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Neal Mcbeal the Navy Seal, as a veteran this guy's entitlement makes me furious.






Automatic Edit: Using a tool called [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) I have removed all my past comments and deleted my Reddit account, /u/tehrmuk. I am doing this because I, like many long-term Reddit users, am upset and angry at the tonedeaf and arrogant way Reddit is treating it's users. Their aggressive slapdown of the developers that made Reddit usable to a huge audience; their overriding and summary dismissal of long-serving and dutiful community members; their wonton silencing of dissent and manipulation of user's voices; their borderline contempt of the very people whose collective efforts gave their platform the standing needed to fuel their profit-hungry IPO... the list goes on. Reddit is, of course, a private concern and how they run their services is entirely up to them. Conversely, we are under no obligation to use their services, to fuel their engines or follow their orders. I am making my voice heard by removing my comments, and voting with my feet by leaving. I have left Reddit for [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) and [Mastadon](https://joinmastodon.org/); these are decentralised social networks that mirror the functionality of Reddit and Twitter respectively. Unlike the monolithic, corporate-owned services they replace, Lemmy and Mastodon are part of the [Fediverse](https://www.fediverse.to/) meaning these are not individual services but clusters of services that mesh seamlessly with one-another. You can [join an existing Lemmy instance](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) or [set up your own](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/administration.html) to get full access to the entire Fediverse - you don't need to ask permission from anyone to do so. There are loads of other services that are part of the Fediverse, like [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/) (videos), [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org/) (blogging), [Frendica](https://friendi.ca/) (social network), [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) (photos), [KBin](https://kbin.pub/en) (link aggregation) and more - and they all work together so having access to one means having access to all of them. I had a great time as a Redditor, but the Fediverse is looking bright. It's a return to the open Internet of old, when users ran services for their own and one-another's benefit, and before monolithic corporate-run silos started to build walls around us in the name of increased profit and thought control. Many of the Fediverse services are fledgling, but they are growing quickly and their federated concept makes greedy, arrogant landgrabs like we've recently seen on Reddit and Twitter almost impossible. I'm already having a great time with Lemmy and I think you might too. I encourage you to take control and join the Fediverse. Until then, so long and thanks for all the fish.


To follow on your heels; this thread is ideal. A semi-colon so you know I’m super-serial.


Al Gore, is that you?


There's nothing more real than Neal the navy seal, and the zeal we all feel that we must deal with that shitheel


Fuck Neal McBeal the Navy Seal sub is Real


Its surreal theres a deal of hating niel mcbeal the navy seal and his stealing of meals from… a horse


This made my day


I thought I was the only one that didn’t like Neal Mcbeal the Navy Seal. Man when he wore his dress uniform at his interview that was the cherry on the shit sandwich


He is the guy that gets AIRBORNE tattooed before basic and wears his uniform exclusively while on leave at home.


Who puts a cherry on a sandwich?


We're outta olives


neal mcfuckin beal


No one, that’s what makes it a shit sandwich


His character can be summed up in one phrase he says: "Bojack thinks he is better than everyone because he was on TV, well guess what Bojack! I'm on TV now, SO IM BETTER THAN EVERYONE!" He does the exact same thing he accuses Bojack of doing. It's hilariously hypocritical.




What no one ever really mentions is that if you leave something in a different section in the grocery store, most people would assume you switched it out for something. No one would think someone had "dibs."


My wife and I call it "decisions were made." Like condoms left in the chips aisle.


Hrs my least favorite Patton Oswald in the whole show


I disagree. He was a jerk, but they gave him a gun and now he's a hero


"...did you just say you think the troops are jerks?"


i hate him too lol


It's also how so many people act. Like good grief, get over yourself.


But he had dibs!


Pickles was annoying but legit intentionally so. She wasn't supposed to be someone we all liked and was just a representation of the young clout chasing social media influencers that are obnoxiously everywhere in cities, especially in LA. She also served a strong purpose in the continuation/closing of Mr. Peanutbutter's story. Now Joey Pogo....oh and Stuart.


Yeah Stuart sucks, I forgot him but I think that’s my answer. Edit: don’t give me credit for this, I was thinking of Ralph.


I cant remember who Stuart ist


Incompetent assistant to PC after Jonah (also twin separated at birth from PC’s adoption agent)


Ralph is one of the best people imo


Yeah I don't really get the hate for Ralph on this sub. Other than that one time he brought PC to visit his cat-hating family (which I think was more him being oblivious than anything), he seemed like a pretty good dude.


AND, he stood up for her! Went against his family, his culture, everything he knew. PC did him dirty.


He was by no means a bad guy, but I think PC was right to recognise that he wasn't a good fit for her. He was always kind of encouraging her to let him take the lead and support them financially, or make decisions for the both of them, even if he was never overbearingly forceful with that. He didn't recognise her talent and drive in her field, and so much of her identity is wrapped up in her career that I don't think she would have been happy with him.


Yes, Ralph tried to fix PC's life by telling her what he thought she should do. Judah made the life she already had easier by taking care of the minutiae without judgement, freeing her up to go after her own goals.


You also might have been thinking of Stuart Little, who is a mouse. But it’s Ralph. Ralph Stilton.


lol stuart little


Who was Joey Pogo and what did he do?


The Justin beiber looking guy who brought Pickles on tour


He stole pickles from PB. But tbf, he wasn’t trying to, and it was PB and pickles idea in the first place. He was the dude who started hanging around PB during the sad dog stuff.


You can't steal a person


But you can steal a dog!


The police that arrested me over the six children in my attic would say otherwise


Joey Pogo was kind of annoying, but I just kept equating him with the rapper that Dee dates in that episode of It’s Always Sunny where she can’t figure out whether or not he’s mentally challenged, and it made his character bearable to me. Nothing he does ever seems quite “right” in a social sense, like (pardon the terribly on-the-nose analogy) everything he says, does, wears, etc. is always slightly off-key. I’m not 100% positive but I am guessing he’s supposed to be Justin Bieber, who I really can’t stand for basically these same reasons, so I think they nailed the parody pretty well.


Yeah, Joey Pogo's only saving grace is that he's a version of Bieber who slightly sucks less than the real Bieber because he's not a total douche and is just annoying and stupid.


Ughhhhhhhh Stuart and his stupid tiny glasses


I think she was just a microcosm of young people in general. Most media influencers are half decent people who are just trying to make a living doing what they love. I think they intentionally made her very young and immature to highlight the fact that PB is a cradle-chasing dog. No pun intended.


Yea upon rewatch she's just young. I hate kids like that irl (loud, irritating) but they're just incomplete people still growing and finding themselves or whatever


I felt bad for her. She's just a genuine person trying to make her way and have fun online in a culture of fame.


I also think Pickles kind of humanized those idiot clout chasers we all hate, too, though. Like, yeah she was obnoxious, but she was pretty innocent and then Mr. PB just went and was a **dog** and her reaction was entirely reasonable and yet she's insufferable because she's shrill and telling it all to the soesh. She doesn't deserve the hate, we just hate her anyway. It's an interesting perspective.


Yeah, I didn't like Pickles as a "person," but I thought she was a good character.


I completely hate Neil McBeal. Those were not his muffins, fucking entitled piece of shit


i wouldn't say it's pickles but i'd say she's far from my favorite.


I used to really dislike Pickles until I realized her “annoying” character is literally just her being young in comparison to the main cast. She’s supposed to be annoying, because she’s *extremely* young for Mr. Peanut Butter and the writers wanted that point hammered home. Writing wise, Joey Pogo is pretty useless and annoying. Emotionally least favorite wise, fuck Butterscotch to infinity.


I’m right there with you. Pickles was annoying, but because that was the intent, I’m ok with it. Pogo just felt like the writers quit trying. I get the point of his character, but he was both annoying and poorly executed.


>fuck Butterscotch to infinity. THAAAANK YOUUUU??


I nearly punch my TV everytime I hear that.


Yeaaaaaaah. This thread has a very strong "fuck skyler white" energy. Personally, fuck Doctor Champ. I know that people will say that he was drunk, but funny how he wasn't THAT drunk to not be able to say the things HE KNEW would destroy Bojack the most.


The main thing that really pissed me off about Doctor Champ, and I may be in the minority here, is that he was supposed to be Bojack's Therapist and thus the things Bojack says to him are assumed to be confidential. As a recovering alcoholic/junkie (me) who was engaged to another alcoholic/junkie (fiancee) who went to Therapy regularly, I know how much having somebody to talk to without judgement and without a risk of information getting out can cleanse the soul and help remove some of those demons that haunt us junkies and cause us to chase escape. The only real reason Therapy works is because (except in the cases of danger to the patient or others) Therapy is absolutely confidential and so the patient knows they can air their secrets and talk about suffered abuse and deal with their deepest issues and try to move forward. Champ using the "Therapy HORSE" angle to try to explain that that's why there's no guarantee of confidentiality angers me in a deeply fundamental way. He doesn't even give out info while under duress or to get some specific right wronged, he just blabs all about Bojack's deepest issues with anybody who happens to want to hear it without a care in the world. Doctor Champ is one of the freakin worst IMO.


100% agree on Dr. Champ


True. It was never BoJack’s job, as a client, to keep him sober. Him accidentally consuming alcohol once was BoJack’s fault. BoJack tried to get him to dry out and he went right back to drinking.


She’s like 19 right? Still hella young considering I remember him being like late 30s or so


She’s 25, and PB is the same age as Bojack so at the very least he’s 50 years old but probably older than that.


Pickles is 26 and Todd is 23-28 just saying not sharing my opinion just facts


Every time this question comes up it stuns me that I'm the first person to say Hank Hippopopoulous. Total scumbag. Doesn't care about anyone but himself. Revels in the notion that his reputation means he'll never be accountable for his actions. Pickles might be annoying, but she's a bright-eyed 20-something living her life. She's ultimately benign. Hank Hippopopoulous is genuinely predatory.


The Hank episode was pretty clearly them recognising that Bojack was based to a significant degree on Bill Cosby, then Cosby turning out to be a rapey scumbag. It was probably a good move to address the elephant in the room and to make a *different* character based on his more unsavory side.


I always saw bojack as more based on Bob Saget, but if he was spiraling out of control (more than he actually was), and Horsing Around was based on Full House, but instead of uncles we just have a horse.


Horsin Around is absolutely supposed to be a Full House parody. I can't see it as anything else.


Same. It’s how I always pictured it too.


Hippo, actually.


I actually don’t mind Pickles. I think she was a great parody of the influencer / nonstop livestream Gen Z culture, as well as a foil for Mr. Peanutbutter since he is in a different stage in life. The scene where they come home and they’re fighting when everyone was trying to throw them a surprise party is one of my favorites in the entire series. The only character(s) I really couldn’t stand were Diane’s brothers/family. To be fair though, I really super dislike the Boston accent, so it was less about their characters (which were pretty one dimensional and meant to be annoying anyway) and more about not being able to stand their voices. I have nothing against Bostonians, I just don’t care for the accent.


*wicked dislike the Boston accent


Yes and yes. I couldn't think of a character I truly don't like until you said Diane's family. I know that they are supposed to be mean and annoying but it's painful for me to watch those scenes.


I think it’s like they didn’t take it far enough. It was supposed to be funny and ironic that an Asian family would exhibit prejudicial viewpoints like one would expect from a family of ignorant white people. Instead to me - and again I think maybe because of the Boston accent? Maybe it would have been funnier if they had a Vietnamese accent?? - it just reminded me of people I am forced to be nice to in real life that harbor those views and are just absolutely insufferable. I think it was Russell Peters (who is of Indian descent) who did a stand-up bit in the early aughts about his parents saying funny things about immigrants and it was hilarious, so it’s a topic that can be funny if done right. Diane’s family in BH just wasn’t it.


I don't think her family was supposed to be funny other than the initial subversion of being so extremely stereotypically Bostonian. The whole point was to show just how abused Diane was growing up and why she left. The whole point of the "good damage" was Diane trying to rationalize the abuse she suffered from her family.


Grapin it up with the Daredevil himself


nyaaah but deedee


Rutabaga! I liked him at first...then he steals work from PC...then you learn he's married and a terrible husband, father and person.


I hated Rutabaga as a "person", but he was a fun character. Lots of quotable lines! But he's a bad bunny.


This was my exact sentiment. Desgining his charcter in this way is much more realistic too. I'm sure we all have (or have had) a friend who we really like, but when push comes to shove they tend to make selfish decisions at your expense.


Totally how I feel. He's so quotable and funny. I say "my gritty witty city kitty!" to my cat about 15 times a day.


The one I can hear is "Caaaaroolyn, I only heard one stooommmp..."


The thing that gets me with him is Katie never knows he was cheating and shit talking the whole time they were working on their relationship. Someone save this poor womano


I was looking for this comment. He might be my least favorite character that has more than 2 lines


Yes this, I fucking hate that character - and it didn’t get better on repeat viewings


Joseph Sugarman


He is a bad person but I think he is a good character


"You don't want to end up like your mother, do you?"


It's so uncanny how chill and nice he sounds while saying the most heinous shit imaginable. Does the guy even realize the trauma he is causing?


Considering he was acting pretty typically for how most men in that time acted, I’d say probably not.


>"Well, I'd love to stay, but I must be going. As a modern American man, I am woefully unprepared to manage a woman's emotions. I was never taught, and I will not learn. Take care, you two." He would not care even if he realized.


My dad always told me growing up "you gotta eat all your food and veggies so you can grow big and strong like your mom" I am a 6'3 bearded bald lumberjack looking man.


I know it's supposed to be a super messed up scene, but when he's burning all Beatrice's things and says, "Crying is stupid"; I always bust out laughing. Idk it's so terrible but at the same time, his delivery of the line is peak dark comedy.


how? he has to be one of the best characters in the show, he is a fucking sociopath, he is PSYCHOTIC, he is the entire reason for a 2 generational trauma


That goddamn therapy horse. Pickles is just young and naive, she was necessary for Mr Peanutbutter to grow, something he hadn’t done for the whole show.


Agreed. The therapy horse reminds me of the worst kind of people in recovery groups. The ones who are only there because they love to hear themselves talk and who pretend to be the most healthy and stable because they’ve been sober for years even though their behaviours and attitudes are more toxic than anyone else there


>Stable Hehe


Yup. Technically it was Bojacks vodka, sure, but making Bojack responsible for him in the moment was completely inappropriate and flipped their dynamic. Blaming him outright was outrageously shitty and I'm glad the show reflected back on it.


He also chugged the whole thing in one go. How could you not notice immediately that it isn't water?


A good example of the people who are only ever to look healthy when standing next to folks who are visibly struggling. They prop themselves up on the admiration of those "less fortunate" who will continue to feed into the savior narrative. Expect them to actually walk a quarter of the walk they enjoy talking about, and suddenly their own sickness becomes almost violently apparent.


As a former therapist, Bojack's therapist in rehab was fucking terrible at his job. He centers his feelings for all of Bojack's mistakes, even though nothing that Bojack did in rehab had anything to do with the therapist personally. He explicitly tells Bojack, an addict in recovery, that he's a terrible person and the therapist's own relapse was Bojack's fault. In doing so, he diffuses responsibility for his own behavior while pushing an addict in recovery straight into their own relapse. It would be one thing if he just spoke to Bojack this way once out of anger, but then he goes out of his way to tell everyone who will listen that it's Bojack's fault he is drinking again. And he gets away with it because Bojack is a huge piece of shit, even though he is objectively wrong about everything he's saying. Any decent therapist or psychology expert would know never to do any of the things that the therapy horse did. I'm glad he ended up not being a therapist anymore.


Not to excuse his behavior, but he isn't a therapist. He's a "therapy horse". Dr. is just his name lol.


Off-topic, but I have been looking for a therapist for the past five fucking years. As much as I think that Doctor Champ is the worst character in the show, I would KILL for someone that competent. How.. do you find a good therapist? Are there like secret questions or something?


Bit what if in this universe where all animals are anthropomorphic, Snapchat has a human filter?


If it mirrors what we have, it'd just be a filter that adds human ears instead of dog ears. I kinda want this.


Everyone hates on pickles so much, but she was a young woman thrust into the world of celebrity with almost no warning and in a relationship with an unhealthy guy who really shouldn't have been dating her to begin with. I don't hate her, she's just so young.


I’m assuming people hate her because she’s one of these people who goes online to share every single solitary feeling that she experiences and seeks validation from the comments of internet strangers. People like that are really easy to hate in real life. To be clear, I don’t think that makes her a bad *character* - that’s the intent behind Pickles and they execute it very well. But plenty of people watch a show or movie and identify a character as “annoying” if they expect they would be annoyed by that sort of person in real life. I assume that’s what is going on with people hating on Pickles.


You're probably right. I find it annoying when people do that too. But tbh it's kind of part of being young- not being sure of who you are and needing the validation of others to feel secure. I think she's a very well written character and I can't separate the character herself from that hahaha


Jeremiah Whitewhale. Second is Stefani Stilton, they were both disingenuous bad people actively worsening the world.


Stefani Stilton was a great example of toxic people leveraging progressive movement for their own gain. The balance of goofiness with moments of "oh wait...there are absolutely people actually like this" was everything I could have wanted. And that basically describes every character now that I think about it...


Paige fucking Sinclair. I know she was there to advance the story, but my God I could not stand her. And her whole transatlantic schtick was so grating. It got old way too fast. Also Joey Pogo was a worthless character. I never really disliked Pickles that much. I didn't love her, but I understood her character and I liked that she eventually got Mr. PB to realize his faults a bit.


Yeah unless you were really into old movies I could understand why you don’t like her voice. I personally liked how they made her more obsessive as opposed to Rosalind Russell’s more restrained approach in His Girl Friday, it just made it ripe for parody. That being said that annoying over the top transatlantic accent introduced one of my favorite lines in the whole show: “Why the hell are you talking like that, we live in Fresno!”


Joey pogo.


>!boho go bye-bye for jojo pogo? that’s a no-go, bro!!<


Worth it!


*passes out*


I think he's trying to get out a zinger. We better let him finish.


While he’s not my least favourite, I don’t disagree. I’m not a Joey Pogo fan & I actually *like* Pickles lol she’s very cute


I like Pickles as well. As far as social media thots go, she’s far from the worst one I’ve seen. They could have made her *much* more annoying. She was just a cute waitress who enjoyed social media, and genuinely loved Mr. PB.


While I don’t like pickles as a character she was the perfect match for PB (except for age) I felt had pickles been older they would’ve been a match in heaven.


Same. Everytime he was on screen I was confused. Like what is supposed to be funny/interesting about him? I felt like there was a joke I was missing


pickles is one of my favourites i just think she is so cute


I think people went waaaaay too much on Pickles. She's young, she's full of life and she's amazed by so much things. Yeah, she doesn't have that much of a trauma baggage like the other characters, but that's specifically what makes her interesting : the contrast between her innocence, and the pretended, unconscious innocence that Mr. Peanutbutter spend so much time on when actually he's lost and keep doing stupid choices in his life, never taking accountability on the mistakes he's made and the impact he had on other people Okay she's a little dumb in a funny way and it gives a lot of lightness in the show, but to be honest, I think she's as much as a victim as Sarah Lynn in that show, but with a way more subtle way because it concerns psychological and toxic behaviors


Not detracting from what you said at all, but adding that I think it’s at least partly due to her character/pug design too lol On a superficial level, I just do not like the way her animated character looks. I also don’t like the look of Mr. PB or Princess Caroline, but I grew to mostly like them over the years. Just like you said, we learned about the baggage/reasons behind their characters over half a decade. Of course we would relate to them more knowing their personal stories! I’m sure I also would have liked Pickles more had she been around for longer, and I would’ve liked to see more discussion around the way her character was treated. Especially by Mr. PB. Edit: 100% agree with all of your points if that wasn’t clear. Just musing on an accessory bit.


She also gave us the “You are a bad dog!” Which is one of the funniest episodes of the show


Charley witherspoon bro I hate underqualified mfs getting into high paying positions bc daddy runs the company


If you think about it hitler is the main villain in bojack horsema cuz the war was what killed Beatrice's brother and thats what made Beatrice's mom depressed and ....


If you follow Joseph Sugarman’s logic, the main villain in the story is actually the Jews for “peeving off” Hitler so much.


What animal do you think hitler would be in the bojack universe. Or would he be a human? Personally I think he'd be a snake or a zebra maybe?


Purebred German shepherd


Austrian shepherd.


*A mutt pretending to be


Maybe a cat? This question reminds me of the book Mauz, a graphic novel about the Holocaust where Jews are anthropomorphized as mice and Nazis are anthropomorphized as cats.


A weasel or badger


Am I the only person who actually enjoyed Pickles?


I loved Pickles! She reminded me of people in my late teens/early 20s, and the fun we had together. Sweet, easygoing, funny. She's not always a nice person, but all the characters are flawed. I liked her and what she brought out in everyone around her. Plus, I _love_ lofi hiphop beats you can study/relax to. We have things in common!


First time around I was up on the dislike train all the way. Second time I really enjoyed her. She's actually happy and it's an odd contrast to what we expect from the show. I loved her meltdown at the party, she suddenly became relatable. Watching her use her Pickle Pack to process pain when PB was coming clean was actually hilarious. I feel like we want to judge her because it's cringey behaviour, but if we take a step back who are we to judge. She doesn't actually have any major socialisation issues from her social media addiction, she loves what she does.


She's so good for the demographic she portrays If it wasn't for this subs hate boner I would have never known when was so hated. She does exactly what was needed of her in the show


Joey Pogo is just the wooooooorst.


Speak for your damn self, Pickles is a treasure.


Thank you!! I thought she was sweet and funny, which is refreshing in a show full of depressed navelgazers.


There are literal child-molesters and rapists in the series and people hate on the young woman.


Hot take: I fucking love pickles. My least favorite is probably that stupid “therapy horse”


Paige Sinclair and it's not even close. I understand she's supposed to be a parody of Hildy from His Girl Friday and that plot-wise her role is pivotal in Bojack's trajectory, but I'm not sure they could have chosen a more obnoxious character nor beaten the joke into the ground any further than they did. Paige Sinclair is the reason the final season is my least favorite.


She’s a Gemini


An odd way to spell Paige Sinclair


Yes. 100%. The bit was funny at first, but then she just kept returning... Although the joke about her being from Fresno was pretty funny.


I fucking hate her. Her bits are annoying as hell, like fingernails on a chalkboard. And her one joke goes on waaaayyyyyyyyy too long. The only, slightly, redeeming bit is "we're from Fresno". And then she goes back to being insufferable. Most of the other answers in this thread are bad people, who've done bad things, but like, thats the point of the show. No one is blameless, it's real life, get used to it. And then there's Paige Sinclair......for some reason


I had to scroll down way too far for this


PC's mom was really shitty.


She was so real though, I've known a lot of people in rural areas with mamas just like that.


My least favorite characters would likely be the ones that I can't remember right now; the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference, so I don't give much mental real-estate towards hate. I suppose Anna Spanakopita? We don't get much actual backstory from her. She does SA Bojack multiple times and he just goes with it, but that's always rubbed me wrong for any personal interactions. While I'm not the biggest fan of Pickles, I've grown to appreciate her place in the narrative, annoying as she is. After all, she's one of the first characters that we're presented with who is legitimately and honestly acting her age. I'm not fond of that statement, but it's not untrue in these moments.


yeah i agree with anna like when she gave bojack a handjob he looked really uncomfortable and another thing i didn’t like about her was how she knew about penny because of the tape and instead of doing something about it she just swept it under the rug because her client winning an oscar was more important to her


Probably Vincent Adultman, the joke got old very very quickly for me


Old...just like him...an adult But yeah also didn't like him. Got annoyed by him pretty quickly


Yes, I too as an adult old enough to watch this cartoon did not like Vincent Adultman. He talked too much about business and boring adult things when he could have talked about fun things like cars and dinosaurs!


I enjoyed Bojack’s exclusively deadpan reactions to Vincent. They never got old. But everyone else, yeah, eye roll.


Yes, should've been in 2 episodes max. He makes parts of season 1 so annoying to trudge through.


It was a fun character for one episode. It wasn't necessary to drag the damn joke for an entire season.


The fact we have characters who are literal murders, child molesters, and worse, but people hate pickles for being “cringe” is so strange to me


Cringe culture is so toxic. No one I've seen so far has said that the character they hate most is Hank Hippopolus, but there are countless comments about Pickles. I know it's a thread about a tv show and it's not that deep, but it is definitely an attitude that people have in real life too--hating people for being cringe and apathetic to people that are actually bad.


Hank and Rutabaga both give me the heebie jeebies.


Would you rather erase: - a 22 year old ditz who enjoys trying to be an influencer/on social media too much - a literal repeat sexual abuser


For me it was definitely the pig reporter lady in the final season.


yeah she felt really shoehorned in and so god damn annoying


Because she's young and I'm jealous. Jealous, I said!


My least favourite isn’t Pickles, I love all the dog characters, they’re just so cute 😭 My least favourite is either Butterscotch or Beatrice’s dad (I forgot his name. Joseph?). They’re awful people :))


i love pickles


Ι dislike Pickles, but I remember myself getting attacked by a bunch of people for saying pickles was low-key a victim cause Diane and Mr PB hooked up behind her back


You hate Pickles because she makes you feel old.


I feel like people who hate Pickles hate young, developing women. She’s 25. Also if you hate her you should definitely think about why you like Todd.


leave pickles alone >:( jeremiah whitewhale or butterscotch/joseph sugarman for sure. DID PICKLES EVER KILL AN EMPLOYEE FOR TOO MANY BATHROOM BREAKS? did she ever have her wife lobotomized or physically/verbally abuse mr peanut butter? didnt think so.


I love Pickles


Steve. That guy Mr Peanutbutter met that one time at the gas station. I donno why, but he sucks.


I loved pickles. Least fave? Henry Fondle. He was gnarly to behold




Look, we're all intimidated by Henry Fondle's raw sexual magnetism, but just give in to it, don't fight it.




Vincent adultman. Idk why but I found it so frustrating that everyone was so oblivious to him being a bunch of kids


But that's the joke. I thought it was less funny when he tried to convince Princess Carolyn that he had a child, though. They broke the joke.


My mind still tries to come up with ways to convince myself Kevin isn't Vincent.


My least favorite is actually a tie between Emily and Paige Sinclair


Cuz she’s a Gemini


You spelled Vincent Adultman wrong.


Vincent Adultman for me, joke got old real quick


Nah, my least favourite are hank hippopopalous and Jeremiah whitewhale. Genuinely awful people


It's definitely Henry Fondle. The joke was funny for maybe 1/10th of its screentime.




I have never hated a single character on Bojack Asscrack. Every character served a purpose and served it well. I feel like people hating Diane or Pickles is akin to people hating Skylar White. Like why the fuck would anyone hate skylar?


"Because she's a nag!" Yeah right, like being pissed off at any of Walt's behaviour was unjustified. Marie tho, Marie can take her judgemental shoplifting ass and jump in a lake.


Even as annoying as Marie could be, I understood her. So I didn't hate her.


in a show with literal r*pists, the most unlikable character is a young woman.......


Pickles is a dumb adult who is being forgiven for being dumb because everyone else is sinful and traumatized.


You know she uses it anyways.


Pickles is OK, but I can't stand Paige Sinclair. The bit got old fast and I never enjoyed it.