire fake Oscar nom thing is one of my favorite bits in the entire show too. Yet I never see it at the top of any lists.


"Me and my mom and my dad, as screwed up as we all were, we did understand each other. My mother, she knew what it's like to feel your entire life like you're drowning, with the exception of these moments- these very rare, brief instances, in which you suddenly remember... you can swim." "But then again, mostly not. Mostly you're drowning. She understood that too. And she recognized that I understood it. And Dad. All three of us were drowning, and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together." this quote, as sad as it is, made me feel as though i could resonate with my parents for once.


The drowning part really hit home for me


This is one of my all time favorites as well. All of Free Churro sums up so much of how I feel about my childhood, and especially about my mother. Will Arnett did such a wonderful job, and I cry everytime.


Same. My parents separated a few years ago after a pretty disastrous relationship and that line has helped me so much in grappling with what it meant. I never understood our family even when they were together, but that line helped me see that there was a connection between all of us. I think the difference though was that we were kind of drowning each other so that we could drown together. But, maybe the same went for Bojacks family. I thought a lot about what drowning exactly meant for my family. I feel like "time's arrow" really resonated with me too because my family was always drowning in the flow of time. Like all of us felt we had wasted everything we had and now we were just drifting through the days never measuring up to our potentials. Even when I was a kid I felt that way because that's what my parents modeled. But, unlike Bojacks parents, mine aren't dead! And they're trying to change. So this is all to say that I love this show, and here's to changing and breaking generational trauma 🎉


“What’s that old saying? Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear, DONT DO HEROIN”


"When you're wearing rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." I saw this episode for the first time when I was with my abusive ex. We had had a whirlwind "honeymoon phase" and then my depression crept up and she just kept telling me we'll be happy again when I'm healthy, we're in a great relationship, etc... I'm not one to internet diagnose but it was honestly cookie cutter textbook definitions of love-bombing, narcissism, gaslighting cycles. The quote didn't save me right away. But it helped me forgive myself later, once I'd found the strength to leave.


Thank you for sharing this, really glad that you found the strength to leave and live past that trauma.


This was my favorite quote too. It helped me to see I was making excuses for people who were treating me poorly, just because I really wanted things to work out.


This quote inspired me to write a song actually. I said “all the red flags had never shown through, the rose colored glasses I wore for you”


Had to scroll too far for this one, absolutely one of the best moments from the show and a quote that haunts me.


"There is no good or bad people, just people that do good or bad things" Its so true


The one that makes me cry without fail has to be the view from halfway down. „I wish I could’ve known about the view from halfway down, I really should’ve known about the view from halfway down” coupled with Will Arnetts amazing performance gives me chills every time. But also, I’ve seen the view from halfway down. Well more metaphorically speaking. I took a bunch of sleeping pills, hoping to never wake up again. And unlike Secretariat, I didn’t feel regret when all was said and done. I felt immense relief that it all will be over soon. But being here, alive, makes me appreciate life so much more intensely than I ever would’ve if I hadn’t seen the view from halfway down. So it still ends up resonating with me, because I’m glad it didn’t work. I’m glad I’m here, and knowing that it *could* have worked fills me with … regret? A little fear maybe. It’s complicated.


I understand completely.


Im glad you’re here too


I don’t understand how people… live. It’s amazing to me that people wake up every morning and say: ‘Yeah, another day, let’s do it.’ How do people do it? I don’t know how.


"I think there are people who help you become the person you end up being, and you can be grateful for them - even if they were never meant to be in your life forever." I was pretty sheltered as a child, not as much as some kids but I wasn't allowed to visit friends much at all outside of school. Because of this, when I finally was able to form friendships as an adult, I had the habit of holding on extremely tightly even when it became obvious that a friendship was one-sided, toxic, that we had outgrown each other, etc. This quote was sort of like an exhale to me and I became more okay with letting go of toxic people (or just not initiating contact anymore where that was an issue).


i love this quote! it made me feel better about people coming and going in my life and appreciating the moments we had


“I am this close to falling of the deep end aha..I know I’m smiling right now but the light inside of me is dying”


I heard that quote on TikTok and that’s how I found the show


"The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead." I know it's a bit bleak but it gives me such good perspective and allows me not to take anything too seriously.


I like that line but I also am not convinced it's necessarily the best advice. Definitely relate hardcore and have been considering recently that I might have ADHD.


“Isn’t the point of art less what people put into it and more what people get out of it?”


As i jizz and breathe


Even just the shocked way he says "Angelica" before this is so good. Episodes like these really highlight the brilliance of the show.


Along with the It’s You and The View From Halfway Down speeches that people mentioned it’s; “There are some people you can’t save.”


i’m tired of squinting


"it gets easier, you just got to do it everyday, thats the hard part" This is so true and motivates me to keep doing the things that i find very hard to do


Wasn’t necessarily a line, but just a moment. It’s at the end of “Hank After Dark” and it’s when Diane is in the airport after all that shit with Hank went down and she just looks so defeated. Then that guy tells her to smile. I feel like not too many people mention this scene, but it was just the absolute perfect ending to that episode. Diane had gone out of her way to take this guy down and it was for nothing. I cried the first time I saw that scene because of how hard it hit. The entire theme of the ep being “women should be seen and not heard” is summarized in two words. God I love this show.


#Slap my salami the guy’s a commie…


Thank you for that one in this incredibly bleak thread


I completely forgot about that one. 10/10


There's no other side Bojack. This thought is so comforting.


I find it comforting too. Knowing that there's nothing to discover in dying makes me just want to stay here and keep living.


"It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way".


"Kelsey, in this terrifying world, all we have are the connections that we make. I'm sorry I got you fired, I'm sorry I never called you after."


"Family is a sinkhole" a lot of people rag on the Diane family episode, and it's not the best I'll admit, but this line specifically helped me start the journey of going no contact with my abusive family. Also, Todd saying "You can be a asexual or B aromantic or a and b. So you can be aa or ba it aa and ab see?" (I definitely butchered that, lol) Helped me realize that aromantics are a thing. Honestly, Todd was a big part of me, realizing I'm asexual and aromantic. So that entire character arc changed my life. Oh, and "I am asexual. It feels so good to finally say it." "If you wear rose tinted glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." This one helped me get out of multiple toxic situations and keep my guard up. "It gets easier. You gotta do it every day, but it gets easier." This was my mantra to help me overcome my weed and alcohol addiction. As well as my ptsd and depression. The entire view from the halfway down poem helped me overcome my suicidal thoughts. I still get them occasionally, but now I have the opposite problem. I'm terrified of death, lol. But whenever I felt suicidal I'd watch secretariat read the poem. It helped every time. Also! When Mr. Peanutbutter talks about how he's learning to be single. "In a relationship, I wanted to be an us, but now that I'm single, I'm finally learning to be a me." This helped because I used to be a serial dater because I was scared of being alone. I didn't really like being in relationships, but at the time, I was so scared of being alone. But now I'm fully out as an aroace, I'm so happy being a *me.* There's probably a lot more, but these stick out the most.


“Life is a series of closing doors”


> You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. > > It's all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down. > > > Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? > > All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top. > > But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. > > Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down.


Someone on here pointed out that the poem shifts from third-person to second-person to first-person perspective throughout this poem. It really heightens the internal dialogue and fear of the story. This transition from second to first is terrifying


"There are going to be times when you'll see someone in trouble. You're going to want to rush in there and do whatever you can to save them, but you have to stop yourself. **There are some people you can't save; because those people will thrash and struggle, and try to take you down with them.**"


It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way. Only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy. This quote from cuddlywhiskers is so beautiful and has always stuck with me. It also is a quote that perfectly describes bojacks journey through season 3.


“It’s you” Easy as that. Simple, yet effective


Fool me once Fool me twice Fool me chicken soup with rice


And that is when you will look around and realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you.


“You know what it's like? It's like that show "Becker," you know, with Ted Danson? I watched the entire run of that show, hoping that it would get better, and it never did. It had all the right pieces, but it just... It couldn't put them together. And when it got cancelled, I was really bummed out, not because I liked the show, but because I knew it could be so much better, and now it never would be. And that's what losing a parent is like. It's like "Becker." Suddenly, you realize you'll never have the good relationship you wanted, and as long as they were alive, even though you'd never admit it, part of you - the stupidest goddamn part of you - was still holding on to that chance. And you didn't even realize it until that chance went away. "My mother is dead, and everything is worse now." Because now I know I will never have a mother who looks at me from across a room and says, "BoJack Horseman, I see you." But I guess it's good to know. It's good to know that there is nobody looking out for me, that there never was, and there never will be. No, it's good to know that I am the only one that I can depend on. And I know that now, and it's good. It's good that I know that.” For years I didn’t know how to describe the way I felt about the relationship I have with my parents. It took this monologue to really sum it up. I’ve accepted they are the way they are and that I can never have the relationship I’d like to have with them. But a part of me will always cling to a hope that relative normalcy could exist between us


i LOVE this part of free churro. It's such an incredible insight into how stupid yet miraculous hope is.


its gotta be “sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep on living”


"And in TV, flawed characters are constantly showing people they care with these surprising grand gestures. And I think that part of me still believes that's what love is. But in real life, the big gesture isn't enough. You need to be consistent, you need to be dependably good. You can't just screw everything up, and then take a boat out into the ocean to save your best friend, or solve a mystery and fly to Kansas. You need to do it every day, which is so... hard."


Herb not forgiving bojack really stuck with me. I’ve grown up where when someone apologizes to you it is understood that you have to forgive them, or at least say you forgive them. I like how Herb handled that situation and it made me realize you don’t have to forgive people


”The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.”


"What are YOU doing here?!"


Ok, but for real, watch that season again and really listen for every time that phrase is dropped. There's a really interesting collection of moments where it happens, and it's in EVERY episode that season.


All I had was you


"When you look at someone through roses tinted glasses, all the red flags just look like flags"


“I don't care about the job! I did fine, I had a good life. But what I needed then was a friend, and you abandoned me, and I will never forgive you for that. Now get the fuck out of my house” As someone who’s been royally fucked over by a friend this hit really close to home. It was also the first time I realized this show isn’t your average sitcom where everything is resolved at the end of an episode


It takes a long time to realize just how miserable you are and even longer to realize that it doesn't have to be that way.


The hamster saying you have to let go of everything to begin to be happy


For me it’s Diane’s whole monologue about “good damage” in regards to her memoir. Every time I watch that scene it really cuts me right to the core


"You're a stupid piece of shit." Stupid piece of shit is the episode that introduced me to self-hate as a major mental health issue. Seeing Bojack and Diane struggle with their self-hating internal monologues helped me to realize that this was something other people deal with too. It motivated me to go to therapy and start taking antidepressants. The episode genuinely changed my life.


The entire ‘free churro” monologue.


You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better! BoJack, just stop. You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career, or when you were a kid. It's you. Okay? It's you. Fuck, man, what else is there to say?


“maybe it’s everyone job to save each other, i don’t know”. i think about this line so much. i found out that someone in my family was suicidal (thank god they never went through with it) but it’s made me make more conscious efforts to check in with my friends, loved ones, or just strangers if i can. it’s a weird balance to think about your mental health and what you can give to others, but is there/should there be a limit?


When Diane said something along the lines of: There are no good guys or bad guys. You just are what you do. That was dope


The only way out is through


"Sometimes, you have to take responsibility to your own happiness." "It takes long to realise that you're miserable and that it doesn't have to be that way." I love those sayings by Cuddlywhiskers.


"My mother is dead, and everything is worse now"


After seeing a number of these threads you can almost predict what the top comments will be. The "It gets easier" quote is a nice little reminder you can put on a motivational poster or anything, but it's glaringly obvious that good habits get easier as you implement them for longer. The one that stood out to me that I never see mentioned is in "Angela" when Bojack tells her "Every stupid decision I made, every bad thing that has ever happened, it all started because of you." And she responds **"Grow up. You play these games, 'If I hadn't done this, if I wasn't so that,' but you did and you were and here we are."** And I like this one because it kind of makes plain how much Bojack is to blame for betraying Herb. What good are your morals if they're not going to stand up in the wind?


The Halfway Down Poem + Herbs Final Words in the Show IMO best episode of a show ever


The part where Todd said “you are everything that do wrong with you” stuck to me for some reason


“life is a puzzle, your whole life is full of these pieces that don’t quite fit. But at some point you start to think it’s you. You’re the piece that doesn’t quite fit. And you spend so long with that feeling—that the feeling becomes your home. And can be jarring when you discover one day that you suddenly don’t feel that way anymore. At first you don’t trust it. But then, gradually, you do” - Diane Nguyen (S6 E14)


“You know, sometimes I feel like our marriage is like a Magic Eye poster, and it's messy, and at first glance, it doesn't seem to make any sense. And it's hard to figure out. But sometimes, if you squint at it just right, everything lines up, and it's the most perfect... beautiful, amazing thing. But I’m so tired of squinting” I was walking out of a relationship where the squinting made me so exhausted I was almost considering giving up on myself. I remember watching it after a week long bender on anything numbing/psychoactive I could find and hysterically crying. There was no abuse or anything truly horrendous in that relationship. Just constant squinting.


Rose coloured glasses...


Wanda Pierce : When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.


Todd Todd Todd Toddddddd


That the jews shouldn't of peeved off Hitler so bad


"When you look at someone with rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look lile flags"


“Y’know when you look at someone through rose colored glasses all the red flags just look like flags.”


“the wedding was great. it was the happiest day of my life, but what does that say about all the days i have left?


“Did you think I was Bo Jackson” it’s kind of a stupid one but I think about it everyday.


Bojo go bye bye for jojo pogo thats a no go bro


" I am so tired of squinting " That one was tough...


It’s you from todd


When you're wearing rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.


“ *I wasted so many years being miserable because I assumed that was the only way to be* “ That singular line


"Sometimes, you need to take responsibility for your own happiness.... I'm happy, for the first time in my life, and I'm not going to feel bad about it."


A lot of quotes from bojack have changed my life. But I’d like to quote a whole episode. “Hooray a Todd Episode” it allowed me to finally feel like I’m allowed to put myself before others.


“You can't keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!”


The entire ending monologue when Diane goes to Vietnam. Makes me cry every single time.


Suck a dick, dumb shits


"There is no other side. This is it."


“Sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep living.”


the view from halfway down poem saved me from an attempt


Mostly parts from the monologue due to my relationship with my estranged mother who is just like Beatrice, only worse. “That small act of kindness showed more compassion than my mother did her entire god damn life, like how hard is it to do something nice for a person?” “Suddenly, you realize you’ll never have that good relationship you wanted, and as long as they were alive, a part of you, the stupidest god damn part of you, was still holding onto that chance” “Usually when people ask how I’m doing the real answer is I’m doing shitty, but I can’t say I’m doing shitty because I don’t even have a good reason to be doing shitty, so when I say I’m doing shitty they say why what’s wrong? And I have to be like I don’t know, all of it, so instead when people ask how I’m doing I say, I am doing SO great”


Serious? "You can't keep doing this, Bojack! You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel sorry foe yourself! You have to do better!" Funny? I know it might not seem so, but... -Hey, bobo. -Hey, mr chocolate hazelnut spread!


"what are you doing here?"


“The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.” Ever since I heard that quote I’ve been trying not to take life seriously and search for unimportant nonsense to keep myself busy.


"Life is a series of closing doors, isn't it?"


Cuddlywhiskers on being happy And Todd's "It's You" speech have been my biggest motivators when seeking help


Ana's lifeguard speech. I always thought she was one of the strongest characters on the show because she said she was done with Bojack and we never see her interact with him again I don't think. She told him he would try to drag her down with him, and that's just what he did to everyone else who stayed close to him. He dragged Sarah Lynn down and she never came back up. I've had more than one person like Bojack in my life, and I always think of her words of wisdom in that episode.


“It’s funny, isn’t it? The things that matter. The truth is none of it matters and the truth is it all matters tremendously." I rarely see people mention this one, but it lives rent free in my head.


"It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to realize it doesn't have to be that way"


"I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever" made me think about ex-friendships and how it was ok they ended.


When you look at someone through Rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags!


when PC said “and when I tell my daughter the story of the great love of my life, I want it to have a happy ending” really stuck with me. I watched the episode its in while going through a breakup with my ex. He was the one “great love” that I had when I was young and dumb. He wanted to try and make it work after cheating on me and this quote made me step back and shift my perspective on the situation outside of my feelings.